

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

THIERRY MEYSSAN -- The Twilight of the War

The Twilight of the War

If we consider the war in Syria not as a singular event, but as the culmination of a world war which has persisted for a quarter of a century, we have to ask ourselves about the consequences of the imminent end of hostilities. Its completion marks the defeat of an ideology, that is to say globalisation and financial capitalism. The people who have not understood this, particularly in Western Europe, are defining their own exclusion from the rest of the world.
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Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin during the bilateral summit in Helsinki, 16 July 2018.
World wars do not only end with a winner and a loser. Their termination defines the contours of a new world.
The First World War ended with the defeat of the German, Russian, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman Empires. The cessation of hostilities was marked by the elaboration of an international organisation, the League of Nations (LN), tasked with abolishing secret diplomacy and settling any conflicts between the member-states by arbitration.
The Second World War ended with the victory of the Soviet Union over the Nazi Reich and the Japanese Empire of hakkō ichiu [1], followed by a frantic chase between the Allies to occupy what was left of the vanquished Coalition. It gave birth to a new structure, the United Nations Organisation (UNO), tasked with preventing new wars by establishing international Law around a double legitimacy – the General Assembly, where each state has a voice, irrespective of its size, and a directorate composed of the five main victors, the Security Council.
The Cold War was not the Third World War. It did not end with the defeat of the Soviet Union, but by its collapse in and onto itself. It was not followed by the creation of new structures, but by the integration of the states of the USSR into pre-existing organisations.

Monday, July 30, 2018

THIERRY MEYSSAN -- The Elysée and « Gladio B »

The Elysée and « Gladio B »

During the Cold War, the pro-US states experienced a bloody precedent of illegal, secret repression. While it is clear that this system has been progressively dismantled in Europe, it has never been interrupted in the « Greater Middle East » although it has been transformed. The behaviour of the Elysée in the context of the Benalla affair allows us to admit the possibility that this story is not yet over.
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Although everyone saw Alexandre Benalla escort the President of the Republic almost everywhere he went, he was in no way tasked with his security. So what was his function ?

Who is Alexandre Benalla ?

Revealed by Le Monde, the Benalla affair has given us a glimpse of what goes on behind the scenes in the Elysée. One of Emmanuel Macron’s collaborators is a hooligan who, posing as a police officer and equipped with a police armband and a police radio, took to the streets on 1 May and beat up two demonstrators. He enjoyed « unhealthy cronyism », to borrow the phrase from Prefect Michel Delpuech. This aspect of the affair is now the object of a judicial enquiry in which 5 people are indicted. This is doubled by an administrative investigation by the Inspection Générale de la Police Nationale (IGPN).
It so happens that far from being a vague collaborator, this yobbo was none other than the « Assistant Director of the cabinet of the President of the Republic ». He escorted his boss on a great number of occasions, both public and private, and possessed a copy of the keys to the President’s second home. He had been awarded a permanent license to carry a weapon because of his function (which was what exactly?) He had been provided with an official car equipped with flashing lights and sirens (by whom?) He owned an access card to the hémicycle of the National Assembly, a diplomatic passport, and Secret-Défense accreditation (why?)

Saturday, July 28, 2018

News conference following BRICS summit


Vladimir Putin made a statement for the press and answered questions from Russian media following a two-day BRICS summit in Johannesburg, South Africa.
July 27, 2018
At the news conference following BRICS summit.
News conference following BRICS summit.
President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Good afternoon.
I would like to brief you on what we did during these two days and on the results of our work. First of all, I would like to remind you that BRICS developed in a natural way, which we pointed out today.
The first meeting of our group, which was smaller at the time, was held in St Petersburg in 2005, if memory serves me correctly, and brought together the leaders of China, Russia and India. The group was called RIC then, which stood for Russia, India and China. Brazil and subsequently South Africa joined our group later, which is why it is called BRICS.
Initially, our goals and tasks were very modest. We wanted to join forces, primarily in the economy, and discussed the coordination of our efforts towards attaining more ambitious goals in this vital area of activity.
As more members joined the group, it developed into a full-scale organisation with new spheres of activity and broader common interests.
One of our priorities, as we said at our previous meetings as well as at this meeting, is to fight terrorism and coordinate our activities in politics, trade and the economy in the broadest possible meaning of this word.


