transforming Baby-Boomers into Baby-Busters
By Preston James, Ph.D on February 10, 2016
demise of the middle class: Stolen blind by the Khazarian Mafia private central
Preston James and Mike Harris
Baby-Buster is an asset-stripped Baby-Boomer, Baby-Boomer that becomes “Busted”.
Every day there are more and more new Baby-Busters in America that emerge as
the US economy sinks lower and lower due to fewer jobs, less income combined
with higher prices.
Baby-Boomers who now have great pensions and investment income should enjoy it
as much as they can, but also make significant efforts to survive the predicted
coming lean times, which many economists predict will be quite severe.
current prosperous Baby-Boomers are likely to see all their prosperity eroded
over the next few years as the US Petro Dollar continues to be displaced as the
World’s Reserve Currency by the BRICS Nation Development bank and the Chinese
AIIB, and others now arising.
“Greying of America” is now characterized by the emergence of more and more
asset stripped, hand-to-mouth living Baby-Busters which used to be moderately
affluent middle-class Baby-Boomers.
folks can no longer maintain the lifestyles they became accustomed to before Free
Trade devoured so many American good paying jobs and the Recession of 2008
eroded their savings account and investment interest income.
Baby-Boomers were doing quite well until they suffered the repercussions of the
2008 recession, fueled by the World’s largest mortgage fraud system which has
transferred many billions from homeowners and the USG as guarantor to the
Recession of 2008 has eroded the interest income and sustenance and many
Baby-Boomers who are now spending down their savings and investment principals.
As these become exhausted many have to return to work at least part-time to
even survive due to the inflation and constantly increasing taxation by big
unaccountable Federal Reserve Monetary policy is the culprit here for the
present and increasing debasement of the US Dollar.
surprising the 2008 recession as well as all other recessions and even the
Great Depression of 1929 have all been the direct result of Federal Reserve
System monetary policy and especially their discount interest rate charged to
ember banks to issue money in their name.
And such
policies have resulted in the progressive and systematic debasement of the
value of the US FRS Fiat Dollar Note, commonly referred to as the US Petro
this? All you have to do is research the progressive decline of the US Dollar
since 1913 until now.
current value of the US Dollar is now about 2% of its original value and that
is “res ipsa loquitor” or obvious proof of negligence based on what actual
reduced hard commodities and goods it will buy now compared to then. And the
single factor that has determined the value of this Fiat US Banknote is the
quantity issued by the FRS Banksters and that is influenced by the “discount
interest rates” set by the FRS for its “automatic self-drawn loans to member
banks and the interest rate spread set above that for the member bank’s
individual borrowers.
All this
directly relates back to actions of fraud and criminality by the FRS and their
large member Wall Street banks.
your central bank debases your currency by printing and issuing far too much
with no oversight, it has dire consequences for everyone except the privileged
few who run the tax and spend system inside the beltway or those special
interests who receive abundant “corporate welfare” from it.
includes those who don’t work for their money but live by speculation and
privilege or those Banksters themselves that profit daily from the biggest
Ponzi scheme in history by charging and receiving huge interest payments on the
so-call US National Debt.
this so-called US National Debt is not legally or Constitutionally owed by the
American people at all. It is all a fraud. The FRS cannot charge people
interest as rent for using what is required to be their own money in the first
America in 1913, the City of London Khazarian Mafia private central Banksters
were able to successfully bribe Congress and the President to get their Federal
Reserve Act Passed.
passage of this illegal, unConstitutional US Law actually constituted a secret
coup d’état which has characterized the take-down of the Republic and the
substitution of a whole new secret central (Federal) government run out of the
City of London.
secret financial coup d’état has essentially reduced America to an economic
province of the City of London private central Banksters, which is a small
private nation-state itself, and the home base of the Khazarian Mafia (KM).
passage of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 allowed the City of London to set up
the Federal Reserve System (FRS) as a Bank franchise of the Bank of England
located in the City of London, the Khazarian Fiefdom.
has provided an elastic checkbook, a credit card with no limits for the out of
control US Congress and the Administration.
since the Federal Reserve System (FRS) has been creating and distributing our
US money to us to use as legal tender printed by the US Treasury on its behalf.
