By Moti Nissani on October 5, 2015
“The issue which has swept
down the centuries, and which will have to be fought sooner or later, is the
people versus the banks.”—John Acton (1834-1902)
“Unlike Presidents Lincoln,
Garfield, and Kennedy, who defied private bankers and were assassinated—Andrew
Jackson survived his assassination attempt. . . . Murders of outspoken
presidents, who denounced profiteering bankers, have happened too often for
them to be explained away as ‘mere coincidences.’”—Jeff Badyna [1, p. 83]
Yes, as through this world
I’ve wandered
I’ve seen lots of funny men
Some will rob you with a
And some with a fountain
And as through your life
you travel
Yes, as through your life
you roam
You won’t never see an
Drive a family from their
home.—Woody Guthrie
Note: If you are not
in a position to read this long article, you can get the general picture by
reading the following two brief sections (i) summary (below) and
(ii) parting words (at the end).
Another shortcut is a
recent Radio Sinoland interview:
Summary: A successful
revolution against tyrants presupposes familiarity with the tyrants’ arsenal.
Earlier articles analyzed a few weapons in this arsenal: Sunshine Bribery, Cloak-and-Dagger, Contrived Terror, False-Flag Operations,Absence of Real Democracy, and the Conspiracy Theory Bogeyman. That massive arsenal, in
turn, points to just one promising revolutionary
strategy. The present article explores an additional weapon in this
stupendous arsenal: banking. To begin with, we live now in an upside-down world
of perpetual war, tyranny, injustice, materialism, selfishness, starvation,
monstrous income inequalities, and ever-growing prospects of human extinction. But this, by itself,
constitutes a paradox, because our planet can comfortably provide a decent life
for every soul on it. The chaos and suffering must therefore be traced, at
least in part, to our rulers.
The ruling clique
controlling the U.S., U.K., and most other countries in the world is probably
made up of billionaires, generals, and spooks. The best guess is that, at the
apex of the pyramid of power and riches, there resides a handful of banking
families (bankers for short) dedicated to an inter-generational project of
enslaving, and perhaps even exterminating, humanity. We have been warned
repeatedly over the centuries that, sooner or later, humanity will have to wage
an all-out war on these villainous bankers. A brief history of Central
Banking shows that in their war against us, the bankers have not only relied
on mind control, human failings,
co-option, sunshine bribery, rigged elections, contrived terror, and false flag
operations, but that they often murdered influential opponents and just about
anyone else who could possibly impede their project of world domination.
Originally, the bankers
acquired wealth through the fractional reserve scam. This in turn gave rise to
numerous other scams, hoaxes, and machinations, needlessly dragging us to wars,
fascism, poverty, helplessness, massive transfer of wealth from the people to
the bankers, declining health, and a probable environmental catastrophe. Our
first post-revolutionary act ought to involve the utter, irreversible,
disempowerment of the banking cabal and—as the framers of the American
Constitution intended—entrusting the vital function of coining and issuing
money to none other than the people themselves.
The World We Live in Today
The bankers and their
predecessors in power have managed the seemingly impossible: Manipulating us
into acceptance of a “terrible normality.” Michael Parenti: [2]
“Through much of history
the abnormal has been the norm. This is a paradox to which we should attend.
Aberrations, so plentiful as to form a terrible normality of their own,
descend upon us with frightful consistency.
“The number of massacres in
history, for instance, is almost more than we can record. There was the
New World holocaust, consisting of the extermination of indigenous Native
American peoples throughout the western hemisphere, extending over four
centuries or more, continuing into recent times in the Amazon region. . . .
Decapitated heads, Nanjing
Massacre, 1937-1938
“There was the slaughter of
more than half a million socialistic or democratic nationalist Indonesians by
the U.S.-supported Indonesian military in 1965, eventually followed by the
extermination of 100,000 East Timorese by that same U.S.-backed military.
“Consider the 78-days of
NATO’s aerial destruction of Yugoslavia complete with depleted uranium, and the
bombings and invasion of Panama, Grenada, Somalia, Libya, Yemen, Western
Pakistan, Afghanistan, and now the devastating war of attrition brokered
against Syria. And as I write (early 2013), the U.S.-sponsored sanctions
against Iran are seeding severe hardship for the civilian population of that
country. . . .
“Let us not overlook the
ubiquitous corporate corruption and massive financial swindles, the plundering
of natural resources and industrial poisoning of whole regions, the forceful
dislocation of entire populations, the continuing catastrophes of Chernobyl and
Fukushima and other impending disasters awaiting numerous aging nuclear
“The world’s dreadful
aberrations are so commonplace and unrelenting that they lose their edge and we
become inured to the horror of it all. ‘Who today remembers the Armenians?’
Hitler is quoted as having said while plotting his ‘final solution’ for
the Jews. Who today remembers the Iraqis and the death and destruction
done to them on a grand scale by the U.S. invasion of their lands?
William Blum reminds us that more than half the Iraq population is either
dead, wounded, traumatized, imprisoned, displaced, or exiled, while their
environment is saturated with depleted uranium (from U.S. weaponry) inflicting
horrific birth defects.
“What is to be made of all
this? First, we must not ascribe these aberrations to happenstance,
innocent confusion, and unintended consequences. Nor should we believe
the usual rationales about spreading democracy, fighting terrorism, providing
humanitarian rescue, protecting U.S. national interests and other such rallying
cries promulgated by ruling elites and their mouthpieces.
“The repetitious patterns
of atrocity and violence are so persistent as to invite the suspicion that they
usually serve real interests; they are structural not incidental.”
A Better World is Possible
Author Jack Finney asks:
“We live on a planet well able to provide a decent life for every soul on it,
which is all ninety-nine of a hundred human beings ask. Why in the world
can’t we have it?”
The few extant non-captive
textbooks of ecology or economics confirm Finney’s observation. We can,
if we wish, create, here on earth, a paradise of prosperity, justice, peace,
freedom, and sustainability.
Likewise, R. Buckminster
Fuller correctly points out that our dreams for a
better world are being deferred by choice, not by necessity:
“It is now highly feasible
to take care of everybody on Earth at a higher standard of living than any have
ever known. It no longer has to be you or me. Selfishness is unnecessary. War
is obsolete. It is a matter of converting the high technology from weaponry to
Steven Sieden goes on to summarize
Fuller’s realizable utopia:
“Weaponry to livingry is
the solution to all humankind’s current problems here on our tiny, fragile
Spaceship Earth. It’s just that simple. All we need to do is shift a percentage
(approximately 40%) of our global military budget from things that take life
(weaponry) to things that support life (livingry – food, education, roads,
housing, etc.).
“In the 1930’s Bucky
Fuller manually made an inventory of all the world’s resources and
correctly calculated that we were doing so much more with less resources that
we would reach a point when there would be enough to take care of everybody at
a higher standard of living than anyone has known. . . .
“It has now been proven
that around 1976 we reached the point where there was enough food on Earth to
feed everyone. Still, 25,000 people continue to die of starvation every day
while a huge percentage of our resources remain focused on weaponry rather than
livingry. This is true of all areas of human existence.
“We are living on abundant
planet where each of us can have all that we want and need without taking from
another. Thus, war and the politics of competition are obsolete. We just need
to wake up to the reality of cooperation in which we are all rich beyond our
wildest dreams, and everyone can focus his or her time and energy on the things
we love so that we may each make our full contribution to others.
“This is Buckminster
Fuller’s Universe. It is an abundant Universe in which we all thrive and
prosper while supporting a sustainable culture on Spaceship Earth. It is here
for us all if we choose to step into it.
“May we all awaken to the
abundance that is our birthright while we find and share our most precious
gifts and talents.”
So why can’t humanity
awaken to its birthright of abundance, sustainability, freedom, and
justice? Gordon Gekko and many others point to one of the reasons:
“The US Government –
operating today under the control of an international banking cartel – is
running a global empire whose sole aim is to exploit the many for the benefit
of the few.”
The present article throws
some additional light on the fraudulent and vicious methods employed by this
Cartel to achieve its goals. It also highlights a few practical consequences of
life in a system “whose sole aim is to exploit the many for the benefit of the
A Sampler of Quotations
Suggesting that the Issue which has Swept down the Last Three Centuries and
which Must be Fought Soon is the People Vs. the Banks
Why indeed, can’t we have a
decent life? One part of the answer is surely this: the handful of
bankers who parasitize humanity are content to sacrifice our happiness, our
health, our spirituality, our ability to think critically and holistically,
even our future existence, to achieve their spiteful
goals of riches and power for themselves and destitution and subjection for us.
This is not a minority
view, but a view that is held by many—by the perpetrators themselves, as well
as by many disinterested defenders of the public interest. Here then is a
sampler of warnings, sweeping down the centuries.
“I believe that banking
institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.”—Thomas
“My zeal against those
institutions was so warm and open at the establishment of the [privately-owned]
Bank of the United States that I was declared a maniac by the tribe of bank
mongers who were seeking to filch from the public their swindling and barren
gains.”—Thomas Jefferson
William Pitt, Chancellor of the
Exchequer, said of the inauguration of the first National Bank in the United
States under Alexander Hamilton, ”let the American people go into their
debt-funding schemes and banking systems, and from that hour their boasted
independence will be a mere phantom.”
“History records that the
money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent
means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money
and its issuance.”—James Madison
“If the American people
only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking system, there would
be a revolution before morning.” —Andrew Jackson, cited in Brown [3, p. 74)
“By an iniquitous money
system we have nationalized a system of oppression which, though more refined,
is not less cruel than the old system of chattel slavery.” — Horace Greeley, editor,
congressman, and presidential candidate
“The Government should
create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credits needed to satisfy the
spending power of the Government and the buying power of consumers. By the
adoption of these principles, the taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest.