THIERRY MEYSSAN -- L’Élysée et le « Gladio B »

L’Élysée et le « Gladio B »

Durant la Guerre froide, les États pro-US ont connu un sanglant précédent de répression illégale et secrète. S’il est clair que ce système a été progressivement démantelé en Europe, il ne s’est jamais interrompu au « Moyen-Orient élargi » mais s’y est transformé. Les agissements de l’Élysée dans le cadre de l’affaire Benalla, laissent entrevoir la possibilité que cette histoire ne soit pas finie.
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Bien que tout le monde ait vu Alexandre Benalla escorter un peu partout le président de la République, il n’était aucunement chargé de sa sécurité. Mais qu’elle était donc sa fonction ?

Qui est Alexandre Benalla ?

Révélée par Le Monde, l’affaire Benalla a laissé apercevoir ce qui se passe dans les coulisses de l’Élysée. Un collaborateur d’Emmanuel Macron est un voyou qui, se faisant passer pour un policier, est allé tabasser deux manifestants le 1er mai dernier, muni d’un brassard de police et d’une radio interne de la police. Il bénéficiait de « copinages malsains », selon l’expression du préfet Michel Delpuech. Cet aspect des choses fait désormais l’objet d’une enquête judiciaire où 5 personnes sont mises en examen. Elle est doublée d’une enquête administrative de l’Inspection générale (IGPN).
Il se trouve que, loin d’être un vague collaborateur, ce voyou n’était autre que le « directeur adjoint du cabinet du président de la République ». Il escortait son patron en de très nombreuses occasions, aussi bien publiques que privées et disposait du double des clés de sa résidence secondaire. Un permis de port d’armes permanent lui avait été octroyé en raison de sa fonction (laquelle exactement ?). Une voiture de fonction avec de super-gyrophares lui avait été attribuée (par qui ?). Il détenait une carte d’accès à l’hémicycle de l’Assemblée nationale, un passeport diplomatique, et une accréditation Secret-Défense (pourquoi ?).

Syrie / Retour sur les « Casques blancs », usurpateurs d’identité Par Mouna Alno-Nakhal, 27 juillet 2018
Analyses: SYRIE

Dans un article précédent concernant la « diplomatie humanitaire » de la France, nous avons écrit : « La France annonce qu’elle rend hommage à une organisation terroriste dont le monde a entendu parler pour la première fois, après qu’elle eut massacré les volontaires de la défense civile à Alep, comme l’a prouvé la chercheuse jordanienne, Mme Hayat al-Hweik, sur Al-Mayadeen TV le 23 juillet » ; ce qui a suscité quelques interrogations. Nous nous sommes juste trompés de date, l’émission ayant été diffusée le 22 juillet.
Pour rappel, elle faisait suite à l’annonce par le porte-parole du ministère israélien des Affaires étrangères qu’Israël avait évacué de Syrie, en pleine nuit, des membres de l’organisation prétendument humanitaire nommée « Casques blancs » à la demande de Trump, de Trudeau et de pays européens, comme l’a expliqué Netanyahou dans un Tweet ; la France, le Royaume-Uni, l’Allemagne et le Canada ayant annoncé être disposés à les accueillir.
Les médias locaux avaient rapporté dans la journée qu’environ 800 personnes avaient été évacuées d’Israël vers la Jordanie, laquelle n’en avait accueillies que 422. Trois invités participaient à l’émission. Nous avons regroupé les points essentiels de leurs interventions.
Mme Hayat al-Hweik : écrivaine et chercheuse jordanienne
Il est indéniable que le rôle de la Jordanie dans cette évacuation des Casques blancs n’est ni plus ni moins que celui d’un exécutant. Et je commencerai par deux remarques :
  • Le communiqué officiel de la Jordanie parle à maintes reprises de « citoyens syriens » et non de Casques blancs. La Science du discours suggère que cette insistance signifie que dans leur grande majorité, ils ne sont pas des citoyens syriens.
  • Le porte-parole du gouvernement et le ministre des Affaires étrangères ont déclaré que 422 évacués étaient arrivés en territoire jordanien sur un total annoncé de 800, tandis que des sources sûres ont parlé de 3000.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

