

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

FR -- Manlio Dinucci -- L’Art de la Guerre -- Manoeuvres stratégiques derrière la crise du Coronavirus

L’Art de la Guerre
 Manoeuvres stratégiques derrière la crise du Coronavirus 

Tandis que la crise du Coronavirus paralyse des sociétés entières, de puissantes forces sont à l’oeuvre pour tirer l’avantage maximal de la situation. Le 27 mars l’OTAN sous commandement USA s’est élargie de 29 à 30 membres, en englobant la Macédoine du Nord. Le jour suivant -alors que se poursuivait l’exercice USA “Défenseur de l’Europe 2020”, avec moins de soldats mais plus de bombardiers nucléaires- a commencé en Écosse l’exercice aéronaval OTAN Joint Warrior avec des forces US, britanniques, allemandes et autres, qui durera jusqu’au 10 avril y compris avec des opérations terrestres. 
En attendant, les pays européens de l’OTAN sont avertis par Washington que, malgré les pertes économiques provoquées par le Coronavirus, ils doivent continuer à augmenter leurs budgets militaires pour “conserver la capacité de se défendre”, évidemment de l’”agression russe”.
À la Conférence de Munich, le 15 février, le secrétaire d’état Mike Pompeo a annoncé que les États-Unis ont sollicité les alliés à débourser 400 milliards de dollars de plus pour augmenter la dépense militaire de l’OTAN, qui dépasse déjà amplement les 1.000 milliards annuels. L’Italie doit ainsi augmenter sa propre défense militaire, qui se monte déjà à plus de 26 milliards d’euros annuels, c’est-à-dire plus que le Parlement n’a autorisé à débourser ponctuellement pour l’urgence Coronavirus (25 milliards).  
L’OTAN gagne ainsi du terrain dans une Europe largement paralysée par le virus, où les USA, aujourd’hui plus que jamais, peuvent faire ce qu’ils veulent. À la Conférence de Munich Mike Pompeo a violemment attaqué non seulement la Russie mais aussi la Chine, en l’accusant d’utiliser Huawei et d’autres compagnies comme “cheval de Troie de l’intelligence”, c’est-à-dire comme outils d’espionnage. Ce faisant les États-Unis accroissent leur pression sur les pays européens pour qu’ils rompent aussi les accords économiques avec Russie et Chine et renforcent les sanctions contre la Russie.
Que devrait faire l’Italie, si elle avait un gouvernement qui veuille défendre nos réels intérêts nationaux ? 
Elle devrait avant tout refuser d’augmenter notre dépense militaire, artificiellement gonflée avec la fake news de l’”agression russe”, et la soumettre à une révision radicale pour réduire le gaspillage d’argent public dans des systèmes d’arme comme le chasseur USA F-35. Elle devrait immédiatement supprimer les sanctions contre la Russie, en développant au maximum l’échange avec elle. Elle devrait adhérer à la requête -présentée le 26 mars à l’ONU par la Chine, la Russie, l’Iran, la Syrie, le Venezuela, le Nicaragua, Cuba et la Corée du Nord- que les Nations Unies fassent pression sur Washington pour abolir toutes les sanctions, particulièrement nocives au moment où les pays qui les subissent sont touchés par le Coronavirus. De l’abolition des sanctions contre l’Iran dériveraient aussi des avantages économiques pour l’Italie, dont les échanges avec ce pays ont été pratiquement bloqués par les sanctions USA. Ces mesures et d’autres donneraient de l’oxygène surtout aux petites et moyennes entreprises étouffées par la fermeture forcée, rendraient disponibles des fonds à destiner pour l’urgence, en faveur surtout des couches les moins défavorisées, sans pour cela s’endetter.
Le plus grand risque est celui de sortir de la crise en ayant au cou le noeud coulant d’une dette extérieure qui pourrait réduire l’Italie aux conditions de la Grèce. Plus puissantes que les forces militaires, et qui ont aussi en main les leviers décisionnels du complexe militaro-industriel, sont les forces de la grande finance internationale, qui sont en train d’utiliser le Coronavirus pour une offensive à l’échelle mondiale avec les armes les plus sophistiquées de la spéculation. Ce sont elles qui peuvent porter à la ruine des millions de petits épargnants, et qui peuvent utiliser la dette pour s’approprier des secteurs économiques entiers. 
Dans cette situation décisif est l’exercice de la souveraineté nationale, pas celle de la réthorique politique mais celle, réelle, qui, garantit notre Constitution, appartient au peuple.
Manlio Dinucci
il manifesto, 31 mars 2020
Traduit de l’italien par Marie-Ange Patrizio

Monday, March 30, 2020

Larry Romanoff -- COVID-19: visando a Itália e a Coréia do Sul? “A cadeia de transmissão da infecção”