Money will cease to be master and become the servant of humanity.” —President
Abraham Lincoln
“The money power preys upon
the nation in times of peace and conspire against it in times of adversity. It
is more despotic than a monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, and more
selfish than bureaucracy. It denounces as public enemies all who question its
methods or throw light upon its crimes. I have two great enemies, the Southern
Army in front of me and the bankers in the rear. Of the two, the one at my rear
is my greatest foe.”—President Abraham Lincoln
“There in the White House
that fateful December [1913] evening, President Wilson signed away the last
veneer of control over the American money supply to a cartel; a well-organized
gang of crooks so successful, so cunning, so well-hidden that even now, a
century later, few know of its existence, let alone the details of its
operations. So what, precisely, did this conclave of conspirators devise at
their Jekyll Island meeting? A plan for a central banking system to be owned by
the banks themselves, a system which would organize the nation’s banks into a
private cartel that would have sole control over the money supply itself. . . .
The Bank of England in 1694 is the creation of a template that will be repeated
in country after country around the world: a privately controlled central bank
lending money to the government at interest, money that it prints out of
nothing. And the jewel in the crown for the international bankers that created
this system is the future economic powerhouse of the world, the United States.
In many important respects, the history of the United States is the history of
the struggle of the American people against the bankers.” —James Corbett [4]
“A great industrial nation
is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is privately
concentrated. . . . We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most
completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world, no longer
a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote
of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of
dominant men.”—President Woodrow Wilson
[The banking Syndicate is
a] “giant octopus that seizes in its long powerful tentacles our executive
officers, our legislature bodies, our schools, our courts, our newspapers, and
every agency created for pubic protection.”—New Your mayor John Hylan writing
in the 1920s
“People who will not turn a
shovel full of dirt on the project [Muscle Shoals Dam] nor contribute a pound
of material, will collect more money from the United States than will the
People who supply all the material and do all the work. This is the terrible
thing about interest . . . But here is the point: If the Nation can issue a
dollar bond it can issue a dollar bill. The element that makes the bond good
makes the bill good also. The difference between the bond and the bill is that
the bond lets the money broker collect twice the amount of the bond and an
additional 20%, whereas the currency, the honest sort provided by the
Constitution pays nobody but those who contribute in some useful way. It
is absurd to say our Country can issue bonds and cannot issue currency. Both
are promises to pay, but one fattens the usurer and the other helps the People.
If the currency issued by the People were no good, then the bonds would be no
good, either. It is a terrible situation when the Government, to insure the
National Wealth, must go in debt and submit to ruinous interest charges at the
hands of men who control the fictitious value of gold. Interest is the
invention of Satan.”—Thomas A. Edison
“The real truth of the
matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers
has owned the Government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson.” —President
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 1933
“The people I have called
the ‘money changers in the Temple’ are still in absolute control. It will take
many years and possibly several revolutions to eliminate them.”—President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 1934
“I am convinced that the
agreement [Bretton Woods] will enthrone a world dictatorship of private finance
more complete and terrible than an Hitlerite dream. It offers no solution of
world problems, but quite blatantly sets up controls which will reduce the
smaller nations to vassal states and make every government the mouthpiece and
tool of International Finance. It will undermine and destroy the
democratic institutions of this country–in fact as effectively as ever the
Fascist forces could have done–pervert and paganise our Christian ideals; and
will undoubtedly present a new menace, endangering world peace. World
collaboration of private financial interests can only mean mass unemployment,
slavery, misery, degradation and financial destruction. Therefore, as freedom
loving Australians we should reject this infamous proposal.”—Eddie Ward,
Australian Labor Minister
“Professor Quigley wrote
from personal knowledge of an elite clique of global financiers bent on
controlling the world. Their aim, he said, was ‘nothing less than to create a world
system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political
system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole’. . . .
Their essence was . . . just a passion for control over other humans. The
key to their success was that they would control and manipulate the money
system of a nation while letting it appear to be controlled by the
government.’”—Cited in Brown [3, pp. 1- 2]
“Every Congressman, every
Senator knows precisely what causes inflation . . . but can’t support the drastic
reforms to stop it [repeal of the Federal Reserve Act] because it could cost
him his job.”—Robert A. Heinlein
“[The men of the Invisible
Government] would continue to grow in strength, until they had the whole silly
world, the whole credulous world, the whole ingenuous world, in their hands.
Anyone who would challenge them, attempt to expose them, show them unconcealed
and naked, would be murdered, laughed at, called mad, ignored, or denounced as
a fantasy-weaver.”—Taylor Caldwell [5]
“I have never yet had
anyone who could, through the use of logic and reason, justify the Federal
Government borrowing the use of its own money. I believe the time will come
when people will demand that this be changed. I believe the time will come in
this country when they will actually blame you and me and everyone else
connected with the Congress for sitting idly by and permitting such an idiotic
system to continue.”— Congressman Wright Patman, Chair of the House of
Representatives Committee on Banking and Currency
“The banking cartel wrote
their own rules and regulations, called it “The Federal Reserve Act,” got it
passed into law, and it was very much to their liking because they wrote it.
And in essence what they had created was a set of rules that made it possible
for themselves to regulate their industry, but they went even beyond that. . .
. Congress gave away the sovereign right to issue the nation’s money to the
private banks.”—G. Edward Griffin [6]
“The Federal Reserve is an
independent agency and that means there is no other agency of government that
can overrule actions that we take.”—Alan Greenspan, former chair of the
Federal Reserve
“The whole Federal Reserve
System was designed to . . . slowly drain the massive wealth of the American
people and transfer it to the elite international bankers.—Michael Snyder, 2010
In his 2015 Killing
the Host, Professor Michael Hudson “confirms that your ongoing struggle to make
ends meet is not a reflection of your lack of talent or drive but the only
possible outcome of having a blood-sucking financial leech affixed to your
body, your retirement plan, and your economic future. . . . [Wall Street banks
have] “become the economy’s central planners, and their plan is for industry
and labor to serve finance, not the other way around.”—Cited
by Pam Martens
The Fractional
Reserve Scam
“In the past, savers
looking to [safeguard] their coins and valuables . . . deposited gold and
silver at goldsmiths, receiving in exchange a note . . . These notes gained
acceptance as a medium of exchange for commercial transactions and thus became
an early form of circulating paper money. As the notes were used directly in
trade, the goldsmiths observed that people would not usually redeem all their
notes at the same time, and they saw the opportunity to invest their coin
reserves . . . This generated income for the goldsmiths but left them with more
notes on issue than reserves with which to pay them. A process was started that
altered the role of the goldsmiths from passive guardians of bullion, charging
fees for safe storage, to interest-paying and interest-earning banks.
Thus fractional-reserve banking was born.”
Note that this scam
- The goldsmith-turned-banker enriches himself
by clandestinely using other people’s money—in this case gold and silver
of depositors who gave the banker the coins for safekeeping, not for
- The double-dealing goldsmith not only lends
his customers’ gold or silver, but also creates paper certificates for
more gold or silver than he has on deposit. Thus, he artificially
increases the money supply in circulation. He then receives interest
payments on the certificates he has created from nothing.
- Mind control and secrecy are at the very heart
of this legalized racket: Would you deposit 10 ounces of gold in a bank
for safekeeping, knowing that the bank would then use them to issue gold
certificates for 50 or more ounces? Would you deposit a single gram of
gold with the bankers knowing that your gold would be safer in your back
yard? With transparency and a free market of ideas, the system would
collapse soon enough. That is the meaning of Henry Ford’s famous aphorism:
“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking
and money system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution
before tomorrow morning.”
- By increasing the total supply of money in
circulation, the fractional reserve system tends to keep the prices of
gold and silver lower than they would otherwise be.
- This fractional shell game causes systemic instability.
If more than, say, 20% of depositors in any bank tried to retrieve their
money on the same day, chaos will ensue.
- The heart of of this fractional flim-flam—and
the reason it is almost universally adopted—is that it enriches its
practitioners and impoverishes the vast majority.
To see this last point,
imagine a self-contained planet consisting 101 prosperous citizens, of which
one is a banker. At the moment the law legalizing fractional reserve banking is
passed, each citizen is the proud owner of a home and $10,000. All citizens
keep their money with the banker, using checkbooks to make purchases. The
banker now has free access to $1,000,000 of other people’s money.
Now Shevek needs a loan of
$300,000 to work on his invention of faster-than-light travel. The banker
approves the loan, creates entries in his computer, and writes Shevek a check.
The loan pays a modest 2% annual interest, with Shevek’s house serving as collateral.
Note that this new money, fraudulently created out of thin air as debt, is in
reality counterfeit money legally entering into circulation. At this point, the
money supply on the planet is almost 30% larger than it was before Shevek
received his loan.
One can imagine several
possible outcomes.
First, Shevek’s invention
worked and he returns the money after 5 years. The $300,000 which were a
computer entry to begin with, now vanish, and the island’s money supply goes
back to one million. But, and this is the key point: Shevek also pays the
banker compound interest, which in this case is a bit over $31,000. Where did
this money come from? Since the real money supply is fixed at $1 million, the
$31,000 must have come from the citizens of that planet. Before Shevek took the
loan, the banker had just under 1% of all the money on the planet, and his
fellows held, collectively, over 99%. At the end of 5 years, the banker has
almost 4% and his fellows are down to 96%.
The banker can choose to
compensate the reduction in the money supply by simply printing $31,000. In
that case, the outcome is roughly the same (the citizens lose and he gains),
owing to inflation.
The other possible outcome
of this sucker game is that Shevek fails and the banker repossesses Shevek’s
home. The banker then sells the house for $100,000, and income distribution on
that planet suffers an even worse blow than it did with the other options.
You let this con game go on
for a while, and the banker will own everyone and everything on the planet.
That is why one of the biggest buildings of many a city is a bank—even though
banks produce nothing of value. That is also how bankers can buy politicians,
journalists, book writers, generals, spooks, foreign leaders, ordinary
citizens, and assassins.
The only way to stop this
racket is to deprive private banks and privately-controlled central banks of
the power to create money. When the process of fraudulent accumulation of money
and power in few hands has gone too far, when the parasitic producers of
nothing achieve their goal of owning almost everything and everyone, the people
become slaves, revolutionaries, or residents of a failed state.
After enriching themselves
with the goldsmith fractional reserve shell game, the bankers proceeded to use
their ill-gotten profits to gain control of entire nations. According to Ellen
Brown [3, p. 66], the outlines of the privately-controlled central bank game of
loaded dice were first worked out in 1694, in England. Then and ever since, this game involved:
- Establishment of a central bank in charge of
issuing and circulating the national paper currency.
