Direct Line with Vladimir Putin
Direct Line
with Vladimir Putin was broadcast live on Channel One, Rossiya-1
and Rossiya-24 TV channels, and Mayak, Vesti FM and Radio Rossii
radio stations.
April 14, 2016
12 of 25
Direct Line
with Vladimir Putin.
the live broadcast that lasted 3 hours and 40 minutes,
the President answered 80 questions out of the over 3 million
that were received.
* * *
Korableva, reporter at Channel One: Good afternoon. We are live with
the Direct Line with Vladimir Putin and today’s programme hosts,
Yevgeny Rozhkov and Valeriya Korableva.
Rozhkov, reporter at VGTRK: This is a joint project between Channel
One and Rossiya television channel. You can watch the broadcast live
on Rossiya-24, too, and listen live on radio stations Mayak,
Vesti FM, and Radio Rossii.
Korableva: Our colleagues Olga Ushakova, Vera Krasova, Nailya Asker-zade,
and Olga Pautova will be helping us in the studio,
and Tatyana Remezova and Natalya Yuryeva are working
at the call centre.
Rozhkov: Let me say a few words about our guests.
We have
the heroes of TV reports here today, people from all walks
of life, doctors, teachers, workers, businesspeople, farmers, students,
scientists, military personnel, law enforcement officers, and others.
Korableva: The issues raised include rising prices, the drop
in living standards, bad roads, the housing and utilities
sector, health sector problems, and conflict zones, old and new. We
will talk today about all that is really on Russians’ minds. There are
already many questions and they continue coming in.
Rozhkov: We will discuss the main issues today and put the big
questions to the star of today’s programme –
the President of the Russian Federation.
So, here,
live, we have Vladimir Putin.
Korableva: Good afternoon.
Rozhkov: Good afternoon.
President, this is the question processing centre, or the call
centre, as we also call it. It is one of the few such centres
specially established by Rostelecom to collect the questions
people are sending to you for this direct line.
There are
several centres because one alone would simply not cope with the volume.
Dozens of messages are coming in every second – SMS and MMS
messages and telephone calls. If you look around, you see the girls
busy taking the many calls coming in.
At the computers
over there they are taking video calls. We have someone right now who wants
to put a question to you live. Incidentally, these video calls
are one of the innovations of this year’s Direct Line.
of Russia Vladimir Putin: Excellent.

Call centre
operators of the Direct Line with Vladimir Putin.
Korableva: Let me show you how it all works. The operator is taking
the call right now. It’s a call from Omsk Region, a video call,
and this young lady wants to put her question. It looks like
a question about roads.
Putin: Let’s hear the question.
Korableva: There’s a real hail of questions about roads this
year. Yes, let’s hear what she wants to ask.
Vladimir Putin: Go ahead. So, roads then, well, this means we get straight into
the heart of things this year, without any warm-up.
Question: Hello,
Mr President.
My name
is Yekaterina and I am calling on behalf of the people
of Omsk Region. We have a problem here, and it’s no small
problem – it’s our roads. Take a look at what state they’re in.
It’s just one pothole after another. Our cars break down on these roads,
the wheels come off.
The authorities
turn a deaf ear to our problems and pleas. We try to take
action, organise petitions, but the authorities ignore us. The people
here don’t have proper roads, no bicycle paths either, the trees are being
cut down, and there’s mud everywhere.
Korableva: Is this the centre of town
or the outskirts?
Response: This
is the centre of town. There’s also the question
of the metro we’ve all been waiting for so long, but its
construction isn’t going anywhere. We just get told that it will be built
President, Omsk will soon celebrate its 300th anniversary. This
is a symbolic date. The local people all hope that by this date
at least our city will be a fresh new place with the roads
and green spaces we ask for. Thank you very much.
Vladimir Putin: What is your name? Can she hear me?
Korableva: Yes, she can hear you. You can talk.
Response: My name
is Yekaterina.
Vladimir Putin: Yekaterina, this is indeed a problem that has worsened
of late, strange as it may seem, given that we set up
the regional road funds a while ago and have been allocating
considerable funds for their work. I spent all of yesterday
looking through the questions coming in, and I see that, despite
the efforts, very many people have complaints about the state
of our roads.
This is
obviously not by chance, because I looked at the different
issues people are raising, and road-related issues really account
for a huge share of questions, which means that this is
a real concern for people, not just in Omsk Region, but
in other parts of Russia too. I looked at how the road
funds are spending their money, and I see that the funds are
quite substantial, but a lot of money is getting diverted
to resolving other tasks.
The Government
and I will think about this. In any case, I believe that
what certainly needs to be done is, first, to make sure that road
construction funds are used according to their intended purpose. Heads of Russian
regions used to be against this approach, since for them these funds
were and still are some kind of a piggy-bank, if I can say
so, where they could source money to fund other purposes. In fact,
they were not prevented by law from doing so. These funds should be
earmarked specifically for road construction and overhaul, especially
taking into account that no more than 10 percent of the road
construction funds go towards overhauling roads. This was the first point.
My second
point is about what else can be done within a short timeframe. A decision
was taken to raise excise duties on motor fuel by two rubles.
Initially we expected to channel all this revenue to regional road
construction funds. However the Ministry of Finance, as it turns
out, has a plan to transfer the proceeds from this two-ruble
increase to the federal budget due to the well-known
shortfalls with the budget. We have to keep in mind, that these
are not easy times for the Ministry of Finance in terms
of balancing the budget, as we will discuss later. I think
that we need to find a compromise in this respect by maybe
leaving at least one ruble in regional road construction funds. This
would amount to some 40 billion rubles, and would hopefully improve
road quality.
Direct Line
with Vladimir Putin.
As for Omsk,
of course, the city should benefit from improvements as it
approaches its 300th anniversary, and even more so its
road network. For that, Russian regions should adopt the same
approach as we have on the federal level. Why not? I’m talking
about the so-called full-service contracts: from road construction
to maintenance and repair, so that companies will be incentivised
to do a good job from the outset. I think that we should
probably begin by adopting these measures, and this is what we are
going to do in the near future.
Rozhkov: Maybe we will return to this subject later on. This was
a good start. Let’s now move to the studio. Everyone is waiting
for us there.
Vladimir Putin: Thank you. Of course.
Natalya Yuryeva:
As you have seen, this is the first time that we are taking live
video calls. In order to ask Vladimir Putin a question, you need
to download a free application, register (you may use your social
media account) and press the call button.
application has already been downloaded dozens of thousands of times,
and we have over 10,000 video calls. As usual, operators in our
call centre also accept pre-recorded video questions, and of course
MMS messages at the number 0440.
Remezova, reporter at VGTRK: Over this week of work
the question processing centre has received hundreds of thousands
of questions for the President. Our operators
at the different call centres around the country have been
working practically round the clock to process all the messages
coming in. As the figures stand now, we have received nearly
half-a-million calls and 400,000 SMS, and the total number
of messages now comes to more than 2.3 million.
Let me
remind you that you can put your question by calling the free number
8 800 200 4040, and the short number for SMS messages is 04040.
Among our innovations this year is that you can send your questions via this
programme’s official group on the social network VKontakte. Young
people, people under thirty, have been making active use of this option.
We have 20,000 registered users and more than 70,000 questions. This new
option for communicating with the President has turned out to be
very popular.
Let me
remind you that the live broadcast on our site is accompanied
by sign language interpretation.
Rozhkov: Well, Russia has traversed another difficult year with
the Western sanctions and the fall in oil prices.
Of course, this has all had an impact on the Russian
economy. The statistics show that for the first time
in many years, we have had a drop in production, wages are
coming down, and people are losing their jobs. Despite these difficulties,
and in spite of everything, perhaps, Russia’s economy has pulled
through and is certainly not in tatters, as your colleague [US
President] Barack Obama predicted it would be.
Korableva: The last year certainly brought its share of good
things too, but the specific nature of this programme means that
people seldom ask about the good things, they ask about their concerns,
worries, and the things that went wrong. After all, the Direct
Line programmes are above all a way to take a look at the issues
of greatest concern to ordinary people.
preparing for the Direct Line, we looked through lots
of questions, many of which concern the economy – not
economics but the economy in a more narrow meaning.
For everyone is concerned about his or her personal budget,
and many people have had to rethink their spending habits
and have become more thrifty.
Rozhkov: Let’s start with questions on essential issues. We are
receiving them in the form of text messages and also via
the internet.

Direct Line
with Vladimir Putin.
Safronova from Moscow is asking about prices, of course: “Last year
I spent 5,000 rubles on weekly food purchases
for my family. A year later, that is today, the same amount
costs 10,000 rubles, or twice as much, whereas the Government
claims that inflation is only 12.5 percent. Whom should I trust –
the Government or supermarket till receipt?”
Vladimir Putin: You should trust both, and here’s why. There is no
contradiction. The Government is talking about the average annual
inflation, which was 12.9 and not 12.5 percent last year.
As for the different component parts making up this figure,
the rise in food prices is a very large component. Last year,
and especially early last year, food prices grew considerably, by about
14 percent, if memory serves, but in the third quarter
the prices of basic foodstuffs decreased. Early this year,
the growth was approximately 2.2 percent, which means the Government
is not deceiving us. But 12.9 percent is a lot anyway.
However, we
should pay special attention to the situation with food. Frankly, we
are partially responsible for the growth of food prices. Why?
Because we restricted the import of foodstuffs in response
to the Western sanctions against Russia. We did this knowingly, expecting
this to create conditions for the development of our
agricultural industry and to set the market free. And this
is what we are seeing.
Overall GDP
has dropped by 3.7 percent, and industry posted a drop
of 3.4 percent, but the agriculture sector grew by 3 percent.
This sector plays a big part in our people’s life and our
economy, given that 40 million people in Russia live in rural areas.
though, looking at the long term, we think this will produce
a positive effect, increase our food security, and create better
conditions for life and work in the countryside
as the prospects improve. I not only hope but am quite confident
that what we are seeing now are temporary difficulties and gradually,
as local products fill the Russian market, prices will come down.
They will stabilise at least, as we are seeing it starting
to happen now. Overall though, of course, I realise very well
that these difficulties have placed a burden on ordinary consumers.
Korableva: Yes, here’s a question precisely on these lines.
“Everyone in Russia is trying to spend less and save where they
can. What are you personally trying to save on? Tamara Georgiyevna,
Vladimir Putin: I try to save on time, the most valuable thing
that we have.
Rozhkov: Natalya Prikhodko from Moscow has a question: “The Government’s
economic officials keep telling us that we have hit the bottom
in the crisis and are now on the way up again. They’ve
already said this 7 times. Where is the Russian economy now as you
see it?” She’s making reference to the big news conference you gave,
the one at the end of 2014, it seems, 18 months ago,
and she asks, “Is the Russian economy going through a black
period or a white period now?”
Vladimir Putin: It’s going through a grey period. Let me explain why.
The difficulties have not completely faded yet, but we do see
a positive trend at work. I said just before that our GDP
dropped by 3.7 percent. This year, the Government expects
a slight drop to continue, but they expect growth of 1.4 percent
next year. Yes, in these terms, it is difficult to say exactly where
the bottom lies, but the Government’s forecasts show us
the outlines – we can expect a slight drop this year, but next
year will bring growth.
Direct Line
with Vladimir Putin.
I have
this chart here with me so that I do not mess up any numbers. I have
already mentioned GDP and industrial output. Unfortunately, there are also
other negative developments that impact the people of Russia. We
should never forget this and work on overcoming these trends.
Specifically, real household disposable income declined by 4 percent,
and real wages went down even more.
there are also encouraging, absolutely positive developments, such as,
as I have already mentioned, a 3 percent increase
in agriculture. Residential construction reached an all-time high
last year of over 85 million square metres. This is a record.
The unemployment
rate is still low in Russia at just 5.6 percent. It has inched up,
although very slightly compared to the pre-crisis period.
The maternity capital has been adjusted for inflation, and now
stands at 453,000 rubles.
It should
be noted that despite the fact that the price of oil has almost
halved, Russia still has a trade surplus, which means that we make more
than we spend. This surplus stands at 146 billion rubles, which is
a good result. We still have our reserves. Russia’s international reserves
have now recovered to the level of early 2014 and are equal
to 387 billion rubles, while the deficit is at its minimum of 2.4
percent, which is below expectations.
Korableva: Here is another question: it is said that Russia’s national reserves
will last only one year. Will it be enough to get through the crisis?
Vladimir Putin: As I have just said, reserves have recovered. I’m talking
about the reserves held by the Central Bank
or the so-called international reserves of the state. They
have recovered to early 2014 levels, and are actually a little
higher than that. We had 385.5 billion rubles in early 2014, and now
Russia’s reserves are equal to 387 billion rubles. The reserve funds
managed by the Government (just to remind you, we have two funds
of this kind: the Reserve Fund, as it is called,
and the National Welfare Fund) have shrunk, but only slightly.
As of today, they hold 50 and 71 billion dollars, respectively,
or 10.5 percent of the country’s GDP.
What does
this mean? This means that if we keep spending them in the same way
as, say, last year, the reserve funds would last at least four years,
even if they are not replenished and nothing is done to save them.
That said, we expect the economy to grow next year, which means that
we may not have to spend as much of our reserves. Maybe, we will
not even have to spend as much as we already have. This goes
to say that there should be no fears in this respect.
reserves in the amount of 10.5 percent of GDP means that if
we stopped everything, and I mean, just did nothing, and just
laid around the house all day, we could live for four months,
and do nothing at all. The country can just freeze for four
months and will still get along.
Rozhkov: I hope we won’t come to a standstill.
question of when will the crisis hit the bottom is a real
concern on people’s minds. Here’s another question: “Does it worry you
that economic discussions boil down to three subjects now: when we will
hit the bottom, when will oil prices rise, and should we print money
or is there enough in the treasury? Meanwhile, technological
change keeps taking place in the world, new markets emerge,
and new trade alliances such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership
are forming as alternatives to the WTO. Do you not get
the impression that we have turned inwards, shut ourselves off,
and could end up left behind in these global economic transformations?”
This is a question from Oksana Stychinskaya in Lipetsk Region.
Putin: Let me say to Oksana and everyone else who follows our
economic developments closely that this is what gets discussed
at the superficial level, in the media, but this is not
the case of the expert community. You hear the discussion
on the three main issues you named, to print or not
to print money, oil prices, and so on.
In reality
though, the real discussions have a different focus. The main
issues are how to attract investment, make our economy more efficient,
and ensure demand, in other words, how to raise people’s
incomes. This is what the Government is at work on. We discussed just
recently issues such as aid for the most vulnerable population
groups. This is extremely important because people who were living below
the poverty line had just started to do better, but now face new
difficulties. This is a worrying situation and we see it
and will definitely respond.
What does
the Government plan in this area? Most important is not to print
money but to change our economy’s structure. This is a very
complicated undertaking, but we do have some positive movement in this
direction, and this can be seen, for example, in the fact
that industrial production has increased.
In February,
we saw the first positive change in this trend, and we also saw
that high-tech exports have increased compared to exports of natural
resources. So you can see that in real life we certainly do not limit
ourselves to the three issues you just named.
Korableva: One more question on the same issue: is it true that
Alexei Kudrin will become head of the Centre for Strategic
Research and will prepare a new economic programme?
Vladimir Putin: Maybe Mr Kudrin and I don’t meet as often
as we’d like to, but we still do so regularly.
I appreciate
his past contributions to our economic development; he is definitely one
of our best and most valuable experts. As you know, he refused
to work in the administration, but I see now that his
stance has changed a bit.
situation is not simple, and he is willing to do his part
to deal with the tasks facing the country. We have agreed that
he will work more actively at the Presidential Expert Council,
possibly as a deputy chair. He can also work at one
of the more effective agencies, including those created
in the past, such as the Centre for Strategic
Research, formulating a development strategy for the immediate
future, the post-2018 period and a more distant future.
Rozhkov: Let’s move from the economy to foreign policy.
The Syrian campaign has definitely been a major success, which no one
can deny.
Vladimir Putin: Are the three of us the only ones who’ll do
the talking?
Rozhkov: No, we’ll give the floor to others, too.
Korableva: Yes, we will.
Vladimir Putin: Ok.
Rozhkov: So, let’s talk about the Syrian campaign and Syria, all
the more so since Russia’s achievements there have been really recognised
around the world.
Aerospace Forces’ operations have seriously undermined the potential
of ISIS, but the bulk of our forces have pulled out
of Syria, though some of them are still there. Is it possible that
the head of this terrorist hydra will grow back?
Vladimir Putin: Such a danger always exists if you do not pay enough attention
to combating terrorism. We see that many countries suffer from this
scourge: the Middle East, Asia, the United States, and European
countries. As for Russia, we all know about terrorism and know
what losses we have suffered in this fight, and the threat remains
in Syria, it is not a case of that we simply got up
and left, abandoning everything. Let me note that we did indeed withdraw
a substantial portion of our forces, but we made sure that after our
withdrawal, the Syrian army would be in a fit state to carry
out serious offensives itself, with our remaining forces’ support. And we
see that after our withdrawal, the Syrian army took Palmyra
and a number of other important strategic towns.
The number
of towns now enforcing the ceasefire has increased since our
withdrawal. We hope very much that this ceasefire, with support from whichever
quarter, including from Russia, will pave the road to a peace
settlement. There needs to be a political process, to get
everyone to agree, sit down at the negotiating table and adopt
a constitution, and then on the basis of this
constitution hold early elections and find a way out
of the crisis.
Rozhkov: How long do you think it will be until Aleppo is liberated,
and then Raqqa, ISIS’s heartland?
Vladimir Putin: The problem is that the situation with Aleppo is very
complicated. Aleppo is a strategically important region in Syria. It
is the second-biggest city and perhaps even the country’s
industrial capital. The armed opposition is present there, and so is
Jabhat al-Nusra, which is internationally recognised as a terrorist
organisation. It is very hard to tell who is who there. They take
different tactics in behaviour and are currently all trying
to strengthen their own positions.
The Syrian
army does not have to try to bolster its position, because it
achieved what it wanted before the ceasefire was announced, with our help,
and does not have to make such attempts now, but the opposition
is trying to take back what it lost. Incidentally, it is not
the Syrian army that is fighting there, but for the most part it
is Kurdish groups and a few other armed groups. They are fighting
each other and fighting the Kurds. We are following
the developments closely and will do all we can to prevent any
worsening in the situation.
Korableva: Let’s go back to the question processing centre
and Natalya Yuryeva.
