The Big Squeeze and the Destruction of the Middle Class
The Middle Class is being squeezed economically by rising unemployment, declining wages and rising prices -- this is producing a remarkable decline in purchasing power
by Preston James and *Mike Harris
A Pall of doom has swept over much of Middle Class America. The job market is dismal in most sectors and those who lose their jobs often find new ones with much less income.
New college grads are finding that there are fewer and fewer good job opportunities. Some economists claim that approximately 30% or more are back home living with their parents, working minimum wage jobs and carrying huge college loans that could easily keep them debt-slaves to the banks for the rest of their working lives.
The actual unemployment rate is 23-24% and the USG is covering it up.
The USG claims the unemployment rate is 5-6% tops. These figures are based on consciously manipulated input categories. The actual real unemployment rate in America is between 23 and 24% depending on how you calculate it.
The Great Depression (Movie on DVD) by Mario Cuomo, Charlie Maday (Executive Producer), Jonathan Towers (Executive Producer) Barnes and Noble
Some Americans are starting to fear that America is sliding back into the Great Depression of the 1930s, others that have lost their jobs and cannot find any new work and are living on public assistance and food stamps believe we are already there.
Consumer prices keep steadily rising due to the ever decreasing value of the US dollar. The only respite has been the recent massive drop in oil which has lower gasoline prices, but this is likely just a temporary aberration of a secret trade war between the USA and the Russian Federation.
The CIA’s ISIS/ISIL/Daish has been stealing oil and selling it for $20 a barrel to depress the oil market and stress the Russian Federation.
New electronic devices and related services now considered necessities are stressing many budgets.
Hidden costs have crept into almost every budget with new and quite expensive electronic devices considered by many to now be basic necessities. The costs of these devices and their use must be paid for on an ongoing monthly basis and it is not uncommon for these items to total up to $200 a month or more (after tax dollars).
These devices now considered consumer necessities usually include full-featured cell phones with full internet access, expensive cable TV and high speed Internet. It’s almost impossible to find a much less expensive, bare-bones old fashioned simple cell phone without a big screen and all the high tech expanded features which drive the cost up in some cases to $150 a month for that cell phone.
Yes, some of these advanced cell phones and iPods and iPads are great business tools for those who use them everyday in business where they can help generate new business or service accounts effectively. But for the struggling family or new college grad who cannot find suitable work, these can create undue stress on one’s budget.
The FICO score “credit trap”.
This is a massive but secret statistical modeling operation between the largest credit agencies which has established complex algorithms supposedly used to accurately rate a persons’ ability to repay a loan. What happens is that this FICO score is actually create a “credit trap” for many, who then have to pay much higher interest rates when they were never a serious credit risk in the first place.
The great Depression produced massive unemployment fractured homes, kids went hungry and many starved, all because of the crooked Banksters manipulating markets to acquire greater market shares.
The crushing effects of an unenforced southern border with the resulting massive illegal immigration.
One would think that the so-called phony War on Terror would have immediately resulted in a 100% lock-down of every single US border, especially the southern border with Mexico which is the location of at least three major drug cartels that ship massive quantities of illegal drugs into America. But no, because the CIA is in partnership with these cartels and gets a major piece of the profits; they protect the supply lines into America, which means that they make sure no southern border is policed.
What we know for sure is that illegal immigration seriously stresses many state budgets of the states along the border and also seriously stresses their hospital and welfare system, many close to the breaking point and bankruptcy. Some hospitals have closed because of this.
This mass of unrestricted illegal immigration has allowed thousands of Mexican felons and gang members who are cartel members into America, including some trained by American special forces at Fort Bragg.
But the large numbers of illegal immigrants from Mexico and central and South America that have migrated into America have also driven the labor costs way down, harming the ability of Americans to obtain employment with a wage high enough for basic subsistence.
Note: the economy in Mexico has been failing for the same reasons it has been failing in America — it has been hijacked by the organized crime cabal (OCC), which is asset-stripping it of resources and wealth and running drug cartels which compete and fight with each other; the continual infighting keeps them in check, while the OCC skims large profits, and the large Wall Street banks and OCC businesses launder the money.
The Recession which started in 2007 just never seems to end and there is no turn around in sight.
And on top of all this, the recession going back to 2007 just never seems to end, despite all the absurd false claims by the controlled mass media (CMMM) that the economy has turned around. Realists know otherwise and understand why things will never get any better until the basic underlying problems are resolved. And what is the serious underlying core problem that is responsible for this current recession that seems to never end? It is the illegal, unconstitutional, traitorous, seditious free trade treaties — NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT, WTO and now the TPTT.
But there are other new threats to the American economy and the ability of the Middle class to survive economically.