COVID-19: visando a Itália e a Coreia do Sul? “A cadeia de transmissão da infecção”
Global Research, 21 de Março de 2020
Um virologista italiano de alto nível, Giuseppe Remuzzi, publicou uma colecção de artigos no Lancet e outros textos nos quais afirma factos até agora desconhecidos. (1)
O médico afirmou que os médicos italianos se recordam agora, de ter visto:
“Uma pneumonia muito estranha e muito grave, principalmente em idosos, em Dezembro e até em Novembro [de 2019]. O que sugere que o vírus estava a circular, pelo menos, na Lombardia e antes de termos conhecimento deste surto estar a ocorrer na China. ”(2)
As autoridades médicas chinesas determinaram o mesmo fenómeno, posteriormente, que o vírus estava a circular entre a população talvez, durante dois meses, antes de, finalmente, explodir em campo aberto.
Mais ainda, de acordo com o Serviço Nacional de Saúde de Itália (ISS):
 “Não é possível reconstruir a cadeia de transmissão da infecção de todos os pacientes. A maioria dos casos relatados em Itália, refere uma ligação epidemiológica com outros casos diagnosticados na Lombardia, Emilia Romagna e Veneto, as áreas mais afectadas pela epidemia. ” [tradução de italiano] (3)
A declaração acima é de importância crucial, visto que apoia a afirmação de vários agrupamentos de infecção simultâneos e vários 'pacientes zero'. Existem casos na Lombardia, que não puderam ser colocados numa cadeia de infecção e o mesmo também deve ser verdade para outras áreas. (ver abaixo) Dado que o vírus eclodiu separadamente em várias regiões de Itália, podemos esperar a identificação de grupos infecciosos independentes também nessas regiões. O que significaria que a Itália foi atingida por, pelo menos, várias 'sementeiras' individuais do vírus.
O surto de consequência na China, ocorreu principalmente na cidade de Wuhan, mas com várias fontes na cidade e vários pacientes zero, com um surto menor em Guangdong que foi contido facilmente. A China teve vários grupos em Wuhan. Não houve uma fonte de origem única e nenhum paciente zero foi identificado, o que é semelhante ao sucedido em Itália.

PT -- Manlio Dinucci -- A Arte da Guerra -- Manobras estratégicas por trás da crise do Coronavírus

A Arte da Guerra
 Manobras estratégicas por trás da crise do Coronavírus 
Manlio Dinucci

À medida que a crise do Coronavírus paralisa sociedades inteiras, forças poderosas movem-se para tirar a máxima vantagem da situação.

·         No dia seguinte - enquanto o exercício USA “Defensor da Europa 2020” prosseguia, com menos soldados, mas com mais bombardeiros nucleares - iniciou na Escócia, o exercício aeronaval NATO Joint Warrior com forças USA, britânicas, alemãs e outras, que durará até 10 de Abril, também com operações terrestres.

Entretanto, os países europeus da NATO são advertidos por Washington de que, apesar das perdas económicas provocadas pelo Coronavírus, devem continuar a aumentar os seus orçamentos militares para “manter a capacidade de se defender”, obviamente, da “agressão russa”.

Na conferência de Munique, em 15 de Fevereiro, o Secretário de Estado, Mike Pompeo, anunciou que os Estados Unidos solicitaram aos aliados para reservar outros 400 biliões de dólares para aumentar as despesas militares da NATO, que já ultrapassam bem mais de 1 trilião de dólares, anualmente.

A Itália deve, portanto, aumentar as suas despesas militares, que já subiram para mais de 26 biliões de euros por ano, ou mais do que o que o Parlamento autorizou destinar, precisamente, para a emergência Coronavírus (25 biliões). Assim, a NATO ganha terreno numa Europa largamente paralisada pelo vírus, onde os USA, hoje mais do que nunca, podem fazer o que querem.

Na conferência de Munique, Mike Pompeo, atacou violentamente não só a Rússia, mas também a China, acusando-a de usar a Huawei e outras empresas como “cavalo de Tróia dos serviços secretos”, ou seja, como ferramentas de espionagem. Deste modo, os Estados Unidos aumentam a sua pressão sobre os países europeus para que também quebrem os acordos económicos com a Rússia e com a China e fortaleçam as sanções contra a Rússia.

O que é que a Itália deveria fazer, se tivesse um governo que quisesse defender os nossos verdadeiros interesses nacionais?

Ø  Antes de tudo, deveria recusar-se a aumentar a nossa despesa militar, avolumada artificialmente com a fake news da “agressão russa”, e submetê-la a uma revisão radical para reduzir o desperdício de dinheiro público em sistemas de armas como o caça americano F-35.

Ø  Deveria suspender imediatamente as sanções contra a Rússia, desenvolvendo o intercâmbio ao máximo.

