Mapping 9/11: The Fort Lee Mystery
Top investigators are revealing 9-11 suppressed evidence on Israelis involved in multiple attacks

[ Editor’s Note: Dear Israeli art students and Dancing Israelis, If you have not figured it out by now, yes we know who you are, what you did, who your handlers were, and the key people who did this.
Mass murder is a pretty serious crime. The cork on 9-11 has held well, but starting to wiggle now. You should, too. There is quite a surveillance record on you folks, including Mohammed Atta coming to visit you on a number of occasions.
The dead have lots of friends, not only those on 9-11, but those that followed in country after country, including the Iranian nuclear scientists you murdered and never put a shred of nuclear weapons program evidence on the table during the nuke talks.
We are combing through all the residents at the time of the three jammer buildings below, and have already named the complex “Israel on the Hudson”. Give our regards to all the JINSA folks. Yes…we know about that, too. Gordon will fill you in below… Jim W. Dean ]
Fort Lee, New Jersey played a key role in 9/11. We are mapping out, using Google Earth, some of the incidents involved in presenting a rational response to the cover up, both the government version and the amateur “aftermarket” B-grade version.
Fort Lee is the real staging ground for 9/11. It was chosen for a good reason.
The “condo and co-op” community there is the home of one of the largest and most politically powerful “Israeli first” groups in America including key members of the notorious organization, JINSA, the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, reputed to be more influential than PNAC (Project for a New American Century) and far more militant.
Is it a surprise that the George Washington Bridge, Fort Lee’s primary landmark and the “view” sought by the residents of the highrises chosen for planting the radio jammers, was scheduled for a dramatic demolition on 9/11 with hundreds of commuter vehicles slated for the bottom of the Hudson River.
The Able Danger investigation, years later, staff gutted by Clinton blackmail cutbacks, tracked a major terror operation to Fort Lee, New Jersey. There they found the CIA, Mossad and Saudi Intelligence pulling together operational teams, moving vans, “art students” and even a few “dancing Israelis”….
The “dancer/art student” groups had a variety of tasks on 9/11, among them:
- Planting jammers on buildings on exhibit one to block Port Authority dispatchers and first responder radios
- Plant explosives on the New Jersey side of the George Washington Bridge where the cables are anchored, in order to collapse the bridge
- Explode a truck in the Lincoln Tunnel
- Explode a truck in the Holland Tunnel
- Park trucks with demolition devices in specific parking areas of the twin towers
- Coordinate with Mohammed Atta and his group
Of the 3 jammers shown above, two were recovered and are held in evidence in Houston, Texas awaiting the “waiting until hell freezes over” Grand Jury to reconvene on Able Danger and 9/11.
Many remember the stories about how fire department radios didn’t work and how new radios would have taken care of the problem. This is the real reason for the radio problems.
The locations on this map were supplied by Jeff Smith who worked at the surveillance safe house and at the FBI office shown above. The safe house on Tom Hunter road was strategically placed to keep track of the Mossad “art student” rental further up Tom Hunter Road and across the street.
Mohammed Atta lived at 215 Main, four blocks over, within easy walking distance of the Israeli facility, the jammer targets and the bridge. He was across the parking lot from the Port Authority (220 Bruce Reynolds Road) which was within a “golf shot” of the FBI investigation offices.
The real purpose of the 9/11 attack was much more than taking down the World Trade Center. Imagine New York City, the WTC “evaporated,” the George Washington Bridge sitting in the Hudson, the Lincoln and Holland Tunnels flooded, hundreds drowned and the city entirely cut off and in full panic mode while police and fire radios were jammed.
Were other attacks on Washington foiled as well? The White House or Capitol Building targets?
Could martial law have been declared? Worse?
In the end we got the Department of Homeland Security. This reminds me of the Len Deighton book, SSGB, a fictional tale of Britain’s Scotland Yard, working for the German SS after Hitler’s successful invasion of the UK. We got the DHS after losing a war with AIPAC. You just can’t make this stuff up!
Note: We will continue pulling our full 9-11 update series together for posting on each new article so readers have them in the chronology they were published. It’s been one hell of a ride…Jim W.Dean
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