Yuryeva, Channel One Russia: Thank you. Judging by the video
questions that we are receiving here at the Centre, wage arrears is
one of the most pressing and painful issues. This issue seemed
to be a thing of the past, but during the crisis it
has once again become a reality. People don’t have enough money
to buy food, medicine, pay for utilities or make payments on their
mortgages. In fact, this problem is relevant for almost
the entire country. Workers building the Moscow metro, construction
workers in Khakassia, workers of Dalspetsstroy in Khabarovsk,
Elektoapparat plant in the Novgorod Region, the 20th Aircraft
Repair Plant in St Petersburg, Sibvodokanal in the Kemerovo
region, and bread bakers in Novosibirsk – all these people are
not getting their salaries.
People are
not asking for anything supernatural. All they want is to get
the money they earned. I propose that we watch a video question
submitted by Dmitry Dudkin from Chelyabinsk.
Dudkin: Hello, Mr Putin. I’m calling you from the city
of Chelyabinsk. My name is Dmirty and I work
at the Uralavtopritsep plant. We work for the defence
industry and make car trailers. The problem we have is that salaries
are paid three months late and not in full, only in small
amounts. This is devastating. My salary isn’t that big to begin with,
and I have four kids.
Vladimir Putin: Dmitry, what did you say the company name is? (Can I see him
on the screen again?)
Valeriya Korableva:
He can’t hear you, this is a recorded question. The company is called
Vladimir Putin: Well, let’s see. Uralavtopritsep should be operating
in the automobile industry. This sector is among those that has
suffered the most from the crisis. Sales went down sharply. What is
actually happening? To keep it short: the price of oil has
dropped, and this led to a decrease in the orders from
the oil and gas sector, for metals companies, and farther
down the chain. Revenues declined.
As I have
said, unemployment is at its minimal level and is very low.
I see that many companies are trying not to lay off workers. It goes
without saying that not paying salaries should not be an option either.
As for this particular plant, I do not know of course what
is going on there, but since it is related to the automobile
speaking, the Government’s anti-crisis plan envisages specific support
measures for industries that have suffered the most.
And the automobile industry is first on that list. Over 40
billion rubles were allocated to support this sector. Of course, all
the available funds were earmarked for specific purposes, but
I will talk to my colleagues, including the Ministry
of Industry and Trade and its minister, to make sure that
they pay attention to this company. Of course, we must help this
company, if there is a possibility to do so.
What else
can be the problem there? The problem can be that a some time
ago, strangely enough, with the aim of supporting our manufacturers,
we introduced the so-called scrappage tax, which increases the cost
of final goods, but factoring in these support tools, should not
in the final count make things worse but, on the contrary,
should help them compete with foreign manufacturers.
the trailers that the plant manufactures, the scrappage tax also
applies to them. It was introduced quite recently and I am not
sure that this decision was thought out well enough. I believe that
in this particular case the scrappage tax should be abolished for this
type of product. We will definitely take this issue up with
the Government. This should also help improve the company’s financial
status. I promise that we will take a closer look at what is
happening there.
Korableva: It so happens that wage arrears are this year’s problem.
In the regions.
Vladimir Putin: That’s right.
Korablyova: This did not happen before.
Vladimir Putin: There were arrears as well, but…
Korablyova: Not on this scale.
Vladimir Putin: No, not on this scale.
Rozhkov: Let us take another phone call. Tatyana Remezova got it.
Tatyana, please go ahead.
Tatyana Remezova: Mr President,
in addition to wage arrears, medicine is another sensitive issue.
Here are some of the incoming messages, ”prices in pharmacies
are like those in a jewellery stores“ from the Ivanovo Region;
”the greedy pharmacy mafia plunders defenceless people“ from Arkhangelsk.
I see an incoming call on this subject, let’s try to bring
it on the air. We have Dmitry from Moscow calling us.
Good afternoon, Dmitry, you are live
on the air, please go ahead with your question.
Direct Line with Vladimir Putin.
Dmitry, Moscow: Good afternoon, Mr
President. I have a question about medicine. My parents have
complained to me that pharmacies do not carry inexpensive domestic
medicines. Recently, I had a chance to see it for myself.
Why is that pharmacies sell only expensive imported medicines? Thank you.
Vladimir Putin: I do not think that
there are only expensive imported drugs on pharmacy shelves
(by the way, some people prefer it that way). There are Russian-made
medicines as well. Several years ago, we started a national pharmaceutical
industry development programme. I am not sure about the exact number,
but we set aside about 148 billion roubles to it. This year, we will
release an additional 16 billion roubles.
What is happening in this sphere? First,
I want to reassure you that, despite all the problems,
the Government maintains constant focus on this issue, even if it may
appear that no one is paying attention to it.
So, what is happening there? Indeed there is
a certain decline in the production of cheap domestic
drugs, about 2.5 percent, but this reduction affects only the selection
of drugs. There are no reductions with regard to any chemical
formulas, meaning that alternative drugs are becoming available. This part
of inexpensive products, especially when it comes to critical drugs,
is regulated by the state. In today's circumstances, when
personal incomes are down in our country, the Government is
implementing price controls. If, overall, the prices for these
life-saving drugs rose by 8.8 percent in the past year,
the prices for cheap medicines rose, I may be off with
the number, but, I think, they rose by 16 percent.
What is this all about? The manufacturers
claim that even such price increases are not enough to cover their costs.
The fact that the Government limits price hikes and makes
adjustments to rising prices causes manufacturers to lose money
as they try to manufacture these medicines. Why? Because even though
these are domestically produced drugs, their components (the so-called
substance) are largely imported en masse from China, for instance. Given
the exchange rate, this component cannot be compensated
for by increasing prices.
In this regard, the Government has
two ways of dealing with this problem: either to subsidise
the industry – but here we need to make sure that we have enough
funds in the budget to do so – or remove price
restrictions to some extent. Perhaps, other solutions will be found within
the next 45–60 days. In any case, the Government has been tasked
to resolve this problem within the next 45–60 days. That's what
I have to say on this issue.
Yevgeny Rozhkov: We have pharmaceuticals
representatives here in the studio. Let’s ask them to choose
between continued subsidising and price deregulation.
Vladimir Putin: Right here, in this
Yevgeny Rozhkov: Yes, right here. Nailya,
please introduce our next guest.
Nailya Asker-zade, VGTRK: One of our
guests is Vitaly Oleinikov, co-owner of a pharmaceutical plant
in the Samara Region, which produces popular medicines like Analgin
and Bromhexine, and he claims that their medicines are of good
quality. Let’s give him the floor.
Mr Oleinikov, what would you like to say?
Vitaly Oleinikov: Good afternoon. I’m
Vitaly Oleinikov from the Ozon pharmaceutical plant, the city
of Zhigulevsk, Samara Region.
To begin with, I don’t want
to try to justify myself, as my colleagues
and I have been working for the past 13 years
to produce inexpensive and moderately priced medicines. We have been
doing this honestly, and I can assure you of the high
quality of our medicines.
My children and I personally
take medicines produced at our plant, and I recommend them
to my friends and acquaintances. Unfortunately, Mr President was
right when he said that a considerable number of our medicines have
recently become unprofitable, and that we had to stop producing some
of them.
Direct Line with Vladimir Putin.
The root cause is that we have to buy
not just raw materials, but also accessory parts and equipment, abroad
for foreign currency. You all know about the exchange rates. But
the retail price ceilings have been fixed by the government
and haven’t changed since 2009. What surprises me most in this
respect is that the ceiling prices are different for Russian
and foreign medicines. Sometimes…
Nailya Asker-zade: Mr Oleinikov, please
remember that brevity is the sister of talent.
Vitaly Oleinikov: I can’t stop;
I need to unload, really. Sometimes foreign medicines are 20 times
more expensive than Russian medicines, don’t you see? Why is that?
The prices of raw materials have
increased. Raw materials make up to 70 percent of the cost
of cheap pills, and the pricing has doubled. But we still have
to sell these pills at prices fixed in 2009. Who would sell
at a loss? No one would. And so these pills are not produced,
and their place at drugstores is taken by more expensive
medicines, usually foreign ones. We’ve tried to draw attention to this
problem more than once.
Nailya is stopping me, but let me take this
opportunity to ask you please to do something about this issue. It is
really a serious problem. I ask you first of all to give us
the same conditions as our foreign partners, and second, this
might sound a bit unexpected, but I think that price limits
for the cheapest medicines in the low-cost segment should
be abolished so as to encourage production of these medicines.
You spoke about a compensation mechanism, but this is not a market mechanism
as we see it, and it is hard to say just how it would be
actually implemented. If we abolish the price limits, we would see cheap
medicines on the pharmacy shelves, more of them, and our
own pharmaceuticals industry would start doing better. If things continue
as they are, our factories will shut down altogether.
Nailya Asker-zade: Thank you very much.
Your question is clear.
Vladimir Putin: If prices rise too fast,
the medicines will no longer be cheap. We need to find
a balanced solution. I gave this instruction
and the Government promised to find a solution within 6–8
weeks. We have just looked at the possible options for fixing
this situation. Probably, we do need to find a balance here. But we
cannot deny the fact that some companies really are working
at the very limits of profitability, as our colleague said
quite frankly just now. This is the reality. Costs in this cheap
segment are around 50 rubles, isn’t this right?
Valeriya Korableva: We have
an interesting SMS on just this subject: which medicines does
the President take, imported or locally made?
Vladimir Putin:I try not
to reach the point where I have to take medicines.
I make an effort to play sport and lead a healthy
Valeriya Korableva: But if you do have
to take medicines?
Vladimir Putin: If it comes to that,
it’s usually a case of catching a cold or something,
and I make sure I get my vaccinations in time, before
the flu season starts.
Valeriya Korableva: But if there’s really
no choice?
Vladimir Putin: Then I take what
the doctor gives, a mixture of foreign and Russian
medicines, no doubt, but it’s a very basic assortment. I think they
are precisely the basic medicines you find in the low-cost
Valeriya Korableva: Let’s continue with
the studio and change the subject. I give the floor
to Olga Ushakova.
Olga Ushakova: Thank you.
Mr President, I suggest that we return
to foreign policy. Here in the studio today we have Andrei
Bystritsky, head of the Valdai Discussion Club. I think he has
a question for you on foreign policy.
Andrei Bystritsky: Good afternoon.
Just last September, Recep Tayyip Erdogan was
considered your friend and Turkey almost a strategic partner. You
opened the new building of the Cathedral Mosque in Moscow
together. And now the friendship has ended abruptly, turning into
what – enmity? Looking back, Ukraine, then Moldova, Georgia,
and Turkey, other countries – it seems like we will soon find
ourselves surrounded by enemies. Could Russia develop successfully in these
Vladimir Putin: We are not surrounded
by enemies and we will not end up in that position. This is
absolutely out of the question. We have good, friendly relations with
most countries. I am not even talking about effective organisations such
as the SCO, the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, which is
expanding by adding great powers, and our integration associations,
the Eurasian Economic Union, BRICS and so on.
On the whole, we have good relations
with our neighbours. We see Turkey as a friend,
and the Turkish people as friendly people with whom we will
definitely continue building good-neighbourly and friendly relations.
We have problems with certain political leaders
whose behaviour is less than adequate as far as Russia is concerned,
and we react appropriately. But we are still operating smoothly,
as you can see, without any sudden moves. We have confidence in this
policy of responding to any unfriendly actions towards Russia,
because we should definitely respond, otherwise they will end up walking all
over us. We do have a recent history of just that, and we will
not allow a return to it. Yet, even keeping our interests
in mind, we will certainly develop our relations with all our partners,
including our neighbours.
Valeriya Korableva: Mr Putin, there is something
else people are interested to know. Last year, you said you would come
to the rescue of a drowning Obama. If you found Poroshenko
and Erdogan drowning now, whom would you save first? Varya Kuznetsova, 12
years old. (Applause.)
Vladimir Putin: Varya, you have put me
on the spot. I do not know what to say. I would say,
you cannot save someone who has decided to drown. But of course we
are ready to lend a helping hand and friendship to any of our
partners, if they want to take it.
Yevgeny Rozhkov: Turkey used to be
the most popular destination for Russian holidaymakers. There were
many charter flights to Turkey. Now most people go to Crimea.
I suggest we switch to Crimea for our first live report with
Nikolai Dolgachev.
Nikolai Dolgachev: We are now on Tuzla
Island in the Republic of Crimea, where the construction
site of the Kerch Strait Bridge is located. This mammoth structure is
already taking a shape. It will be the longest and largest
bridge in Russia, 19 kilometres.
Construction works are taking place
at eight contemporaneous locations, including by sea, the Kerch
Peninsula, the Taman Peninsula and Tuzla. All these locations will
eventually be incorporated into a single transit passage and Crimea
will be connected to the mainland, a much-anticipated moment
for all the Crimean people.
Here with me is Yury Beskov, head
of technical service. The works continue as we speak. What is
Yury Beskov: Right now, we are using
a concrete pump to fill the second support
of the passage across the Kerch Strait with concrete.
The first support is ready. As of today, some 500 piles have
been driven into the ground. Here you can see metal pipe piles.
Nikolai Dolgachev: Do these figures show
how deep the piles will be driven into the ground?
Yury Beskov: Yes, it is
an intermediate value. The maximum depth will be around 90 metres.
Nikolai Dolgachev: Let’s have a look
at the map and find where we are to understand
the scale. This is the 19-kilometre stretch and where are we
right now?
Yury Beskov: We are now right there,
at the fourth location, Tuzla Island.
Nikolai Dolgachev: Is this the middle
of the bridge?
Yury Beskov: Yes, it is the equator
of the construction.
Nikolai Dolgachev: Thank you very much.
Tuzla sends greetings to Moscow. Good
afternoon, colleagues. Good afternoon, Mr President.
Vladimir Putin: Good afternoon.
Nikolai Dolgachev: People from across
Crimea came here to Tuzla Island to ask their questions. Please
introduce yourself.
Olga Kuzenkova: Good afternoon, Mr
President. Olga Kuzenkova, Palmira Palace, Yalta.
We, the people of Crimea, are really
looking forward to the bridge opening. Crimea can and must be
self-sufficient. As a representative of the travel
industry, I would like to point out that we are now very busy
preparing for the high season.
Crimean resorts offer a high level
of hospitality and service. I would like to invite
everybody from anywhere in our huge country to Crimea for rest
and relaxation.
Vladimir Putin: Your question, please.
Olga Kuzenkova: Perhaps I will sound
nosy but my question is: Mr President, when are you going to Crimea
on holiday?
Vladimir Putin: I have not thought
about it yet but I will definitely go to Crimea at some point,
at least for several days, for some R&R as well. Thank
you for the invitation.
Yevgeny Rozhkov: I would like to ask,
if I may, about Turkey, since it has been mentioned several times
as a tourist destination. I have vacationed there more than once
with my family. The same goes for people I know. There are
also a lot of questions about Egypt. So the question is when?
When, in your opinion, will air service with Egypt and charter
flights to Turkey resume? When will it happen?
Direct Line with Vladimir Putin.
Vladimir Putin: First of all, I would
like to respond about Crimea. I was happy to see how
the construction of the bridge is progressing. I must say
in all honesty that usually there is no shortage of candidates
to build construction projects like this. But in this case, we could
hardly find a company to take on this project, mostly because
of the limited financing, as well as a number
of other restrictions that contractors can face.
Nevertheless, we found a contractor that
has gotten started and is successful. It went through the required
selection procedures that were very strict, since the cost issue was
at stake. The related Government agencies even succeeded
in lowering the final price. I hope everything will be well done
on schedule.
As for trips to Turkey
and Egypt, it didn’t depend on us. While the reasons behind
the restrictions were different in these two cases, the results
were the same. Why different? In Egypt, the current authorities
are fighting radicals, but it’s not always easy. We see what’s happening there.
Hostilities take place on the Sinai Peninsula almost daily.
The former government, which was removed from power
by the current president, and its supporters are quite active
in this respect.
Against this background we have no right not
to tell people that visiting this country could be dangerous. What could
be the possible solution? Together with the Egyptian authorities we
must find a way to screen passengers, luggage, on-board meals
and aircraft maintenance personnel so as to make the stay,
arrival and departure of our citizens, including by air, safe
and secure. So far, we have not been able to find a solution
of this kind with our Egyptian colleagues, although Russian special
services and law enforcement agencies are working with our Egyptian friends
on this issue. This was the first point I wanted to make.
My second point is about Turkey. We are
seeing a similar picture here, although, we believe that the current
Turkish authorities are not so much fighting radicals as they are
cooperating with them. However, the country’s domestic issues also make us
consider security. A de facto civil war is underway in the south
of the country.
We are trying not to notice it,
and the international community pretends that it is not taking place.
But this is a fact. Heavy weapons, tanks, artillery and so forth are
being used. In addition, Turkey suffers from terrorist attacks almost
every week.
Yevgeny Rozhkov: It happens all the time.
Vladimir Putin: Who can guarantee that it won’t
happen to Russian tourists? We know for example that
in countries like, say, Tunisia, some tourists came under fire right
at the beach.
By the way, I’m more than sure that
the Turkish authorities will strive to provide security
for tourists, including from Russia, since tourism accounts
for a substantial portion of budget revenues in this
country. Last year, almost five million Russian tourists visited Turkey.
I have no doubt that they will try. But
whether they will be able to actually do it, is another matter.
For this reason, just like with Egypt, we had to tell our people that
vacationing in Turkey is now dangerous.
Yevgeny Rozhkov: This means that we will have
to spend our vacations in Crimea. Everything is fine there.
Vladimir Putin: Crimea
and the Caucasus. There are also many other countries
in the world. Why are these two so attractive? I suppose they
are cheaper and not too far away. But still, there are many other
Many countries are now trying to reduce
the cost of a stay and lower rates. Russian companies are
looking for cheaper holiday transport. We have to work on this.
Yevgeny Rozhkov: Crimea is waiting
for another opportunity to ask a question. Nikolai, we are
waiting for your question on another subject.
Nikolai Dolgachyov: Yes, there are
questions. Go ahead.
Yulia Yeryomenko: Good afternoon, Mr President.
Vladimir Putin: Good afternoon.
Yulia Yeryomenko: My name is Yulia
Yeryomenko. I am a student at Crimean Federal University,
a resident of the hero-city Kerch. At present, electricity
is supplied for only several hours a day, but we are not that put off
by this, because our children have started playing less with their
electronic devices, reading more books and communicating with their
parents. However, in spite of this, we are looking forward
to the commissioning of the energy bridge. Tell us please
when this will happen. Thank you.
Vladimir Putin: Regarding power distribution,
just three or four days ago, Energy Minister Alexander Novak updated me
on the progress on the energy bridge project.
As we remember, two lines have been laid.
They are now in service. Today, a third line is to be
commissioned. This is an additional 200 MW. On the whole, this
is nearing a power transmission volume that was provided from Ukrainian
territory. I believe a fourth line will be put into operation
in two or three weeks at the latest. This is another 200
MW. This will add up to 800 [MW] along the energy bridge between
the Caucasus and Crimea. This will fully meet the demand that
was once met by Ukraine.