- The currency is created out of nothing (thus
institutionalizing the fractional reserve banking golden goose, where you
can lend a lot more money than you yourself have or that your customers
have on deposit at your bank). That funny money can then be lent to the
government. The government’s indebtedness to the bank now backs up the
additional loans that the bank would make to private parties.
- The government pays the bank interest on all
loans it receives from the bank. The
government must, by definition, go into debt.
- To secure payments on the national debt, the
people are more heavily taxed. Largely because of interest payments,
England national debt by 1698 was 13 times higher, and by 1815 it was 737
times higher, than what it was in 1694.
- The owners of the central bank “not only
reaped huge profits, but the indebtedness gave them substantial political
These were the blueprints
for all subsequent clones of the Bank of England, including America’s Federal
Reserve Syndicate. Once you strip banking jargon to its essence (as Brown and
many others have done), an alternative is immediately obvious: In a country
where an honest government itself controls the
coining and issuing of money, the people prosper.
Adrian Kuzminski argues that the
modern financial system is inherently exploitative and destructive:
“The modern economy
functions on the self-defeating principle of exponential growth . . . [driven
by] the current financial system. . . . For the first time in history a fateful
imperative to growth—and exploitation—was built right into the economy. . . .
The system has plateaued, for the moment, but having been designed for endless
exponential growth, not for a steady state, it is destined to unravel. . . .
Our financial system is a relatively recent invention, devised by clever,
selfish men for their personal gain. It is not the product of any natural or
inevitable process, nor of democratic deliberation. It is a scam. We need not
be stuck with it, and the sooner we rid ourselves of it the better.”
A Century of
Purse-Snatchings, Smears, and Assassinations
“If you had the privilege
of creating dollars from thin air, and loaning them to government at interest,
you might do anything to protect that privilege.”—Rand Clifford
There is a great deal at
stake then, in the one-sided war of the bankers against the people—for the
bankers and for the people. So it should come as no surprise that since 1,694
that war shaped world history.
Indeed, as one century gave
rise to another, the international bankers relied on conspiracies, needless
wars, bribes, mind control, smears, and assassinations, to steadily deprive us
of our wealth and liberties. Here are a few highlights and casualties of that
long war.
Thomas Jefferson. During the early
post-revolutionary period, the bankers’ war against the people included, for
instance, the feud between Alexander Hamilton, possibly a Rothschild agent, and
Thomas Jefferson.
Jefferson died of old age.
Andrew Jackson. In the 1830s, the
conspicuous warriors were Nicholas Biddle, president of the then private
central bank of the United States and perhaps serving the Rothschilds, and
President Andrew Jackson, representing ordinary Americans (of European descent
only, unfortunately). Jackson won, abolished the bank (one of the
privately-owned Federal Reserve Syndicate’s predecessors), and consequently was
the last president to fully pay America’s national debt.
When asked: “What was your
proudest accomplishment as President?” Jackson Replied: “I killed the bank.”
Jackson knew he would be
targeted. In 1832, he said to his vice
president: “The bank, Mr. Van Buren, is trying to kill me.” And tried they did.
Jackson miraculously survived an assassination attempt by the bankers’ then
favorite approach: a lone gunman.
President Abraham
Lincoln. “The 1863 National Banking Act [7] reinstated a
private US central bank and Chase’s war bonds were issued. Lincoln was
re-elected the next year, vowing to repeal the act after he took his January
1865 oaths of office. Before he could act, he was assassinated at the Ford
Theatre by John Wilkes Booth. Booth had major connections to the international
bankers. His granddaughter wrote This One Mad Act, which details Booth’s
contact with ‘mysterious Europeans’ just before the Lincoln assassination. . .
. Booth was . . . connected through Confederate Secretary of State Judah
Benjamin to the House of Rothschild.”
President James Garfield. In 1881, “the American
people elected the Republican, James Garfield, as the 20th President of
the United States. This was a worry to the moneychangers, because as a
Congressman, he had been Chairman of the Appropriations Committee, and was a
member of Banking and Currency. The money changers were therefore aware
that President Garfield was in full knowledge of their scam on the American
Following his inauguration,
President Garfield stated,
“Whosoever controls the
volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce.
. . And when you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one
way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told
how periods of inflation and depression originate.”
Naturally, within a few
weeks of making that statement, President Garfield was shot by a lone gunman. “Actually,Garfield was definitely
killed by his doctors probing for bullet; he would have completely recovered
As a result of the murder,
the bankers got their way: “Depression deepened, leaving masses of unemployed
to face poverty and starvation at a time when there was no social security or
unemployment insurance to act as a safety net. Produce was left to rot in the
fields, because there was no money to pay workers to harvest it or to buy it
when it got to market. The country was facing poverty amidst plenty, because
there was insufficient money in circulation to keep the wheels of trade
turning.” [3, p. 94]
President William McKinley. “President McKinley began
his attack against e Central Bankers with Secretary of
State John Sherman (1823-1900). They used the “Sherman Antitrust Act” against
the Rothschild supported and funded JP Morgan financial empire known as the
Northern Trust, which by the late 1800s owned nearly all of America’s railroads.”
McKinley’s fight against
the Central Bankers ended with his assassination in 1901. (As in the case of
Garfield, he was shot by a lone assassin and then given the final blow by his
doctors, again proving the aphorism that, with conventional medicine, the
patient often dies of the cure.)
David Graham Phillips. By the early 1900s, the
bankers had nearly accomplished their dream of enslaving the American people.
They did this in part by continuing to buy the nation’s newspapers and molding
public opinion, in part through brilliant long-term strategies and
conspiracies, in part by bribing just about every politician and judge in the
land, and in part by applying the clock-and-dagger approach to anyone who
wouldn’t bend to their will.
Thus, by 1906, American politics
and commerce were a cesspool of corruption and nepotism. It was then that David
Graham Phillips published his sensational “Treason of the Senate:” [9]
“The treason of the Senate!
Treason is a strong word, but not too strong, rather too weak, to characterize
the situation in which the Senate is the eager, resourceful, indefatigable
agent of interests as hostile to the American people as any invading army could
be, and vastly more dangerous; interests that manipulate the prosperity
produced by all, so that it heaps up riches for the few; interests whose growth
and power can only mean the degradation of the people, of the educated into
sycophants, of the masses toward serfdom. . . . For the organizer of this
treason [against the American people’] we must look at Nelson W. Aldrich,
senior senator from Rhode Island.”
“As a result of these articles, only four of the
twenty-one senators that Phillips wrote about were still in office.” In particular,
Phillips’ Exposé cost Nelson Aldrich, John D. Rockefeller Sr.’s son-in-law and
one of the seven original 1910 Jekyll Island conspirators, his Senate seat.
Phillips was murdered in
1911, aged 43, allegedly by a lone, deranged, gunman. Among other bizarre
aspects of this case, one stands out: the alleged assassin brandished a single
six-shooter (a revolver that can only fire six bullets without being
re-loaded). He lodged 6 bullets in Phillips’ body—and then, without re-loading,
killed himself with a mysterious seventh bullet (an earlier version of JFK’s
magic bullet?) [10]
John Jacob Astor IV,
Benjamin Guggenheim, and Isador Strauss. We move on to the
very convenient simultaneous death of three American tycoons. All three
were aboard the Rothschild/Morgan-owned Titanic when it sank in 1912,
a year before the creation of the Federal Reserve Syndicate. All three opposed
that creation —and were perhaps powerful enough to torpedo it.
Among the many other
bizarre aspects of the sinking of the Titanic, there is a strange list of mysterious
last-minute cancellations: 1. Morgan himself was scheduled to travel on the
maiden voyage of his ship but opted out at the last moment. 2. Tycoon Milton
Snavely Hershey had to cancel his passage because “business back home
apparently intervened.” 3. Morgan’s business associate, Pittsburgh Steel Baron
Henry Clay Frick, was likewise miraculously saved from drowning by canceling his
passage at the last moment because “his wife sprained her ankle.” 4. Tycoon
Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt canceled his passage on the Titanic so late
that some early newspaper accounts listed him as being on board (he would
receive the same late warning before traveling on the Lusitania—which he
mysteriously chose to ignore).
This is neither the first
nor the last time that fortune smiles on the bankers’ friends—and frowns upon
their enemies.
Congressman Charles
Lindbergh. Although by the beginning of the 20th century the bankers were
fully in control of America, they were still concerned about a populist
movement that might deprive them of that power. They decided therefore to
formalize their control by establishing yet another Central Bank of the USA, which
they—and not the people—would control. To do this, they engaged in one of the
wiliest conspiracies of all time. In 1910, seven of them secretly met in Jekyll
Island, off the coast of Georgia, to finalize their takeover of the USA. Later,
by coaxing former president Teddy Roosevelt to run on a third party platform,
they saw to it that their lackey—Woodrow Wilson—was elected president. To put
the wool over the eyes of the people and even such naive people’s champions as
William Jennings Bryan, they pretended that they, themselves, were opposed to
their own bill. The heinous bill passed in 1913.
The most influential,
astute, honest, and capable opponent of the bankers in those years was Charles
Lindbergh (father of the famous aviator).
In 1913, for
instance, Lindbergh wrote [11]:
“The financial system has
been turned over to the Federal Reserve Board. That board administers a finance
system by authority of a purely profiteering group. That system is private,
conducted for the sole purpose of obtaining the greatest possible profits from
the use of other people’s money. This (Federal Reserve) Act establishes the
most gigantic trust on Earth. When the president signs this bill, the invisible
governments by the monetary power will be legalized. The people may not know it
immediately but the day of reckoning is only a few years removed, the worst
legislatives crime of the ages perpetrated by this banking bill.”
Lindbergh died in 1924,
aged 65, following a vicious smear campaign and assassination threats.
His grandson and namesake
died in 1932, aged 20 months, in a so-called crime of the century.