But there are some conditions. The FRS has no oversight but themselves. They
decide on how much is printed and issued by various means, including directly
by themselves through complex bond issues and buybacks, but also directly by
their member banks who can create FRS money when they issue loans. This is
technically called Fractional Reserve Banking and debt-based Fiat currency.
was outlawed in the 100s in America. But the private central Banksters’
debt-slavery created by the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 has created a new type
of secret Bankster slavery in its place as a substitute.
This is
called debt-slavery and keeps folks enslaved to the private central Banksters
by paying interest to use what should be their own money, to pay interest on
the so-call US National debt and to pay Federal Income Taxes and Property Taxes
which are completely illegal and unConstitutional.
We now
know for certain that the Sixteenth Amendment allowing Federal Income Taxes was
never ratified and thus did not ever really become part of the US Constitution.
Bankster Fraud had its fingerprints all over this fraud which they felt was
essential to support their ever increasing Ponzi scheme.
income taxes were needed to help maintain an out of control tax and spend-more
system for Congress. But it was also deemed necessary to provide Congress with
an unlimited line of never ending credit accompanied by a continuing expansion
of the so-called US National Debt and interest payment on that fraud.
is a huge Ponzi scheme which has captured most of the World in its spider web
of debt-slavery.
And it
is Fiat because the money is created out of nothing air from nothing by Fiat
which is best defined as an official decision or order of those running the
bank which creates the money.
important condition of the FRS money creation and distribution is that all
money distributed to Americans for use is now technically only an FRS Bank
Note, that is, a loan obligation which the user has to pay interest on to use.
has been crafty indeed in its gradual change from US Gold Certificates and US
Silver Certificates to FRS bank Notes. Originally the money was issued as a
Gold or Silver Certificate with actual gold or silver behind it, redeemable at
any FRS Bank for actual gold or silver coinage.
but surely these certificates became notes only partially backed by Gold and
Silver and then in 1971 they became backed by nothing.
claimed they were then backed by the “full faith and credit of the USG”, but
essentially this has meant nothing but an ever expanding Bernie Madoff Made off
with our money) Ponzi scheme.
Now for
the specifics of how this World’s biggest Ponzi scheme works inside America.
has become a huge scam in which all Americans are now its victims, caught in a
giant FRS Ponzi Scheme. And it seems about ready to began a gradual
descent into collapse like
that which characterized the Lehman Brothers collapse in 2008 which triggered
the Recession of 2008 and the two subsequent bank Bailouts which ended up
totaling Trillions of US Dollars and which have been withheld from the American
FRS’s biggest crime has been to provide all the money “needed” to an out of
control US Congress and Administration in order to finance their massively
unbalanced budgets notoriously filled with pork and special interests, which
kickback to them with lavish perks, revolving door jobs and huge campaign
trick here you see is that the FRS will loan the USG as much as it wants for
its special interest pork/kickback programs and just add it on their ever
growing tab (the so-called US National Debt which is allegedly 13+ trillion
interest accrues and this is also added to the ever expanding out of control
tab, the so-called US National Debt.
Do you
think maybe the KM Select Few leadership has engineered this massive FRS Ponzi
scheme to eventually collapse and take the World down with it in order for
their Globalist NWO Phoenix to arise from the ashes and mass death?
the US Congress and Administration of this out of control spending of imaginary
“created from vapor” Fiat FRS notes habit is about as easy as breaking a heroin
addict of his heroin if it is supplied free in unlimited supply.
Our US
Congress has been mainlining Fiat FRS notes from this ever elastic
checkbook/revolving credit ever since several years after the inception of the
FRS, and the payments due it for accrued interest on account are ever
experts now claim that a major part of our budget is now paid as interest on
the so-called US National Debt, and this could be as high as 38-40%.