There was a problem related
to the fact that since power supplies previously came from
the north and reached Kerch, say, other regions
on the leftover principle, the grids here are not of very
good quality. The Energy Ministry thought about this. I hope it did,
because the minister briefed me on this. They are commissioning
corresponding substations and modernising the grid component.
I hope everything will be done accordingly.
I would like to remind you, however,
that in 2017 I believe another two units should be put into operation
there, over 400 MW, and in 2018, another two units, each over 400 MW.
In other words, Crimea will not simply have sufficient power supply but
will be well-positioned to develop its economy and its social sphere.
Valeria Korablyova: Mr President, we have
an urgent report here. At the very start, we spoke about roads.
So Omsk officials have just announced that they will repair 21 roads by 1
Incidentally, Omsk is not the only region.
There are also problems in Volgograd, Chelyabinsk and Saratov.
Vladimir Putin: I hope the heads
of these regions will also pay attention and we will definitely talk
to them on this issue, as we will with the Russian Government,
the Finance Ministry and the Transport Ministry regarding
the issue of this extra ruble from the excise tax, which was
supposed – or, to be more precise, which the Finance Ministry
wanted to impound for the federal budget. I believe that
they should be given to regional, road funds specifically and that
this spending should be designated accordingly. We will see how it will work.
It is cold there now, right?
Nikolai Dolgachyov: The weather is
windy today although yesterday it was very warm. The weather changes day
to day.
Vladimir Putin: So you invite us to go
spend a holiday there, but can you guarantee that everything will be all
Yulia Yeryomenko: We can, Mr President.
Vladimir Putin: Thank you.
Valeriya Korableva: Thank you, Crimea.
While developing internal tourism
and creating new infrastructure, we must not forget about
the environment: 2017 has been declared the Year
of the Environment. We have ecologists here in the studio.
Let us give them an opportunity to ask their questions.
Vladimir Putin: By all means.
Valeriya Korableva: Vera, they are
in your section. Please take over.
Vera Krasova: Indeed, there are many
questions concerning the ecology, and environmental activist Eldar
Neverov is willing to ask one of them. Good afternoon, please ask
your question.
Eldar Neverov: Good afternoon, Mr Putin.
I am Eldar Neverov, a businessman specialising in garbage
and secondary raw materials. I am extremely worried that we have not
yet created a comprehensive system of recycling solid wastes. In particular,
we have not introduced separate waste collection in the current
meaning of this procedure, when valuable secondary raw materials are
sorted out from non-recyclable waste. As a result, our landfills are
growing larger with non-degradable waste, which sometimes leads
to environmental disasters.
So, maybe all of us –
the authorities, business and the public – should roll our
sleeves up and clean the country?
Vladimir Putin: Look, there is one
of your colleagues, nodding in agreement. Give him the microphone,
A. Repik: Good afternoon, Mr Putin.
I believe that Eldar has proposed a good idea. Thank you
for declaring the Year of the Environment. Of course,
we are waiting for the Year of the Entrepreneur, but
I think we can make our country cleaner. The task is within our
Vladimir Putin: Anyone else wishing
to speak on the matter?
Remark: Good afternoon, Mr Putin.
I am a member of parliament from the Astrakhan Region. We
in Astrakhan are deeply worried about the situation
in the lower reaches of the Volga. We are grateful
to you for declaring the Year of the Environment. We
joined hands with active members from the Russian Popular Front
to stage a campaign in defence of the lower reaches
of the Volga, which are the spawning ground for fish, the source
of fresh water and are otherwise important for agriculture.
Mr Putin, I believe that
the hydraulic structures in the Volga-Kama basin have not been
adjusted to supply water properly, which mostly affects those who live
along the Volga. I have found support among my colleagues
in the State Duma and the United Russia party. We are
collecting signatures and have held a campaign in defence
of the Volga. We have collected over 50,000 signatures under a letter
we plan to send to you. As of now, this is the key
priority, and even the housing and utility problems have receded
to second place. Absolutely everyone, both party members
and the politically uncommitted, have supported my initiative.
Mr Putin, this is really very important.
I am asking you to personally monitor
the adjustment of the hydraulic structures
in the Volga-Kama basin. Shallow waters affect navigation
and the spawning of fish, and hence life. Water is life.
Vladimir Putin: Yes, I agree.
I will say a few words about
the Volga and our other great rivers. Indeed, there is
a problem, and it requires special attention on behalf
of the regional and federal authorities.
This includes shipping traffic. In certain
localities, I am not sure how it is going to be this time, but
in the past few years a boat would arrive at a certain
point, the passengers would disembark, then take a bus to cover
that portion of their itinerary, and then re-embark
on the boat, because the water was too shallow
for the boat to negotiate it.
It is necessary to clean river beds. We
must also pay attention to hydraulic facilities, which also pose problems.
We are not going to discuss them now, but these problems have remained
unresolved for years, if not decades.
Of course, it’s also a matter
of the purity of water in the Volga delta, which is
home to some wonderful and unusual fauna, including sturgeon. Do you
know how wide the Volga delta is? 290 kilometres. It is one of the world’s
largest deltas comparable to the Mississippi. This is a universe
of its own, and, of course, it needs our special attention.
Now, with regard to waste. It is indeed
a problem. Our country is faced with a waste problem. We are
producing about 5.4 or 5.6 billion tonnes of waste yearly,
and only half of it is recycled. The rest is simply buried. That
second half, which goes into the ground or is simply dumped
somewhere, is out of control and has become a highly
criminalised business.
In this regard, it is imperative
to improve regulations and raise the awareness
of the regional authorities to this problem. Of course,
the public should monitor this, because sometimes people have to live
near such dumps, and their lives become unbearable. I would like
to ask the Russian Popular Front to focus on this. Given
the high levels of criminal activity in this area, it is indeed
front-line work without exaggeration.
Now, with regard to these plants
and what needs to be done. A law was adopted in November
or December 2014. However, these plants can be built, and they will
work efficiently, and everything will be economically feasible if
the so-called environmental fee is collected. This fee will be collected
beginning in 2017. Why? Precisely because of our ongoing economic
difficulties, so as to not put too much of a burden
on the manufacturers, so that they do not cut jobs and can pay
employee salaries in a timely fashion. There are many problems regarding
these most sensitive and most important areas for our citizens.
The Government crunched the numbers
and realised that if we ask them to pay a disposal fee
on top of everything else, the industry will find it extremely
difficult to comply, but it should be introduced in the early
2017 anyway. There are three ways to go about it (I will be done with
this shortly).
First, those who produce the waste,
the large and self-contained enterprises, can build recycling plants
Second, if a waste-producing enterprise is
unable to take care of its waste, it can pool its resources with
other enterprises of a particular region and hire
an operator.
Third, if doing so does not make any economic
sense for the private sector, because the payback period is too
long, the state itself should go ahead and build such plants.
However, the issue here is about complex waste, such as batteries,
industrial waste, television sets, refrigerators, and so on.
Yevgeny Rozhkov: We’ve been working
for an hour now, and it wouldn’t be fair to stay only
in the studio. We’ve already had 2.5 million calls. Let’s hear
another call.
Let’s cross to the question
processing centre and Tatyana Remezova. Tatyana, you have the floor.
Tatyana Remezova: Thank you, colleagues.
Mr President, we know that you are no fan
of questions about your personal life and make a point
of not discussing this subject, but we have so many questions of this
sort that we cannot simply ignore it altogether. For some reason, this
subject particularly interests your fellow St Petersburg people, so let’s try
hearing a call live now from Alexandra Kozlova in Gatchina.
Good afternoon, we’re listening to you.
Alexandra Kozlova: Hello, Mr President.
Vladimir Putin: Hello.
Alexandra Kozlova: I have
a question about your personal life. The newspapers wrote recently
that your former wife Lyudmila remarried. When will you present to us
a new First Lady?
Vladimir Putin: Lyudmila
and I see each other sometimes, not often, but we do meet,
and we have very good relations, perhaps even better now than they were
before. I know that all is well with her. As for what
the newspapers write, that is another issue. But I know that she is
happy with her life and all is well. I am also happy, and all is
well with me too.
I’m not sure that we ought to turn
the spotlight on the matters you raised just now. You never know
how they might affect the exchange rate or oil prices. Speaking
seriously though, people elect deputies to the State Duma
and elect a president in order to have them work.
The things you talk about, matters
concerning personal life, do interest people of course,
and I have long since learned to live with this
and I understand this interest, but these things are nonetheless not
of paramount importance. Perhaps the moment will come when
I will be able to satisfy your curiosity. Thank you for your
Valeriya Korableva: Well, let’s talk about
doping now.
Vladimir Putin: About what?
Valeriya Korableva: About doping,
a sensitive issue. We were always proud of the success
of our athletes. They were recognized leaders in many sports
for many years but now we are being told that many victories were achieved
dishonestly. We have both fans and athletes in our studio. Let’s give
them an opportunity to speak their mind.
Vladimir Putin: Fine.
Valeriya Korableva: Olga, let your section
have the floor.
Olga Ushakova: Yes, Valeriya, you noted quite
rightly that this issue is worrying not only representatives
of the sports community but also millions of fans all over
the country because sport is a unifying force, and we do have
people of different walks of life here today. Many are interested
in this issue. Thus, businessman Yan Berezin arrived here today with
a question about sport rather than business.
Yan Berezin: Good afternoon, Mr Putin.
I am Yan Berezin from Moscow, the Leaders’ Club.
It is perfectly obvious that there are some
things that unite all of us although we are unique, and sport can
play a key role in this. We are always glad to see them, we
cheer for them, our stars, for their victories when they represent
Russia in the international arena.
To be honest, this outrageous scandal over
Meldonium is infuriating. It has been going on for several months
now. It is still unclear what it will lead to. They are going to deprive
our athletes of their status and their careers may even come
to an end. What will then happen with the sports leaders
of our country? What will happen – maybe some punishment? Honestly,
I speak from my heart, as it goes.
Olga Ushakova: No, from the bottom
of my heart.
Vladimir Putin: Is Mutko giving you
English lessons? (Applause.)
Yan Berezin: God forbid, no.
Vladimir Putin: You do not take lessons
from him do you?
Yan Berezin: No.
Vladimir Putin: As regards this
Meldonium, so much has been said about it already. It has never been listed
as a doping agent. It is absolutely certain that Meldonium does not
enhance results. It simply keeps the heart muscle in good shape during
a heavy work load but for some reason it was suddenly put
on the list.
Basically, Meldonium was invented back
in the Soviet Union, in Latvia, as we now know. I did
not know this myself before. The inventor never considered it
doping – it is used in medicine on a large scale,
by the way.
Most important, when it was included, there was
no authenticated information on how quickly it could be excreted from
the body. I think now WADA has adjusted its decisions– literally
yesterday or the day before, recently anyway. I do not believe
this decision had political connotations although Meldonium was used only
by athletes from Eastern Europe, former Soviet countries, and Eastern
Europe in general because it originated there, was produced and is
still being produced, but it has never been regarded as doping.
(End of Part II)
-- Part III
-- Part III
I don’t
think there’s a political subtext here, and we can see this
in the fact that WADA has adjusted its position. As far
as I know, our colleagues from this international anti-doping
organisation are now looking at the possibility of carrying out
clinical tests to see how fast the body eliminates this substance.
The first study shows that different people eliminate it at different
The results
of these tests could lead to some practical conclusions, including
with regard to individual athletes. I hope that these decisions will
be objective, but this does not mean that we should sit on our laurels
and have a chuckle over this whole affair. No, what we need
to do now is to improve our work with the international organisations
and make swift responses to their demands. Of course, we need
to pay attention to our athletes’ health and to ensuring
fair competition, and giving the fans the pleasure
of seeing this fair competition. Of course, we must make sure
for certain that athletes who have nothing to do with this doping
scandal, and this is the case for the majority of our
athletes, are not penalised in any way.
Direct Line with Vladimir Putin.
Rozhkov: Let’s hear from our athletes then, all the more so
as they certainly deserve it. They are in Olga Pautova’s sector.
Olga, you have the floor.
Pautova: We have invited here to the studio Yury Borzakovsky,
the head coach of Russia’s track and field team. He was
many-times European champion, world champion, and so far the only
Russian runner to win an Olympic gold medal too. Yury, you have
the floor.
Yury Borzakovsky: Good
afternoon, Mr President.
The anti-doping
association has no problems with the majority of our athletes, whose
consciences are certainly clear. But all of our track and field
athletes, all of them, have been barred from taking part
in the Olympics because of others’ faults.
The International
Association (IAAF) will come back to this issue very soon, in May,
we’ve heard. In any case, my team is asking what we should do? Should
we be training now, training for what, preparing for the Olympics?
Thank you.
Vladimir Putin: I understand your athletes. We all love them and wish
them the best results. It is no exaggeration to say that every sports
fan knows them by name. Of course, they are in a difficult
situation right now, but we should be ready for everything, it seems
to me, since you are asking my opinion.
This is all
the more so as, like I just said, we know now that WADA is
re-examining some of its policies on the use of meldonium
and is studying the clinical properties not only
of the product itself but also the way it leaves the body.
Let’s wait and see.
Of course,
we will fight to make sure that the decisions are fair.
The Russian Sports Ministry and our sports organisations are working
with good international-level lawyers on this and are studying all
aspects of the issue.
Rozhkov: Let us now talk about something else that concerns everyone –
which is no exaggeration – the housing and utilities issues.
Vladimir Putin: Yes, go ahead please.
Rozhkov: People complain that they have to spend a significant
portion of their incomes on that. We have a lot of such
messages coming in through the VKontakte social networking site: “We
are greatly concerned about housing and utilities bills and additional
charges.” They must be referring primarily to major repairs. It is
a really big topic of discussion today: “When will you enforce some
order and put a stop to the endless extortions?”
There is
one more question: “Previously, they explained the price hikes
by the rising oil price, but now, when the price of oil is
falling, prices continue to grow. Our parents tell us that when they were
young, housing prices remained unchanged for decades. Why not curb utility
rates now?” Lyudmila Kamyshnikova from the Moscow Region asks.
Vladimir Putin: Essentially, there are three questions: utility bills, additional
charges and major repairs. Do you want me to go through all
of them?
Rozhkov: Yes, I think people are interested.
Vladimir Putin: Ok.
about the stability in housing issues and utilities bills that
Soviet people enjoyed in the Soviet Union. Life was very different
then. True, there was stability, but I can assure you – we are now
seeing this, it has become clear – that this industry was systematically
and horribly underfunded even in Soviet times.
They did
keep the fees low, but the Government failed to invest
the required money, and gradually our housing stock was ruined.
On the other hand, they did invest money, even if not very
effectively, in the defence industry, for example. The number
of different types of Soviet aircraft, warships and other
weapons was infinite, immeasurable. Did they absolutely have to do that?
Many experts now say it was expensive and mostly unnecessary.
So where
has that policy led us to? Let me recall. It led us to a situation
where soap and sugar were only available with coupons. In those
conditions, people did not even notice that they lost the country. Was it
good? Of course not. Still, even today, before taking any decisions
in this area, one very sensitive to people, I completely agree
with you, we must certainly think about people’s incomes
and the industry's requirements, and they must be balanced.
What is
happening with tariffs? Last year, tariffs were to be increased
by 8.7 percent on average. What I’m going to say right now is
important. The tariffs actually went up by 8.5 percent
on average. It was decided that in July 2016 tariffs should go up
by another 4 percent on average. The regions can decide for themselves
whether they should refrain from raising tariffs at all or increase
them above the average rate all the way up to 10 percent.
the regional governors can decide on this issue only after
coordinating it with the municipal council deputies, so that elected
officials must consent to any increase above the 4 percent level.
This will only be possible if the additional increase is needed
to finance repairs or investment, for example, to prepare
utilities for the winter, to keep power stations and heat
generators from falling apart and maintaining them in good working
There are
24,000 municipal entities in Russia. Of this total, over 600 opted
to exceed this 4-percent increase. This is just about 3 percent
of the population. There are people elsewhere as well. Let me
reiterate that consent by the local deputies and an agreement
with the governor is required for taking such decisions.
Making sure
that the tariffs are transparent is very important. While this tariff is
regulated by the state, additional services are not subject
to regulation. More on that later. In order for the tariff
to be transparent, the Government needs to complete
the work on making all information on the tariff structure
publicly available, so that anyone in Russia can understand what he
or she pays for and how much. I think that moving
in this direction will also enable us to influence this very tariff.
As for additional
services, I am talking about maintenance of entrances
to residential buildings, and the like. As per applicable
laws, these tariffs are not regulated by the state. How should this
be done? People should hold meetings to determine the scope
of services they would like to receive and how much they are
willing to pay for them. If people are unable to do it, it would
be the task and responsibility of the municipality.
Direct Line with Vladimir Putin.
Rozhkov: Capital repairs…
Vladimir Putin: Before we move to capital repairs, let me say one more thing that
you know all too well. However, I still think that it should be
highlighted again. A law was adopted and enacted a long time
ago, which entitles families who pay over 22 percent of their household
income for housing and utilities to apply for subsidies.
I just
wanted to remind people, especially given the 4-percent decline
in real disposable income, that if you meet this criterion, you can apply
for a subsidy. The numbers are substantial, and today, 30
million people have applied for and are receiving these subsidies
through the social services. The regions spend 300 billion rubles
on this programme. Let me reiterate that if there are people not covered
by this system, they can apply for these subsidies.
regarding capital repairs. This is also a very important
and sensitive area for the people. I know that this irks
a lot of people and there is a reason why it does.
The Constitutional Court has upheld the Government’s decision but
even if it is correct, it is important to take into account people’s real
financial status, their disposable income and, of course,
the industry’s real needs, and these needs are huge.
We have
over 2 billion square metres of residential space
in the country, I do not remember exactly, maybe 2.4 billion,
and 1 billion is in need of repairs. Importantly, all
of this is in need of repairs but this 1 billion is in need
of urgent repair. And do you know how much we currently repair each
year? 50–70 million. If we go on at this rate, the amount
of housing that is unsafe for human occupancy will grow
exponentially. Disaster will strike sooner or later.
to certain countries – I will not name them so as not
to offend them – big, large, great countries. You come and you
see that [some] buildings are falling apart. I was so surprised
and I asked why. Because it is impossible to evict those who
live there but who do not contribute to building’s repairs;
the owners do not want [to contribute] either. Buildings are simply
falling apart. We can definitely not allow this to happen.
To reiterate,
extreme caution should be exercised. Look, 97 billion rubles were raised last
year, but only 25 [billion rubles] worth of contracts were signed.