“Police charged Bruno Richard
Hauptmann with the hacking to death of this toddler. Although Hauptmann
continued to adamantly maintain his innocence, all his appeals and petitions
for clemency were rejected by early December 1935. Despite a last minute
attempt by New Jersey Governor Harold G. Hoffman (who believed Hauptmann was
guilty but also had always expressed doubts that he could have acted alone) to
convince him to confess to the crimes in exchange for getting his sentence
commuted to life imprisonment, the by then 36-year old Hauptmann refused and
was electrocuted at Trenton State Prison on April 3, 1936.”
Later scholarship provides
additional confirmation of Hauptmann’s innocence. [12]
Senator Huey Long. “Wouldn’t you like to
vote for a guy that was hated by big business, hated by the 1 percent, hated by
Wall Street? Wouldn’t you like the chance to vote for someone who was willing
to take them all on; someone who’d promise to re-regulate the system and tax
the hell out of every billionaire fatcat in America?”[13] Wouldn’t you indeed
vote for someone brave enough to fight the Rockefellers—and temporarily defeat
Long, a popular
ex-governor, senator, and a promising presidential hopeful, was adamantly
opposed to the Federal Reserve Syndicate, foreign wars, and needless poverty
side by side with massive concentration of wealth in a few hands. “Long argued there was enough
wealth in the country for every individual to enjoy a comfortable standard of
living, but that it was unfairly concentrated in the hands of a few millionaire
bankers, businessmen and industrialists.”
Huey Long was shot and
killed by a lone gunman in 1935.
General Smedley Butler and
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR). Franklin Delano Roosevelt
was a member of the ruling class and certainly sympathetic to its interests.
But he also wished to mitigate the sufferings and deaths caused by the
(bankers-engineered) Great Depression. This led the bankers to attempt his
removal from office through a fascist coup. But they were still finding their
way in those days, as shown by the aborted assassination of President
Jackson—and the almost-failed assassinations of President Garfield and
McKinley. In this case, their error involved the belief that everyone was
To lead the coup, they
chose the popular General Smedley Butler. They did this even though they must
have known that a year earlier for instance, in 1933, Butler toured the
country. . . “trying to educate the soldiers out of the
sucker class” and condemning the FDR administration for its
ties to big business. . . . He said: “I believe in . . . taking Wall St. by the
throat and shaking it up.”
Butler however
double-crossed them in 1934, thus postponing the arrival of outright fascism to
America’s shores by about half a century.
After single-handedly
aborting the Nazi coup, and in addition to cross-country lecturing, Butler
served, from 1935 to 1937 as a spokesman for the American League against War
and Fascism. By 1935, he wrote the classic exposé War Is a Racket [14], “a trenchant
condemnation of the profit motive behind warfare.”
Butler died in 1940, aged
58. FDR died in office in 1945, aged 63.
Luis McFadden, Chairperson
of the House Banking Committee. In a 1932 speech in the House of
Representative,(the unfortunately bigoted) McFadden said:
“Mr. Chairman, we have in
this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. . .
. The Federal Reserve Board, a Government board, has cheated the Government of
the United States and the people of the United States out of enough money to
pay the national debt. . . . This evil institution has impoverished and ruined
the people of the United States, has bankrupted itself, and has practically
bankrupted our Government. It has done this through the defects of the law
under which it operates, through the maladministration of that law by the
Federal Reserve Board, and through the corrupt practices of the moneyed
vultures who control it. . . . The sack of the United States by the Fed[eral
Reserve] is the greatest crime in history. Every effort has been made by the
Fed to conceal its powers, but the truth is the Fed has usurped the
Ellen Brown sums up the
sequel [3, p. 158]:
“As for Congressman
McFadden’s impeachment action against the Fed, he never got a chance to prove
his case. His investigation was terminated by his sudden death in 1936, under
suspicious circumstances. The alleged cause: ‘heart-failure sudden death,’
following a bout of ‘intestinal flue.’ His petition for Articles of Impeachment
against the Federal Reserve Board for fraud, conspiracy, unlawful conversion
and treason was never acted upon.”
This followed two earlier
attempts to take McFadden’s life, the first by shooting and the second by
The Kennedy Clan. With the Kennedy
family, the hitmen went overboard, suggesting a personal vendetta—in addition
to the fact that “Kennedy was the last president to take a real stand against
Wall Street . . . the CIA, war, and Israel’s construction of a massive nuclear
arsenal.” [3, p. 202] JFK’s older sister Kathleen briefly dated David Rockefeller,
and died (1948) in an airplane crash. His older brother Joseph (1944), and his
son JFK, Jr. (1999), died in an airplane crash. His younger brother Ted
miraculously survived an airplane crash (1964), a car accident (1969), and a vicious
smear campaign. JFK (1963) and his younger brother RFK (1968; and likely-to-win
presidential aspirant) were shot in broad daylight.
JFK’s widow Jackie married
Greek shipping tycoon Onassis, perhaps because she hoped that his wealth and
foreign residence would provide a measure of protection for her two children. Her
prudence only bought her son time, and probably cost Onassis more than he
bargained for (his son died in a 1973 plane “accident”).
Three other outspoken and
influential critics of the banking cabal died in three separate airplane
crashes:Representative Dr. Larry P. McDonald (died in 1983,
aged 48), Senator John Heinz (1991, aged 52), and Senator
John Tower (1991, aged 65). Many others were incarcerated, smeared,
and assassinated, and will be duly documented in a forthcoming Cloak-and-Dagger
Before you dismiss all
these mysterious deaths as mere coincidences, recall that, throughout the last
150 years, there were many more bankers’ yes-men in the White House and
Congress than there were champions of the people. How many of these yes-men
were killed by a lone gunman or in an airplane crash?
This is not the place to
play with statistics, but let me assure you that any independent statistician
would immediately identify a pattern here—as opposed to chance events. If you
drink water contaminated with a specific type of bacterium, you might die of
cholera. If you live in a bankers-infected world and you dare oppose the
parasites or happen to be in their way, you might die of bankititis. That is
the verdict of the historical record (a more comprehensive treatment of
assassination patterns is available here [15]).
Throughout this entire
period, I can only think of one clear exception to this rule: Congressman Wright Patman.
Many others were
incarcerated, smeared, and assassinated, and will be duly documented in a
forthcoming Cloak-and-Dagger Encyclopedia. There is, however, one case
that deserves special mention because it simultaneously exposes the fractional
reserve fraud and the Syndicate’s license to kill and destroy.
The Sixth Kennedy?
The Extraordinary Case of
Jerome Daly, Bill Drexler, and Martin Vincent Mahoney
To implement their programs
of enslaving humanity, the bankers long ago bought—or scared into
submission—the vast majority of the legal profession. Thankfully, a few people
are capable of casting self-interest “into oblivion” and looking and listening
to “the welfare of the whole people.”
Here is Ellen Brown again:
“First National Bank of
Montgomery vs. Daly (1969) was a courtroom drama worthy of a movie script.
Defendant Jerome Daly . . . an attorney representing himself, argued that
the bank had put up no real money for his loan. The courtroom proceedings were
recorded by Associate Justice Bill Drexler . . . Drexler hadn’t given much
credence to the theory of the defense, until Mr. Morgan, the bank’s president,
took the stand. To everyone’s surprise, Morgan admitted that the bank routinely
created money “out of thin air” for its loans, and that this was standard
banking practice.
“’It sounds like fraud to
me,’ intoned Presiding Justice Martin Mahoney amid nods from the jurors. In his
court memorandum, Justice Mahoney stated:
“’Plaintiff admitted that
it, in combination with the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis . . . did
create the entire $14,000.00 in money and credit upon its own books by
bookkeeping entry. . . Mr. Morgan [president of the local bank] admitted that no
United States Law or Statute existed which gave him the right to do this.’
“The court rejected the
bank’s claim for foreclosure, and the defendant kept his house. To Daly, the
implications were enormous. If bankers were indeed extending credit . . .
without backing their loans with money they actually had in their vaults, . . .
a decision declaring their loans void could topple the power base of the world.
He wrote in a local news article:
“’This decision, which is
legally sound, has the effect of declaring all private mortgages on real and
personal property, and all U.S. and State bonds held by the Federal Reserve,
National and State banks to be null and void. This amounts to an emancipation
of this Nation from personal, national and state debt purportedly owed to this
banking system. Every American owes it to himself . . . to study this decision
very carefully . . . for upon it hangs the question of freedom or slavery.’”
The intrepid Daly did not
stop there [16]:
“Mr. Daly has also been
active on the tax resistance front. He hasn’t paid income taxes since 1965,
claiming that the income tax is unconstitutional . . . Daly also ties the claim
in with the Minnesota court decision on the unconstitutionality of banks’ issue
of fiat money. What Daly does is to submit an income tax return, consisting of
over 40 pages of his legal claims, and suggesting that the IRS sue him for the
tax in U. S. District Court. So far IRS has not sued Mr. Daly, who is now
holding seminars around the country instructing people how to fill out similar
income tax forms.”
If you have been paying
attention so far, you are in a position to make two predictions:
- Since the bankers own the government
(executive, legislative, and judiciary, mass media, and a variety of
alphabet soup assassination squads), the decision will have been
- Since the bankers have a license to kill and
destroy, and since that court decision threatened their fractional reserve
golden goose, they must make an example of the three main protagonists.
It only took me a few
minutes to confirm both predictions.
“The bank appealed the next day, and the
decision was ultimately nullified on the grounds that a Justice of the Peace
[and a jury representing the American people] did not have the power to make
such a ruling.”
Mahoney died at age 54,
less than six months after the trial. Bill Drexler, Mahoney’s associate
justice, explained in 2005: [17] “The
money boys that run the ‘private Federal Reserve Bank’ soon got back at Mahoney
by poisoning him in what appeared to have been a fishing boat accident (but
with his body pumped full of poison) in June of 1969, less than 6 months after
the trial.”
Daly and Drexler were comparatively
lucky: Both were disbarred by the highest (kangaroo) court of the State of
The Impact of the Federal
Reserve Syndicate on the USA and the World: A Sampler
The bankers have played a
destructive role in American history, always achieving their goals through a
combination of clandestine conspiracies, control of information sources,
controlled elections, bribery, intimidation, smears, imprisonment, and assassinations.