None of
this US National Debt is legal or binding because it is a direct violation of
the US Constitution which requires Congress to issue real money backed by Gold
and Silver. By the way there is no statute of limitations on Fraud crimes
especially of this magnitude so technically We The People should be able to go
after them legally if we clean up our US Department of justice.
should be able to prosecute them under RICO which will then allow us to seize
all FRS and KM assets wherever they are and claw them back, all of them even
those taken as lavish bonuses and salaries and other illegal perks.
A Ponzi
scheme always continues to expand until it collapses when the income cannot
sustain the promised and demanded expenses. Many economists and financial
experts predict this end point is coming when this whole so-called US National
Debt becomes so large that there will be no money left after making payments on
the interest. Some believe America will then enter into a new Dark Ages of
economic collapse that will make the Depression of the 1930’s look moderate.
And some
believe that the FRS engineers recessions and depressions periodically so its
associated big corporations can acquire valuable American land and assets of We
The People at fire-sale discount rates.
worked hard, attained success and for the most part comfortable lifestyles.
born right after WW2 for the most part worked hard and attained much success
economically. They became the American Middle Class. Two-foot closets and one
car garages became walk in closets and one-car garages became two and three car
garages. Children were sent to college and some had their expenses paid. In
general, life for the Baby-Boomers was good.
were always periodic setbacks and financial and economic cycles, but in general
with hard work, many attained good employment that became careers, good paying
trades, and professions. Overall, good pay, retirement funds, a a nice bevy of
possessions including homes, nice cars and vacations became the norm. Some of
the most fortunate were able to buy lake cabins, hobby farms and second
retirement homes. The executive class arose and did exceedingly well with
lavish foreign vacations and a lot of luxury purchases.
In 2007,
the bottom began to drop out and in 2008 for many Americans it did drop out.
American FRS Ponzi scheme began to shudder and reach its operational limits. In
2008 Lehman Brothers went under and Hank Paulson the secretary of the Treasury
told key Members of Congress and the US President that if there was not a 900
billion dollar bailout, America would collapse economically in mere days and
would descend into martial law. Was this a threat or just an analysis of
reality at that point of how unstable the Ponzi scheme had become?
The joke
was on us, the American People and it still is unfortunately as most remain
asleep. But it made these two KM Banksters rich beyond imagination at our
expense and destroyed the retirements and lifestyles of many Baby-Boomers who
had worked hard and saved all their lives. It has been this kind of reckless
criminal behavior and RICO financial fraud that has is transforming millions of
Baby-Boomers into Baby-Busters. Obviously it is time for the baby-Boomers and
the new baby-Busters to wake up from their Controlled Major Mass media
mind-kontrolled stupors!
The rest
is history. The US Congress and the President gave the FRS its Bailout, passing
the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, and then later after Barack
Obama’s election, he provided another second one just as large. And after that
additional monthly bailouts called Quantitative Easings were made to keep the
FRS Ponzi scheme temporarily afloat until the .0001 super rich could transfer
their assets into foreign based currencies and offshore safer location often
heavily invested in Gold, Silver and hard commodities.
on, during a Congressional Hearing, it was learned that this was only the tip
of the iceberg and that the FRS had issued and provided Trillions more to their
associate foreign City of London private central banks in other European
countries to keep them afloat. Representative Ron Paul claimed this amount was
in excess of two trillion dollars, but it could be far higher. Because all
attempts so far in Congress to force a complete audit of the FRS have been
half-hearted and failed, we cannot know all the facts and details.
reason Congress is not serious about reigning in the FRS is because it is
addicted to the KM private central Banksters elastic checkbook and the
luxurious lavish lifestyle it allows them to have because of this tax and
spend/kickback system which characterized Congress.
So now
it is 2016 and the FRS Ponzi scheme appears to again be reaching it point of
collapse or at least to once again to have become in serious trouble.
The real
problem here is the money system itself is a Fiat counterfeit private “money
from nothing” system where we all have to pay interest to use what should have
been our own money in the first place system.
has printed and issued and spent so many US Dollars all over the World, that it
is finally becoming debased and its general value is unstable. The only thing
keeping it floating right now seems to be that the other nations money is
devaluing faster.