This is the intentionally malicious management of the American monetary production and distribution by the private Rothschild franchisee the Federal Reserve System, which just keeps printing and issuing more and more watered down US petro dollars.
We have had seemingly endless quantitative easings (QEs). Before that we had two major multi-trillion USD bank bailouts which were clearly illegal and unconstitutional. We later learned most of this money went to prop up the private Wall Street banks through their foreign private bank partners.
As the Federal Reserve System just keeps printing and issuing more and more USD in unbelievably massive amounts, the world becomes flooded with US petro dollars. Soon the World is going to reject the use of the USD and start dumping them. Already China, awash with dollars because of the free trade agreements, has been buying up large American corporations and all kinds of real estate and assets in America at fire-sale prices.
The annual US Trade Deficit is 140 Billion Dollars or more with no end in sight.
When the US economy started failing because so much taxpayer money was being spent on the various illegal, unconstitutional, unprovoked, undeclared wars, the USG was able to implement free trade as a stopgap effort to artificially raise the purchasing power of the American consumer. But this cannot go on for ever, as far too many US dollars are now in circulation and held in China because of this illegal, unconstitutional, treasonous free trade policy.
The So-called Free Trade Agreements are the root cause of this unending serious recession.
The main underlying problem responsible for this unending recession is the illegal, unconstitutional free trade agreements which include NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT, WTO and now the secret Trans Pacific Trade Treaty (TPTT).
Ross Perot warned about what NAFTA and free trade agreements in general would do when he ran for President: create a big sucking sound and pull major industries, manufacturing and jobs out of America. Initially, much of US manufacturing moved to Mexico. Now, it has moved to China.
What decent elected politician or USG Official would ever support such Traitorous, Seditious Free Trade Agreements as these? The answer is NONE.
Yes, no elected politician or USG official who obeyed their oath to the US Constitution would ever support such free trade agreements which are so notably destructive to the American economy. These free trade agreements have been slowly but surely sucking the jobs and life right out of middle-class America. To allow these treaties to continue intact is criminally insane and negligent beyond imagination. It is truly the setting up of the United States of America to commit slow motion economic suicide, and it is just hitting bottom right now in the middle class.
Treason is a Capital crime punishable by hanging on a military gallows like the assassins of President Lincoln or the convicted Nazi war criminals at Nuremberg. The excuse “I was just following orders” held no water. And the rigged legal opinions obtained by Bush1, Cheney and Rumsfeld will hold no water either when they are prosecuted for war crimes and crimes against humanity for the torture at black prison sites and the kidnapping and torture of innocent children.
Obviously, any reasonable person can easily conclude that America is under siege by some major enemy who has hijacked the US Congress and the whole political system. Certainly this must be the case, since it was Congress and poor administrative leadership run by compromised, corrupt Presidents that allowed NAFTA and the other criminal free trade agreements to strip America of most of its industrial manufacturing jobs.
How could Americans have been so stupid to allow these free trade deals to be passed? Sadly the labor unions were in favor of this, conned by their compromised leaders that promised free trade would provide lots of new jobs. This of course was a big lie that was repeatedly published and broadcast by the controlled major mass media (CMMM) and sadly many Americans fell for this con job and are now paying for it in spades.
How could these corrupt elected Politicians and USG Officials get into office in the first place?
Well as many know, most federal elections are manipulated electronically and politicians who have already been initiated into a very corrupt, pedophile based system have been pre-selected to compete. These individuals have already been completely vetted and indoctrinated in the Organized crime cabal to function as its cutouts and operatives.
And because many of these elected Politicians and USG are narcissistic (self-centered and strong willed) some tend to stray out of their allowed parameters. But they can be quickly brought back into compliance with the OCC’s top kingpin’s wishes by the use of various tools of blackmail and human compromise.
Private Equity (PE) groups and the planned consolidation of American business, including small business into virtual Cartels.
One issue that is often overlooked which is notably destructive to the middle class is the business model of the private equity groups. The is the very crafty method by which the large corporations consolidate and “roll-up” every industry sector which sells products or services to the American consumer.
How this “roll-up” of businesses is implemented is by identification of an industrial or consumer sector which may have 25-30 independent businesses. Once identified as a vital sector, the private equity groups will acquire a major player within that sector.
Once a virtual Cartel is created by the PEs, the roll-up of associated businesses occurs.
Once acquired, the PE group will use that company and their PE assets, which seem unlimited, to acquire other companies with that business sector, thus constituting the “roll up”. Once the target company has achieved critical mass by acquiring or rolling up a certain percentage of these businesses, they will begin predatory practices to either drive the competitors out of business and into bankruptcy, or to drive the price down for a more affordable acquisition price.