Ø  Deveria aderir ao pedido - apresentado em 26 de Março à ONU, pela China, Rússia, Irão, Síria, Venezuela, Nicarágua, Cuba e Coreia do Norte - que as Nações Unidas pressionem Washington para abolir todas as sanções, particularmente prejudiciais no momento em que os países que sofrem com elas, estão afectados pelo coronavírus.

Da abolição das sanções ao Irão também resultariam vantagens económicas para a Itália, cuja troca com este país foi praticamente bloqueada pelas sanções USA. Estas e outras medidas dariam oxigénio, sobretudo, às pequenas e médias empresas sufocadas pelo encerramento forçado, disponibilizariam fundos para a emergência, especialmente, a favor das camadas mais desfavorecidas, sem, por isso, se endividarem.

O maior risco é sair da crise com o nó corrediço no pescoço de uma dívida externa, que poderia reduzir a Itália às condições da Grécia.

Mais poderosas do que as forças militares, aquelas que mantêm as alavancas das tomadas de decisão, mesmo no complexo industrial-militar, são as forças da grande finança internacional, que estão a usar a crise do Coronavírus para uma ofensiva global, com as armas de especulação mais sofisticadas. São elas que podem arruinar milhões de pequenos poupadores e que podem usar a dívida para se apoderarem de sectores económicos inteiros.

Decisivo nesta situação, é o exercício da soberania nacional, não a da retórica política, mas a que está consagrada na nossa Constituição, a verdadeira soberania que pertence ao povo.
Manlio Dinucci

il manifesto31 de Março de 2020

IT -- Manlio Dinucci -- L’Arte della guerra -- Manovre strategiche dietro la crisi del Coronavirus


L’Arte della guerra

 Manovre strategiche dietro la crisi del Coronavirus 
Manlio Dinucci

Mentre la crisi del Coronavirus paralizza intere società, potenti forze si muovono per trarre il massimo vantaggio dalla situazione.

·         Il 27 marzo la Nato sotto comando Usa si è allargata da 29 a 30 membri, inglobando la Macedonia del Nord.

·         Il giorno dopo – mentre proseguiva l’esercitazione Usa «Difensore dell’Europa 2020», con meno soldati ma più bombardieri nucleari – è iniziata in Scozia l’esercitazione aeronavale Nato Joint Warrior con forze Usa, britanniche, tedesche e altre, che durerà fino al 10 aprile anche con operazioni terrestri.

Intanto i paesi europei della Nato vengono avvertiti da Washington che, nonostante le perdite economiche provocate dal Coronavirus, devono continuare ad aumentare i loro bilanci militari per «mantenere la capacità di difendersi», ovviamente dalla «aggressione russa».

Alla Conferenza di Monaco, il 15 febbraio, il segretario di stato Mike Pompeo ha annunciato che gli Stati uniti hanno sollecitato gli alleati a stanziare altri 400 miliardi di dollari per accrescere la spesa militare  della Nato, che già supera ampiamente i 1.000 miliardi annui.

L’Italia deve quindi aumentare la propria spesa militare, già salita a oltre 26 miliardi di euro all’anno, ossia più di quanto il Parlamento abbia autorizzato a stanziare una tantum per l’emergenza Coronavirus (25 miliardi). La Nato guadagna così terreno in una Europa largamente paralizzata dal virus, dove gli Usa, oggi più che mai, possono fare ciò che vogliono.

Alla Conferenza di Monaco, Mike Pompeo ha attaccato violentemente non solo la Russia ma anche la Cina, accusandola di usare  la Huawei e altre sue compagnie quale «cavallo di Troia dell’intelligence», ossia quali strumenti di spionaggio. In tal modo gli Stati uniti accrescono la loro pressione sui paesi europei perché rompano anche gli accordi economici con Russia e Cina e rafforzino le sanzioni contro la Russia.

Che cosa dovrebbe fare l’Italia, se avesse un governo che volesse difendere  i nostri reali interessi nazionali?

Ø  Dovrebbe anzitutto rifiutare di accrescere la nostra spesa militare, artificiosamente gonfiata con la fake news della «aggressione russa», e sottoporla a una radicale revisione per ridurre lo spreco di denaro pubblico in sistemi d’arma come il caccia Usa F-35.

Ø  Dovrebbe togliere immediatamente le sanzioni alla Russia, sviluppando al massimo l’interscambio.

Ø  Dovrebbe aderire alla  richiesta – presentata il 26 marzo all’Onu da Cina, Russia, Iran, Siria, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba e Nord Corea – che le Nazioni Unite premano su Washington perché abolisca tutte le sanzioni, particolarmente dannose nel momento in cui i paesi che le subiscono sono colpiti dal Coronavirus.