The remaining 70 billion ended up “in limbo.” This means we were not
ready for this. All of this should be done very carefully
and the amount [of the levy] should, of course, be
commensurate with personal incomes. The Government should, of course,
take a very careful and balanced approach, without any abrupt moves.
Rozhkov: This is a controversial issue, to say the least. Let us
discuss it with panellists.
Nailya, go
ahead please.
Asker-zade: Many people are also worried about the property tax
issue. This applies both to individuals and to legal entities.
We have a Moscow-based entrepreneur in our studio with years
of experience under his belt. Sergei Demin.
Mr Demin,
your question please.
Demin: Good afternoon, Mr President. This is the third crisis for me.
I am an entrepreneur. I have been in business since
the 1990s. I have waited eight years for an opportunity
to express my sincere gratitude to you for the year
2008, when the decisions that you made ensured that the economy would
be saved and would not slip back into 1998 again, but would survive
and develop further.
Vladimir Putin: Because you experienced all of this firsthand I should point
out that back then the crisis was far tougher. As I said, our
present fall in the GDP is significant, 3.7 percent, but in 2008
it was 10.7. And of course, there was very serious concern. Today,
thank God, the situation is not so bad but we need to restore steady
I am
sorry, please, go on.
Demin: Yes, and another thing, Mr President. My wife, Tatyana, asked
me to say thank you for your work.
Vladimir Putin: Well, I wish her the best of health. Please thank her
for her approval. Thank you very much.
Dyomin: Mr President, the cadastral value of real estate
and land has grown sharply in the past few years. This has been
an additional burden – and a heavy one –
for enterprises, especially industrial ones. Today, the cadastral
value is often above the market. This is evidenced by the many
cases won in court by entrepreneurs. Meanwhile, the funds spent
on legal fees could be invested into the development
and upgrading of production.
private individuals are also in for hard times, because taxes
on real estate will be calculated based on its cadastral value.
My question is: could you review, and, if possible, support
the following two proposals? First, to impose a moratorium
on increasing the cadastral value of real estate and land
for the next five years and match the cadastral value with
the market value in the near future, involving entrepreneurs,
for instance Delovaya Rossiya and others, in this work,
including owners. Appraisers should by all means be responsible for their
performance. Now they bear no responsibility for overrated cadastral
And the second
proposal: considering, as you put it, the current economic
difficulties, to increase tax exempt square areas for citizens:
for a room, from 10 to 15 metres; a flat, from 20
to 50 square metres; and a suburban house, from 50 to 100
square metres. Thank you very much.
Vladimir Putin: The transfer to cadastral values was initiated
by some regions of the Russian Federation. This is not even
a Government initiative. The reason is, in some regions,
including Moscow, the municipal authorities got the impression that
they do not receive enough revenue, which they could and should receive
for spending on general municipal needs. Thus, the Moscow
authorities considered the available appraisal to be underrated,
as a result of which they received almost nothing per year from
large retail chain, and this is certainly unfair.
Muscovites that are not engaged in business have the right
to ask the city authorities: why do you allow this to happen?
But it goes without saying that this process should lead to more justice
rather than overreaction in the opposite direction. I agree with
you on this point. This applies to the business community
and to individual citizens, and this is why they are worried
about it. Is it possible to increase the tax-exempt square area?
Probably it is, we must think about it. I cannot answer this question
as regards specific figures off the top of my head, but we
can and should consider this issue.
As for the moratorium,
we can discuss it too, but the issue is that this system should be
implemented by 2020, as the regions are ready. Actually, this is
a relatively soft solution, and it has only been implemented
in very few federal territories, only in one or two, maybe three
regions. The rest should be ready by 2020, which is the essence
of the moratorium. Of course, we can discuss setting criteria
for judging the regions’ readiness, which will again amount
to a moratorium. The regions must themselves decide whether they
are ready or not. This is the current proposal.
As for attracting
the business community to determining the cadastral value,
the trouble is that currently this is the responsibility
of private companies, whereas I believe that this should be done
by government agencies. The reason is that unfortunately, these
private companies cannot be held accountable for the results
of their cadastral appraisal. The situation is paradoxical,
as I have seen in many questions I read yesterday, when two
adjacent and similar flats receive different cadastral appraisals so that
one of them appears to be many times more expensive than
the other. This is not just unfair but foolish.
we need to bring all this into conformity with common sense. We would do
well to adjust this work so that government agencies are held accountable
for the results of cadastral appraisal. But this also means that
we should create a system in which people will be able
to protect their rights, not only in courts, which usually takes
a long time, but also out of court, that is, administratively.
Also, I’d
like to point out that the people who are entitled to housing
benefits enjoy them irrespective of whether their flats were evaluated
by the Bureau of Technical Inventory, in accordance with
their cadastral or market value.
There are
interesting elements in your proposals, which we should definitely take
into account. Thank you.
Korableva: Mr Putin, the questions come not only from adults but also
from children as you could see from the question about saving
drowning people. I have several short questions from Klassny Zhurnal,
a national magazine published for children and by children.
I will quote some of them. First. What three wishes would you make if
you caught a goldfish like in the Russian fairytale? Anzhela
Solomennikova, 11, Perm Territory.
Vladimir Putin: Eleven?
Korableva: Eleven.
Vladimir Putin: Anzhela?
Korableva: Anzhela.
Vladimir Putin:I hope Anzhela can hear us now. Three wishes, let me think.
You know, in the long run it is better not to rely
on fairy-tale characters. There was a song in the Soviet
times, remember? “Nobody will help us, neither God nor the tsar nor
a hero.” We must build our fate with our own hands. If we keep waiting around
for a miracle we may end up undoing all the magic just like
in Pushkin’s fairytale. It is better to roll up your sleeves
and work hard.
Korableva: They are kids. They still believe in miracles.
question: I am a child prodigy. I am eight years old. I am
in the fifth grade and go to chemistry classes with
eighth-grade students. I speak English and build robots. Why am
I not allowed to go to educational camps like Sirius
or Artek due to my young age? When I am old enough it will
not be interesting anymore. Can you as President consider this
in the programme for gifted children? Ilya Rayevsky, Yaroslavl
Putin: Ilya, this is clearly an omission that indicates that
the organisers have never been child prodigies. We will change that.
Korableva: Next question: why do grown-ups have two days-off a week
while children have none? We have classes on Saturdays and do
homework on Sundays. This is not fair. Denis Ryabchinsky, 11, Veliky
Putin: It is fair because you are better than us and you can stand
the workload and absorb much more knowledge. This is the truth
of life. But there is undoubtedly a problem.
more seriously, the problem is that children’s workload is often
incommensurable to what is prescribed or should be prescribed
as acceptable by child psychologists. This is the perspective we
should take on this issue.
Korableva: If you had your knowledge tested would you prefer
the National Final School Exam (EGE) or an oral exam? Yelizaveta
Smirnova, 9, Irkutsk Region.
Vladimir Putin:I would prefer the oral exam.
Korableva: And the last question from children. Do you like
porridge for breakfast? When you were little, did you like any kind
of porridge and what did you do if you were forced to eat
porridge you did not like? Anastasia Zaitseva, 9, St Petersburg.
Vladimir Putin: I was never forced to do what I did not want to,
that was my life. Speaking of porridge, I eat it every day with
pleasure. Today, for example, I ate pearl barley porridge.
Korableva: Additional question: Did your liking of porridge change
with age?
Vladimir Putin: Yes, it changed, for the better. The less teeth you
have the more you like porridge. (Laughter, applause.)
Korableva: Thank you.
Rozhkov: It is time to connect to Sakhalin, an island so
far, yet so dear to us. Our colleague Pavel Zarubin is
on the air. Go ahead, Pavel.
Zarubin: Good afternoon, Moscow. Greetings from the village
of Ozyorskoye, on Sakhalin Island. I am in a plant
that produces canned fish, which is why I am wearing these boots
and a special coat. These are sanitary requirements.
It is
a relatively new plant, opened about two years ago. By the way,
do not be surprised that the plant is working even though it is about 10
PM here. Yes, the plant works late. In fact, it will work until 4
in the morning.
evening. What kind of fish are you canning?
Remark: It
is mackerel pike.
Zarubin: How many tins do you produce per day?
Remark: Between
50,000 and 68,000 tins per shift.
Zarubin: And where is the fish from?
Remark: From
Zarubin: Chinese fish? I must say we have been surprised
to learn that they can Chinese fish on Sakhalin Island. But
as they told us at the plant, the fishing season has ended
on Sakhalin, which is why they buy Chinese fish. They will have local fish
by summer.
We have
been in this village for several days already, and we had
an opportunity to talk to the locals. We know their
concerns: housing and utilities, healthcare and, of course, fish.
People complained that it is difficult or even impossible to buy
local fish at the shops in these small coastal villages, even
though fish producing companies catch less than half
of the government quota.
As I said,
the plant is canning Chinese fish. Now I’d like to let the plant
workers speak. They worked at a plant on the Kuril island
of Shikotan, and they have told us incredible things. We believe you
should hear them.
people say that they were treated like slaves or hostages
on Shikotan. They were lured there from central Russia or Siberia
with the promise of good wages. However, after they arrived
on the island, their wages were delayed for months, and so
they were unable to leave, because you need money to buy
a ticket, but they did not receive their wages.
Since they
had no money, they had to live on the plant’s compound,
and the plant management withheld part of their wages, which
these people did not receive, as housing payment. Ultimately, these people
ended up owing money to the plant.
when we learned about this and invited the victims here,
to Direct Line, some of them received explicit threats, and were
afraid to come here. Yet we have convinced some of these people
to speak about what they experienced on Shikotan.
please tell us about the situation there.
Remark: Good
afternoon, Mr President.
My name
is Tatyana. Last autumn, we worked on Shikotan Island
at the Ostrovnoy Fish Processing Plant. We were not paid our wages
there. People are lured into going there through personnel recruitment
agencies, but the working and living conditions there are awful.
People are essentially left without housing.
Please help
us to resolve this problem.
Zarubin: Yelena, tell us please (Yelena is another
of the victims), is it really practically impossible to get away
from there?
Remark: Yes,
it is impossible because you are on an island, there is water all
around, and so people have no way to leave and no money.
Zarubin: How many months do people go without pay?
Remark: It
can be two or three months, even up to six months.
Zarubin: Thank you. That then is the situation on Shikotan.
Vladimir Putin: I do not even know what to say here. Did this situation
begin last year, or has it been going on for a longer time?
Remark: Since
9 August, 2015.
Vladimir Putin: Have you turned to the authorities at all
on this matter?
Remark: Yes,
we wrote to the Sakhalin Region Prosecutor’s Office.
Vladimir Putin: And what was the result?
Zarubin: Let me add that other victims also say they wrote
to the prosecutor’s office, but they have not had any response,
and they only got a response after they wrote
to the Presidential Executive Office.
Vladimir Putin: Sadly, I have not seen this letter
to the Presidential Executive Office, but the local officials,
especially the law enforcement officials, the prosecutor’s office
and the labour inspection, should have responded promptly.
I hope
the Prosecutor General is listening to this part of our
discussion and will look into the situation and decide
on whether the Sakhalin Region prosecutor is really fit for his
job, and I want the Labour Ministry to look into
the work of its local offices on Sakhalin as well.
I hope
to hear back about what is happening there and about
the personnel decisions that result and the measures taken
to sort this problem out. I also want to apologise
to the people who spoke to us and our reporters just now
and say that we will do everything we can to fix this situation.
Rozhkov: Let us field another question from Sakhalin. Pavel, please.
Zarubin: We have many questions. Go ahead, Alexei.
Obrezkov: Hello, Mr Putin! My name is Alexei Obrezkov. I would like
to ask a question about the responsibility of government
and business officials to the people. You see, since
the 1990s, our fishing villages have been dying, with the aging fleet
never renewed, but at the same time, some money seems to be
allocated, and it just goes away. As you see, it probably ends up
in the pockets of officials or dishonest business leaders
who steal it.
Also, our
former governor, Mr Khoroshavin, who is now under investigation, has embezzled
billions according to the media. I’m just wondering, will he receive
condign punishment, which would be a lesson for others? And will
the money be returned to the Sakhalin Region’s budget? Tell me
he won’t get away with it like Ms Vasilyeva? Thank you.
Vladimir Putin: You know, it would be premature and unethical to talk about
the outcome of these proceedings, and even wrong under
the current law. But I can assure you that thorough work is underway
on this case as well as on other high-profile cases,
and there are too many of them to list now.
No, this
case is not going to be taken lightly, and an appropriate
punishment will be handed down, if he deserves it, without a doubt. It is
equally hard to say now if the money will be returned even if it has
been established that it is public money, but part of Khoroshavin’s property
has been seized. This part at least can be returned
to the state.
Korableva: What about another former governor, Vyacheslav Gayzer, who led
the Komi Republic?
Vladimir Putin:The same. I know the case is being worked on.
The Investigative Committee regularly reports to me about it
in writing. I know that the work is progressing, but it should
be carried out in a professional manner, and the case will
eventually be sent to court.
Rozhkov: Thank you, Sakhalin. Thank you, Pavel. And we are back
to the call centre with Tatyana Remezova.
Remezova: Thank you, Yevgeny. We have more than 2.5 million questions.
Vladimir Putin: Sorry. I would still like to say a few words about
the fish. We are now preparing a draft law to regulate this industry.
Do our colleagues hear us or not?
Rozhkov: I think they do.
Vladimir Putin:To respond to what has been said on Russian plants not
working at full capacity and relying on Chinese fish. What is
actually happening right now? Today, fish that could have been processed
by Russian plants comes to the shore frozen. Once it reaches
the shore, it goes through clearance procedures, and is then
transferred to another ship or is exported on the same vessel,
while Chinese fish ends up at our plants.
There is
a law in the pipeline, according to which fish will be
brought on shore either fresh or cooled. This way, it would make no
economic sense, as experts in this industry say, to freeze this
fish and send it somewhere else. So there is hope that Russian plants will
get this fish.
for those engaged in this kind of work, there will be quotas, so
that 70 percent goes to companies that use their own ships. Those who
fulfil these requirements will receive an additional quota equal
to 20 percent of what they have, while those in breach
of their obligations to the state would lose the quotas
altogether. Another 20 percent will go toward investment activity.
You have
mentioned that your fishing fleet is becoming outdated and obsolete.
Of the 20 percent that I have mentioned, five percent will go
toward improving land infrastructure, and 15 percent,
or the so-called underkeel quota, will be used to build new
vessels. The Government will be in charge of finalising this
draft law. There will be an endless process to coordinate
the text with various agencies, but I believe that this draft law
will be enacted by the State Duma during its 2016 spring session.
Rozhkov: Thank you, Sakhalin Region.
Let’s move
to the call centre. Ms Remezova, please.
Remezova: Thank you, Mr Rozhkov.
We have
received over 2.5 million queries. By topic, housing and utilities
and social issues still lead the pack, however, there is also
a lot of interest this year in politics, regional
and domestic, as well as foreign policy and Russia’s
relations with the West. We are even receiving calls from the United
We have
Eduard Ladov, Balashikha, on the air. Good afternoon, please ask your
Ladov: Good afternoon, Mr Putin.
Vladimir Putin: Good afternoon.
Ladov: Why are you not responding to the slander coming from
the Western media? Perhaps you should hire good lawyers and sue
the media for publishing false information about offshore businesses?
Thank you.
Vladimir Putin: I thought that we put this issue behind us, but if you are
interested, I can say more about it.
strange as it may seem, they do not publish false information about
offshore businesses. Their information is reliable. It looks like it was put
together by lawyers rather than reporters – just look
at the presentation style and the facts. After all, they
are not accusing anyone of anything specifically. This is their entire
point. They are simply pulling the wool over our eyes. Some
of my friends engage in some sort of business.
The question is whether a portion of this offshore funds makes
it to government officials, including the President? However, no one
could ever think that Mr Roldugin would spend all of the money that
he earned there to buy musical instruments.
We have
heard here, in Russia, about bribes in the form of borzoi
greyhound puppies, but violins and cellos are something unheard of.
Moreover, these people’s allegations fell wide off the mark, which came
as a surprise to them. Besides other considerations, it is also
because the things I am referring to are very specific
and can be understood by all collectors. Selling them to anyone
is simply impossible.
The instruments
that Mr Roldugin bought – I believe, he bought two violins
and two cellos — are unique. The last one he bought (I will
say it, because it was already posted online) cost about $12 million. I am
not sure if we have instruments of such value in our country.
Rostropovich had one, but, unfortunately we were unable to buy it —
the state had no money for that — and it went
to Japan.
the instruments I’m referring to (I spoke with Mr Roldugin) have
proper names. This cello is called Stuart. Recently, Mr Roldugin performed
in Moscow, I believe, at the Philharmonic,
and the reporters said he played an old, apparently used, but
clearly much-loved instrument. Indeed, it is a used instrument. It has
been in use since 1732, and was made by Stradivarius.
The legendary King of Prussia, Frederick the Great, was its
first owner.
Of course,
such instruments can serve only one purpose — to please music lovers.
However, it did not occur to anyone that we have people like Mr Roldugin.
He is now in the process of transferring the title
to this violin to the state.
I am asking all kinds of crooks and others of their ilk
to settle down. Sergei already has nothing, because he has spent more
money to purchase these instruments than he had, and now he is
in debt, even to the agencies and foundations through which
he bought all of this.
who is engaged in this, in these provocations? We know that there are
employees of official US agencies; an article was written –
I asked [my] press secretary Peskov where it first appeared –
in Süddeutsche Zeitung. Süddeutsche Zeitung is part of a media
holding that belongs to US financial corporation Goldman Sachs.
In other words, those behind this stick out, but they never blush.
We should
not expect any repentance from them. They will keep doing this anyway,
and the nearer the elections, the more such stories will be
planted. However, they should understand that this is not about concrete
persons, individuals, whatever their position in Russia. This is about
a country that cannot be manipulated, cannot be forced to act and dance
as somebody may want it to, to dance to somebody’s tune.
If we are
treated respectfully, if compromise solutions are sought, the way we do,
then we will find a solution that will suit everyone: both ourselves
and our partners. Russia should simply be treated as an equal partner.
This is the only correct conclusion based on what is happening now.
Korableva: A question about elections, not in our country but
in America. “Mr President, who is worse for Russia, Clinton
or Trump?”
Vladimir Putin: You know, we should look for those who are better. I can only
repeat what I said at the end of my response
to the previous question, namely, that we have had moments
in the history of our bilateral ties when we interacted very
closely and achieved very good results on the national
and international level. Today there are also examples of such
cooperation: relating to issues of nonproliferation of weapons
of mass destruction, the fight against terrorism,
the resolution, say, of Iran’s nuclear problem, chemical weapons
in Syria and the fight against terror in general.
