Citizen Hearing on Disclosure
National Press Club - April 29 - May 3
Between now and the end of the year the components of the Citizen Hearing will be assembled. During that time promotional efforts will focus on raising awareness of the project within the ET research/activist community and the most interested public. International promotion of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure will begin in early January at which time the full website will be launched.
The Citizen Hearing will be conducted over five days. It will consist of 30 hours of testimony from approximately forty witnesses testifying in groups of three and four regarding events and evidence relevant to extraterrestrial related phenomena. Each witness will deliver prepared remarks to be followed by questions from the hearing committee made up of five former members of the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate.
The setting for and conduct of the Citizen Hearing will match that of a formal Senate hearing to the extent possible. The Hart Senate Hearing Room will be the model. In addition to a press section, there will be room for a public audience of approximately 300.
The entire Citizen Hearing, 40 hours, will be live streamed over the Internet.
Simultaneous translations for the live and Internet audience will be available in Spanish, Portuguese, French and Russian as needed.
The last Congressional hearing addressing the ET subject occurred in 1968. The motto for the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure is, "If Congress will not do its job, the people will."
Citizen Hearing Hotel - The Washington Plaza
The base hotel for the Citizen Hearing witnesses, committee members and VIP guests will be the Washington Plaza. Hotel rates in Washington, DC have increased dramatically, especially for May, and are scarce. The group code "Citizen Hearing" providing a discount should be active this week for the Washington Plaza phone and Internet reservations. Anyone wishing to stay at the event hotel should consider booking very early. PRG will attempt to identify other nearby hotels with the lowest rates and post them on the CH website. It is also possible to achieve lower rates by looking for hotels further out from Washington center but near the Metro lines.
Citizen Hearing Conference
Each evening between 7 pm and 11 pm speakers will present three 55 minute lectures on relevant subjects. These lectures will be presented in the hearing room with an audience capacity of approximately 350. This is a separate event that will also be live streamed to the Internet. More conference details will be posted on the CH website in January.
Citizen Hearing Interviews (Bassett)
Nov 29 - Coast to Coast AM w/ George Noory - 10 am PST
Dec - First Contact Radio w/ Josh Poet
Dec 2 - Conspiracy Show w/ Richard Syrett - 8:30 pm PST
Dec 23 - The Jackal's Head w/ Angel Espino - 7 pm PST
Conferences (Bassett)
Dec 7-9, 2012 - IV World UFO Forum - Iguassu Falls, Brazil
Feb 8-10, 2013 - Conscious Life Expo - Los Angeles, CA
Paradigm Research Group Status
The 2010 X-Conference was held in May six months after the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the beginning of the worst recession in the United States since the 1930's. The conference lost a great deal of money which threw PRG into severe financial straits. PRG is pleased to announce that all outstanding balances due X-Conference speakers and the venue have been paid. All that remains is a modest loan from a European supporter that should be covered by the end of January at which time PRG's balance sheet will be cleared.
Also, in 2010 two loans were made upon PRG's recommendations to colleagues who were subsequently unable to repay those loans. PRG has paid off one of those loans and should have the other, larger loan paid by May of 2013.
PRG greatly appreciates the patience and understanding of its colleagues and supporters during the past eighteen months.
It is quite unlikely PRG will experience any future financial issues going forward.
National Press Club - April 29 - May 3
Between now and the end of the year the components of the Citizen Hearing will be assembled. During that time promotional efforts will focus on raising awareness of the project within the ET research/activist community and the most interested public. International promotion of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure will begin in early January at which time the full website will be launched.
The Citizen Hearing will be conducted over five days. It will consist of 30 hours of testimony from approximately forty witnesses testifying in groups of three and four regarding events and evidence relevant to extraterrestrial related phenomena. Each witness will deliver prepared remarks to be followed by questions from the hearing committee made up of five former members of the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate.
The setting for and conduct of the Citizen Hearing will match that of a formal Senate hearing to the extent possible. The Hart Senate Hearing Room will be the model. In addition to a press section, there will be room for a public audience of approximately 300.
The entire Citizen Hearing, 40 hours, will be live streamed over the Internet.
Simultaneous translations for the live and Internet audience will be available in Spanish, Portuguese, French and Russian as needed.
The last Congressional hearing addressing the ET subject occurred in 1968. The motto for the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure is, "If Congress will not do its job, the people will."
Citizen Hearing Hotel - The Washington Plaza
The base hotel for the Citizen Hearing witnesses, committee members and VIP guests will be the Washington Plaza. Hotel rates in Washington, DC have increased dramatically, especially for May, and are scarce. The group code "Citizen Hearing" providing a discount should be active this week for the Washington Plaza phone and Internet reservations. Anyone wishing to stay at the event hotel should consider booking very early. PRG will attempt to identify other nearby hotels with the lowest rates and post them on the CH website. It is also possible to achieve lower rates by looking for hotels further out from Washington center but near the Metro lines.
Citizen Hearing Conference
Each evening between 7 pm and 11 pm speakers will present three 55 minute lectures on relevant subjects. These lectures will be presented in the hearing room with an audience capacity of approximately 350. This is a separate event that will also be live streamed to the Internet. More conference details will be posted on the CH website in January.
Citizen Hearing Interviews (Bassett)
Nov 29 - Coast to Coast AM w/ George Noory - 10 am PST
Dec - First Contact Radio w/ Josh Poet
Dec 2 - Conspiracy Show w/ Richard Syrett - 8:30 pm PST
Dec 23 - The Jackal's Head w/ Angel Espino - 7 pm PST
Conferences (Bassett)
Dec 7-9, 2012 - IV World UFO Forum - Iguassu Falls, Brazil
Feb 8-10, 2013 - Conscious Life Expo - Los Angeles, CA
Paradigm Research Group Status
The 2010 X-Conference was held in May six months after the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the beginning of the worst recession in the United States since the 1930's. The conference lost a great deal of money which threw PRG into severe financial straits. PRG is pleased to announce that all outstanding balances due X-Conference speakers and the venue have been paid. All that remains is a modest loan from a European supporter that should be covered by the end of January at which time PRG's balance sheet will be cleared.
Also, in 2010 two loans were made upon PRG's recommendations to colleagues who were subsequently unable to repay those loans. PRG has paid off one of those loans and should have the other, larger loan paid by May of 2013.
PRG greatly appreciates the patience and understanding of its colleagues and supporters during the past eighteen months.
It is quite unlikely PRG will experience any future financial issues going forward.
Paradigm Research Group
PRG@paradigmresearchgroup.org 202-215-8344
Paradigm Research Group
PRG@paradigmresearchgroup.org 202-215-8344