Dall’abolizione delle sanzioni all’Iran ne deriverebbero anche vantaggi economici per l’Italia, il cui interscambio con questo paese è stato praticamente bloccato dalle sanzioni Usa. Queste e altre misure darebbero ossigeno soprattutto alle piccole e medie imprese soffocate dalla forzata chiusura, renderebbero disponibili fondi da stanziare per l’emergenza, a favore soprattutto degli strati più disagiati, senza per questo indebitarsi.

Il maggiore rischio è quello di uscire dalla crisi con al collo il nodo scorsoio di un debito estero che potrebbe ridurre l’Italia alle condizioni della Grecia.

Più potenti delle forze militari, quelle che hanno in mano le leve decisionali anche nel complesso militare-industriale, sono le forze della grande finanza internazionale, che stanno usando la crisi del Coronavirus per una offensiva su scala globale con le più sofisticate armi della speculazione. Sono loro che possono portare alla rovina milioni di piccoli risparmiatori, che possono usare il debito per impadronirsi di interi settori economici.  

Decisivo in tale situazione è l’esercizio della sovranità nazionale, non quella della retorica politica ma quella reale che, sancisce la nostra Costituzione, appartiene al popolo.

Manlio Dinucci

il manifesto31 marzo 2020

Friday, March 27, 2020

DE -- Manlio Dinucci -- Die Kunst des Krieges -- Dr. Strangelove kümmert sich um unsere Gesundheit

Resultado de imagem para pictures of General Tod D. Wolters at the senate on 4th Feb 2020
Die Kunst des Krieges
 Dr. Strangelove kümmert sich um unsere Gesundheit 
Manlio Dinucci

Angesichts des Coronavirus „ist es unser oberstes Anliegen, die Gesundheit unserer Streitkräfte und unserer Verbündeten zu schützen“ - erklärte das US-Europa-Kommando. Es kündigte daher an, dass es die Anzahl der Soldaten bei Defender Europe 20 reduziert hat. Aber es wird trotzdem weitergehen.
Seit Januar hat die US-Armee 6.000 Soldaten aus den Vereinigten Staaten nach Europa entsandt“, mit 12.000 Ausrüstungsgegenständen (von personengebundenen Waffen bis hin zu Panzern), und „der Transport von Soldaten und Ausrüstung von verschiedenen Häfen zu den Übungsplätzen in Deutschland und Polen ist abgeschlossen“, erklärte das Kommando am 16. März. Darüber hinaus werden auch 9.000 in Europa stationierte US-Dienstangehörige an der Übung teilnehmen. Seit Januar hat die Armee etwa 6.000 Soldaten aus den Vereinigten Staaten nach Europa entsandt. Sie hat etwa 9.000 Fahrzeuge und Ausrüstungsgegenstände aus den vorpositionierten Beständen des Heeres und etwa 3.000 Ausrüstungsgegenstände auf dem Seeweg aus den Vereinigten Staaten verlegt. Außerdem schloss sie  die Verlegung von Soldaten und Ausrüstung von mehreren Häfen zu Übungsplätzen in Deutschland und Polen ab.
Der von den USA angestrebte Zweck ist „die Aufstellung einer glaubwürdigen Kampftruppe in Europa zur Unterstützung der NATO“, offensichtlich gegen eine „russische Aggression“. Der eigentliche Zweck - wir haben vor zweieinhalb Monaten in il Manifesto geschrieben (die einzige Tageszeitung, die damals über Defender Europe 20 berichtete) - ist es, Spannung zu säen und die Idee des Feinbildes zu nähren.
Das voraussichtliche Übungsszenario könnte niemals eintreten, denn ein bewaffneter Zusammenstoß zwischen der NATO und Russland wäre auch unweigerlich nuklear. Dies ist das reale Szenario, für das die US-Streitkräfte in Europa trainieren. Es wurde von General Tod D. Wolters, dem Chef des Europäischen Kommandos der Vereinigten Staaten und als solcher Kommandant des Europäischen Kommandos der Vereinigten Staaten und Oberster Alliierter Befehlshaber in Europa, bestätigt.
Am 25. Februar 2020 erklärte der Befehlshaber der US-Luftwaffe - US European Command, General Tod D. Wolters, während einer Anhörung im Senatsausschuss für Streitkräfte der Vereinigten Staaten: „Die Nuklearstreitkräfte sind die oberste Garantie für die Sicherheit der Bündnispartner und garantieren jede militärische Operation der Vereinigten Staaten in Europa.“ Dies bedeutet, dass Defender Europe 20 nicht nur eine Übung der konventionellen (nicht nuklearen) Streitkräfte, sondern auch der nuklearen Streiträfte ist.
Am 18. März wurde berichtet, dass zwei US-amerikanische Nuklearangriffsbomber B-2 Spirit, Teil der am 9. März aus den USA eingetroffenen Task Force, diese Woche über Island und den Nordatlantik geflogen sind. Sie wurden von drei norwegischen F-35-Kampfflugzeugen eskortiert.
Diese beiden Flugzeugtypen sind für den Einsatz der neuen Atombomben vom Typ B61-12 vorgesehen, die die USA in Kürze in Italien und anderen europäischen Ländern stationieren werden und die derzeitigen B-61 ersetzen sollen.
In der Senatsanhörung machte General Wolters deutlich, welche Rolle die US-Atomstreitkräfte in Europa spielen. Als Senator Fischer ihn fragte, was er vom Verzicht auf Ersteinsatz von Atomwaffen halte, antwortete der General: „Frau Senator, ich bin ein Fan einer flexiblen Ersteinsatzpolitik.“ Er, der für die US/NATO-Atomwaffen in Europa verantwortlich ist, erklärte offiziell, dass er ein Befürworter ihres ersten Einsatzes für den Erstschlag, den nuklearen Überraschungsangriff auf „flexibler“ Basis, ist.
Angesichts einer derart schwerwiegenden Erklärung, die die russischen Generäle dazu drängt, den Finger auf den nuklearen Auslöser zu legen, herrscht völliges Schweigen von Regierungen, Parlamenten und wichtigen europäischen Medien.
In der gleichen Anhörung sagte General Wolters: „Seit 2015 hat das Bündnis die Rolle der nuklearen Ressourcen stärker betont“ und „das Europäische Kommando der Vereinigten Staaten unterstützt voll und ganz die Empfehlungen der Nuclear Posture Review 2018, die ballistische Niedrigleistungsrakete W76-2 zu stationieren.“
Der nukleare Niedrigleistungssprengkopf W76-2, der bereits auf von U-Booten gestarteten Raketen installiert ist (vom Pentagon am 4. Februar angekündigt), kann auch auf bodengestützten ballistischen Raketen in der Nähe des feindlichen Territoriums installiert werden. Die US-Marine hat den W76-2-Nuklearsprengkopf mit geringer Sprengkraft eingesetzt, der auf der von U-Booten gestarteten Trident II-Rakete verwendet wird.
Es ist besonders gefährlich. Weniger starke Atomwaffen – warnen selbst maßgebliche US-Experten - erhöhen die Versuchung, sie zuerst einzusetzen, sie können die Kommandeure zu einem Vorstoß veranlassen, weil bei einem Angriff die Atombombe in dem Wissen eingesetzt wird, dass der radioaktive Fallout begrenzt wäre. Stattdessen scheint es, als würde man ein brennendes Streichholz in ein Pulverfass werfen.
(il manifesto, 24. März 2020)
Übersetzung: K.R.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