There are
also other examples of positive interaction, but our partners,
to reiterate, if they act on the assumption… You see, it is not
even a matter of concrete people there. However, if they act
on the false premise of their own exceptionalism, this will mean
that they will lay claim to a special status and special rights.
This is a gnoseological mistake, some experts say. It is essential
to go to the root of the problem and act not from
the position of force and dictate, not from the position
of imperial ambitions, but to act respectfully with regard
to all their partners, and of course, with regard
to Russia. Without this, it is impossible to build modern democratic
international relations.
Rozhkov: We have many guests in our studio – both familiar
and unfamiliar to you ‒ and everyone is bound to have a question.
Perhaps you
will give them an opportunity to ask these questions?
Vladimir Putin: Yes, go ahead, please.
Rozhkov: Choose a guest, please.
Vladimir Putin: Fine.I see a colleague raising his hand.
Khanzhin: Maxim Khanzhin, the Leaders’ Club.
afternoon, Mr Putin. My question is about OMI. Prices went up recently
[as did the amount of cover] and not all car owners are
happy about it. I think the biggest OMI issue is swindling. Here’s
my question. Could you instruct the Central Bank to look into
a switch to compensation in kind, that is, establish
a network of regional services where car owners can get their cars
repaired at the expense of insurance companies. This way, we
will first dramatically reduce swindling, which will make it possible
to reduce OMI prices; second, it will create jobs and, third, increase
the tax collection rate. Thank you.
Vladimir Putin: You know, we discussed this issue with Ms Nabiullina not so long
ago, albeit not yesterday. Your proposal is probably good and correct, but
the Central Bank does not deal with such issues. Nonetheless,
I believe we should think about how your idea could be included
in the Central Bank’s competence and how to carry it out
in real life. We’ll think about it. OK. Thank you.
Go ahead,
Karamzina: Mr Putin, in 2010 you adopted a resolution
as the Prime Minister on establishing the Krasnoyariye
public enterprise (I am from the Krasnoyarsk Territory, from
the North, from Norilsk). Later on, it was supposed to be transferred
to the region for operational management with a view
to supporting local airports. This resolution has not been carried out up
to this day. Various reasons are being cited, but these are strategic
airports in Dixon, Khatanga and Yeniseisk. You know well what is
deployed there.
Vladimir Putin: We will return to this issue by all means. I know
that the work there is making slow headway. In fact, there were two
resolutions aimed at providing transport between Russian regions,
especially remote areas. So, this is the first point about airports. Now
the second point – the establishment of a regional
company. It is being set up in the centre but should work
in the regions. The work on these projects is not moving
along as quickly as we would like. We will look into them by all
means. We will certainly deal with this and will speed up the work.
Melnichenko: I have a question about villages.
Vladimir Putin: Villages? Please go ahead.
Melnichenko: The village of Galkinskoye, Sverdlovsk Region.
Mr Putin,
we have Strategy 2020. According to this strategy, it seems 426 rural
schools, over 300 hospitals and 215 kindergartens will be closed
in 2016. Perhaps, we should stop developing programmes like this? If we
carefully read the President’s instruction of May 6, 2014, it
does not say anything at all about closing schools, kindergartens
or hospitals. The purpose of the instruction was
to build more effective and responsible local governance, create more
jobs and ultimately eliminate unemployment. The purpose was
to create a decent and full life for us, Mr Putin. Mau will
be writing to Gref, Gref will be writing to Mau. What are we supposed
to do? Let’s just carry out the President’s instruction,
and perhaps this could be enough.
Vladimir Putin: As concerns reducing the number of social
institutions, some optimisation may be necessary. I do not want
to say that the document was nonsense. But I totally agree with
you that we must take the specifics of our country into account.
These specifics include the fact that in some of our vast areas,
the distance between towns may be quite significant.
In these
circumstances we must by all means preserve the social services
network, even if, unfortunately, somebody thinks it is excessive. This includes
hospitals, or more commonly, paramedic centres and outpatient
clinics. In some areas they can be incorporated into district hospitals,
but where it is impossible, the paramedic centres must be kept.
A pregnant woman cannot travel hundreds of kilometres on unpaved
roads to have a baby. Factors like this should be considered before
any action is taken. Unreasonable reduction of the facilities is
Of course,
we will look into this situation. I have spoken about this repeatedly.
When it comes to a plan for social development of rural
areas (and the plan exists), nothing can be included without
thinking, let alone fulfilled. We must focus on other indicators,
and on setting positive examples.
For example,
we had a task to ensure a sufficient number of preschool facilities
in the country. This task is now 99 percent complete. This result
sets an example for other objectives. It is absolutely inadmissible
to reduce social facilities where they are in high demand. We will
discuss that.
Melnichenko: If we fulfill the President’s instruction, it will be
a Russian economic miracle. Nothing else is required. All we need
to do is follow the instruction.
Yuryeva: Mr President, if you allow me, I think it would be fair
to give the floor to cultural figures. Mr Mikhalkov, please, go
Mikhalkov: Thank you.
afternoon, Mr President. We have just seen officials respond
to the issue of bad roads in the Omsk Region. We then
learned about the situation on Sakhalin. I have just thought
that hopefully this girl will not be bulldozed into the ground after what
she said. This is the first thing I wanted to say.
The second thing I have to say is that on my way here
I was stopped near the entrance by two young people with
disabilities. They told me that they were invited, but something went wrong
and they were not called for. So they asked whether I could bring
them in. I answered that I could not do it, but nevertheless asked
them what they wanted. One of them was Andrei Batalov, who chairs
an association of people with disabilities in Rostov-on-Don.
They have been asking their regional authorities for help. They want
to do business and are not asking for money, they are asking
for help. So I thought that since they were not allowed inside, it
would be the right thing for me to voice their request.
Vladimir Putin: Very well. You can later submit this document. It contains data?
Mikhalkov: No, nothing. This is what I marked on the way here.
This is an association of people with disabilities from Rostov-on-Don.
Vladimir Putin: Ok, we will try to find them.
Mikhalkov: Thank you.
Vladimir Putin: By the way, substantial resources were earmarked
for helping people with disabilities in the Government’s
anti-crisis plan. It is not however related to helping them engage
in business activity, as the funds are intended
for rehabilitation and mobility purposes. This is a whole
different subject.
Let’s move
here. Who will be next?
Krivolapova: Good afternoon, Mr President. My name is Olga Krivolapova.
I’m an associate professor at MISIS National University
of Science and Technology.
I would like to thank you for supporting research. Second, let
me highlight the programme to develop higher educational institutions
and make them more competitive. It is already yielding tangible results.
For example, it is through this programme that we were able to design
a new protective suite and received high praise for it: it won
us the Russian Government’s science and technology award
for young researchers. The question I wanted to ask is
whether the funding will remain at the same level or it
will be reduced due to the crisis in Russia?
Vladimir Putin: There will be some adjustments, and part of the funding
will be reallocated as grants. Your university has probably carried out
its programmes using grants. What programme did you use? The one
by the Russian Science Foundation or the Russian Foundation
for Basic Research?
Krivolapova: No, we received ours through the Ministry
of Emergencies.
Vladimir Putin: Directly?
Krivolapova: Yes, we won in a contest and worked along these
Vladimir Putin:How many people worked on this project?
Krivolapova: In fact, we had a team working on the project,
including six young researchers.
Vladimir Putin:What is the average age of a researcher?
Krivolapova: Are you referring to the project
or the institution in general?
Vladimir Putin:The institution.
Krivolapova: About 53 years.
Vladimir Putin: Is this really the average age?
Krivolapova: Yes.
Vladimir Putin: It is even slightly above the national average, but it is fine that
pass the microphone.
Govorin: I am Nikolai Govorin, a State Duma deputy from
the Trans-Baikal Territory.
President, in your 2013 Address to the Federal Assembly, you
instructed the Government to draft regulations
on the priority development areas in the Russian Far East
and Siberia. Unfortunately, the Trans-Baikal Territory was not
designated as such an area. Moreover, the territory receives
the smallest possible share of government allocations under federal
programmes. The Irkutsk Region and Buryatia each receive 4.5 percent,
while the Trans-Baikal Territory only receives 1 percent.
The economic
situation in the Trans-Baikal Territory is troublesome. We have
a new governor, and the number of people leaving
the territory has been growing. I am asking you to instruct
the industry-specific ministers to include the Trans-Baikal
Territory in the group of priority development areas, so that we
have opportunities for development.
Vladimir Putin: It is true that this issue needs additional consideration.
The Trans-Baikal Territory was not included in the programmes
for the Russian Far East. These programmes were prepared because
the situation there, in particular regarding electricity
and other rates, was the most difficult in the country.
Decisions have been taken to help the regions where
the situation was truly dramatic, including in terms
of the population outflow, which is larger than
in the Trans-Baikal Territory. This is true.
you do not need to have your region included in these programmes.
What you need is money, but the money has been distributed among
the Far Eastern regions. But this does not mean that we can disregard
the problems of the Trans-Baikal Territory. I fully agree
with you on this. We don’t need to decide whether to include
the Trans-Baikal Territory in the Far East or any other
region. What we should do is find the money to address your current
problems. I know this, and we have recently discussed this issue with
the Government, or more precisely with the Far East Development
Minister and with [Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Far
Eastern Federal District] Yury Trutnev.
Korableva: We have been on air for two hours, and we have
received over three million calls. Let us give the floor
to the call centre.
Vladimir Putin: Please, do so.
Yuryeva: Thank you, Valeriya. We have very many video calls; in fact,
our centre is recording peak figures. People are concerned about their future,
and not just for their families but for Russia
as a whole, and a country’s future is decided
at elections. I’d like to remind you that we only have five months
and two days until the next State Duma elections. The video we
are going to play has been made by Dmitry Bocharov from
the Moscow Region.
Bocharov: Hello Mr President, I am Dmitry Bocharov, from Moscow.
says we should go and vote in the State Duma election,
and assures us the election will be clear and transparent. But
is it worth taking part in the election when we know that
the votes will be counted in United Russia’s favour? Thank you.
Vladimir Putin: Well,
I’ve done nothing to earn your thanks just yet. It was Stalin who once
said that it’s important not who people vote for, but who does
the counting. I hope though, that this will not be the case now.
First of all, no one has any doubts about the electoral commissions’
effectiveness and objectivity, and if people do have doubts, there
are also ways for them to protect their interests.
But this is
not the real issue. Let me say a few words about United Russia.
As you know, this party has been many years in power now and has
always carried a great burden of responsibility for all
of the problems we still have to solve, including perhaps those
for which it is not directly responsible. People are in their right
to demand and expect effective work from this party. They are
perfectly justified to do so.
It is also
true, however, that United Russia acts as a stabilising force
in our political system. Why does it carry this particular responsibility?
You can take all kinds of decisions, of course, as was the case
in the mid-1990s, say, when everyone was busy making promises but no
one actually did anything and the economy, social sector,
and budget process were simply heading for ruin.
But when
you start making responsible decisions about organising complete overhaul
of apartment blocks, say, what to do about the housing
and utilities sector, how to make sure that needy groups have
the medicines they require, decent medicines and at reasonable
prices, this always involves compromises of one kind or another, always.
It is impossible to completely satisfy all demands. This is a sad
fact, but it is the reality all around the world.
at Europe’s most developed countries. Are people entirely happy with
the healthcare systems there? No, let me assure that they are not. Are
they all happy with their education systems? No. Are they all happy with their
pension provisions? No, there are problems everywhere, absolutely everywhere.
Yes, we maybe have more problems, bigger problems, and so we will have
to work harder than in other countries. In this respect, United
Russia plays a tremendously important role, but this in no way means
that the party benefits from preferential treatment of any kind.
If you look
back to the recent gubernatorial election in Irkutsk Region, the United
Russia candidate didn’t make it through in the first round, didn’t
get the required number of votes. He was short on votes
by only 0.36 percent. Following your logic, it should have been
a piece of cake to fiddle this figure slightly, but no one did
this. In the second round, he lost to the Communist Party
candidate. Candidates from parties other than United Russia have won elections
in a number of large cities, in Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk
and several others, and recently in Petrozavodsk.
My point
is that if people take seriously their duties as voters, no matter whether
they want to vote for United Russia or for other candidates
they think worthy, we will end up with the government the country
desires. I therefore support everyone who wants to come
to the polling stations and cast their vote
in the parliamentary election.
Rozhkov: Let us talk about elections in detail, especially as they,
both the parliamentary and the regional elections, are scheduled
soon, in September.
Olga, over
to you and your guests.
Pautova: Thank you, Yevgeny.
As we
were preparing for the direct line and talking to our
guests, it became clear that almost everyone is concerned about this issue,
but, of course, political experts are especially outspoken. Today we have
political commentator Alexei Mukhin in our studio.
please go ahead with your question.
Mukhin: Political Information Centre, Moscow.
afternoon, Mr President. What our voters have on offer is a stock
of party brands: United Russia that you just mentioned, the Communist
Party of the Russian Federation, the Liberal Democratic Party
and A Just Russia. They are led by respected politicians
and so on. But, unfortunately, all other brands, all other party
associations are kept at bay.
It seems
to me that there is a kind of conspiracy here
on the part of the brands that have struck root
and are part of the establishmentarian setup in parliament,
and they simply do not allow others to move forward.
In addition, a similar situation is emerging
in the nonestablishment opposition. The same faces have been
around for years now. Tell me please, are we already doomed to this
kind of stability or is there still a chance?
Vladimir Putin: First of all, I would not call our political parties brands;
after all, these are large public organisations, not some market commodity.
And millions of voters are behind them.
Rozhkov: “Brands” mostly likely refer to the leaders of these
Vladimir Putin:I understand and still, I will state my position
on the way the question was formulated. This is first.
as a matter of fact, the situation is exactly the same
in countries that cast themselves as mature democracies. This is
confusing and it can even be dangerous. Look, over centuries, there have
been only two parties at the top in the United States:
the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. In Europe,
say, in France, there are socialists and conservatives;
in Germany, there are Christian Democrats, the Christian Democratic
Union and the Social-Democratic Party, and they are all
together; there are liberals, but they are, rather, on the sidelines.
Today, amid
the ongoing crises, the refugee flow and the [public]
discontent, new parties are emerging: Alternative for Germany.
I cited the example of Yekaterinburg where a representative
of the Democratic Platform or whatever it is called has become
the mayor of one of the country’s largest cities, so this
is already happening here.
As for concrete
individuals, take the United States as an example. First Bush Sr
was in power there, later on Bush Jr – all from the same
family. Clinton was in power for two terms and now his wife is
laying claim to this position, and the family may remain
in office. What does this have to do with removability?
As the saying goes, “Husband and wife are a single devil,”
and they will be at the helm. I am not saying this is all
bad. There are pros and cons to it.
As for the leaders
of our parties, you know that the revolutionary events
of the early 1990s brought to the fore charismatic people
who can lead others – this is the first point. Second, and most
important, they have a position. This is extremely important. The CPRF
and the liberal democrats have their own ideologies. Sergei Mironov’s
party also has a socialist ideology. I am referring
to the members of Just Russia.
I believe
United Russia has generally a conservative, centrist platform. It is
sailing our national ship between Scylla and Charybdis, choosing options
that are acceptable for large strata of the population,
for our citizens, and assuming responsibility for what are not
such popular decisions.
This is
the current situation, but this does not mean that our list
of political parties is not expanding. It is. What decision did we make?
To remove certain restrictions for access to elections.
I do not remember the exact figures and I wouldn’t want
to make a mistake, but the number of parties admitted
to regional and federal elections has increased dramatically. It
turns out, access to elections is not the main issue. First
and foremost, they must show electors what they want and how they
plan to achieve their goals.
Korableva: Let give Sergei Dorenko an opportunity to ask
a question, as you wished. Olga, this is in your section.
Ushakova: I believe we will continue talking about
the opposition.
Rozhkov: But please pass a microphone so that the audience can
hear us.
Ushakova: Our colleague, journalist, Editor-in-Chief
of the radio station “This is Radio Moscow!”
Dorenko: When you started talking about elections and the year
of elections, Mr Putin, I was sure that this would be
a nerve-racking discussion, and it has begun. We have already been
told that the opposition are the “enemies of the people”
and we have been shown our former prime minister in the sights
of a gun.
I think
the role of the state is to set the formats, that
this, the limits beyond which nobody should go. Could you tell governors
and the public forces here and now, using your massive
authority, where it is allowed to fight for the horizons
of the future without rules, and where rules must be observed?
Vladimir Putin: Nowhere is it allowed to fight without rules! If we are
a civilized state…
Dorenko: Does this mean that the hunt for public enemies is
permitted? You know, if we begin this year with attempts to uncover public
enemies, it won’t end well. I don’t even want to say how.
Vladimir Putin: Yes, I see who you are referring to. You are referring
to the head of one of Russia’s regions
in the Caucasus. I see that. I raised this issue with him
personally. That said, let’s look at how things are in reality. What
is this reality all about? Who is the person you are talking about?
It is true
that he now heads one of Russia’s regions, the Chechen Republic.
Where did he start? By conducting a partisan war against us. Have you
forgotten it? He was armed and fighting alongside his father. No one
forced his father, no one recruited or coerced him. He came
to the conclusion on his own that Chechnya should be with
the Russian people and be part of Russia.
This meets
the interests of the Chechen people. This calls
for a complex transformation of mentality. It was challenging
and the need for it came from within. And I know that
Ranzan Kadyrov shares these beliefs. He would have never headed any republic
within the Russian Federation if he had not been confident that he was
making the right choice. You know, these people are ready to risk
everything, including their lives. One day he told me: “Let me die
in dignity!” They are ready for it, but only if it meets
the interests of their people. Still, we need to understand who
these people are. I’m not even saying that people in the Caucasus are
hotheads. So it is not easy for these people to learn the ropes
of serving as a high-ranking government official.
We are all
people, we have our past. However, I believe that the head
of Chechnya and other Russian regions will understand the level
and degree to which they are liable to people living
on the territories they manage and to Russia
in general. They must understand that undertaking extreme actions
or making radical statements regarding opponents does not mean enhancing
stability in the country. On the contrary, it is
detrimental to stability. Once they understand it, and I’m confident
that they will, as they are sincerely committed to serving national
interests, there will be no statements of this kind. It may be also that
there were omissions on my behalf in this respect.
Rozhkov: Let’s move from politics to economics again, or should
I say applied economics, as I’m referring
to import-substitution. We have a new region live with us.
So, this is
the Voronezh Region, Molvest dairy plant. Our colleague Dmitry Kaistro is
working there.
Dmitry Kaistro:
Good afternoon. We are in the village of Arkhangelskoye,
Anninsky District, Voronezh Region.
