

Monday, March 21, 2022

EN — LARRY ROMANOFF — COVID-19 – A Biological Weapon Targeting Ethnicity and Body Systems — March 20, 2022


COVID-19 - A Biological Weapon Targeting Ethnicity and Body Systems


By Larry Romanoff, March 20, 2022


Much of this essay is based on the testimony of a long list of eminent physicians and scientists to the Grand Jury of the Court of Public Opinion on COVID-19, chaired by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich. (1) (2) The content here follows closely on that of my previous essay, A COVID-19 Theory I Cannot Prove. (3)

First, Let's Think

In one article (Part 4) of a series titled 'Propaganda and the Media' that I wrote for the Saker, I began with this observation:

"If I were a dictator, one of my first dictates would be that every adult must take at least one university-level course in logic. In today’s world, with what is essentially an international criminal element in control, one which effectively manages public perception through their leverage over the mass media, readers would benefit immensely from some exposure to the principles of logic." (4)

Consider for a moment the "China virus", the Wuhan lab-leak theory, the myriad other claims of China contaminating the world with COVID-19, some American groups even dramatically filing spurious lawsuits against China. Yet this was always nonsense.

Let's review something very basic. COVID-19 exploded in Wuhan and began to spread, so the health authorities first isolated Wuhan and then locked down the entire province of Hubei. The pathogen did escape Wuhan, but not Hubei. Almost all the infections and nearly every death were in Wuhan or Hubei. The virus did not escape to infect any other city or province in China. Nearby Shanghai had only a few infections and deaths while a great many cities and provinces had none, and it ended quickly.

Friday, March 18, 2022




FRIDAY 18 MARCH AT 20:30 (Italian Time) 




Grandangolo can also be seen on live TV on cell phones or computers on the site 


It is significant that - while anyone who provides news about Ukraine that does not correspond to that of the Ministry of Truth is censured - the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom denies Julian Assange permission to appeal against extradition to the U.S., since the WikiLeaks founder's request "did not raise an arguable point of law." So the journalist who brought to light the hidden truths about the wars that prepared and provoked the one in Ukraine risks to be sentenced to 175 years in prison (after being imprisoned for ten years).

On the other hand, all those who, on the mainstream, conduct the hammering psychological warfare to represent Russia as a fierce enemy that threatens us all have a free field. A strategic advisor of the Italian Ministry of Defense, on a mainstream channel, described as "Putin's beasts who rape and play soccer with children's heads" those Syrian soldiers who, after fighting ISIS with Russian help, went to help the Russians in Ukraine.

Even the news provided by the Secretary General of NATO himself, revealing the strategy of war, are ignored, such as the one that "for many years NATO allies have trained tens of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers and supplied them with huge amounts of weapons" and that there are "in Europe one hundred thousand U.S. soldiers" deployed in recent years for the escalation against Russia. Ignored by the mainstream also the analysis of experts like Gianandrea Gaiani, director of Analisi Difesa, who warns that, by supplying weapons to Ukrainian forces, Italy has become indirectly belligerent against Russia, and that not even the Parliament knows exactly which weapons are supplied and even less in which hands they go. They "could be used to carry out criminal actions or end up on the illegal market that feeds organized crime and terrorist groups". 



on BYOBLU, digital terrestrial channel 262 

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From the Tuesday following the first broadcast, the episode of Grandangolo is visible, together with the previous ones, on the site

Monday, March 14, 2022

PT -- LARRY ROMANOFF -- Bloqueios de Informação – Como e Porquê? -- March 04, 2022



Bloqueios de Informação – Como e Porquê?