At the helm: 20 years ago, Putin was elected as Russia’s president for first time

26 MAR, 03:55
Keeping a broad range of issues under strict control has become Putin’s way of life
Russian President Vladimir Putin Mikhail Metzel/TASS
Russian President Vladimir Putin
© Mikhail Metzel/TASS
MOSCOW, March 26. /TASS/. Russia’s four-time President Vladimir Putin marks a political anniversary on March 26: 20 years ago, he was elected for his first term as the head of Russia. However, the president will apparently have neither free time nor the desire to celebrate: Putin is reluctant to marking personal dates, and, under present conditions, he will simply have no chance to take a pause in his hectic work schedule.
Work schedule
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that on Thursday the president would meet with a group of entrepreneurs from Russian regions. Another important event on Putin’s agenda today will be G20 summit, to be held in the format of a video linkup to discuss the novel coronavirus pandemic and ways to mitigate its impact on the global economy.
In charge of everything

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

President of Russia Vladimir Putin -- Address to the Nation

March 25, 2020
Address to the Nation.
Address to the Nation.
President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Citizens of Russia, friends,
I am reaching out to you on an issue that has become a matter of concern for all of us.
We are witnessing an acute escalation of the coronavirus epidemic on a global scale. The number of new cases continues to grow in many countries. The global economy as a whole is at risk, and is already expected to shrink.
By taking precautionary measures, we have been largely able to prevent the infection from rapidly spreading and limit the incidence rate. However, we have to understand that Russia cannot insulate itself from this threat, simply considering its geography. There are countries along our borders that have already been seriously affected by the epidemic, which means that in all objectivity it is impossible to stop it from spilling over into Russia.
That said, being professional, well organised and proactive is what we can do and are already doing. The lives and health of our citizens is our top priority.
We have mobilised all the capabilities and resources for deploying a system of timely prevention and treatment. I would like to specially address doctors, paramedics, nurses, staff at hospitals, outpatient clinics, rural paramedic centres, ambulance services, and researchers: you are at the forefront of dealing with this situation. My heartfelt gratitude to you for your dedicated efforts.
I would like to ask Russian citizens to listen very carefully to the advice coming from doctors and the authorities. This could make a very big difference at this point in time. This is especially true for the most vulnerable categories of citizens: the elderly and people who have chronic illnesses. Minimising the risks should be a priority for them and all people in general.
There is also the question of the national vote on the amendments to the Constitution, which has been tentatively scheduled for April 22. You know that this is a very serious matter to me. Of course, I will ask you to go to the polling stations to express your opinion on this issue of fundamental and crucial importance to the country and society.
However, as I said before, our absolute priority is the health, life and safety of the people. This is why I believe the vote should be postponed.
We will look at the situation in the regions and throughout the country, and we will rely on the professional opinion and recommendations of doctors and specialists when setting a new date for this vote.
Next, the immediate priority is to prevent the quick spread of this diseases.
Therefore, I declare next week to be an official non-work period while maintaining wages. In other words, the days off will last from Saturday March 28 to Sunday April 5.
Of course, all public infrastructure facilities, including medical facilities, pharmacies, stores, institutions responsible for banking and financial settlements, as well as transport, and ministries and agencies at all levels, will continue working.
As I said, the extended days off are being declared to reduce the speed of the virus spreading.
I am addressing all our citizens. Let us not rely on chance as we tend to do in Russia. Do not think, as we usually do, that this cannot happen to you. It can happen to anyone. And then we will very quickly see what is now happening in many western countries, in Europe and across the ocean, happen here in Russia. We must strictly comply with all the recommendations. We must protect ourselves, our families and friends, and we must adopt a more disciplined and responsible approach. Trust me: the best thing to do now is stay home.
I will now specifically focus on the current socioeconomic situation. Here, we also need to take additional steps, primarily to ensure the social protection of our people, their incomes and jobs, as well as support for small and medium-sized businesses, which employ millions of people.
In this regard, the following priority measures will be implemented.
First, all social protection benefits that our citizens are entitled to, should be renewed automatically over the next six months, with no additional certificates or visits to the authorities needed. For example, if a family is entitled to subsidised housing and utility payments, they will not need to regularly confirm their per capita income to continue receiving this state support.
Please note that all payments to war veterans and home-front workers timed to the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory, 75,000 and 50,000 rubles, respectively, should be made before the May holidays, earlier than usual, in April.
Second, it is essential to support families with children. In the next three months, starting in April, I propose paying all families that are eligible to maternity capital, an additional 5,000 rubles a month for each child up to three years of age.
This support is especially important for families with children who are not attending day-care nurseries or kindergartens, and for parents who are on sick leave or on maternity leave.
Regarding our new support package, I mean benefits for children aged 3 to 7, I now instruct the Government to expedite all organisational arrangements so that eligible families can start receiving these payments not in July, as planned, but a month earlier, in June. I also ask the governors to expedite the transfer of the necessary information from the regional civil registry offices to the tax service. Colleagues, it is fundamentally important to start making these payments. Pay attention to this.