In the UK as well, the same
financiers enjoy near-total control of every aspect of that nation’s life—a
control that is much more visible and codified into law than in the US. An article in one of the
bankers’ chief propaganda organs underscores the in-your-face rule of the
“Governed either by or on
behalf of the people who fleece us, we cannot be surprised to discover that all
public services are being re-engineered for the benefit of private
capital. . . . The financial sector exploits an astonishing political
privilege: the City of London [London’s financial district] is the only
jurisdiction in the UK not fully subject to the authority of parliament. In fact, the relationship
seems to work the other way. Behind the Speaker’s chair in the House of Commons
sits the Remembrancer, whose job is to ensure
that the interests of the City of London are recognised by the elected
And they dare call it democracy?
To confirm our suspicion
that privatized central banks such as the Federal Reserve Syndicate constitute
the biggest and riskiest scam in history, we need to ask: What have they
accomplished so far, besides fractionally stealing from us, conspiring against
us, lording over us, and murdering our champions?
Here then are a few
highlights of the bankers’ ongoing (and so far unilateral) war against
One alleged objective of the Federal
Reserve Syndicate is stable prices. That is as it should be, for the debasement
of currency is one loathsome mechanism of transferring wealth from the vast
majority to the bankers and their partners in crime. Inflation also causes
economic and political instabilities. At times, it leads to hyperinflation,
which causes even more sufferings and instabilities.
The following charts trace
the course of global inflation before and after 1913, suggesting that the
Syndicate has enriched itself by deliberately betraying its anti-inflationary
Here is one specific
example: Despite manyfold improvements in agricultural productivity over the
last century, the same amount of money that bought you 38 potatoes in 1913,
buys you now just one.
Full employment constitutes
a second major alleged objective of the 1913 Federal
Reserve act, again for excellent reasons. First, unemployment is painful.
Second, massive unemployment destabilizes the entire politico-economic system.
The under-employed and the unemployed can readily imagine a system where both
work and leisure are equally shared by all, and they are less likely to be
favorably disposed to a system that converts them into a reserve army of
outcasts and rebels.
So, after a century of
“trying” to achieve maximum employment, where are we?
In 1913, when the Syndicate
came into being, unemployment stood at about 6.6%. By
1933—the height of the Syndicate-created Great Depression—it climbed to 35.3%.
According to Boris Borisov, unemployment in the USA
during the 1930s led to the death of over 7,000,000 Americans (one more
genocide in American history, and second only to the deliberate extermination
of Native Americans [18]).
After America’s entry into
World War II, unemployment precipitously declined.
Throughout the first 15
years of the 21st century, high unemployment seems to have become a
structural part of the system—even though the USA has been, throughout those 15
years, on a permanent war footing.
For their part, the bankers
and their government lackeys “solve” the high unemployment conundrum by
fudging. If we ignore their self-serving lies, damn lies, and statistics,
and count the percentage of unemployed [19] as it was done,
for instance, in the 1970s, then since 2009, unemployment levels never fell
below 20%. By August 2015, they stood at 22.9%.
We can also circumvent the lies
of the bankers by noting the record number of
adults out of the workforce: 94,000,000 (in 2015).
So, for the past seven
years, America has been in the grips of a depression—courtesy of its privately
owned, conspiratorially-conceived, banking Syndicate.
Interest Rates
A third formal objective of
the Syndicate “is moderate long-term interest rates.” The nearby chart depicts the history
of U.S. medium-term interest rates (10-year government bonds), since 1790,
again showing a discrepancy between avowed and real goals. For instance,
throughout those years, rates have reached their lowest points, by far, after
the creation of the Syndicate: in 1945 and in recent years (the September 2015
rate hovers around 2.1%). They
reached their highest points, by far, in the early 1980s.
By late 2015, the benchmark
Federal Fund Rate (the one rate that is set directly by the Syndicate) has
been near zero percent for seven years! That, as you surely realize
by now, benefits the bankers and their cronies but distorts market forces and
harms ordinary people. Retirees and other savers feel especially betrayed, as
the real value of their savings steadily declines.
Poverty and Scandalous Income
As we have seen,
ever-growing income inequalities are at the heart of the fractional reserve
system. The rise in productivity, the competition from the old
USSR, and the ever-present threat of revolution, occasionally halted or
reversed the process. Overall, however, the trend is unmistakable: The
Syndicate and its lackeys have achieved one of their key unstated goals: A net
transfer of wealth from our coffers to theirs. “At the moment, the top 0.1% (consisting
of 160,000 families worth $73 million on average) holds 22% of America’s wealth
. . . almost the same share as the bottom 90% of the population.”
An article in the bankers’ owned
press contains an even stronger indictment:
“The distribution of wealth
in the United States is getting absurd . . . The family of Sam Walton, founder
of supermarket chain Walmart, has amassed over $149 billion in wealth. The
family possesses as much as all of the lowest 42 percent of the country
For the world as a whole,
the situation is even worse:
“At last reckoning, 80
oligarchs own the wealth equivalent of the bottom 3.6 billion people on the
planet, billions who must survive on less than $2 per day!” [20]
By now, the bankers openly
mock us. Here is an April 2015 conversation between three Rothschild’s
employees (all three also were, at one time, U.S. Treasury Secretary). Watch
this video clip and gnash your teeth (36:08-36:31):
The key passage:
Paulson: “Ok, well . .
. income inequality. I think this is something we’ve all thought about. You
know I was working on that topic when I was still at Goldman Sachs.”
Rubin: “In which
direction? You were working on increasing it.”
Paulson then bursts out
laughing: “Yeah! We were making it wider!”
“Whenever any Form of
Government becomes destructive of . . . [Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of
Happiness], it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it.” (Photo source)
Income Tax
How would it feel like,
living in a world where you no longer have to pay federal taxes, turn a part of
your life into a never-ending bookkeeping rigmarole, live in fear of IRS
arbitrary harassment, interminably wait for an IRS functionary to pick up the phone?
Couldn’t you find some better use for the time and money you now spend on
income taxes? How would it feel like knowing that federal taxes could be
readily abolished—if we could just get rid of the Syndicate?
According to Ellen Brown
[3, p. 3]:
“The federal income tax was
instituted [in 1913, the same year the Syndicate was created] specifically to
coerce taxpayers to pay the interest due to the banks on the federal debt. If
the money supply had been created by the government rather than borrowed from banks
that created it, the income tax would have been unnecessary.”
The Gold Heists
There are good reasons to
believe that the bankers, operating through their Syndicate and their Treasury
Department, stole the American people’s gold twice. First, they confiscated the
people’s gold, paid them $20 an ounce, and then raised the price to $35. Next,
the descendants of these thieves, most likely [21, 22] simply stole that
gold—all 8,044 tons of it—from the American people.
“There are grave doubts
whether the Federal Reserve actually holds the 8,044 tons of gold it claims it does. The former
International Monetary Fund director, France’s Dominique Straus-Kahn, demanded
an independent audit of the Federal Reserve gold after the US refused to
deliver to the IMF 191 tons of gold agreed to under the IMF Articles of
Agreement signed by the Executive Board in April 1978 to back Special Drawing
Rights issuance. Immediately before he could rush back to Paris, he was hit by
a bizarre hotel sex scandal and abruptly forced to resign. Straus-Kahn had been
shown a secret Russian intelligence report prepared for President Vladimir
Putin in which ‘rogue’ CIA agents revealed that the US Federal
Reserve had no gold reserves and only lied that it did.”
In 1974, a media outlet
charged that the Rockefeller family was manipulating the Federal Reserve
Syndicate to sell off Fort Knox gold at low prices to . . . the Rockefellers.
The source of this 1974 story was Louise Auchincloss Boyer, 59, an executive assistant to members of the Rockefeller dynasty for 30 years. Three days after trying to protect the American people from yet another Rockefeller scam, Louise “fell” to her death from her 10th floor apartment in New York City.
“There is probably ZERO
‘good-delivery’ gold (.995) in Fort Knox. Just as with other issues in this
day, U.S. Treasury could completely embarrass us critics any day of the week by
throwing the doors open to the press and showing mountains of good-delivery
gold . . . An annual physical audit of U.S. gold reserves is required by law.
However, the last time one was done was 1957.”
Besides confiscating the
American people’s gold twice, many countries allegedly maintain some of their
gold treasures in New York City, at the vaults of the Federal Reserve
Syndicate. The Syndicate drags its feet on any foreign central bankers’ request
to repatriate or even audit their own country’s gold, thus raising suspicions [23] that most of
that gold had been stolen too.
An Ever-Growing National
In this upside-down debt-based
monetary system of ours [3, p. 33), “in order to keep money in the
system, some major player has to incur substantial debt that never gets
paid back; and this role is played by the Federal Government.” In other words,
the current system creates an ever-growing national debt that cannot be paid
back—unless and until the bankers are removed from power.
We are all debt slaves, and
will continue to be as long as the banking scam continues. Prof. Lawrence Kotlikoff says that, by 2013,
“the true debt is $205
trillion; the official debt is only $17 trillion. So, most of the problems
we’re facing, most of the debt we have, the vast majority of it is off the
books and Congress has done bookkeeping to make sure the public doesn’t see it.
. . . This is more or less a conspiracy to . . . keep ourselves and our kids in
the dark about what the politicians are really doing.”
Kotlikoff’s honest figure
means a debt of roughly $1.7 million for every American household. No wonder
they must resort to creative bookkeeping! This racket cannot go on forever, of
course. So they will either print the needed money, creating hyperinflation, or
they will simply stop such things as social security payments. Either way, if
the bankers continue to rule us, most of the debt will never be paid.
The bankers tax you to the
hilt in your working years, telling you that you are not responsible enough to
save the money yourself. They then steal the money using Orwellian doublespeak
(e.g., tax cuts, defense budget, bailouts), driving you to poverty or even
destitution. Then they try to justify the theft by telling you that this money
was not yours to begin with, but a mere “entitlement.”