EN -- Manlio Dinucci -- The Art of War -- The warmonger's response to negotiation

The Art of War

The warmonger's response to negotiation

Manlio Dinucci

«You have attacked our democracy. Your well-worn gamblers' denials do not interest us. If you continue with this attitude, we will consider it an act of war.» This is what Trump should have said to Putin at the Helsinki Summit, in the opinion of famous New York Times editorialist Thomas Friedman, published in La Repubblica. He went on to accuse the Russian President of having «attacked NATO, a fundamental pillar of international security, destabilised Europe, and bombed thousands of Syrian refugees, causing them to seek refuge in Europe.»

He then accused the President of the United States of having « repudiated his oath on the Constitution » and of being an « asset of Russian Intelligence » or at least playing at being one.

What Friedman expressed in these provocative terms corresponds to the position of a powerful internal and international front (of which the New York Times is an important mouthpiece) opposed to USA-Russia negotiations, which should continue with the invitation of Putin to the White House. But there is a substantial difference.

While the negotiations have not yet borne fruit, opposition to the negotiations has been expressed not only in words, but especially in facts.

Cancelling out the climate of détente at the Helsinki Summit, the planetary warmongering system of the United States is in the process of intensifying the preparations for a war reaching from the  Atlantic to the Pacific:

Ø  After the landing of an US armoured brigade in Anvers, totalling a hundred tanks and a thousand military vehicles, a US aerial brigade landed in Rotterdam with sixty attack helicopters. These forces and others, all of them USA/NATO, are deployed along the borders of Russian territory, in the framework of operation Atlantic Resolve, launched in 2014 against « Russian aggression. » In its anti-Russian function, Poland asked for the permanent presence of an armoured US unit on its own territory, offering to pay between 1.5 - 2 billion dollars per year. 

Ø  At the same time, NATO is intensifying the training and armament of troops in Georgia and Ukraine, candidates for entry into membership of the Alliance on the frontiers with Russia.

Ø  Meanwhile, the US Congress received with all honours Adriy Parubiy, founder of the National-Social Party (on the model of Adolf Hitler's National-Socialist Party), head of the neo-Nazi paramilitary formations employed by NATO in the Maïdan Square putsch.

Ø  NATO command in Lago Patria (JFC Naples) – under the orders of US Admiral James Foggo, who also commands the US naval forces in Europe and those in Africa – is working busily to organise the grand-scale exercise Trident Juncture 18, in which will participate 40,000 military personnel, 130 aircraft and 70 ships from more than 30 countries including Sweden and Finland, which are NATO partners. The exercise, which will take place in October in Norway and the adjacent seas, will simulate a scenario of « collective defence » - naturally enough, against « Russian aggression. »

Ø  In the Pacific, the major naval exercise RIMPAC 2018 (27 June to 2 August) is in full swing -   organised and directed by USINDOPACOM, the US Command which covers the Indian and Pacific oceans – with the participation of 25,000 sailors and marines, more than 50 ships and 200 war-planes. 
     The exercise – in which France, Germany and the United Kingdom are also participating – is clearly directed against China, which Admiral Phil Davidson, commander of USINDOPACOM, defines as a «major rival power which is eroding the international order in order to reduce the access of the USA to the region and thus become hegemonic.»

When Trump meets Chinese President Xi Jinping, Friedman will no doubt accuse him of connivance not only with the Russian enemy, but also with the Chinese enemy.

Edition Tuesday 24 July 2018 « ilmanifesto »

Translator: Pete Kimberley



DE -- Manlio Dinucci -- Die Kunst des Krieges -- Die Kriegsreaktion auf die Verhandlungen

Die Kunst des Krieges  

Die Kriegsreaktion auf die Verhandlungen 

Manlio Dinucci 

"Sie haben unsere Demokratie angegriffen. Wir kümmern uns nicht um Ihre Dementis, wie heruntergekommene Spieler. Wenn Sie diese Haltung einnehmen, werden wir es als einen Akt des Krieges betrachten ". So hätte, laut Thomas Friedman, bekannter Kolumnist der New York Times, Trump es Putin auf dem Gipfel in Helsinki sagen sollen.