Third, we need to support those on sick leave and people who have lost their jobs. Today, all sick leave payments are calculated based on employees’ period of work and salary. As a result, employees, primarily young people, can receive very low sick leave payments. This is, of course, not fair. I suggest the following provision: Sick leave payments should be calculated based on the amount of at least one minimum wage a month. This provision will be in force until the end of the year, and from there we will decide how to proceed depending on the situation.
Just like other countries’ economies, the Russian economy is experiencing substantial headwinds due to the effects of the epidemic. And, as I have already said, we need to support those who may lose their jobs.
Today, with the exception of some categories of individuals, maximum monthly unemployment benefit is 8,000 rubles. I suggest increasing it to the minimum wage amount or 12,130 rubles per month.
Fourth, loans taken out by individuals present another risk. Naturally, it is difficult if not downright impossible to completely repay debts when incomes are plunging.
I suggest declaring consumer loan and mortgage holidays. If a person faces a difficult situation, meaning their monthly income declined significantly, by over 30 percent, then they should have the right to temporarily stop debt servicing and reschedule it. It goes without saying that any penalties are out of the question.
I am asking the Bank of Russia to set up a similar loan rescheduling mechanism for self-employed people, too.
If people are unable to repay their debt for objective reasons, they should not be left without options and they should not fall hostage to creditors’ claims. We need a bankruptcy process that is fair and not burdensome. I am asking the Government and the parliament to expedite approval of the necessary regulatory changes.
Fifth. Small and medium-sized businesses and micro businesses, especially in the services sector, are now facing objective difficulties due to declining orders and revenue.
These businesses need help to stay open, which means retaining their employees. I would like to address all employers right now: once again, our most crucial task is to ensure stability in the labour market and to prevent a surge in unemployment.
Government assistance will be provided to businesses to deal with this problem.
I propose the following measures to support the enterprises and industries most affected by the current difficult situation.
I believe it is necessary to defer all taxes on small and medium-sized businesses, except for VAT, for the next six months. In addition, micro businesses should also be granted a deferral on their contributions to social insurance funds.
Bank loans held by struggling SMEs and micro businesses must also be deferred for the next six months.
Generally speaking, I am asking the Government and the Central Bank to propose and take additional action to ensure stable lending to the real economy, including through state guarantees and subsidies.
Next. Companies experiencing hardship must be protected from bankruptcy. In this connection, I am proposing a six-month moratorium on bankruptcy claims by creditors against companies and on the recovery of debts and penalties.
Once again, these measures will apply to companies operating in the sectors most affected by the current difficult situation. At the same time, I am instructing the Government to constantly monitor developments and, if necessary, expand and review the list of the industries requiring support.
Sixth. Right now, we must do everything we can to support the incomes of our citizens – especially those employed by small and medium-sized businesses.
In order for these businesses to get additional resources to support their employees, I am proposing to cut their insurance contributions in half, from 30 to 15 percent. This reduced rate will apply to any salary above minimum wage. For those making minimum wage or less for some reason, the rate will remain 30 percent.
I would like to stress that the reduced rate is being introduced not just for several months, not only as an anti-crisis measure, but for the long run. This way we are creating a long-term incentive for employers to increase wages.
Finally, there are two more measures I would like to suggest. Allow me to elaborate.
First, all interest and dividend income that flows from Russia and is transferred abroad into offshore jurisdictions must be taxed properly.
Today, two thirds of these funds, and basically we are talking here about incomes of specific individuals, are taxed at the rate of only 2 percent, thanks to so-called optimization strategies of all kinds. At the same time, people with modest salaries pay an income tax of 13 percent. This is unfair, to say the least.
For this reason, I suggest that those expatriating their income as dividends to foreign accounts should pay a 15 percent tax on these dividends. Of course, we will need to amend Russia’s double taxation treaties with some countries. I ask the Government to work this out. If our foreign partners do not accept our proposal, Russia will unilaterally withdraw from these treaties. We will begin with countries that attract substantial resources from Russia, which is a very sensitive issue for our country.
Second, many countries levy income tax on interest earned by individuals from their bank deposits and investments in securities, while Russia does not tax this income at all.
I propose that people with over 1 million rubles in bank deposits and debt securities pay a 13 percent tax on this income. I would like to reiterate that this is not about taxing the deposits themselves but only applying income tax to the interest individuals earn from these investments.
I would like to emphasise that only about one percent of deposit holders will be affected by this initiative. At the same time, Russian banks will still offer attractive deposits with some of the highest returns in the world.
The solutions I am proposing are far from simple. Still, I would like to ask you to treat them with understanding. Let me add that I propose using the budget revenue from these two measures to fund initiatives to support families with children and help people who are unemployed or on sick leave.
People of Russia,
All the measures that are about to be adopted or will be taken in the future will work and will produce results only if we are in it together and recognise the complexity of the current situation. We need the state, society and the people to work together, and we all have to do everything each and every one of us can do.
We have to be mindful that we bear personal responsibility for our close ones, for those who live near us, and who need our help and support. By and large, it is this sense of solidarity that underpins the resilience of our society, as well as an unwavering commitment to mutual assistance and the effectiveness of the response we come up with to overcome the challenge we are facing.
Thank you for your attention.