This is the kind of
heartless exploitation Andrew Jackson must have had in mind when he described
the banking Syndicate as a “hydra-headed monster eating the flesh of the common
Bailouts constitute yet
another way of transferring millions, billions—and nowadays often
trillions—from the people to the bankers. If we could just manage to stop that
one scam, the net worth of each one of us would be a multiple of what it is
“As a century of history
and the specific example of the last financial crisis shows, the Fed was used
as a vehicle to bail out the very bankers who own the Fed banks in the most
obvious example of fascistic collusion imaginable. . . . JP Morgan Chase chief
executive . . . was also a member of the board of the New York Fed during the
period that saw $391 billion in Fed emergency lending directed to his own bank.
In all, Federal Reserve board members were tied to $4 trillion in loans to
their own banks. These funds were not simply used to keep these banks afloat,
but actually to return these Fed-connected banks to a period of record profits
in the same period that average workers saw their real wages actually decrease
and the economy on main street slow to a standstill.”
Edward Griffin [6]
“The game called Bailout
has been played over and over again in the rescue of large corporations,
domestic banks, and savings-and-loan institutions. The pretense has been that
these measures were necessary to protect the public. The result, however, has
been just the opposite. The public has been exploited as billions of dollars
have been expropriated through taxes and inflation. The money has been used to
make up losses that should have been paid by the failing banks and corporations
as the penalty for mismanagement and fraud.”
A former Secretary of
Interior of the Reagan Administration recalls a cabinet meeting [6]:
“In amazement, I leaned
back in my large, leather chair, only two seats from the President of the United
States. I realized that nothing in the world could keep these high government
officials from scrambling to protect and bail out a few very large and sorely
troubled American banks.”

Mark Pittman signed his
e-mails with the nearby photo of Woody Guthrie.
Mark Pittman, a mainstream
financial journalist given the rare privilege of sharing a few scandals with
the public, showed that the Federal Reserve
Syndicate and its owners underhandedly stole trillions of dollars from the
American people. Another inconvenient story of his pointed to “former Treasury
Secretary Henry Paulson’s involvement in creating the subprime mortgage crisis
when he was CEO of Goldman Sachs.” By 2009, Pittman had enough of secrecy,
lies, and grand thefts and took the most unusual step of suing the Federal
Mark Pittman died a short
time later, aged 52.
Boom and Bust Cycles
“We now know that for
centuries the people of the United States have been at war with the
international banking oligarchs. That war was lost, seemingly for good, in
1913, with the creation of the Federal Reserve. With the passage of the Federal
Reserve Act, President Woodrow Wilson consigned the American population to a
century in which the money supply itself has depended on the whims of the
banking cabal. A century of booms and busts, bubbles and depressions, has led
to a wholesale redistribution of wealth toward those at the very top of the
system. At the bottom, the masses toil in relative poverty, single-income
households becoming double-income households out of necessity, their quality of
life being slowly eroded as the Federal Reserve Notes that pass for dollars are
themselves devalued.”
“Worse yet, the fraud
itself perpetuates Alexander Hamilton’s persistent myth that a national debt is
necessary at all. . . .
“This cabal bear allegiance
to no nationality, no philosophy or creed, no code of ethics. They are not even
motivated by greed, but power, the power that the control of the money supply
inevitably brings with it.
“This is why the bankers
and their partners in government and business conspired to bring about the 2008
crisis. Not for the pursuit of money, but power. In the same way the bankers
used the Panic of 1907 to consolidate their control over the money supply, they
hope to use the 2008 crisis and subsequent panics, which they themselves have
created, to consolidate their political control.”
Griffin [6] describes the
Panic of 1834:
“When the Second Bank of
the United States was struggling for its life in 1834, Nicholas Biddle, who
controlled it, set about to cause as much havoc in the economy as possible and
then to blame it on President Jackson’s anti-bank policies. By suddenly
tightening credit and withdrawing money from circulation, he triggered a
full-scale national depression.”
The Great Depression
provides yet another example of a boom follows by a bust. It caused a
greater loss of American lives than all of America’s
wars—combined. Even Rockefeller puppets like Alan Greenspan [cited in 6, p.
474], Ben Bernanke, and Milton Friedman agree that it was inadvertently caused
by the Syndicate. But that too, as Corbett notes, is a lie—meant to obscure the
monstrous truth that the Syndicate caused the Great Depression, and all other
booms and busts since, knowingly and deliberately. “In politics,” FDR said,
“nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can
bet it was planned that way.”
Rigging all Markets
Wouldn’t you like to know,
just once, whether tomorrow’s stocks [22], bonds, interest rates, foreign currencies, precious metals [22], or commodities
are going up or down? Can you imagine how much money you could be making on
that single day?
Well, the bankers know, and
that is just one more way of enriching themselves at the expense of all other
unsuspecting market participants. To make matters worse, they often manipulate
markets with the huge welfare checks (bailouts) the people give them.
To keep up the pretense of
democracy and free markets, the bankers are occasionally caught by their own
cops and media. They then agree to “settle” out of court, pay an infinitesimal
fraction of their loot—and keep rigging the markets.
“Everything is rigged . . .
The second huge financial scandal of the year reveals the real international
conspiracy: There’s no price the big banks can’t fix. . . . You may have heard
of Libor scandal, in which at least three – and perhaps as many as 16 – of the
name-brand too-big-to-fail banks have been manipulating global interest rates .
. . When that sprawling con burst into public view last year, it was easily the
biggest financial scandal in history. . . . That was bad enough, but now Libor
may have a twin brother . . . suggest[ing] a single, giant mushrooming
conspiracy of collusion and price-fixing hovering under the ostensibly
competitive veneer of Wall Street culture. . . . It’s not just stealing by
reaching a hand into your pocket and taking out money, but stealing in which
banks can hit a few keystrokes and magically make whatever’s in your pocket
worth less.”
Such scandals are popping
now with clockwork regularity. On the day I was revising this article for the
last time, the slap-on-the-wrist charade was again in the news:
“The Swiss competition
watchdog has launched an investigation into possible collusion in the precious
metals market by several major banks, it said on Monday, the latest in a string
of probes into gold, silver, platinum and palladium pricing.”
So: Banks rig each and
every market. Since they generally know in advance the future direction of most
things financial, they can make billions in a single day, buying or selling.
Since gambling is a zero-sum game, their ill-gotten gains are our losses.
War exerts an enormous toll
on ordinary people, often separating them from loved ones, maiming them
physically and emotionally, or killing them. Wars also pose the greatest menace
to our liberties (that is why Thomas Jefferson did everything he could to avoid
them in those happy years when he was president). As we have seen earlier, wars
also involve tragic opportunity costs: The money spent globally on wars today
could markedly improve the quality of life of every human being on earth.
Most wars have been
engineered by the bankers and their allies in the
banking-military-intelligence-media-academia complex, usually through phoney pretexts or false-flag
operations. [24] Modern wars enrich the bankers and their
cronies directly. Also, since 1945, many wars have been waged to protect the
privileged status of the bankers’ favorite fiat currency (for now, the U.S.
After the 1913 creation of
the Syndicate, warring—following the same logic as inflation and
unemployment—accelerated inexorably, to the point where we find ourselves now
in an Orwellian permanent war footing. More than $1,000,000,000,000 is spent on
America’s wars every year (double the official figures [25]). And even that
figure does not include the militarization of the police and the contrived war
on terror. Worst of all, the bankers are again pushing humanity ever closer to
the brink of an all-out nuclear catastrophe.
The role of the bankers and
the profit motive in instigating wars was crystal clear already to Thomas
“The spirit of war and
indictment . . . since the modern theory of the perpetuation of debt, has
drenched the earth with blood, and crushed its inhabitants under burdens ever
Griffin reminds us of
another historical example [6]:
“In the mid thirties a
Senate committee headed by Gerald P. Nye of North Dakota investigated the
pre-1917 munitions trade and raised a possibility that the Wilson
administration went to war because American bankers needed to protect their
Allied loans.”
And let us not forget the
bankers who financed the great war [WWI]. If anyone had the cream of the
profits it was the bankers. . . . Who provides the profits—these nice little
profits of 20, 100, 300, 1,500 and 1,800 per cent? We all pay them—in taxation.
We paid the bankers their profits when we bought Liberty Bonds at $100.00 and
sold them back at $84 or $86 to the bankers. These bankers collected $100 plus.
It was a simple manipulation. The bankers control the security marts. It was
easy for them to depress the price of these bonds. Then all of us—the
people—got frightened and sold the bonds at $84 or $86. The bankers bought
them. Then these same bankers stimulated a boom and government bonds went to
par –and above. Then the bankers collected their profits.
Phoney War on Drugs
Banks and the governments
they control are heavily involved in the “war” on
drugs, supporting both sides of that war. They
arrange for weapons and protection for both drug traffickers and the police who are ordered to suppress
them, and they provide much-needed laundering services for the money thus

In (bankers-occupied)
Afghan fields, the poppies blow.
Again, there is no such
thing as a free lunch—their profits are our losses. We the world’s people pay
for the so-called war on drugs, and we pay for the crimes, heartaches, prison
stays, and deaths. Non-violent drug users, for their part, risk incarceration
and pay higher prices for inferior, dicier, products.
Such an authoritarian
system not only shoots itself in the foot [26], but also leaves the door wide
open for corruption. For instance, a mainstream article titled “Britain’s Mafia
State” contains this passage:
“A former minister in the
last government, Lord Green, ran HSBC while it engaged in money laundering
for drug gangs, systematic tax evasion and the provision of services to Saudi
and Bangladeshi banks linked to the financing of terrorists. Sometimes the
UK looks to me like an ever so civilised mafia state.”
For the bankers and their
partners in crime, the stakes are high enough to take advantage of their
license to kill.
In his 1996 “Dark Alliance”
series of articles written for the San Jose Mercury News and later
published as a book, Gary Webb wrote that the CIA was
involved in smuggling crack cocaine to Los Angeles to achieve two goals: 1.
Fund the CIA’s attempt to devastate Nicaragua, topple its
democratically-elected leadership, and replace it with a corporate-friendly
dictatorship. 2. Spark the “widespread crack cocaine epidemic that swept
through many U.S. cities during the 1980s,” thereby minimizing the chances of
inner city revolts.
Indeed, “as part of the
grassroots backlash generated from Webb’s “Dark Alliance” series, many in the
Black Community openly charged that the government, via the CIA’s drug
trafficking of cocaine into California, was guilty of a genocidal plot against
African Americans.” [27]
Webb also “charged that the Reagan
administration shielded inner-city drug dealers from prosecution.”