This is
the Molvest Company, one of the largest dairy enterprises
in Russia. Not only in Russia, though. If you take a closer look
at this dairy farm, it is also Europe’s largest, with 5,000 cows
of different colours. This company makes all kinds of dairy products,
but primarily commercial milk and milk used to make a variety
of cheeses sold at our grocery stores.
Today, we
have invited the people who work and live on the land
and are trying to make a difference for themselves
and our country to take part in the conversation. What
problems are on your mind today?
Zykov: Good afternoon, Mr Putin. My name is Dmitry Zykov. I'm
a farmer, and I work in livestock production.
We are
concerned about the possibility of the sanctions being lifted.
If they are, our products will never find their way to the market. We
also have bank loans to repay. If cheap foreign products make it
to Russia, we will not, unfortunately, be able to make good
on these loans. And this will be the end for us.
Vladimir Putin: Well, it is not a question, as far as I can tell…
Rozhkov: A cry for help.
Vladimir Putin: You have outlined your situation and made your concerns known. You
know, I do not think that our partners will repeal the restrictions
and limitations with regard to our country any time soon, even
despite the fact that the Minsk agreements regarding southeastern
Ukraine are being complied with in a dreadful manner. It’s not our
fault, but, as I am sure everyone understands now, the fault
of the Kiev authorities. Still, they are unable to admit that
they are now in a dead end. So, they will come up with something
in order to keep these restrictions in place. Accordingly, we
will maintain the appropriate restrictions on their food exports
to our market.
eventually they come to the realisation that repealing these
restrictions serves their own interests, then, of course, they will create
a difficult situation for us, because under the WTO rules, we
will wind up unprotected if we keep our counter-sanctions in place.
We will
closely monitor this process. There are many ways to support our agricultural
sector. We can see – I have already mentioned it today – our
farmers picking up momentum and producing more milk, meat, fruits
and vegetables, as well as increasing their processing
capabilities. There is an extensive support programme in place,
and we will certainly do our best to carry it out. But let's look
at this problem not with fear, but rather optimism.
Rozhkov: Dmitry, let’s have another question from Voronezh.
Kaistro: Yes, the farmers and people
in the agriculture sector in general have a lot
of questions about product quality. Our hero here has one of these
Knyazev: Hello Mr President, I am Alexander Knyazev, a farmer
with 20 years’ experience.
We are
engaged in horticulture and dairy farming. Our question concerns palm
oil. Milk cannot compete with palm oil because palm oil is so much cheaper than
milk. But the nation’s health is more important. We have the words
‘Smoking Kills’ written on all our cigarette packets. Mr President, can’t
we do the same for palm oil?
Vladimir Putin: You want us to write that palm oil kills? That would be going
too far. Not everyone thinks it is so bad for our health, though deception
of consumers is a problem to some extent. You have cheese,
butter and other products often made with palm oil, but sold as if
they were natural products, and this is to some extent deceiving
the consumers.
As for whether
we should write on the packaging just what is inside
the product, including palm oil, yes, we can and should do this,
and in this respect I agree completely with you. This matter can
be settled through our technical regulations. In other words, we need
to take a decision making it obligatory for producers
to write the necessary information, in bold, on their
The Eurasian
Economic Commission is now responsible for deciding on matters
of this sort. In this area, we need to coordinate our decisions
with our partners, including with Kazakhstan, and with Belarus, whose
representative currently heads the relevant commission
or sub-commission within this organisation.
partners in Belarus, and the Government and President there
will need to support this decision, but I think they too have
an interest not so much in the transit and import
of palm oil and using it in food products,
as in developing their own agricultural sector. The Belarusian
President takes this area very seriously and gives it much attention.
for some reason we do not succeed in this, there is another option we
could consider, perhaps even an option-and-a-half. We could,
for example, introduce excise duties on palm oil, and this would
make increase the costs of produce made with it, or we could
reach agreements with producers on having them voluntarily write on the packaging
information about the ingredients, and in return,
the Government will not introduce an excise duty on palm oil.
This is a subject we can discuss with the producers. But I want
you to know that I am completely on your side. The consumers
have the right to know what they are buying. Let’s try to settle
this matter at least through the ways I just outlined
and see how it works.
Korableva: Thank you, Voronezh.
Now, back
to the studio. I saw that Konstantin Khabensky wanted
to ask a question. Perhaps we will give him this opportunity, if
you’re not opposed.
Vladimir Putin: Please.
Ushakova: With pleasure, thank you. Naturally, many people know Konstantin
Khabensky as an actor and National Artist of Russia, but
today, Konstantin is here, above all, as the founder
of the Konstantin Khabensky Charity Foundation, which helps children
with serious brain disorders. As far as I know, your question is
of a medical nature.
Khabensky: My question is more of a medical nature, yes. Today
I have been entrusted with bringing up an issue that is
in urgent need of your support, specifically the issue
of resuscitation and intensive care wards.
We have
a wonderful law, which has been adopted, and which really, stating
that the parents, relatives of a child or a young
person under 18 in a critical condition, have the right
to be present in these resuscitation and intensive care wards.
This is wonderful because there is no need to explain that when
a person opens his eyes, effectively [returning] from another world, it is
very important for this person to see not only the ceiling, but
also to feel the warmth of [other people’s] hands, and so
However it
turns out that this law may be “amended” at the local level.
Sometimes these amendments are just crazy: they are simply impediments. Although
I also understand that chief physicians and directors want everything
to be sterile and in order. Nevertheless, at times this
comes to the point of absurdity. What happens is that relatives
run around nervously, having already found themselves in a difficult
situation, trying to obtain some form or another and wondering
if during the night [the authorities] may think up something else.
It is
simply necessary to combine and supplement this law with a bill
that was submitted to the State Duma on March 22: simply
to come to an agreement, so that there are no unpleasant
surprises at the local level. It seems to me that this is not
very difficult. I believe not only age limitations, for those under
18, should be added there. It seems to me that all people who have found
themselves in this kind of situation have a right. First
of all, they are helpless and need human warmth and assistance.
I do
not think this requires any serious financial input. We should simply agree
and say: Folks, let everyone have the same regulations: stringent,
but equal. It seems to me that it is not so difficult to get together
and come to an agreement. Unlike the story that has been
mentioned (and thank you very much for throwing your support behind
the artificial ventilation issue last year), thank you very much
for responding promptly and deciding that the state should
assume the responsibility for providing these ventilators
to children so that they do not occupy hospital beds and stay at home,
not at the hospital.
We received
a formal reply saying that meetings were held, and the issue was
considered. The Ministry of Healthcare even sent us a letter
saying that they understand everything. Just two seconds more. Here is
a letter from the Ministry of Healthcare dated July 6:
“The issue of providing healthcare services to critically ill
children in need of artificial lung ventilation at home has been
settled and does not require any amendments to the laws
of the Russian Federation.”
This is
wonderful. But ten days ago, and I fully trust my team, which
has explored this issue in a parallel investigation, I was told
a very simple thing. In fact, the situation remains as it
was before this issue was raised and the Presidential instructions
were issued. For a short moment the problems of this
patient group came into the spotlight, but the issue remains
unresolved. A week ago yet another child was denied what was agreed upon
one year ago. Thank you very much.
Vladimir Putin: The second question is a matter of budget financing.
That’s all there is to it.
Khabensky: I understand that.
Vladimir Putin: When a hospital has artificial lung ventilators, they are working,
and of course patients are able to stay in such hospitals.
I understand that these people need these devices constantly, which means
that they have to live in hospitals. This is very difficult.
I understand that.
You know,
this is something that I do not want to say, but cannot fail
to mention: even hospitals did not have devices of this kind until
recently. At least now they have them, and the numbers are
growing. It goes without saying that the Ministry of Healthcare will
address this issue with the expansion of regional and federal
budgets. You were right to say that at least there are no legal
restrictions. This device can be installed at home, and if relatives
pass the necessary training, they can use it.
As for the first
question you have asked about relatives being present in intensive care
units, this is certainly a sensitive issue. And I understand why
you have highlighted it. The law does not prevent relatives from being
present in the intensive care unit, but hospital management usually
opposes it.
It is not
hard to understand why, since in most cases these are not private
wards. There can be people nearby who also need special attention. So if
outside people disturb other patients, the hospital management has
to impose restrictions. That said, I do understand where this issue
is coming from.
Khabensky: Mr Putin, trust me. I know first-hand that there is always
a place for a person who wants to help. Believe me, such
people are always very helpful, including for the medical staff, who
often ask for help.
Vladimir Putin: Maybe so. I will definitely raise this issue with Ms Skvortsova,
and I’ll ask her to think of ways of improving
the situation and to do something to this effect.
Khabensky: Thank you.
End of Part III.
Part IV
Valeriya Korableva: Mister President, if
you don’t object, let’s return to agricultural issues. Vera, your section
has the floor.
Vera Krasova: We have here
a representative of an agricultural farm from the Kaluga
Region, third-generation agricultural producer Alexander Sayapin. Go ahead,
Alexander Sayapin: Good afternoon. Mister
President, I took part in the programme, “Grants for Family
Farms”, in 2012. At that time, I had 40 cows, whereas now
I have almost 500. We no longer receive grants – we do not need them.
You know, farming is making steady headway but
our produce appears at retail chains next to that of swindlers.
You said they must mention palm oil – already by law – but they
simply do not do this. When will they be punished for this?
Instead of punishing jerks, veterinarians
invented an electronic vet-certification for us. It will come
in force in 2018 – we will have to produce
a vet-certification for each consignment. In other words,
I will have to issue 1,500 vet-certification per day for two
tonnes of produce – I bring fresh produce every day. This is
sheer madness and should be stopped somehow. Thank you.
Vladimir Putin: Naturally, as we say
the road to hell is paved with good intentions and veterinarian
services are certainly explaining such zeal by the need
to protect the interests of consumers. But we understand what
this may lead to and how this may be organised. So, if you see
excessive regulation or control, we will definitely look
at the performance of veterinarian services, although
I will hardly say anything specific on the direct line. You
know, the common trend is to get rid of red tape
in the activities of small- and medium-sized companies
and agriculture in particular.
We cannot leave this without control.
I hope you will agree with this. We need quality products. They must be
clean and they should not be diluted with water. Common sense should
prevail in this regard. I promise we will look into this
as a separate issue.
Valeriya Korableva: Irina Yarovaya has
long been dealing with draft laws on trade. Let us give her
an opportunity to express her opinion.
Vladimir Putin: Yes,
as for the law, I will return to this law
on trade that you mentioned that should have these provisions. But
the colleague suggested writing it in large letters
as on a cigarette pack. If letters are so small nobody could
read them, then this is a formal job. As Vladimir Lenin said
in his time: correct in form but sheer mockery de facto. We will see.
Yevgeny Rozhkov: Ms Yarovaya has been
dealing with the law on trade for a very long time, among
other things.
Olga Pautova: I will just add
a few words. This law is designed to make life easier
for farmers like Alexander Sayapin and help them finally get access
to the consumer at large.
Ms Yarovaya, when will this law be adopted?
Irina Yarovaya: Good afternoon, Mr President.
When sanctions were still a long way off,
when everyone day-dreamed about imports and when it seemed that this would
save the world, in 2009, remember, you chaired what I believe
was a fateful Government meeting with the participation
of retail chains and producers, and when prior to that you
had paid a visit to a retail chain and “inspected
the scene,” establishing how much things really cost and how much
a customer had in fact has to pay for them.
At the time, thanks to you, a law was adopted because many
people were sure that there was no need for rules, although we understand
that the farmer and the retail chain are entities
of a different economic weight and that their rights can only be
equated by law.
At the time, crucial decisions were
made. Thanks to you, [financial] settlement deadlines were established
and rules and prohibitions appeared. However, as you may
remember, there were also compromise solutions at the time because
retail chains made many promises and, as responsible people, we trusted
those promises, but stayed alert and verified compliance.
Today, there are two problems that we will
probably be able to resolve with your support. Business always complains
about high taxes and costly money. Today, the 10 percent
of the turnover premium that we agreed to allow the retail
chains to keep at the time has turned into a permanent tax
on all producers for whatever they supply to a retail
The second problem is, of course,
settlement deadlines. It is probably difficult to imagine
an entrepreneur who has paid costs and takes high risks to be
compensated for the products that he has supplied and no longer
owns not in 30 or even 45 days, as we stipulated
in the law, but, under all sorts of pretexts and tricks,
in another 30 and 45 days, in addition to this. Therefore,
Mr President, a year ago, we drafted amendments, realising that if
promises are not kept the situation should be corrected and our
producers and buyers have to be protected. However,
for an entire year now, before the second reading, everything
has got bogged down in bureaucratic procedures that lobbyists pursue
through issue-specific agencies, effectively impeding the final adoption.
I completely support our farmers.
Olga Pautova: Ms Yarovaya, if you could get
to the point. Could you formulate your question
to the President?
Irina Yarovaya: The fact is that
there is no question: There is a request. Mr President, as you were
directly involved in taking the initial decision, if we can adopt
[the law] in its second and third readings at this spring
session and put an end to bureaucratic delays and red tape
on this issue I believe this will be serious support for our
farmers with regard to import substitution.
Vladimir Putin: Yes, the issue really
was very serious during the crisis of 2008–2009. We had to make
extra efforts to support our agricultural sector and our famers. We
were active on this then, passed a law. I see that these efforts
are starting to slip now, sadly, and no longer producing the results
they should have.
This is happening because the relevant
government bodies are not giving this matter the attention they should be.
Overall, if the law we passed back then were working as it should be,
perhaps we would not be seeing the situation we see today, and would
not need to make additions and amendments. But back then, we could
thank for the results obtained not me, but Viktor Zubkov, who set up
the special commission in this area and got it together every
week and tried to maintain a balance between the interests
of the producers and sellers, and between the retail
I see that there are various obstacles
now. On one side, lobbyists from the retail chains are at work,
working through the Trade Ministry, and this is natural, this is
their job, and on the other side, we have the Agriculture
Ministry, which tries to lobby the agriculture sector’s interests.
There are three areas of work here. You
essentially already spoke about this. It seemed to me that they settled
back then the issue of speeding up payment for goods coming to the retail
chains, and took decisions too on products with a short shelf
life (I think they set a 10-day limit for making payments). But
if there are still outstanding issues, we should come back to these problems
and arrange the needed legal provisions to sort them out.
We also need to work out and settle
on fair prices for the so-called bonus for shelf space.
There are various proposals here, from zero to quite big figures.
As far as I know, or what I was told at any rate,
a compromise has been found at somewhere around five rubles,
or five percent of the good’s cost.
What we absolutely do need to do
in this area, in my view, is to give broader powers
to the Federal Anti-Monopoly Service, because it currently hardly
works at all in this area of the economy. This too should
be fixed in law. We should not delay here. I hope the Government
will complete the approvals process and the State Duma will
examine the draft laws during the spring session.
Yevgeny Rozhkov: News continues coming in.
The TASS agency reports that a criminal case has been opened
at the fish processing plant on Shikotan that we heard about
before from our reporter Pavel Zarubin. We don’t know the details yet, but
we are following the news feed and we see the responses taking
Nailya, you probably have more questions about
business in your sector.
Nailya Asker-zade: True, there are many
entrepreneurs in our sector. One of our guests is a man who does
not leave ministries and departments in peace, because he monitors
their cooperation with small and medium-scale business. His name is Artyom
Avetisyan, and he is from the Agency for Strategic Initiatives,
Chair of the Leaders’ Club.
Mr Avetisyan, will you once again scold
the controllers?
Artyom Avetisyan: Good afternoon, Mr
We not only travel to Antarctica
and the North Pole with the Leaders’ Club, but we also
continuously monitor the situation among businessmen.
Not long ago, we took a look at how
things stand with inspections of business. For objectivity’s sake,
I should say that life has indeed become easier for someone. But
for the majority, I’d like to point out, when you ask them
“Well, have you had fewer inspectors?” their eyes open wide in surprise:
“What? They are like a mad dog on the loose, and don’t you
dare complain.” Some businessmen have up to four inspections over a year.
We have tried to figure it out why this is so.
It turned out that there is a certain
principle, I would call it punitive. When inspectors come, and even
if everything is all right, they simply cannot leave without finding fault with
at least some trifle. This reminds me of the “rod” system
the police used to practice before. And at this complicated
time, instead of treating business gently, they continue pressing it.
And no matter what the Government does, and the Government
does a lot, or what [tax] vacations are being granted, business
remains just as it used to be: a milking cow, if you’ll forgive
me this old-fashioned comparison. That said, Mr President, my question is
pretty clear: when will the authorities finally take their attitude
to business to a new level, from unilateral milking
to normal healthy partnership?
Nailya Asker-zade: If I may, we have
many businessmen facing this problem. May I give the floor
to somebody else?
Introduce yourself, please.
Vyacheslav Zykov: Vyacheslav Zykov,
the Bris-Bosfor company, Novorossiysk. We produce footwear. We are
the largest footwear producer in Russia. I started
my business as an ordinary private entrepreneur
in the 1990s. In the late 90s we built a factory
and have expanded to this day. The factory employs more than
2,000 people. We are doing fairly well, production is growing.
And my question is in tune with the previous one: when will
they leave us, businesses, alone, since we have really been tormented
by inspections?
Vladimir Putin: I see. Is that all
as regards the theme of inspection?
You know, we are constantly working
on this problem. But such is our mentality, especially when it comes
to bureaucrats, if someone has some status, he tries to squeeze
maximum advantage out of it and secure rent. They are laughing over
there, but this is not funny. Yet, I believe that both the first
speaker and our second colleague, who asked his question, surely know that
after we imposed rules stipulating that all inspections must be coordinated
with the prosecutor’s office, the number of applications
for inspections has decreased by one-third.
And of the total number applications filed,
the prosecutor’s office does not confirm 50 percent of those
applications as necessary. And this work will continue.
And together with the business community we will also look
for additional means and use them to create a favourable
business climate.
As you know, a decision has been made
on vacation for small and medium-sized businesses
for inspection activities. A colleague involved
in the agriculture industry has mentioned that they are ”pestered“
by sanitary services. These cases should be considered separately,
and we will do this. Constant efforts should be made together with you,
and we should seek the issues that raise most concern. We will work
together on this.
Yevgeny Rozhkov: We have people involved
in inspecting activities present here today, in this sector.
Vladimir Putin: You have eagerly raised your
hand to ask a question. Yes, you. Pass the microphone, please.
Avdotya Smirnova: Good afternoon, Mr President.