NL – Manlio Dinucci -- De Kunst Van Oorlogvoeren -- Dokter Strangelove zorgt voor onze gezondheid

Resultado de imagem para pictures of General Tod D. Wolters at the senate on 4th Feb 2020
De Kunst Van Oorlogvoeren 
 Dokter Strangelove zorgt voor onze gezondheid 
Manlio Dinucci

Geconfronteerd met het Coronavirus "is onze eerste zorg de gezondheid van onze strijdkrachten en onze bondgenoten te beschermen" - zo verklaarde het Amerikaanse Europese Commando. Het kondigde daarom aan dat het de Defender Europe 20 oefening in aantal soldaten had verminderd. Maar het zal hoe dan ook doorgaan.

"Sinds januari heeft het Amerikaanse leger 6000 soldaten uit de Verenigde Staten naar Europa gestuurd", met 12.000 stuks materieel (van persoonlijke bewapening tot tanks), en "de verplaatsing van soldaten en materieel "van verschillende havens naar trainingsgebieden in Duitsland en Polen is voltooid", aldus het Commando op 16 maart. Daarnaast zullen ook 9.000 in Europa gevestigde Amerikaanse dienstverleners aan de oefening deelnemen. Sinds januari heeft het leger ongeveer 6.000 soldaten van de Verenigde Staten naar Europa gestuurd. Het verplaatste ongeveer 9.000 voertuigen en uitrustingsstukken uit Legervoorraad en ongeveer 3.000 uitrustingsstukken via de zee vanuit de Verenigde Staten. Het heeft ook de verplaatsing van soldaten en materieel van meerdere havens naar trainingsgebieden in Duitsland en Polen voltooid.