So far
in this race to the bottom, many from other nations have turned to the USD as a
last bastion of hope which help temporarily buttress it’s value. But this
cannot last forever. But why?
reason is that the light-bulb has gone off in many heads all around the World,
including Americans. People are finally figuring out that the Banksters create
money from nothing and lend it to citizens at interest to gain their huge
wealth and lavish lifestyles through a fraudulent speculation based Ponzi
else has to labor for their money usually a minimum of a 40 hour work week in
America, often more. Why should we the American people have to continue paying
interest to use our own money and allow the US Congress to keep borrowing to
pay for all these treasonous sedition so-called Free Trade Agreements which are
exporting most of our good jobs.
It is
our country, our Republic and it should be our money, issued at no interest and
issued at controlled quantities that do not debase its value.
The top
KM Banksters love Baal and worship him with kidnapped young children. If they
can do this, no wonder they don’t feel guilty engineering false-flag terror,
staged wars, recessions, depressions, and assassinations of politicians and
And how
much money is made, how it is backed and how it is distributed to We The People
to be used should actually be decided by We The People, not some foreign based
Khazarian Mafia private central Banksters from the City of London or their
stateside puppets.
Khazarian Mafia private central Banksters are in it for themselves to attain
their own devilish “take over the World” Globalist NWO Agenda and do not give a
damn about the interests of We The People. Anyone who studies the actual
sinister background and origins of the Khazarian Mafia quickly finds that they
hijacked High Freemasonry and use it as cover and are actually an occult secret
society at the top based on Baal worship involving pedophilia and child
sacrifice. Insiders have referred to them as the World money-changers, or even
the “The Baby” for their Babylonian Talmudic “money-magick”, some who have left
their circles call them the Olympiads or the Synagogue of Satan or Luciferians.
Many of
the leaders of the rest of the World are getting tired of being victimized by
the FRS and the Khazarian Mafia Banksters and the US Petro Dollar which has
been the World’s Reserve Currency.
Is the
end of the hegemony of the US Petro Dollar System now fast approaching?
It was
President Nixon at the direction of his KM national security adviser Heinz
Kissinger that negotiated the special secret arrangement with the Mideast Oil
Producers. The deal was that the USG would provide military protection for them
if they agreed to only accept US Dollars for their oil sales.
This led
to the US Dollar becoming the World’s Reserve Currency, a powerful advantage
that has been seriously abused by the FRS on behalf of those they represent,
the Khazarian Mafia and their City of London private central Banksters.
And in
reaction to this continued abuse many of the World nations leaders are forming
new banking and currency systems which will serve as a strong firewall against
the US Petro Dollar.
economists are now predicting that the US Petro Dollar is going to cease to
function as the World’s reserve Currency.
believe it will be diminished in value and be used as part of a basket of World
currencies adjusted one to another for exchange value by international trade
We have
the BRICS System in which this kind of system is now set up and running, after
just getting started. The Chinese AIIB is now emerging too and many private
trade deals are being negotiated by World leaders without using the US Petro
think it may even disappear from use eventually after a hard crash, replaced by
a “basket” (collection) of Gold, Silver or commodity backed currencies adjusted
for value by a new International Trading Board which will be set up like that
of the BRICs or the AIIB.
In any
event the bottom line is this, the abundance of American Baby-Boomers is now
coming to an end and their lives are market by evidence of major ongoing asset
stripping by the FRS via its elastic money-creation-at-will Fiat counterfeiting
Ponzi scheme.
For many
this Baby-Boomer abundance ended in 2008-9 when many retirement funds and
investments lost up to 40-50%. Some came back, but many did not. Many thousands
over-bought expensive home with borrowed money to get bigger tax right-offs or
as investments based on bad investment advice or easily obtained loans with
little vetting.
past home of the World’s best automobile production plants. Now a bankrupt
virtual wasteland of homelessness, unemployment, debt and death. Is this what
is store for most large American cities as the FRS Ponzi scheme approaches
We have
now seen the decay of the industrial Midwest to what is commonly called the
Rustbelt. Detroit, aka the Iron City, which used to a bastion of good paying
automotive manufacturing jobs is not an economic wasteland and actually
City pensions have been reduced to a fraction. All over America, major cities
and even whole states are facing bankruptcy. Pensions are now under fire and
some experts say they will never pay out what folks expected or even put in.
