PRG Update - March 25, 2012
Past Updates are archived at:
Disclosure Petition II - The Rockefeller Initiative
Final count: 6937 Signatures needed: 25,000
The second Disclosure Petition was posted on the White House website for sixty days (including the first submission on December 1, 2011) and drew some media attention to the Rockefeller initiative. However, it did not achieve the necessary signatures to require a response from the White House and was removed from "We the People" on March 25j, 2012.
The reasons for the DP II not getting a White House response include:
- the 25,000 signature threshold, increased from 5,000.
- decrease in the public engagement of "We the People" after the threshold increase to 25,000. During the first sixty days after "We the People" was launched on September 22, 2011, between 15,000 and 20,000 petitions were submitted. During the past sixty days petition submissions were a small fraction of that number. The result has been far less traffic to the site and fewer crossover signatures. At this time only sixty petitions are active and many of those are early submissions waiting on a response.
- serious problems signing the petition. From early December forward PRG received many complaints from people having great difficulty signing the DP II. See some of those complaints here.
- petition fatigue. The "We the People" project is now five months old and many are a bit weary of being prompted to sign petitions.
- media coverage of the "We the People" project and submitted petitions has decreased substantially.
Disclosure Petition Project - What's Next?
(Disclosure Petition III) http://wh.gov/nqu
PRG recognizes it is unlikely any future Disclosure petitions submitted to "We the People" will achieve a White House response. Nevertheless, for as long as the "We the People" project is open PRG will make sure there is at least one or two Disclosure petitions resident at the site. Why? The White House website is a powerful showcase for any issue. There is heavy traffic. The media can choose to jump into the Disclosure issue at any time.
Only 150 signatures are needed to have a petition posted to "We the People" and only 60 petitions are currently active ensuring prominent exposure.
A new petition has been submitted and can be signed at: http://wh.gov/nqu
It reads as follows:
- "WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO ask Defense Secretary Panetta to respond to mounting evidence for nuclear weapons tampering by extraterrestrial craft."
- Disclosure Petition III - Nuclear Weapons Tampering
- Since 1991 government witnesses of high rank and station have been coming forward with evidence regarding incidents in which extraordinary craft of unknown origin have tampered with nuclear weapons facilities around the world. Despite extensive media coverage of these emerging testimonies since the Fall of 2010, the Obama administration has made no comment whatsoever regarding this evidence and its national security implications. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, who was chief of staff to President Clinton during the Rockefeller Initiative, should respond to these testimonies.
- Research resource: www.ufohastings.com
- Nuke tampering media coverage: http://tinyurl.com/87x6ldj
- Rockefeller Initiative: http://tinyurl.com/8x7k9lf
Standing Disclosure Petition at Change.org
(Petition) http://tinyurl.com/7jabaop
PRG has posted a version of Disclosure Petition I at the activist website Change.org It is intended to provide a collecting point for those supporting Disclosure. If the number of signers over time becomes sufficiently large, it may be useful with the media.
World Disclosure Day - July 8
Should anyone create an event or project connected to World Disclosure Day, please email the details to PRG and it will be listed in a section of the WDD website with: date, time, description, contact email.
Paradigm Research Group
4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814
PRG@paradigmresearchgroup.org 202-215-8344
Paradigm Research Group
4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814
PRG@paradigmresearchgroup.org 202-215-8344
It's time for our government to step up and present.. disclosure.. it is time for ALL of us to become what we are supposed to be. Light, love, and energy, that can help everything become one. I am finally for the first time in my existince joyful to know I finally have a purpose.. so let's get started.
Our Earth Perspective is small.
The greater number of Humanity sleeps, anaesthetically induced by the growing pressure of the importance of the dollar. This indeed alone holds the ~*Real Truth*~ of who we are...
We are ~*One*~
So Above so Below
The time is ~*NOW*~ to shake away the sleep from our eyes to live in Peace and Harmony with all other beings of ~*CREATOR LIGHT*~
Embrace ~*Change*~ it is our ~*BIRTHRIGHT*~ The entire journey is the blink of an eye!!!
sign me in
sign me in
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