Het doel dat de VS nastreven is "het inzetten van een geloofwaardige strijdmacht in Europa ter ondersteuning van de NAVO", klaarblijkelijk tegen "Russische agressie" Het werkelijke doel - we schreven twee en een halve maand geleden in il manifesto (het enige dagblad dat toen nieuws gaf over Defender Europe 20) - is het zaaien van spanning en het voeden van het idee van de vijand.

Het beoogde scenario van de oefening zou nooit kunnen plaatsvinden, omdat een gewapende botsing tussen de NAVO en Rusland onvermijdelijk ook nucleair zou zijn. Dit is het echte scenario waarvoor de Amerikaanse strijdkrachten in Europa trainen. Het werd bevestigd door generaal Tod D. Wolters, hoofd van het Amerikaanse Europese Commando en als zodanig is hij commandant van het Amerikaanse Europese Commando en opperbevelhebber van de geallieerden in Europa.

Op 25 februari 2020, tijdens een hoorzitting in de Senaatscommissie van de Verenigde Staten over gewapende diensten, verklaarde de Amerikaanse luchtmachtcommandant - US European Command, generaal Tod D. Wolters:"Nucleaire troepen zijn de hoogste garantie voor de veiligheid van de geallieerden, en staan garant voor elke militaire operatie van de VS in Europa." Dit betekent dat Defender Europe 20 niet alleen een oefening is van conventionele (niet-nucleaire) krachten, maar ook van nucleaire krachten.
Op 18 maart werd gemeld dat twee Amerikaanse kernbommenwerpers B-2 Spirit, onderdeel van de task force die op 9 maart vanuit de VS arriveerde, deze week over IJsland en de Noord-Atlantische Oceaan vlogen. Ze werden geëscorteerd door drie Noorse F-35 gevechtsvliegtuigen.

Deze twee typen vliegtuigen zijn ontworpen voor het gebruik van de nieuwe B61-12 kernbommen, die de VS binnenkort zullen inzetten in Italië en andere Europese landen ter vervanging van de huidige B-61s.

In de senaatshoorzitting heeft generaal Wolters duidelijk gemaakt welke rol de Amerikaanse nucleaire strijdkrachten spelen in Europa. Toen Senator Fischer hem vroeg wat hij dacht van het niet-eerste gebruik van kernwapens, antwoordde de Generaal: "Senator, ik ben een fan van flexibel beleid voor eerste gebruik." Hij, die verantwoordelijk is voor de VS/NAVO kernwapens in Europa, verklaarde officieel dat hij voorstander is van het eerste gebruik ervan voor de eerste aanval, de nucleaire verrassingsaanval op een "flexibele" basis.

Geconfronteerd met een verklaring van een dergelijke ernst, die de Russische generaals ertoe aanzet de vinger op de nucleaire trekker te leggen, wordt er door de regeringen, de parlementen en de belangrijkste Europese media volledig stilzwijgend toegegeven.

In dezelfde hoorzitting zei generaal Wolters: "Sinds 2015 heeft de Alliantie meer nadruk gelegd op de rol van de nucleaire capaciteit" en "het Europese Commando van de Verenigde Staten staat volledig achter de aanbevelingen in de Nuclear Posture Review 2018 om de W76-2 ballistische raket met een laag vermogen in te zetten”.

De kernkop W76-2 met een laag vermogen, die al is geïnstalleerd op onderzeese raketten (aangekondigd door het Pentagon op 4 februari), kan ook worden geïnstalleerd op ballistische raketten op de grond in de buurt van het grondgebied van de vijand. De Amerikaanse marine heeft de W76-2 laagrenderende kernkop, die gebruikt wordt op de onderzeese Trident II ballistische raket, in het veld gebracht.

Het is bijzonder gevaarlijk. "Minder krachtige kernwapens” - zelfs gezaghebbende Amerikaanse deskundigen waarschuwen - verhogen de verleiding om ze eerst te gebruiken, ze kunnen commandanten ertoe aanzetten om te duwen omdat bij een aanval de kernbom wordt gebruikt in de wetenschap dat de radioactieve fall-out beperkt zou zijn."In plaats daarvan lijkt het alsof je een verlichte lucifer in een kruitvat gooit". 
Manlio Dinucci

il manifesto, 24 Maart 2020

Nederlandse vertaling: Martien


At midday on Friday 5 February, 2016 Julian Assange, John Jones QC, Melinda Taylor, Jennifer Robinson and Baltasar Garzon will be speaking at a press conference at the Frontline Club on the decision made by the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention on the Assange case.


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