My name is Avdotya Smirnova
and I am the director of the Foundation
for Assistance for Autistic Children in Russia. A very good
and progressive law on education has been passed. This law holds that
each and every child should have access to education, including those
with a severe form of autism. However, in general education
schools and kindergartens in all regions, except the Voronezh
Region, where this issue is approached in a systemic matter,
and the Belgorod Region, where more efforts are being made
in this regard, such children are nearly always refused. Schools refuse
to teach them for various reasons: under subordinate acts, due
to the lack of a special environment or the lack
of specialists. They suggest to parents that their kids be educated
at home – so we have ended up with not just one child but
an entire family closed up within four walls. What should be done
to have the law on education work for autistic children
as well? Thank you.
Vladimir Putin: Thank you. You should be be
thanked, not me, for your work in this field. It is early
to thank me – you have just mentioned that the law fails
to work in this respect. What are we to be thanked
for then?
But generally speaking, I think
the problem is not about us but about society not yet being ready
for full inclusive education. But the government should support
efforts made by such people as yourself, and should itself
promote the idea of inclusive education, and all the more
so as children with autism deserve such support in full. As you
are involved in this, you probably know this better than I. I mean,
you are completely aware that such kids are often very talented and even
gifted. They have the ability to focus their attention on one
matter in a way that is impossible for other people,
and can achieve surprising, even outstanding, results. Of course,
their families should receive support. What can I say? We will make every
effort in this regard.
Yevgeny Rozhkov: If you allow us to take
back the reins of hosting this programme, we will return
to oversight agencies, since there are also thousands, if not tens
of thousands of unfair cases.
Vladimir Putin: You know, as we talked
I saw a question that appeared on the screen. I think
that it was an interesting one: “Will the EurAsEC get a national
currency?” This is a vast subject. Generally speaking, it is
an interesting one. Perhaps one day it will become possible, but only
at a stage when member states of the Eurasian Economic Union
are on the same page in terms of economic development
and structure.
We should by all means avoid
the mistakes of the European Union when it introduced
a single currency. The difference between the economies
of its member states was so huge that it led to major challenges,
such as for example the Greek crisis. The country received
hand-outs from the EU, but these hand-outs did nothing to foster
economic development or improve the structure of the Greek
We have to take these issues into account
within EEU and move forward step by step. Of course, this is all
voluntary, and we need to have full consensus on this matter. We
must all want it, including Russia and its EurAsEC partners.
There was also an observation rather than
a question. Someone wrote: “Your work is anything but easy. But working
behind the counter or in a mine is not easier.” Good point.
I fully agree. My best wishes to those working in mines,
behind the counter and anywhere else.
Here is another interesting message.
A family with many children in Stavropol received a land plot,
but later it was taken away from them because some kind of regional law
was adopted, under which the family was no longer viewed
as in need of assistance. How is it possible that a land
plot was taken away from a family with many children? I don’t understand.
I will surely raise this issue with the Governor
of the Stavropol Territory, Mr Vladimirov, who by the way
has the same name and patronymic as I do.
Yevgeny Rozhkov: Shall we give oversight bodies
an opportunity to speak out?
Vladimir Putin: Yes.
Yevgeny Rozhkov: After all, those who are
inspected had their chance, while those who inspect them did not.
Vladimir Putin:Go ahead.
Yevgeny Rozhkov: Ms Pautova, your turn.
Olga Pautova: It is true that we have quite
a few guests here who can contradict what businesspeople have said.
I would like to present Alexei Mikhan, a fire safety inspector.
Alexei, go ahead with your question
for the President.
Alexei Mikhan: Good afternoon, Mr President.
Unfortunately, it is impossible to fully
renounce inspections. Even during this event, we can see that the state
has a major role to play. Nevertheless, in order to reach
some kind of a balance and compromise with
the entrepreneurs, we need to think about some kind of a law
of a framework that would enable us to issue instructions
at the first stage instead of imposing sanctions right away,
and use sanctions only if the instructions are not followed up upon.
Yevgeny Rozhkov: To the full extent.
Vladimir Putin: We work and think
on the same wavelength. In fact, a Presidential instruction
has already been issued, saying that this is how oversight bodies
and regulators should work. Moreover, regulatory amendments to this
effect are in the pipeline, and I hope that
the Government will enact them in the near future. (Applause.)
Valeriya Korableva: Well,
on to a different subject. Here is a question from our
programme’s website. You have mentioned the Minsk agreements already
today. The question is: “Why all this talk about Minsk 2? The Minsk
agreements are not implemented and, to all appearances, will not be
implemented by Kiev. What will become of Donbass? Will another war
break out?”
Vladimir Putin: Right, much has been left
hanging with implementing the Minsk agreements. I will try to be
very careful, but there are obvious things. Their obviousness lies
in the following:
Political issues are the top priority when
we address all those problems in southeastern Ukraine. The population
of these territories must feel safe and realise that they have modern
civilised rights, and the right to exercise these rights.
What I mean is this. Constitutional
changes should come first. According to the Minsk agreements,
the Ukrainian Constitution should be amended before the end
of 2015. However, as we know, these changes came through the vote
in the first reading but got stuck in the second. After
all, it is not up to us to change the Ukrainian Constitution.
As was stipulated, the law
on the special status was to be introduced de facto within 30
days upon its signing. It has not been introduced, however.
The endorsement of the amnesty law was also stipulated. It has
been adopted but the President has not signed it. It is not our duty
to do that. Is this clear? They keep complaining that shooting is heard
from time to time along the demarcation line. It is a false
excuse, however convenient it might be for those who do not want
to comply with the Minsk agreements – excuse my bluntness.
They start shooting and get return fire,
and there they have a skirmish. Does this mean that there is no need
to implement the Minsk agreements? No. There is no alternative
to the implementation of the Minsk agreements if
the problem is to be settled. The United States, Europe
and our other partners say: You know, they have a complicated
domestic political situation, so they cannot do it. Maybe they cannot, but what
do we have to do with it? You see, that is what the problem boils
down to.
However, if the Ukrainian authorities
and our European partners really want us to travel that road
and come to the right goal, it demands teamwork with partners
in Kiev, where the President, the incoming and outgoing
prime ministers, and the entire opposition are linked with Western
countries one way or another. Exercise your influence on them, then,
instead of repeating again and again that Moscow should implement
this and that. We have done everything we were supposed to do,
and they also have to do something now.
Let us see how the situation develops. We
are willing to promote the process in any possible way.
I proceed from the assumption that there will be no active fighting
anymore. On the contrary, when I talked with President Pyotr
Poroshenko recently, he suggested – it was really his suggestion –
that the OSCE presence should be enlarged, particularly, that armed OSCE
officers should be present along the demarcation line, to have
the ceasefire fully observed.
I think this is the right thing
to do, and we support it. Now, we should work with our Western
partners for the OSCE to pass this decision, increase its staff
substantially and, if necessary, authorise its officers to bear firearms.
Viktoria Korablyova: While we are
on the air, Ukraine has got a new prime minister.
As expected, Vladimir Groisman headed the Cabinet. What do you think
of the new Ukrainian Government?
Vladimir Putin:Nothing. I cannot
think of the new Ukrainian Government, as I know nothing
about it. I know nothing about its composition, about what priorities it
will set, about what it is going to do. I only know what was planned
to do and what was really done.
If I am not mistaken, the Ukrainian
Government, the former Ukrainian Government now, approved a plan
of action in late 2014, which consisted of nine points. Only two
of them were implemented – and incompletely. I am not going
to comment on them, you can find this information
on the Internet.
The results are certainly harsh.
In Russia, we have the expression “to shift challenges
and problems to the people’s shoulders.” Today’s Ukraine is just
the case. We say we have very high inflation – 12.9 percent. Yes, it
is high, but it tends to decrease, even significantly decrease. But
inflation in Ukraine is over 48 percent, can you imagine that? It is beyond
all reason. Gas prices rose not by a few percent but by 3.3
times; heating prices – by over 50 percent, if I am not
mistaken; electricity prices grew by some 53 percent last year
and are expected to rise by another 63 percent this year.
I think it is economically unfeasible.
Why? Because the share of population paying for gas,
for example, was the lowest among CIS countries: I do not
remember the exact number – something about 20 percent, Mr Miller
told me about that. But if gas prices grow by over 3 times, nobody will
pay then – that is the problem.
However, we need a stable
and prosperous Ukraine. And we really hope that our expectations will
come true. Although the crisis that began there due
to the well-known EU Association Agreement is some kind of man-made,
some kind of nonsense. I cannot understand why this was done. It
seems to me that it just served as a tool for regime
change, nothing more, and nobody cared for the people.
They signed an agreement; it entered into
force: “This was a civilized choice.” What civilized choice are we talking
about? Oligarchs are still in power. Some are trying to make
a scandal concerning offshore assets, but in Ukraine, even
the national leaders are billionaires and entrepreneurs with offshore
companies. Okay, he earned a few billion and then handed
the control over to a nice girl who, for example,
a great lawyer – and so what? Did he forget about these offshore
assets? Nonsense. Anyway, he will continue to control them and give
orders on what should be done. De-tycoonisation? No way, oligarchy is
becoming stronger. It is not even certain people to blame but
the clan management system that has strengthened in recent years.
And this is not just our assessment but also that of our Western partners.
I am telling you, I know what I am talking about.
Nevertheless, we are interested in Ukraine
getting back on its feet, in having a reliable partner
and in ensuring that what is happening now, even
in the economic sphere, does not happen. We have established zero customs
tariffs with Europe for them, while [their] trade turnover with Europe
fell by 23 percent and with Russia, by 50 percent. Who has
gained from this? Why was this done? This is incomprehensible.
Yes, we introduced countermeasures
in response to Ukraine joining the EU sanctions against Russia,
but we introduced them half a year after they did. And then
my colleagues tell me: “Why did you do this?” I say, “Listen, you,
the EU, introduced sanctions against us and we did nothing for half
a year; we were waiting for you to come to your senses.”
“Well, this makes no difference to you, but it is hurting us because…”
Well then, they should not have done that.
Nevertheless, I hope that the new
government will draw conclusions from what has been happening recently
and will act pragmatically and in the interest
of the people, its own people, and not be guided by some
phobia or another just to please some foreign agencies.
Yevgeny Rozhkov: We have been working
for almost three hours now. They tell me over 3 million questions have
been submitted to our programme’s website. The rate at which
calls are coming in is also growing. Let us go to the processing
centre. Tatyana, go ahead please.
Tatyana Remezova: Thank you, Yevgeny.
The rate at which calls are coming in, I can tell you, it is
2,500 calls per minute and 8,000 SMS and MMS messages per minute.
The Russian people are displaying close
interest in the decision that you, Mr President, announced last week,
i.e., the creation of the National Guard. We can put a call
on this subject on the air. Abdurakhman Khavchayev from
Dagestan. Go ahead please.
Abdurakhman Khavchayev: Good afternoon, Mr
I would like to ask what prompted you
to issue an executive order on the creation
of the National Guard? Why did the Internal Troops cease
to meet the requirements? And will the National Guard have
functions and powers that the Internal Troops did not have? Thank
Vladimir Putin: What prompted me
to do this? I should tell you that this question has been discussed
for a long time and from various angles. The first
and perhaps the most important consideration behind this decision is
the need to place the circulation of weapons
in the country under special control. If you paid attention, this
decision involves not simply removing the Internal Troops from
the Interior Ministry, but has to do with the fact that
everything connected with weapons, with firearms, is concentrated within this
agency. This includes all kinds of guard services, the licensing
system, oversight of private security companies and also
the Internal Troops themselves.
We hope to make this work more
efficient and to minimise maintenance costs for various
services. This position was also actively promoted by the Finance
Ministry, by optimising primarily administrative and staff
structures. This is also related to what happens and should happen
in the Interior Ministry and the National Guard itself.
Yevgeny Rozhkov: The reform
of the ministry of the Interior turned out to be
fairly large-scale. Employees of the FMS and the FDCS,
the Federal Migration Service and the Federal Drug Control
Service are asking many questions: “Why have these services been disbanded?” We
receive the following queries: “Tell us what will happen to FMS
employees? There are no vacancies in the Ministry
of the Interior, are there?” I will add a question
of my own: Will this reform delay the issue of passports?
It would be nice to know.
And one more question: the FDCS has
been also disbanded. What will happen with the thousands of its
employees? Mass-scale cuts and, hence, thousands of unemployed?
Vladimir Putin: No, there will be no
mass-scale cuts. Certain streamlining is inevitable and I have
already spoken about it but it will be carried out for the most part
at the expense of servicing departments: staff, financial
and so on.
As for the FDCS,
the Federal Drug Control Service, this is what should take place there.
Let us say it has an investigating unit. Naturally, it should merge with
the Ministry of the Interior’s Investigating Department.
The same applies to servicing units: accounting and so on. Some
streamlining is possible at this point and the Ministry
of Finance counts on it.
As for the operatives,
the main workforce, we realise full well that they cannot be reduced.
Nobody is going to do this by virtue of the tremendous
tasks that this agency addresses. That said we believe we will manage
to avoid overlapping of the Ministry of the Interior
and the former FDCS, because the ministry’s task was
to counter drug trafficking as well. What’s the point
of two departments working in parallel? To the contrary, we
hope for a positive change here.
The same applies to the Federal
Migration Service. First, there will be no delays in the issue
of passports or other documents; and, second, it is impossible to monitor
migration flows without the Ministry of the Interior’s active
involvement. This is simply impossible. Considering how sensitive migration
processes are, the state should enhance its attention to them rather
than decrease it.
In effect, these were
the considerations for making these decisions. Let me repeat that we
discussed them many times, in part, at the Security Council
Valeriya Korableva: Nagorno-Karabakh is another
case in point. There are many Russians who are ethnic Armenians,
and over one and a half million ethnic Azerbaijanis have Russian
passports. It is now uncommon for them to live side by side,
engage in joint ventures, and even become relatives. It goes without
saying that what is now happening in Nagorno-Karabakh is a matter
of grave concern for them. So the question is: “What prospects
do you personally see for settling the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict?”
Vladimir Putin: This is a very sensitive
issue, and I believe that we should be very cautious in dealing
with it, just as the well-known, “Do no harm,” principle
in medical ethics goes. This is a long-standing issue,
a conflict that has been frozen. Unfortunately there has been a surge
in violence. We will do our best to resolve it and find
solutions that would be acceptable for both parties.
Of course, Karabakh needs long-term
solutions. Let me emphasise that they can be reached only through political
means and compromise, which is a common thing to say, but
I can’t think of anything else.
A few years ago it seemed that we had come
close to a compromise. Unfortunately, it turned out that it was not
the case. We will continue our international efforts and carry
on bilateral cooperation along with activities to resolve
the Nagorno-Karabakh issue.
No matter what is said on this subject,
Russia is interested in settling this issue, as we want to have
full-fledged cooperation both with Azerbaijan and Armenia. You were right
to mention that many people of Armenian and Azerbaijani origin
live in Russia, there are millions of them. Thank God, there are no
problems of this kind in Russia. Moreover, I know both Armenians
and Azerbaijanis who, despite all the tragic events, maintain very
good relations on a personal level. I believe that this is
the right way to go. Russia will do what it can in this respect.
Of course, the people of Armenia and Azerbaijan must have
the final word in the resolution of this conflict.
Yevgeny Rozhkov: It is now time to move
to another region – Tomsk. We are live with the Tomsk State
University and our correspondent there is Pavel Krasnov.
Pavel Krasnov: Good afternoon
to the Moscow studio.
Greetings from Tomsk. This is a city
of students, researchers, one of the key research
and educational centres in Siberia, as well as Russia
in general.
We are now in Tomsk State University. This
was actually the first higher educational institution the east
of the Urals. It was established in late 19th century.
Back then, the name of the university was much longer. It was
called the First Siberian Tomsk Imperial State Classical University. Since
then, the name got shorter, while the university itself grew
and expanded. And it was not alone. Tomsk is now home
to a number of major universities, and 20 percent
of local residents are students. Of course, there are no students
without faculty and researchers. They are all here today: students,
faculty, researchers and those who dedicated their lives to academia
and higher education. We invited them here, to the so-called
professor room of Tomsk University’s research library.
I would like to start
by introducing Professor, Doctor of Science, Member
of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yevgeny Choynzonov, who heads
the Tomsk Cancer Research Institute. Mr Choynzonov, you can now ask your
question to the President.
E. Choinozov: Good day, Mr President!
Our country has been pursuing the reform
of the Russian Academy of Sciences for two
and a half years now. Nearly all research institutions of the country
have been involved in the process, and a large medical
research centre has been set up in Tomsk. However, the research
community is divided on the deadlines, phases, and ways
of reforming the Academy. Perhaps, it is premature to make even
preliminary conclusions, but I would still like to ask you, Mr
President, whether the first years of the reform have lived up
to your expectations. And how effective, in your opinion, is
the interaction between the Federal Agency for Scientific
Organisations and the Russian Academy of Sciences?
Thank you.
Vladimir Putin: They have more so than
not. One of our priorities when we launched the reform
of the Academy of Sciences was to involve young people
in doing research and development. We have recently seen a sharp
rise in the number of young researchers. If I am not
mistaken, young scientists under 35 now make up over 40 percent — almost
50, or 49 percent. And this is a good indicator, first
of all.
Secondly, we have been talking about how
to overhaul the way research institutes operate, how to make
them focus on breakthrough areas. And here I also see positive
changes, because, you know it better than me, modern science is developing
mostly at the junction of subjects, and when we merge large
research centres that survived from the Soviet days, we can end up
with — and we do — very good, efficient, young
and promising creative research teams working in breakthrough areas
of modern science, working for the future.
And I believe we are acting very
carefully because we introduced a moratorium on using real estate
property, material values and all the property that was left from
Soviet times. And it was in general done properly, I mean we did
not lose anything. Still, we are following the path of reform,
at least in the sense that we are uniting some fairly large
and promising research centres. So there is headway, and it is
Valeriya Korableva: Another question from
Pavel Krasnov: Thank you. I would like
to add that Tomsk, a city that boasts vast scientific
and educational traditions, is known not only in Russia but also far
beyond its borders. Students from almost 50 countries study
in the city's universities, and there are even teachers from
abroad. One of them is present here today. Eva Burbo, who was born
in Lithuania and arrived in Tomsk after her studies
in the Netherlands, would also like to ask her question
to the President. Go ahead, Eva.
Eva Burbo: Good afternoon, Mr President.
I am a graduate of the Maastricht University Faculty
of Law. Honestly, it is a great honour for me to ask you
a question, as I follow Direct Line every year.
My question has to do with
security. Currently, the situation in Europe is uneasy following
the recent events, and I no longer associate the word
”security“ with the word ”Europe,“ as the feeling of safety
is lacking. I have worked here in Tomsk, at Tomsk State
University, for half a year already and, frankly, I feel very
comfortable here and, I can say with confidence, safe. Along with myself,
there are also others among my colleagues from European countries, such
as Italy and Germany. So, here is my question: what do you think
of the possibility of more European students and teachers
arriving in Russia in the near future? Is there any make it
easier for them to be admitted to Russian universities? Thank
Vladimir Putin: Indeed, Europe is facing
serious challenges, and you probably feel more safe in Siberia than,
say, in Paris or Brussels. And I say this without any
irony, just the opposite, I am totally serious, giving due credit
to our colleagues, who are making attempts to effectively tackle
terrorism amidst the uneasy conditions of European liberalism.