Er wirft dem russischen Präsidenten vor, "die NATO anzugreifen, einen fundamentalen Stützpfeiler der internationalen Sicherheit, Europa zu destabilisieren sowie Tausende von syrischen Flüchtlingen zu bombardieren, und sie zu zwingen, nach Europa zu flüchten".

Dann beschuldigt er den Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten, "den Eid auf die Verfassung verleugnet zu haben" und "ein Agent des russischen Geheimdienstes", oder bereit zu sein, diese Rolle zu spielen.

Was Friedman mit provokanter Sprache ausdrückt, ist die Position einer mächtigen innenpolitischen  und internationalen Front (von der die New York Times einer der Hauptstimmen ist) die im Gegensatz zu den US-Russland-Verhandlungen steht, die mit der Einladung Putins ins Weiße Haus fortgesetzt werden sollen.

Es gibt jedoch einen wesentlichen Unterschied. Während die Verhandlung noch keine Fakten hervorgebracht hat, wird der Widerstand gegen die Verhandlung nicht nur in Worten, sondern vor allem in Fakten ausgedrückt.

Die Atmosphäre der Entspannung unterschlagend, intensiviert das planetare Militärsystem der Vereinigten Staaten seine Kriegsvorbereitungen vom Atlantik bis zum Pazifik.

Ø Nachdem eine US-Panzerbrigade mit hundert Panzern und tausend Militärfahrzeugen in Antwerpen gelandet war, traf eine US-Luftwaffe mit 60 Kampfhubschraubern in Rotterdam ein. Diese und andere US/NATO-Streitkräfte werden in der Nähe des russischen Territoriums eingesetzt, als Bestandteil der Operation Atlantic Resolve, die 2014 gegen die "russische Aggression" gestartet wurde.

Ø   In der Anti-Russland-Funktion forderte Polen die ständige Präsenz einer US-Panzereinheit auf seinem Territorium und bot an, jährlich 1,5 bis 2 Milliarden Dollar zu zahlen. Gleichzeitig intensiviert die NATO die Ausbildung und Bewaffnung der Truppen in Georgien und der Ukraine, beides Kandidaten für den Beitritt zum Bündnis an der Grenze zu Russland.

Ø  Unterdessen begrüßte der US-Kongress mit allen Ehren Andriy Parubiy, Gründer der ukrainischen Nationalsozialistischen Partei (nach dem Vorbild der Nationalsozialistischen Partei Adolf Hitlers), Chef der von der NATO im Maidan-Putsch eingesetzten neonazistischen paramilitärischen Gruppen.

Ø  Das NATO Kommando von Lago Patria (JFC Naples) - unter dem Befehl von US Admiral James Foggo, der auch die US Naval Forces in Europa sowie jene für Afrika leitet - ist in vollem Gange, um die große Übung Trident Juncture 18 zu organisieren, an der 40.000 Soldaten, 130 Flugzeugen und 70 Kriegsschiffe aus über 30 Ländern teilnehmen, einschließlich der NATO-Partner Schweden und Finnland.

Ø Die Übung, die im kommenden Oktober in Norwegen und den angrenzenden Meeren stattfinden wird, wird ein Szenario der "kollektiven Verteidigung" simulieren, offenkundig gegen die "russische Aggression".

Ø  Im Pazifik findet vom 27. Juni bis 2. August die große Marineübung Rimpac 2018 statt - organisiert und geleitet von USINDOPACOM, dem US-Kommando für den Indischen und Pazifischen Ozean - mit der Teilnahme von 25.000 Seeleuten und Marinesoldaten, über 50 Schiffen und 200 Kriegsflugzeugen.