What the readers will notice is that once an industry sector has been successfully “rolled up” it will no longer have any robust competition. Thus, a typical roll-up reduces 25-30 competitors to perhaps 5-7 remaining competitors which technically function as a big cartel or monopoly, despite the ability of their corporate lawyers to skirt the law and avoid anti-trust litigation that can stick.
There are occasional situations where USG anti-trust actions are threatened and even started by the US Department of Justice, such as what was done with Microsoft. It’s not that the USG gives a damn about anti-trust, but this happens when it is attempting to blackmail a large corporation like Microsoft to allow the NSA to infiltrate it and use it for illegal spying on the public.
The new virtual cartel motto: “Our competitor is our friend, the consumer is our enemy.”
Yes, the PE groups always leave between 5-7 competitors in every sectors because it helps them avoid the charge of creating a monopoly. However as the ADM case showed in secret undercover FBI recordings of their Board Meetings, the few top competitors in their business conspired to raise prices in lockstep and shared a common credo, “our competitor is our friend, the consumer is our enemy”.
This practice is detrimental to the middle class, because every time the PE-owned firm acquires a competitor, they downsize, resulting in massive layoffs for economy of scale of course, and these jobs are gone forever. The other detrimental effect of these large PEs roll-ups has on the middle class is that this activity has a chilling effect upon the entrepreneurs, the self-employed, and even bank lending.
Once the nexus of control (the beach-head) is established the PE acquires competitors as a part of the roll-up.
As these PE-owned businesses grow, they continually raise the bar for small businesses to compete. This is accomplished in multiple ways. One way is if a small business is to be a supplier to the PE-owned business, the PE-owned business will impose impossible standards upon the small entrepreneur so strict that the standards cannot be complied with. The net result is that the small business that was a supplier loses a major customer which cannot be replaced. Once that business is lost, layoffs within the small business follow; this is how the layoffs propagate throughout the economy.
The other manner in which small business is harmed is the PE-owned business will have its own supply, chain which is typically owned by the same PE firm that has done the roll up with that industry sector. Overnight the long term supplier is out, and the new supply chain is in place. There is no way for the small business to replace these lost customers.
The PE Virtual Cartel Model is a real and direct national security threat to the American economy, American jobs, family income and the American way of life as well as to our Republic.
The American people need to realize that the private equity (PE) model is a serious danger to the economic security of the entire American Nation. The end goal of private equity companies is to consolidate every aspect of American commerce, and give the consumer fewer choices, while achieving “economies of scale” resulting in massive unemployment and the destruction of multitudes of small business that have been successful in the past, but find themselves facing bankruptcy and destruction.
This kind of massive PE induced corporate roll-outs and resulting consolidation of American industry and jobs, makes it quite easy for the top corporate controllers who run the PEs to run America, and to acquire more and more profit, and to buy off and bribe more politicians and USG officials. The top corporate controllers are themselves controlled by the organized crime syndicate (OCC).
Take the PE Cerberus Capital Management (of which George Soros is a principal) which has acquired a number of US gun manufacturers. Apparently, it is now moving to acquire grocery store chains. Or consider all the destruction that Walmart has done to small family businesses, many existing for generations, using CIA enterprise drug money.
Actually, PEs are RICO crime begging for prosecution.
Regardless of what these PE entities and associates claim, an honest US Department of Justice could easily and successfully prosecute them for constructive anti-trust and RICO for conspiring to fix prices and control the market. Right now, because the US Department of Justice is so notably corrupt, the only entity left which has constitutional authority to do this is the Military High Command.
Who is actually behind most of the PE “roll-ups”?
Astoundingly, it is a group of 147 major international corporations that have interlocked Boards of Directors. Of this 147, there is a group of the top 50 that are even more powerful. Together these interlocked international corporations constitute a secret shadow government (SSG) control structure and for the most part the SSG is controlled by the top kingpins of the organized crime cabal (OCC).
This roll-out consolidation process has actually been planned and deployed by the Rothschild private Banksters. It is their view that it is much easier to control the world’s various populaces, and especially the American people, when all their businesses are rolled-up and consolidated.
Traditionally small business has been the backbone of the American economy since this country was founded as a Republic. Destruction of small business by this means seems innocuous, but has had devastating effect upon the economy and yields massive unemployment on once secure and promising jobs for highly skilled Americans.
The Government assaults and asset seizures against small farms and businesses using the EPA and absurd federal, state and local regulations and zoning are knocking many of them out of business for good.
Many legitimate small family businesses are harassed by the EPA and State and local agencies as well as Federal and State tax agencies. The laws and regulations behind much of this is clearly Unconstitutional and technically serves as an illegal restraint of trade by Government entities. Of course those large 147 International Corporations who share large attorney firms are able to successfully resist any such actions to limit their enterprises. Water drainage laws, weird ridiculous building codes often prevent farmers and homeowners from enjoying the land they paid for.