Savings accounts pay almost nothing.
CD and
interest used to provide 5-6% sometime even more. Savings accounts now provide
less than 1% for most insured savings accounts. Inflation is realistically at
7-9% a year despite what the USG claims. Do the math, it comes out quite bad.
he USG
official Unemployment figure is reported at 5-6% but is actually at about
22-24% with over 90 million able Americans who want work out of work. This
massive loss of jobs and reduced income is a sure indicator of a major coming
financial disaster, most likely a complete depression that will surpass the
great depression of 1929.
Now for
the saddest, toughest, most unjust part of all.
retired seniors living on social security who used to supplement that with
interest from investments and savings accounts are now spending down these
accounts because interest was reduced to almost nothing, far below inflation.
Many have had to go back to work just to be able to eat. We are seeing folks in
their 70s and in some cases their 80s getting part time jobs just to survive,
when they worked hard and saved all their lives to prepare for a good
retirement without having to work again at all.
And at
the same time we are seeing many thousands of immigrants be allowed to enter
and live in America, given sanctuary as refugees and are given far more money
in aid that many Baby-Busters live off of and all paid for by taxes and money
borrowed from the FRS. The USG Accounting Office (GAO) has reported that the
USG has already spent most Social Security funds that were supposed to be kept
in a long-term lock box. Now they are paid directly from the US Budget and
about 40% of the official US National Budget is borrowed from the FRS.
The only
ones that seem to be free of this financial blight in America so far are the
Government workers who get great retirement pay.
former members of Congress and appointed officials, some of whom get 80% of the
salaries they received while working. How long are We The People going to
accept this great disparity with members of Congress feathering their own beds
at our expense. And it is always off the back of the working man and woman,
those who actually work for a living everyday. members of Congress work for
AIPAC and their special interest lobbyists, but the ones they are owned by are
the Khazarian Mafia private central Banksters. Too bad they don’t realize how
they have helped them ruin America bu playing into this massive FRS Ponzi
the most successful American cohort in history are now being transformed into
Baby-Busters at an alarming rate destined to rapidly increase if we are reading
the tea leaves correctly.
Baby-Buster is a person that was previously a Baby-Boomer that lived a
comfortable life and has now become someone that is hanging on for dear life
having a difficult time surviving economically. Many Baby-Busters who have
retired have had to get part-time jobs just to be able to afford food and
needed medications for serious chronic health conditions.
the prevailing economic winds that are not upon us and the impending financial
storm does not bode well for Baby-Boomers’ children and grandchildren. Unless
the situation is completely turned around they are unlikely to ever have
anything that approaches the abundant middle class life their parents or
grandparent Baby-Boomers attained. Most will never own their own homes or ever
get out of debt-slavery.
40% of the recent college grads cannot find work commensurate with their level
of education and face a lifetime of college debt payment at high interest with
no means to pay it off.
28% are back home living with their parents. Many are working entry level
retail and fast food or assembly jobs that do not pay enough to even live off
of. And as the Baby-Boomers become Baby-Busters they cannot provide much help
for their kids and grand-kids other than perhaps a place to live.
As many
Baby-Busters lose their homes and end up in overly expensive small apartments,
they cannot provide much living space for their kids anymore, nor help them
much or even leave them much when they die. This rampant downward mobility of
their kids and grand-kids is setting a pattern for the future that looks bleak,
with no way out.
line is that the way things are shaping up more and more Americans are becoming
dependent on Food Stamps (EBT cards) and Welfare.
now America is being globalized, jobs exported to make fat profits for the major
KM linked International Corporations and America is being transformed into a
cross between lawless, indigent Mexico and a Police State like GAZA II, right
before our eyes.
the folks that really run America the KM hijackers are rolling out their
Globalist Agenda and breaking down America’s borders, language and culture.
