The bridge
between quantum physics and general relativity requires a paradigm shift.
As humans we've all been conditioned to view three dimensional space as
absolute, time as a single, linear progression, and our experiences as reality
itself. Such conditioning obviously serves a purpose in in day to day life, but
when one seeks to understand the true nature of reality and our place within it,
these assumptions become obstacles.
This is why modern scientists have had such a difficult time combining
quantum physics and general relativity into a unified theory. They actually
already have the facts needed to connect the dots, but connecting those dots
requires a paradigm shift, that many are uncomfortable with.
The problem
isn't what you don't know. The problem is what you think you know that just
isn't so.
The confusion begins with the way most people think of quanta. If you
ask the average college student what an electron is, they will probably tell
you that it is a particle, which evokes an image of a tiny object floating in
space. This is a misconception. Quanta are not objects.
Quanta have what scientist call a wave/particle duality. Meaning that
they can behave as either a particle or a wave depending on how we interact
with them. The terms wave and particle however, are deceptive. A more accurate
way of conceptualizing quanta would be to think of their wave state as a field
of probability which can be recorded as an interference pattern, and their
particle state as probability collapsed into single point of interaction. For
more on this look up the double slit experiment.
Now, even those who are aware of the bizarre properties of quanta, such
as their wave/particle duality, quantum teleportation, quantum super
positioning and quantum entanglement, still tend to conceptualize this
phenomena within mental framework based on space and time.
Again, this is just conditioning.
Quanta do not exist within time and space. They do not occupy three
dimensional positions. In fact time and space are actually created by the
interactions of quanta, specifically quantum entanglement. This phenomenon is
described in the Wheeler DeWitt equation, and has been confirmed experimentally. Also see this.
Interestingly general relativity theorists and cosmologists are thrown
off by the same underlying assumptions.
They acknowledge that the origin of the universe (the singularity) is a
timeless, spaceless (nonlocal) state, but most don't fully recognize the
For example: you can't say that the singularity existed
"before" the big bang. That's putting the timeless inside of time. If
something is timeless then it has no temporal relationships. It cannot be
before or after anything.
Now general relativity tells us that that time and space are one fabric.
This is not merely theoretical. GPS satellites have to account for
distortions in time caused by their speed, otherwise their readings would drift
by several miles.
Since time and space are one fabric, without space, you cannot have time
and without time you cannot have space.
If you connect the dots here, quanta actually share several key
characteristics with the singularity. They are both timeless and spaceless
Now if quanta and the singularity are both timeless and spaceless, then
they cannot be separate. Separation can only exist within a time space
continuum. If quanta and the singularity are not separate, then they are
actually one.
And here we arrive at the crux of the matter. The singularity didn't
cease to exist in an explosion billions of years ago. Quanta are the
singularity interacting with itself. Everything is one. Literally. This is
quantum relativity.
{There is no getting outside of this quantum singularity. There is no
before or after it. The quantum singularity can only exist in a state of here
and now.}
Now some of the more advanced among you might ask "But what about
Well, general relativity tells us that gravity is a geometric property
of space and time, and again experimental evidence shows that space and time
are byproducts of quantum entanglement.Scientist have recently discovered that certain geometric models can be used to
dramatically simplify calculations of quantum interactions, and quantum entanglement
(Geometry of Quantum States), so it is not a massive leap to consider that the
geometry that creates gravity is actually a characteristic of quantum
probability fields. In fact some researchers are actively exploring this
So how does all this relate to us in this human experience we are
We still have to deal with the "real world" with its time
clocks, bills, wars, and petty tyrants, right?
Well, this rabbit hole actually goes much, much deeper, but if you want
to take something home from this level start here: the rules of the game are
not as rigid as you've been taught that they are.
If you start with our quantum nature as your point of reference,
everything changes. The very idea that we owe obedience to these pitiful
phantoms that we call government, or that we are bound to keep spinning these
bizarre hamster wheels we've built for ourselves, becomes laughable.
It doesn't have to be this way. Choose something different.
Find that millimeter of free will within, and expand it. As
you do, you'll start to realize that reality is a creative process, not a
mechanical, linear, progression.
You are the quantum singularity interacting with itself. The more we
wake up to that the wider the possibilities become.
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