“There have been reports [28] from reliable
sources that, prior to his death, Webb had uncovered even more material related
to his original “Dark Alliance'” investigations, and that he was in the process
of completing another book about drug trafficking and the CIA. . . . The
primary motive behind Webb’s likely murder was to stop him from publishing his
next investigative exposé.”
Gary Webb “committed
suicide” in 2004, aged 49, shooting himself in the head twice. (When it
comes to botched murders, history certainly rhymes. Recall that in just this
brief survey, we encountered a six-shooter firing 7 bullets, and two presidents
being shot—and then killed by their doctors).
World Conquest
“These US-dominated
agencies [IMF and the World Bank] operate a mafia-like protection scheme on the
global south. Economic hitmen like Perkins pressure leaders of developing
nations to accept development loans for massive infrastructure projects (dams,
bridges, super highways, etc.) they neither want nor need. If they accept,
their economies are paralyzed by crushing debt repayments. If they refuse, they
risk assassination or being overthrown through US military intervention or a
CIA coup. In nearly every case, the loans go to specific US corporations who
build the dams, bridges and super highways.
“In addition to crushing
debt repayments, the IMF also impose their notorious “structural adjustment”
programs on debtor nations. As a condition to renewing their loans, these
countries are forced to open their economies further to US and European
investors and enact a variety of austerity measure. These typically include
privatization of state-owned utilities (by selling them to US and European
corporations) and reduction of public spending by laying off state workers and
cutting pensions and food and energy subsidies.”
If the leaders refuse to
comply with the bankers’ dictates and manage to escape assassination, the
country is physically invaded by a superbly equipped, financed, and
indoctrinated military horde. Sometimes the recalcitrant country has a
functional democracy, which now the bankers turn into a vicious dictatorship
(e.g., post-Arbenz Guatemala). In some cases, the invaded country was already
enjoying the pleasures of a CIA-installed dictatorship (Hussein’s Iraq,
Noriega’s Panama). Even there, the conquered people look back with longing on
the comparatively mild depredations of the dictatorship.
To sow fear in all future
foreign politicians and generals, defiant leaders are often incarcerated,
tortured, sodomized, or hung. The patriotism of the fathers is then visited
upon their children, family, friends, and close associates. The country itself
is often turned into a failed state, plagued by planned chaos, destroyed
infrastructure, scarred and permanently poisoned landscapes, ethnic strife,
beheadings, and displaced, maimed, and traumatized people.
When the bankers run out of
weak countries to lay waste to, they pick on China and Russia, thereby bringing
the nuclear doomsday clock ever closer to midnight.
Meanwhile, the bankers
intensify their attack on their own people, preempting revolt through reliance
on servile police, military, mercenaries, disinformation, distractions,
contrived terror, ignorance, and fear.
The bankers depend on the
police for their safety and for implementing the ongoing transition from
freedom to fascism. So cops are carefully screened (for blind obedience,
callousness, and scarce critical thinking skills), indoctrinated, and handed a
license to kill.
Money plays an important
part in this scheme. Cops, to begin with, are paid well. But there are also
some indirect ways of augmenting their salaries and assuring their cheerful
One example of this is
Civil forfeiture, which, says the Institute for Justice, involves “confiscating
items from people, ranging from cash, cars, even homes based on no criminal
conviction or charges . . . the police departments themselves are able to keep
much of the confiscated money. So they actually have a perverse incentive to
Indeed [30] “Police are free
to spend the money they gain from civil forfeitures on anything they want,
without fear of punishment. So they spend it on such things as football
tickets, trips to Las Vegas, booze parties, Humvees, and surveillance
“Once the government seizes your bank account, it
provides no prompt way to get your case heard by a judge, and it is up to you
to prove your innocence. This is why the vast majority of structuring cases are

“Current federal forfeiture laws create financial
incentives for law enforcement to pursue profit over the fair administration of
justice, facilitate the circumvention of state laws intended to protect
citizens from abuse, encourage the violation of due process and property rights
of Americans, and disproportionally impact people of color and those of modest
In 2002, civil
forfeitures netted $322 million. By
2012, they were swiping real money: $4.6 billion.
“For 38 years, Carole Hinders has owned and
operated Mrs. Lady’s Mexican Food in Spirit Lake, Iowa. Mrs. Lady’s accepts
only cash, which means Carol makes frequent trips to the bank to avoid having
large sums of money at the restaurant.

“But in August 2013, the
federal government used civil forfeiture to seize Carole’s entire bank
account—totaling nearly $33,000—even though she did nothing wrong. Federal law
requires banks to report cash deposits larger than $10,000. Since her deposits
were almost always less than $10,000, they claimed that she was “structuring”
her cash bank deposits to evade that reporting requirement. And now they want
to keep all of Carole’s money without even charging her with a crime.”
Police State America
We hear daily about police
brutality, militarization of the police, unjust incarceration of millions,
Orwellian no-fly lists, [31] arbitrary search and
seizures, sunshine assassinations of foreigners and Americans without trials or
convictions, and a myriad of laws that are gradually turning the USA into a
police state.

Here is one example. The
bankers are now taking the first few tentative steps towards a cashless
society. Sounds good, until you realize that will make it harder to protect
yourself from the ravages of inflation. Also, at their pleasure, they might
just condemn you to marginality or starvation by arbitrarily canceling your access
to your money.
Even insiders are obliquely warning us: “Cashless . . . systems
would raise everyone’s concerns about privacy and surveillance. Basically the
government would be able to start questioning anyone vigorously about virtually
every aspect of daily living. . . it would be appalling for the rights of
individuals . . . would place everyone inside a precisely defined, monitorable
box with defined set of rules of behavior. If local or national governments
found themselves in financial crisis, . . . Your balance could be altered.”
As a second example,
consider the heyday of the idealistic, naïve, non-violent, miscalled, Occupy
movement. The bankers were getting uncomfortable, and sprung into actions not
only through their normal channels (CIA, FBI, DIA) but directly through their
own mercenaries. Here is how Bancopedia describes this horror:
“Government documents
released in December 2012 . . . reveal FBI monitoring of what became known as
the Occupy movement since at least August 2011, a month before the protests
began. The FBI, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, local police, regional
law enforcement “counterterrorism” fusion centers, and private security forces
of major banks formed the Domestic Security Alliance Council (DSAC)
to collect and share information about, and to share plans to target and to
arrest Occupy protesters. Banks met with the FBI to pool information about
participants of the Occupy movement collected by corporate security, and the
FBI offered to bank officials its plans to crush Occupy events that were
scheduled for a month later. FBI officials met with New York Stock Exchange representatives on August 19, 2011, notifying them of planned peaceful
protests. FBI officials later met with representatives of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Richmond and Zions Bank about planned protests. The FBI used informants
to infiltrate and monitor protests; information from informants and military
intelligence units was passed to DSAC, which then gave updates to financial
companies. Surveillance of protestors was also carried out by the Joint
Terrorism Task Force. DSAC also coordinated with security firms hired by banks
to target OWS leaders.”
As well, plans were apparently under
way to assassinate some leaders of that movement: [33] Naomi Wolf:
“Banks sat down with FBI
officials to pool information about OWS [Occupy Wall Street] . . . and offered
to the representatives of the same organizations that the protests would
target; and even threats of the assassination of OWS leaders by
sniper fire. . . These federal agencies function . . . as a de facto
intelligence arm of Wall Street and Corporate America. . . . if you are an
Occupy activist and see . . . the “longterm plans” of some redacted group to
shoot you, this [officially-released] document is quite the deterrent.”

For many decades, poor and middle-class Americans have been “victimized by a law enforcement system capable of the most venal acts both within the community and in the courtroom, taking away whole lifetimes of innocent people by use of street executions or judicial killings or perpetual incarcerations–an abuse of justice that is beyond measure.” [34]
War on Truth
Corrupt rulers everywhere
and always have been hostile to transparency and truth. The bankers are no
exception, gradually and systematically monopolizing and corrupting most of our
sources of information and crippling our very capacity to think clearly and
We have already alluded to a few examples of the bankers’ utter contempt for truth, including assertions that (i) the bankers are honorable people, never rigging markets, stealing, corrupting our morals, smearing, incarcerating, or killing influential opponents, (ii) the Federal Reserve Syndicate was created to stabilize the economy and interest rates and to minimize unemployment and inflation, (iii) the Syndicate serves the public interest, (iv) inflation in 2015 is zero, (v) unemployment in the USA stands at a mere 5.1%, (vi) federal income taxes are necessary to finance government operations, (vii) Fort Knox has more than 8,000 tons of gold, (viii) America’s war budget is $600 billion, (ix) we must spend such vast sums of money on defense” (only twice, they lie, the amount spent by China and Russia combined) to protect our and other peoples’ freedoms, (x) there is no such thing as an odious debt, (xi) the war on drugs is real and serves the public interest, (xii) civil forfeiture is not highway robbery but serves the national interest, and (xiii) poverty, homelessness, depressions, wars, corruption, sunshine bribery, and vast income inequalities are unavoidable or perhaps even good things.
The bankers’ lies and
attacks on our very ability to think go back centuries. Upton Sinclair’s The Brass Check [35], written around
1919, can be viewed as one long indictment of the Rockefeller-owned media:
“Our newspapers do not
represent public interests, but private interests; they do not represent
humanity, but property; they value a man, not because he is great, or good, or
wise, or useful, but because he is wealthy, or of service to vested wealth. . .
“The social body to which
we belong is at this moment passing through one of the greatest crises of its
history . . . What if the nerves upon which we depend for knowledge of this
social body should give us false reports of its condition? . . .
“I was determined to get
something done about the Condemned Meat Industry. I was determined to get
something done about the atrocious conditions under which men, women and
children were working the Chicago stockyards. In my efforts to get something
done, I was like an animal in a cage. The bars of this cage were newspapers,
which stood between me and the public; and inside the cage, I roamed up and
down, testing one bar after another, and finding them impossible to break.”