And some legal experts claim Real Estate Taxes are completely Unconstitutional and most deeds show the buyer to be a “TENANT” instead a a true owner. An now the FDA has joined into this oppression of organic milk producers and farmers, and nutritional product producer, even swat teaming many and seizing all their assets so they have no money for attorneys and cannot access their or evidence held in their sized in their computers to defend themselves. These agencies are so oppressive they seem to have been trained by the Israeli anti-terror forces or the folks that started and run Homeland Security (DHS).
What must be done to save America?
What must be done to save America from the corruption of its elected politicians and its officials that have been working hard to create their own retirement fortunes while allowing the asset stripping and destruction of America’s economy and very existence?
The first thing is that all free trade agreements must be immediately dropped and stopped and fully recognized as illegal and unconstitutional. Fair trade agreements must be put in place with reasonable tariffs that create actual parity and encourage American manufacturers to come back to America and new ones to emerge inside America.
First, we have to start indicting, arresting and prosecuting these OCC kingpins and their cutouts — that is arrest these filth for their crimes against We The People and the asset stripping of America and their work to destroy America the Republic.
Second, the corrupt elected politicians and USG officials who are owned or controlled by the OCC are clearly in violation of numerous major US and state felonies including RICO, espionage against the USA, pedophilia, bribery laws for payments to foreign offshore numbered account called “Set Aside Allocations”, misprison of felonies and much more. Therefore, the key is to get them indicted, arrested, tried and convicted for these Capital crimes punishable by death.
Technically speaking, the US Military High Command now has the constitutional authority to act because the US Department of Justice has been shown to be completely corrupt, with a completely owned and compromised Attorney General Eric Holder who is leaving the office and has been hired by JP Morgan for an annual $77 million payoff salary.
Because of the involvement of foreign controlled Israeli-American “Israeli-first” dual citizen traitors inside America who did 9/11/01 and run the OCC, and who have committed treason, the US Military High Command now has the authority to arrest them, try them, convict them and hang them on a military gallows like they did to the Nazi war criminals, who were convicted and sentenced to death at Nuremberg.
An invitation for the new American Military High Command to take charge and assert their Constitutional Authority.
This article is an invitation and a personal request to the US Military High Command who VT knows is staffed by some serious American stand-up heroes who now fully understand that the OCC did 9/11/01 and all current so-called acts of terror: Please do your job and arrest these traitors, infiltrators and enemies within our gates.
At the end of the day the buck stops with you. So please do your Constitutional duty, there is no one else at this time empowered by the US Constitution to do so that is not compromised and controlled by the OCC which makes them arrestable by you with full Constitutional Authority.
Note: The Columnists, Editors and Directors at Veterans Today are working very hard to publish the real truth behind the stories that the controlled major mass media (CMMM) will never dare to carry. No other Internet journal has produced the depth of such information and facts that VT has. Here at VT we work very hard to provide actual information on how the world really functions behind the scenes, and have already provided a substantial amount of never-before revealed information. And know this, we are just getting warmed up, so stay tuned. Websites that dare to publish these articles are on the right track.
VT is now the recognized leader in “open source Intel” which is the actual future for all Intel, except for only a very small core of certain defense secrets that must always be protected for operational reasons. Yes, it is a known fact that thanks to the worldwide Internet, the New Gutenberg Press, various Intel sources all over the world are dumping non-operational Intel into the public domain making it “open source” in order to bring a worldwide correction against the organized crime cabal (OCC), which has run out of control and is now threatening the very survival of the human race, every nation of the world and the future of all high-level Intel agents and their families everywhere.
The OCC can not exist for long as an intact powerful organization if their dirty secrets and actual modus operandi are fully exposed. Without a wall of secrecy and the CMMM’s continued dispensing of their big lies and false-narratives, the OCC will be disempowered and crushed at every level over a period of time. So please do your Constitutional duty and share this information with everyone you can.
* Mike Harris is the Financial Editor of Veterans Today, a radio host, a former GOP Finance Chairman, Gubernatorial Candidate for Arizona, and a Senior Vice President of Adamus Defense Group, Switzerland. Mike is an expert in full-contact mixed martial arts. His long term expertise in such has gained him a lot of respect and the nickname “Iron Mike”. Mike was a part of the Veterans Today group that attended the Damascus Conference to Combat Terrorism and Religious Extremism. Mike gave about twenty five televised interviews that were broadcast to millions of viewers in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Iran. In these interviews Mike emphasized and supported the historical declaration by Keynote Speaker, Veterans Today Senior Editor and Chairman Gordon Duff that the real problem behind world terrorism is a large organized crime syndicate.
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