The freedom of movement,
the Schengen Area and many other things related to today's
freedoms are used effectively by terrorists, and it is quite
difficult to combat this under the present laws.
Russia is not part of the SchengenArea, and I think you can rightly talk about a greater feeling
of security than in Europe as a person living currently
in Tomsk in Siberia. We will definitely welcome foreign specialists
and students arriving to work and study here,
and I have to say, their number is growing. I do not know
if there are restrictions – I believe there are none; there are only
restrictions as to the publicly-funded spots for foreign
students – they do exist, that is true.
In other words, the Russian
budget – this mostly applies to developing countries – provides
government-subsidised slots for free tuition, but otherwise
for the most part, of course, you have to pay. However,
I do not think there are any restrictions on paid forms
of tuition. Still, if you see that something is hindering the increase
in the number of interested parties, we will look at this
Regarding additional methods of enlisting,
say, foreign specialists, these include grants; we have maintained mega-grant
programmes for all scientists regardless of whether they are Russian
or foreign or Russians living abroad. If their areas of research
are of particular value to us, they come here, hire local personnel,
employ domestic researchers and work. We will continue this practice.
I wish you success. All the best.
Valeriya Korableva: Thank you,
There is a question on our website
related to the Timiryazev Academy. It comes from Yekaterina Lavrova,
a postgraduate student at the Russian State Agrarian University.
Here is her question: “In the current situation, when the issue
of import substitution and training highly professional personnel is
looming large in Russia, all of a sudden it became necessary
to impound the lands of our Timiryazev Academy. Tell me please,
is it really necessary to take land from an academy where unique
tests are conducted, and what is rationale behind this?”
Vladimir Putin: Recently, just a few
days ago, I was brought up to date on the situation
by Andrei Fursenko, my aide and former science
and education minister. We agreed that, first, the Timiryazev Academy
will be left alone, although of course Moscow should develop and housing
construction should continue. We will certainly discuss the issue with
the Government. I do not think there will be any problems here.
Nevertheless, the Timiryazev Academy
itself should make efficient use of the resources that it has,
including its land resources. If this land was provided in its time
for research and the for carrying out this primary
activity, then this activity should be carried out efficiently.
Valeriya Korableva: Let us give
the floor to Tatyana Remezova at the call centre.
Tatyana Remezova: Thanks, Valeriya.
Let us not waste time and answer
a call. The editors are telling me that we have Natalia Kindikova
from Moscow on the line.
Good afternoon, Natalia. What is your question,
Natalia Kindikova: Good afternoon, Mr
My name is Natalia Kindikova. I am
speaking on behalf of all stakeholders from the Solnechnogorsk
District in the Moscow Region, 850 families in total. We
invested over 4.5 billion rubles in the construction of two
villages, Bely Gorod and Nemetskaya Derevnya. The owners
of the Sabidom company began the construction but then froze it,
pocketing our money. Some stakeholders used their maternity capital to pay
for housing. Despite hundreds of complaints to the Interior
Ministry, criminal proceedings were not initiated for almost a year.
We understand that you cannot return our money
to us, but could we ask you to order an investigation
to find and punish the defrauders and to help us find
reliable investors to complete the construction? Thank you.
Vladimir Putin: Have you turned
to the law enforcement authorities?
Natalia Kindikova: Of course, we
Vladimir Putin: Could you repeat
the address of the construction site?
Natalia Kindikova: The village
of Nikolo-Cherkizovo in the rural town of Kutuzovskoye.
Solnechnogorsk District, Moscow Region. Our non-existing village already has
a name – Bely Gorod – and the second village,
Nemetskaya Derevnya, is located nearby.
Vladimir Putin: I promise you
I will make every effort to draw the law enforcement agencies’
attention to the problem. Now we do not know how this story will end,
but we will do our best.
While we were speaking with you, I looked
up at the running screen – not the running letters Bbut the screen and saw
a question about the National Guard: “The National Guard is
subordinate to the President. Do you not trust the law
enforcement ministers?” It is not about trust but about the fact that
the National Guard has been established as a separate
independent federal agency like a ministry, and all law enforcement
ministries and agencies are subordinate to the President.
Valeriya Korableva: Now we will connect
to one more location where our colleagues are working. This is Tula,
Russia’s weapons capital. I am giving the floor to Anton
Anton Vernitsky: Tula is Russia’s weapons
capital. This is Rostec’s Instrument Design Bureau. Its workers call it
the IDB. The latest Russian weapons are being assembled at this
munitions factory. What is this complex called?
Remark: Bakhcha.
Anton Vernitsky: Bakhcha is a unique
module that can be installed practically on any platform, from ICVs
and airborne combat vehicles to warships. They fire practically
automatically, without human involvement. And this is the Pantsir air
defence complex, or, to be more precise, its combat element, which is also
produced at this plant.
Such complexes protect the Russian skies,
including the skies above Moscow. Some of them are now operating
in Syria. They are located around the Hmeimim air base, where our
Russian pilots are staying. Here we have gathered people from completely
different occupations, and we will of course talk about
the defence industry.
The first question comes from a young
Question: Good afternoon, Mr President.
Our operation in Syria demonstrated top-notch
Russian-made weapons. How can we consolidate this success and sign more
contracts with foreign countries for our arms supplies?
Vladimir Putin: This is what is going
to happen.
First, recently we held a meeting
of the Special Commission on Military-Technical Cooperation.
In its open part I described what our weapon makers have achieved
in conquering international arms markets.
We occupy a stable second place.
The first place belongs to the United States: they sell more
weapons than anyone else. We are lagging a bit behind the US but not
much. The gap between us and those behind is huge, a factor
of several times.
I believe last year we sold almost $15
billion worth of arms. The year before last was the same,
and the last year we sold $14.5 billion worth of arms.
The total portfolio of orders for the next few years
amounts to $50 billion.
The interest in our weapons,
especially (as you rightly pointed out) after or during
the operation of our Aerospace Forces, and the Armed Forces
in Syria in general, has sharply increased. We cannot meet the requirements
of the foreign market in certain types of arms,
for instance, air defence systems.
This is exactly why – or this is one
reason, among others – we even had to build two new plants
for the production of this hardware. It is even possible
to say three, and I visited one of them recently. So,
we are on the upsurge in this respect.
Valeriya Korableva: And how did our
combat equipment manifest itself in Syria? Maybe some shortcomings
were revealed?
Vladimir Putin: Yes, everything was
revealed, including shortcomings. I must openly admit that there were
quite a few. Specialists are now meticulously analysing them. Moreover,
when military hardware was used in combat conditions, specialists from
many plants came to the site to bring this hardware
to the required condition. The work continues.
Yevgeny Rozhkov: We are waiting
for another question from our arms manufacturers. Anton?
Anton Vernitsky: Mr President, you have often
been to Tula, including this enterprise. As we talked
to employees before going live on the air, we remembered
a story where one worker asked you for a souvenir
and wheedled a watch out of you. We tried to invite him
to this call-in show…
Vladimir Putin: I have come without
a watch today. (Applause.)
Anton Vernitsky: We wanted to invite this
worker to the show but the management said he had left
on an urgent out-of-town assignment. Even so, we have a question
from the head of the department where this wonderful man works
and where we have gathered today.
Vladimir Putin: First of all, give
my best regards to your employee. I hope that he uses this
Yury Kuznetsov: He does. He is now
at Alabino, preparing the equipment for the parade.
Vladimir Putin: I see.
Yury Kuznetsov: Good afternoon, Mr President.
Vladimir Putin: Good afternoon.
Yury Kuznetsov: I am Yury Kuznetsov,
head of the heavy machinery assembly shop. My question will
surely be of interest to all defence industry workers.
At present, we have a lot of orders, a lot of work. We
buy new equipment. A large number of young people have joined us.
However, there has been frequent talk recently to the effect that it
is necessary to reduce state defence procurement orders. Could it so
happen that we will be left out of job and that,
as in the 1990s, we will have to carry out conversion
programmes such as manufacturing saucepans, frying pans, and other
household appliances?
Vladimir Putin: Indeed, this is not
an idle question. However, first of all, I should tell you that
state defence orders will not be reduced. True, we are reducing
the budgets of the Defence Ministry and some, in fact,
practically all defence, security and law enforcement agencies. Yes, we
are doing this in connection with well-known budgetary constraints.
And this is absolutely natural in the present-day situation.
We should temper the appetites
of defence, security and law enforcement agencies, just are we are
doing with regard to civilian agencies. It is essential to make
a more efficient use of budgetary resources. However, these
constraints apply to current operations, I stress, current
operations, not state defence orders. The state defence order will
be fulfilled in full.
However, you are right in that
the number of contracts and the utilisation
of manufacturing capacities this year and next are
at a peak level, but then it will start to fall as our
Armed Forces are provided with modern arms and equipment, which should
account for up to 70 percent. Naturally, the question
of how to utilise manufacturing capacities in the future
will come up.
Needless to say, we should think about
this now, and not only we but also you should think about this. We should
think about the conversion of enterprises. As defence
enterprises are provided with modern equipment, a total of about 3
trillion rubles has been earmarked for this – we act
on the assumption that the equipment what will be procured can
also be used for conversion in the future. Perhaps it makes
sense to give more leeway, so to speak, on certain positions
with regard to the implementation of state defence orders… By the way,
this is exactly what we are doing, but without any reductions.
We meet regularly, twice a year
in Sochi to discuss these issues, among others. Why Sochi? We go
and I take everyone along with me so as not be distracted
by some other, also quite important issues. But we specifically discuss the implementation
of state defence orders, the status of the industry
and the objectives of modernising the Armed Forces, how
these plans are implemented and what needs to be done
to accomplish everything on time and with good quality.
Valeriya Korableva: Thank you, Tula. It is
time we go to Natalya Yuryeva in the call centre.
Natalya Yuryeva: Thank you, Valeriya.
By now, we have already received nearly
50,000 MMS messages, nearly 12,000 video calls and over 10,000 video
questions. Apart from serious questions, we have had unusual ones as well.
Some have invited you, Mr President, to their birthday party,
and some have asked to be invited to see you
in the Kremlin.
Most of the questions come from
the Central Federal District followed by the Southern
and the Northwestern Districts. Interestingly, men sent more video
questions than women for the first time. Children are also very
active. But girls are the leaders here. Here is a video sent
in by Alina, a first-grade schoolgirl.
Alina: Good afternoon, Mr President.
Vladimir Putin: Hello.
Alina: My name is Alina,
and I am in first grade. Could a woman become president
of our Russia? Because daddy says that only Putin can deal with America. (applause)
Vladimir Putin: Alina, we should not focus
on how to deal with America. We have to think about how
to deal with our domestic affairs and problems, our roads, our
healthcare, education, how to develop our economy, restore it
and reach the required growth pace.
If we do all this, we will not have
to deal with anybody because then – only in this case – we
will be invulnerable people with bright prospects who want to live
in this country and are proud of it.
As for a woman president, maybe a woman would do best
at tackling these problems.
Natalya Yuryeva: Here is another child’s
video question.
Remark: What university does one need
to go to become president? Thank you.
Vladimir Putin: Any one, the main
thing is to be a good student.
Natalya Yuryeva: Now let us hear from not
just one child, but a whole group of children.
Vladimir Putin: Certainly.
Question: Mr President,
We ask you on behalf of our hockey
team to have a roofed-in ice palace built for our team
and our city.
Vladimir Putin: I see the boys
play bandy, which is also known as Russian hockey. How can we decline
to help Birobidzhan to build a facility for Russian hockey?
We will certainly do it.
I recently met with our bandy players. It
is no exaggeration to say that they are outstanding: they score brilliant
results year after year. On the whole, some decisions are made
to promote that sport, but I think we should pay it greater attention
than we do – bandy deserves it. We will see what can be done for that
wonderful team in Birobidzhan.
Yevgeny Rozhkov: We have been working
for more than three and a half hours. With your permission, we
will ask you some questions we have selected ourselves while preparing
for this programme.
Vladimir Putin: Look, there are two
crawler messages on your screens, though without addresses: “Help save
a palace, the face of our city. There is no money
in the budget [to keep it up].” I am not sure whether such
messages are recorded. We should find it, though there is no reverse address. What
is it all about?
Valeriya Korableva: They sometimes do not
specify their name but give the phone number to trace them.
Vladimir Putin: So much for that one.
And another, from Hydrostroi or something like that. It passed very
quickly, it was about wages five months overdue. We should see
the address, all right?
Yevgeny Rozhkov: So there are questions
from Ms Korableva and me, which we selected while preparing this
programme. Alexander from Dubna asks: “How would you comment on Barack
Obama’s admission that Libya was his biggest mistake?”
Vladimir Putin: First, it proves once
again that the incumbent US President is a man of integrity.
I am not being ironical in the slightest, because it takes
courage to make such confessions. Even when he was a Senator, Mr
Obama came down on the then Administration for the campaign
in Iraq. Regrettably, when he became President, he made the blunders
in Libya he has mentioned now. It is good and correct
for my colleague to be brave enough to make such
statements. Not everyone can do it. Whatever criticisms might be piled
on him from all sides, it takes a real strong man to do so. This
is good.
What is bad about it is that more blunders are
following. There was a narrow escape from a repeat
of the same error in Syria, and we do not know what
the end will be. However, I would like to call your attention
to the fairly positive turn which we have given the job
of late: we are working together fairly intensively through
the military, secret services and foreign ministries to find
the way to settle the Syria conflict. I hope that these
team efforts will bring us a positive result we will share, as was
the case in other areas in the recent past.
Valeriya Korableva: Mr President, Nikita,
a MIFI student asks what other enemies of Russia will be hit
by our Aerospace Forces?
Vladimir Putin: You know, our first task
is to deal a blow against sloppy work and bad roads
in the broadest sense of this phrase. If we do this well
and efficiently, if we achieve results, our Armed Forces will really be
invincible and the best in the world, as we would like
them to be: compact, inexpensive and modern. And then we will
recall this wonderful song of the Soviet era: “The Red Army is
the strongest from the taiga to the British seas.” It is
the strongest of all, as it is but it should fortify itself
in this position.
Yevgeny Rozhkov: First, about
the information you saw on the screen: Hydrostroi,
the enterprise and organization, are located in the city
of Alagir, North Ossetia.
Vladimir Putin: I will make
a note of it later.
Yevgeny Rozhkov: Sure.
A question from Crimea, the city
of Simferopol. Oleg Krasov asks you: “Mr President, could you promise
to Crimeans to run for the presidency in 2018?”
Vladimir Putin: Thank you very much
for the question but I think it is premature. In such cases
I always say the same thing and will now repeat it again: we
should be thinking today not about where and how we will work
in the future, but how to justify the trust of our
people today, how to achieve the goals that we are setting before us
and how to fulfil the promises we have made. Relevant decisions
will be made depending on future developments and performance.
Valeriya Korableva: One more question: “Is
it convenient to have such a weak Government?” – Yelena Ivanova,
Nizhny Novgorod.
Vladimir Putin: I don’t consider our
Government to be weak. The Government and the Central Bank
are operating in a professional manner. Of course, this is
a complicated job. As you know I worked
in the Government myself. I think this is the most
complicated job we have, but also the most interesting one.
Needless to say, much has to be done
to improve this work. We discussed this issue at length.
In part, the Prime Minister and I spoke about this quite
recently. Our shared opinion is that we lack a targeted approach
in the work of ministries and departments. In other
words, we have a common task but it is sometimes unclear how we are moving
toward the goal. Sometimes everything gets bogged down in daily
routine, whereas it is necessary to monitor progress towards
the goal – for instance, such and such a ministry
and department should reach such and such parameters
by a certain time. We need to establish what was done
in three months, half a year or during a longer period.
In this case it will be clear who is working how, who is responsible
for what and how they can be influenced. This is what we are
definitely lacking, and we must upgrade the performance of not
only the Government but also the entire state machinery.
Yevgeny Rozhkov: Here is a very
interesting question that arrived in an SMS: “Mr President, do you
use profanities when you are certain that you are not being recorded? If so,
to whom are they directed?”
Vladimir Putin: I do, sometimes, but only
at myself.
Yevgeny Rozhkov: What about your subordinates?
Vladimir Putin: This means I am displeased
with myself. I am guilty, perhaps I should not have said this, but
there is no use denying it. This sin does exist in Russia. We will atone
for it.
Valeriya Korableva: “We hear that
the Russian Government has drafted a bill that allows
the operation of so-called lottery houses. Under the law, they
will have not only sprint lotteries but also game machines. Why then were
casinos closed across the country 10 years ago only to be reopened?”
Vladimir Putin: Yes, indeed, this issue was
discussed in the Government. We agreed not to do this.
I will tell you frankly that I am against this decision, because no
matter how it is disguised by modern gaming methods and procedures,
these are essentially gambling machines all the same. We took this
decision so as not to get our people addicted in this respect,
but rather, to concentrate gaming zones in four or five places.
By the way, if we take this decision on gaming machines, this
will impair the capitalisation of these zones as well
as interest in them, and people who invest money there
as in a lucrative business will end up
at a disadvantage, so from any perspective, it is better not
to do this. And we will not.
Yevgeny Rozhkov: Well, we have been working
for three hours and 38 minutes. Over 3 million questions have
arrived. We have visited five population centres. Several criminal cases have
been initiated, I am told. So our Direct Line has already produced some
results. We hope that all officials who have watched our show have seen the problems
of their subordinates, their people, have heard the concerns
of average people and will promptly respond to your
instructions, those that have already been issued and those that have yet
to be issued. So thank you very much.
Vladimir Putin: Thank you.
We are wrapping up, but you know, before we
finish, I would like to go to the screen again.
I noticed a very interesting message and I will read it:
“I wish you a long life. Granny Zina.”
I believe Granny Zina
wishes a long life not only to all those in this studio but also
to all people of Russia. For our part, let us thank Granny Zina
for this post and hope that she stays healthy and strong
and that she is happy and healthy. Thank you all very much.
And another thing. Yesterday, I took
a look at these questions. I saw that there are quite
a few, not rude, but rather angry questions. For the most part,
I share the concerns, to put it mildly, of the people
who ask these questions, almost 100 percent. We are aware of this but we
cannot always do everything the way we would like things to be done.
Still, we will all work together actively to ensure that there are fewer
problems and more happy days.
Thank you very much!
Yevgeny Rozhkov: Thank you.
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