By now, truth is almost
entirely absent from the mainstream. As just one example of the War on Truth,
consider an unusual article in the left-of-center mainstream press, explaining “how the
federal reserve bought the economics profession:”

William Hogarth, “Scholars
Listening to a Lecture.”
“The Federal Reserve,
through its extensive network of consultants, visiting scholars, alumni, and
staff economists, so thoroughly dominates the field of economics that real
criticism of the central bank has become a career liability for members of the
profession. . . . This dominance helps explain how, even after the Fed failed
to foresee the greatest economic collapse since the Great Depression, the
central bank has largely escaped criticism from academic economists.”
All this happened because
it was planned that way. Griffin [6] provides another example of this gradual
process. In 1917, Representative Callaway from Texas took the floor of Congress
and explained:
“In March, 1915, the J.P.
Morgan interests, the steel, shipbuilding and powder interests, and their
subsidiary organizations, got together 12 men high up in the newspaper world
and employed them to select the most influential newspapers in the United
States and sufficient number of them to control generally the policy of the
daily press. . . . They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of
25 of the greatest papers. . . . An agreement was reached; the policy of the
papers was bought, to be paid for by the month; an editor was furnished for
each paper to properly supervise and edit information regarding the questions
of preparedness, militarism, financial policies, and other things of national
and international nature considered vital to the interests of the purchasers.”
Upton Sinclair observed:
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends
upon his not understanding it!”
Besides direct ownership of
the media, book, and movie industries, despite the ever-present threat of
assassination of recalcitrant journalists, editors, and directors, there is of
course advertising: Well-meaning editors, journalists, teachers, professors,
songwriters, movie and TV scriptwriters, cannot be candid about issues of
concern to their advertisers. [36]
Rockefeller Medicine
Isn’t it curious that
the life expectancy at birth of people
born in Spain or Switzerland is 83 years, while in the USA it is 79
(38th place in the world)—even though per capita spending on health in the
USA is roughly 3.5 times greater than in Spain (in
2013, $9,146 vs. $2581)? Have you ever asked yourself why a Cuban born today is
likely to live as long as her American counterpart, even though the per capita
spending on health in the USA is 15 times larger than in Cuba?
Cutthroat oilmen,
moneychangers, and despoilers of everything: John D. Rockefeller Sr. and Jr.
As strange as this may
sound, one reason for this scandalous state of affairs is . . . the bankers.
Long ago, they used their fraudulently- and fractionally-obtained wealth and
power to enrich and strengthen themselves even more—and to deliberately
undermine the quality and duration of our lives.
“As Americans . . . wonder
how the country became enslaved to the highest healthcare costs in the world,
we turn back the pages to look at how the modern medical paradigm came together
in the early 20th century, courtesy of the Rockefeller Foundation and their
[The healthcare industry
came into being] “as a result of a concerted and carefully plotted plan that
was laid out generations ago by people with malice of forethought. . . . By
taking over the medical industry in 1910 through studies which he made through
the Carnegie foundation, John D. Rockefeller emerged as the kingpin of the
medical monopoly in the United States. And he now presided over an allopathic
system of medicine, controlled through every legislature by accreditation of
hospitals, control of physicians, control of medications and which is
essentially what we have today. . . . Interestingly enough, the Rockefellers
control every major drug company in the world, and when I say control, I mean
directly. . . . I think we understand that profit isn’t in and of itself a
motivating driving factor for the David Rockefellers and others of the world. .
. . America became the most expensive healthcare system in the world . . .
through methodical planning over the course of generations by people with
almost unthinkable amounts of wealth.”
You might want to watch
this video, before your next chemotherapy session, or before you visit to a
conventional physician, dentist, or pharmacist:
War on the Biosphere and
the Probable Extinction of Humanity

Michelangelo, “The Deluge,”
Thanks to the bankers and
their allies and collaborators, the whole biosphere is now Easter Island writ large. The
bankers are not only experts in crippling our lives, liberties, and pursuits of
happiness, but also in terminally fouling our own collective nest. In the long
run, that is their worst crime. Humanity could one day overcome such horrors as
wars, the fractional reserve chicanery, needless poverty, or institutionalized
mendacity, but it is doubtful [38] that it could
recover from the bankers’ attack on the physical and biological foundations of
life itself.
Parting Words
It could probably be said
that never in the history of the world have so few managed to find so many
scams to impoverish, enslave, and kill so many.
We know we can do better,
far better, than being ruled by murderous bankers. We can, for example,
nationalize all banks and deprive bankers of the right to confound or bribe
almost every politician, judge, general, spook, movie producer, journalist,
man, woman, and child in the land.
Or we can, at least until
we have real democracy, go back to gold and
silver money, with the ratio between them determined by market forces, and with
the government’s role restricted to minting coins and preventing such frauds as
counterfeit money and fractional-reserve lending.
Ellen Brown [39], for instance,
tirelessly reminds us that a public approach to banking, even at the state level, could accomplish
“The public banking model
is simply more profitable and efficient than the private model. Profits, rather
than being siphoned into offshore tax havens, are recycled back into the bank,
the state and the community.”
Elsewhere, Brown echoes the
countless intellectuals and public figures quoted earlier in this report: [3,
pp. 447-8]
“Only a radical shift in
our concepts of money and banking will save us from the cement wall looming
ahead. . . . We own nothing that can’t be taken away. The housing market could
go into a tailspin and so could the stock market. The dollar could collapse and
so could our savings. Even social security and pensions could soon be things of
the past. Before the economy collapses and our savings and security go with it,
we need to reverse the sleight of hand that created the bankers’ Ponzi scheme.
The Constitutional provision that ‘Congress shall have the power to coin money’
needs to be updated so that it covers the national currency in all its forms,
including the 97 percent now created with accounting entries by private
commercial banks. That modest change could transform the dollar from a vice for
wringing the lifeblood out of a nation of sharecroppers into a bell for ringing
in the millennial abundance envisioned by our forefathers. The government could
actually eliminate taxes and the federal debt while expanding the
services it provides.”
“Now, one century after the
creation of the Federal Reserve system, we have a choice to make: whether the
next century, like the one before it, will be a century of enslavement, or,
transformed by the actions and choices that we make in the light of this
knowledge, a century of empowerment.”

Delegates to the Democratic
National Convention (Chicago 1896) carrying William Jennings Bryan shoulder
high after he delivered his “Cross of Gold” speech (photo source)
“We believe that the right
to coin and issue money is a function of government. . . . It is a part of
sovereignty, and can no more with safety be delegated to private individuals
than we could afford to delegate to private individuals the power to make penal
statutes or levy taxes. . . . I stand with Jefferson . . . that the issue of
money is a function of government, and that the banks ought to go out of the
governing business . . . When we have restored the money of the Constitution,
all other reforms will be possible, but until this is done there is no other
reform that can be accomplished.”
History shows that Bryan
was on the money. Nothing, absolutely nothing, will ever be accomplished in the
USA and elsewhere until the people vanquish the bankers.
and References
- Jeff Badyna (2013). America’s Next Bill
Of Rights.
- Michael Parenti
(2013). “A
Terrible Normality.”
- Ellen Hodgson Brown (2008). Web of Debt.
- James Corbett (2014). “Century of Enslavement:
The History of The Federal Reserve” (video and transcript).
- Taylor Caldwell (1972). Captains
and the Kings.
- G. Edward Griffin (1998). The Creature
from Jekyll Island.
- Dean Henderson (2011). “The Federal Reserve Cartel:
Freemasons and the House of Rothschild.”
- Rand Clifford (2013). “Time to End the Private Fed.”
- David Graham Phillips (1906). “The Treason of
the Senate.” (A series of articles which appeared in Cosmopolitan. The March article is available
- Daniel D. Victor (2010). The Further
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: The Seventh Bullet.
- Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr. (1913). Banking and Currency and the
Money Trust.
- Ludovic Kennedy (1996). Crime of the
Century: The Lindbergh Kidnapping and the Framing of Richard Hauptman.
- Mike Whitney (2012). “Would you vote for this man?”
- Smedley Butler (1935). War Is a Racket.
- Moti Nissani (2015). “Pillars of American ‘Democracy:’
Cloak-and-Dagger Smoking Gun Evidence.”
- The Liberterian
Forum (1971), p. 4
- Bill Drexler (2005). “The most important legal
decision ever decided.”
- David E. Stannard (1992). American
- John Williams (2015). “Alternate Employment Statistics.”
- David Bryan (2015). “Einstein, Physics, Gold and the
Formula to End Economic Decay.”
- Bill Still (2009). “Fort Knox Gold Scandal.”
- F. William Engdahl (2013). China, gold prices & US
default threats.
- Koos Jansen (2015). “Germany Repatriated 120 Tonnes
Of Gold In 2014.”
- Moti Nissani (2013). “History: Read it and Learn
(Part V of: A Bird’s Eye View of Contrived Terror).”
- According to the mainstream press: “When one scratches
beneath the bureaucratic veneer, national security spending is much
larger, nearly double the amount US citizens are told.”
- Herbert L. Packer (1968). The Limits of
the Criminal Sanction.
- Douglas Valentine (2015). “Narcotics and Covert
Intelligence: How the CIA Commandeered the ‘War on Drugs.’”
- Charlene Fassa (2005). “Gary Webb: More Pieces in the
suicided puzzle.”
- Stuart Jean Bramhall (2014). “US Dollar Suffers Serious
- Devon Douglas-Bowers (2015). “Cash Cops: How Civil Forfeiture
Enriched U.S. Law Enforcement.”
- Rebecca Gordon (2015). “How No-Fly Lists are Used to
Punish Political Protesters.”
- The Free Thought Project (2015). “How traffic stops for license
plates, tail lights, seatbelts can be a death sentence in police state USA.”
- Dave Lindorff (2013). “FBI, Snipers & Occupy.”
- Michael Parenti (2015). “A Long Time for Killing.”
- Upton Sinclair (1919). The Brass Check.
- Ben H. Bagdikian (2000). The Media
- James Corbett
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- Moti Nissani (2015). “The Human Experiment is Probably
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- Ellen Brown (2014). “The Success of Public Banking:
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- William Jennings Bryan (1896). “’Cross of Gold Speech’ at the
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