Por Larry RomanoffMarço 4, 2022




Estamos todos conscientes da capacidade que a Cabala Anglo-Zionista Internacional de Gangsters (ICG) tem para propagar a sua linha preferida da reportagem para cada ocasião, como acontece hoje com o conflito Rússia/Ucrânia. Geralmente, empregam o poder dos meios de comunicação social ocidental para sobrecarregar o público mundial com a versão aceite dos acontecimentos. Mas como é que os EUA e Israel e a ICG, conseguem evitar de maneira tão bem sucedida, a publicidade negativa das suas próprias aventuras em matéria de política externa? A maioria acreditaria, instintivamente, ter uma resposta fácil para esta pergunta, visto que parece depender simplesmente da censura dos meios de comunicação social, mas podemos estar enganados. Existem mais razões para um bloqueio de informação bem sucedido, do que aquilo que é óbvio à primeira vista.


Claro que a primeira parte, é o controlo quase universal de todos os meios de comunicação ocidentais por um punhado relativamente pequeno de indivíduos, todos eles judeus. O que inclui primeiro, os serviços noticiosos como a AP e a Reuters, depois os jornais e a maioria das revistas, estações e redes da rádio e de televisão mais conhecidas, praticamente toda a indústria editorial de livros, todos os meios de comunicação social e plataformas da Internet relacionadas, como a Wikipedia e a Google, “fact-checkers” como o desprezível Instituto Poynter, bem como 90% de Hollywood que inclui tanto filmes como programas de televisão. O controlo que efectuam sobre a informação, é quase total.


Mas esse controlo vai muito além da propriedade. Como exemplo, The Globe & Mail é (foi) um jornal respeitável há muito reconhecido como o jornal nacional do Canadá. Há alguns anos, o Globe publicou um artigo referindo em pormenor as atrocidades então cometidas contra os árabes pelos judeus da Palestina. O artigo não era inflamatório ou ideológico, mas simplesmente uma crónica precisa dos acontecimentos que os editores acreditavam que deveria ser levada ao conhecimento do mundo. Logo na manhã seguinte, toda a metade superior da primeira página do Globo trazia uma enorme fotografia de um soldado judeu a dar doces a uma criança supostamente palestiniana, com um texto a condizer. Não é necessário ter muita imaginação para saber o que aconteceu algures, atrás de uma porta fechada. A data era 1983 e, nos 39 anos a partir de então, o Globo não publicou um único artigo que depreciasse, quer judeus, quer Israel. Isto é controlo. Relatei esta parte e ainda mais, num artigo sobre Propaganda e os Meios de Comunicação - Estabelecer e Controlar a Narrativa. Talvez queira lê-lo. (1)


ROB SLANE -- When Fanatical Ideology Bumps up Against Stone Cold Reality

  When Fanatical Ideology Bumps up Against Stone Cold Reality 


 March 13, 2022  Rob Slane 



I have avoided writing anything on recent events in Ukraine thus far, partly because I wanted to see how events were panning out, partly because I still don’t quite understand how this all fits in with the two year Globalist PsyOp that ended abruptly on 24th February – the same day as the Russian military operation started, as coincidence would have it – but mainly because the experience of trying to write rational analysis in the midst of propaganda that would have made the editors of Pravda blush is no easy task.

As a brief defence against those who will inevitably smear my attempts to analyse the context behind all this as somehow pro-Russian, let me ask them not to bother. I really don’t even understand the frame of reference, since I don’t view the world in the absurd black hat/white hat terms that lead to such jibes. And in any case, I am pro-God and pro-Truth, as well as being a patriotic Englishman who writes on such topics because he believes this once green and pleasant land is now run by terminally foolish clowns and Globalist ideologues who do not govern for the people but in the interests of others. I would also point out that I was writing about atrocities committed against Ukrainians years before it became fashionable to do so. However, unfortunately it seems I was supporting the wrong Ukrainians — the ones nobody cares about — in the Donbass, who have been killed, terrorised and forced to leave the country by their own brutal Government for eight years, with some even deliberately burned alive by the neo-Nazis formations that apparently don’t exist. Those caveats aside, let’s press on.

For most Westerners, it appears that the current conflict suddenly dropped from the sky one morning in February 2022. They woke up to hear about a Russian invasion, and without any prior knowledge or context, having been denied this for years by their so-called free press, simply accepted the narrative thrown at them that this invasion was utterly unprovoked — the brainchild of a madman who wishes to recreate Hammer and Sickle Land again.