Ø  Die Übung - an der auch Frankreich, Deutschland und Großbritannien beteiligt sind - richtet sich eindeutig gegen China, das Admiral Phil Davidson, Kommandant von USINDOPACOM, bezeichnet als "große rivalisierende Macht, die die internationale Ordnung untergräbt, um den Zugang der USA zur Region zu verringern und zum Hegemon der Region zu werden.

Wenn Trump den chinesischen Präsidenten Xi Jinping trifft, wird Friedman ihn der Mitwisserschaft  nicht nur mit dem russischen, sondern auch mit dem chinesischen Feind bezichtigen. 

(il manifesto, 24. Juli 2018)

Übersetzung: K.R.



Wednesday, July 25, 2018

CH -- Manlio Dinucci曼利奥·迪努奇 -- L'arte della guerra 战争的艺术-- The war response to the negotiation -- 战争是为谈判而服务的

The Art of War  

The war response to the negotiation

Manlio Dinucci

"You attacked our democracy. We don’t care about your denials just like degenerate gamblers. If you take this attitude, we will consider it an act of war ": so Trump should have told Putin at the Helsinki Summit, according to Thomas Friedman, well-known New York Times columnist.

He accuses the Russian president of "attacking NATO, a fundamental pillar for international security, destabilizing Europe and bombing thousands of Syrian refugees forcing them to flee to Europe".

He then accuses the president of the United States of having "repudiated the oath to the Constitution" and of being "an asset of Russian intelligence" or of willing to play that part.

What Friedman expresses with provocative language is the position of a powerful internal and international front (of which the New York Times is one of the main spokespersons) contrary to the US-Russian negotiation, which should continue with Putin's invitation to the White House.

However, there is a substantial difference. While the negotiation has not yet produced facts, the opposition to the negotiation is expressed not only in words but above all with facts.

Vanifying the detente atmosphere of the Helsinki Summit, the United States' planetary military system is intensifying its war preparations from the Atlantic to the Pacific.

After a US armoured brigade landed in Antwerp with a hundred tanks and a thousand military vehicles, a US air brigade arrived in Rotterdam with 60 attack helicopters. These and other US / NATO forces are being deployed close to the Russian territory, as components of the Atlantic Resolve operation, launched in 2014 against "Russian aggression".

In anti-Russia function, Poland requested the permanent presence of a US armoured unit on its territory, offering to pay 1.5-2 billion dollars annually. At the same time NATO is intensifying the training and armament of troops in Georgia and Ukraine, candidate countries to become members of the Alliance on the border with Russia.

Meanwhile, the US Congress wellcame with all honors A-driy Parubiy, founder of the Ukrainian National Socialist party (on the model of the National Socialist Party of Adolf Hitler), head of the neo-Nazi paramilitary groups employed by NATO in the Maidan putsch.

The NATO Command of Lago Patria (JFC Naples) - under the orders of US Admiral James Foggo, who also commands the US Naval Forces in Europe and those for Africa - is in full swing to organize the big exercise Trident Juncture 18, with the participation of 40000 soldiers, 130 airplanes and 70 warships from over 30 countries, including NATO partners Sweden and Finland.

The exercise, which will take place next October in Norway and in its adjacent seas, will simulate a scenario of "collective defense" evidently against "Russian aggression".

In the Pacific, the great Rimpac 2018 naval exercise is taking place from 27 June to 2 August - organized and directed by USINDOPACOM, the US Command covering the Indian and Pacific oceans - with the participation of 25,000 sailors and marines, over 50 ships and 200 war planes.

The exercise - which also involves France, Germany and Great Britain - is clearly directed against China, which Admiral Phil Davidson, commander of USINDOPACOM, calls "great rival power that undermines the international order to reduce US access to the region and become the region hegemon».

When Trump meets the Chinese president Xi Jinping, Friedman will accuse him of connivance not only with the Russian but also with the Chinese enemy. 

il manifesto, July 24 , 2018)

Translator: Pearl


At midday on Friday 5 February, 2016 Julian Assange, John Jones QC, Melinda Taylor, Jennifer Robinson and Baltasar Garzon will be speaking at a press conference at the Frontline Club on the decision made by the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention on the Assange case.


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