They are bringing in many millions of immigrants, legal and illegal and have
set up “sanctuary cities” with little law enforcement for illegals. Bottom line
is what jobs there are left for Americans after Free-Trade, they are quickly
being lost to the mass wave of immigrants, many of whom get full welfare
benefits especially the ones from Africa and the Mideast that have been given
Refugee Status.
most Baby-Boomers are asleep at the wheel, mesmerized by their TV, computers,
Movies, fantasy entertainment, professional sports, and their leisure
lifestyles, unaware of the economic catastrophe awaiting them ahead.
Baby-Busters are now struggling and having a hard time working overtime or
extra jobs just to survive, but they too seem strangely mesmerized and unable
to become motivated to take any political action to try and change things in
their own government. Maybe they all believe it is hopeless. Or maybe they just
can’t fathom that the USG has declared a secret war against We The People on
behalf of the KM which has infiltrated and hijacked them..
As the
economic system continues to crumble over the next few years, increasing
pressure is going to be applied to elected officials by the American masses as
they become increasingly desperate. Many will go away in quiet desperation at
first but then grass root organizing will create massive protest and a strong
emerging populism. The USG at that point will have several options. One is
provoke covering events to hide their responsibility such as a nuclear WW3 with
Russia or China or some Coalition of other nations, perhaps using Iran,
Pakistan, Turkey or north Korea as an ignition point. Another covering event is
to release a biological plague on Americans and perhaps numerous nations all at
once or in waves.
such events most of our fearless USG leaders will go underground into DUMBS
until the death rate and devastation subsides. Another covering event that
could be used would be to engineer major weather catastrophes like simultaneous
destructive hurricanes and tsunamis produced by seabed placed nukes. Another
option that could be used would be to set off an aerial EMP to take much of the
electrical grid down and then blame it on another nation or on a meteor. Or the
USG could simply allow the financial system to crash out and all the major
urban areas to self-destruct and burn and turn into an urban predatory death
jungle while martial law is being invoked slowly.
it is unlikely that the rest of the World will allow these Khazarian Mafia
private central Banksters to defraud them much longer. They are likely to be
stopped one way or they other and blamed for everything that has gone wrong,
all the wars, the mass-murder, the starvation, the Hell on earth all over much
of the Third World.
there is a much better option. That is to start telling the public the truth
and use it as a weapon to route out the Khazarian Mafia infiltrators and
hijackers. Stop hiding all the secrets about Alien ET back engineered
anti-gravity and free energy and release it for commercialization. the oil
companies have been extensions of the Khazarian Mafia Banksters and have been
stealing us blind and serving as a weapon of Globalization used against We the
people and the American republic.
oil companies must be broken up and can survive making plastics and clothing.
And they can shift into making plant based motor oils too which is a viable
option. Sharing this now secret Alien ET technology such as free energy would
create a cheap energy revolution and if rolled out properly could liberate
Americans and most of the World from poverty.
Truth is
the antidote for lying and deception and these Khazarian Mafia private central
Banksters and the politicians and large corporations they control live off of
the lies, false-narratives and USG propaganda. Hard core truth can be an
effective weapon of war against them and right now the Worldwide Internet
provides a powerful means to disseminate it. Americans better wake up out of
their mind-kontrolled stupor and break the spell that has been put on them by
the Khazarian Mafia Banksters before it is too late and America is destroyed.
Harris is the Financial
Editor of Veterans Today, a VT radio host Tuesday and Thursday at 5-7 CST,
former GOP Campaign Finance Chairman and gubernatorial candidate for Arizona,
and Senior Vice President of Adamus Defense Group, Switzerland. One of his
recent accomplishments is his coining the term Khazarian Mafia (KM) which was a
result of an extensive study of the true history of Bolshevism and examination
of translated documents. Another recent accomplishment was discovery of the
high level of efficiency and effectiveness in the Russian defense industries
compared to the planned obsolescence and incompetence of American Defense
Contractors which appear to be needed to keep vast profits flowing with the
various kickback and perks to some members of Congress. He also recently coined
the term “Baby-Buster” which effectively describes the recent significant
asset-stripping of the previously affluent and well-off
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