None of this is remotely true. Whatever the actual reasons for invading at this particular time — and I don’t believe for one moment that we have the full picture yet — this conflict most certainly did not drop out of the sky or from the ravings of a lunatic on 24th February 2022. No, it is part of a sequence of events that was set off years ago, particularly in 2014, which were clearly destined to reshape the world. As I wrote back in September 2014:

“I believe this crisis to be the defining crisis of the 21st Century so far. … It is also something that may well define the shape of the planet for the rest of the century — whether we are left with a unipolar world … or whether we see a new multipolar world emerging … It is in a very real sense the key battle between globalisation and national sovereignty.”

Thursday, March 10, 2022

VIDEO -- Témoignage des Ukrainiens qui accueillent les Russes comme des libérateurs



Témoignage des Ukrainiens qui accueillent les Russes comme des libérateurs

mise à jour le 10/03/22

Voici une vidéo qui devrait faire réfléchir les Français sur leur soutien aux nazis ukrainiens qui maltraitent leur propre concitoyens. Des habitants du Donbass témoignent face caméra.

Soulagée par l’arrivée des soldats russes, une habitante du Donbass ne cache pas son soulagement après huit années de calvaire : « Nous avons souffert, le peuple a souffert ! Et maintenant ces gars [les Russes] sont arrivés. Ils sont polis, gentils, et on n’a pas peur. Vous comprenez, nous avions peur… »

La République populaire de Donetsk peut enfin avoir un avenir. Si pour les Français, c’est une guerre, pour les habitants de Donetsk c’est une libération : « Je n’ai pas vu mes enfants depuis huit ans, ni mes petits-enfants. Maintenant qu’ils [les Russes] viennent d’arriver, ils laissent les gens entrer, c’est plus facile. »


Saturday, March 5, 2022

EN — LARRY ROMANOFF — Information Blockades – How and Why? — March 4, 2022


Information Blockades – How and Why?

By Larry RomanoffMarch 4, 2022




We are all aware of the ability of the Anglo-Zionist International Cabal of Gangsters (ICG) to propagate the preferred story-line for every occasion, as with the Russia/Ukraine conflict today. Generally, they employ the power of the Western media to overwhelm the world’s publics with the accepted version of events. But how do the US and Israel, and the ICG, manage so well to avoid the negative publicity from their own foreign policy adventures? Most of us would instinctively believe we have the easy answer to this question, since it appears to hinge simply on media censorship, but we might be mistaken. There is more to a successful information blockade than is superficially obvious.

The first part of course is the nearly-universal control of all Western media by a relatively small handful of people, all Jews. This includes first the news services like AP and Reuters, then the newspapers plus most recognised magazines, radio and TV stations and networks, virtually the entire book publishing industry, all of the social media and related internet platforms like Wikipedia and Google, “fact-checkers” like the despicable Poynter Institute, as well as 90% of Hollywood which includes both motion pictures and television programs. Their control on information is nearly total.

But control goes far beyond ownership. As one example, The Globe & Mail is (was) a respectable broadsheet long recognised as Canada’s national newspaper. Some years ago, the Globe published an article detailing the atrocities then being committed against Arabs by the Jews in Palestine. The article wasn’t inflammatory or ideological, but simply an accurate chronicle of events the editors believed should be brought to the attention of the world. The very next morning, the entire top half of the front page of the Globe carried a huge photo of a Jewish soldier giving candy to a supposedly Palestinian child, with text to match. You don’t need an imagination to know what happened behind a closed door somewhere. The date was 1983 and, in the 39 years since then, the Globe hasn’t published a single article that was critical of either the Jews or of Israel. That's control. I have covered this part and more in an article on Propaganda and the Media - Establishing and Controlling the Narrative. You may care to read it. (1)


At midday on Friday 5 February, 2016 Julian Assange, John Jones QC, Melinda Taylor, Jennifer Robinson and Baltasar Garzon will be speaking at a press conference at the Frontline Club on the decision made by the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention on the Assange case.


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