Unprecedented Summit of Four in
Istanbul reveals unbridged, irreconcilable differences between Russia and the
West over Syria
gilbertdoctorow Uncategorized October 29, 2018 8 Minutes

29 October 2018
The summit meeting of the German
chancellor and the presidents of Turkey, Russia and France in Istanbul this
past Saturday has rightfully been called “unprecedented” by the world press. It
was the first time Putin, Macron and Merkel sat together since the last G-20.
It was the first meeting of two very different groups of backers of a Syrian
settlement: the Astana Group, represented by Russia, and the so-called
Small Group, represented by France and Germany. But by a conspiracy of silence
its net results have been reduced by global media to the hopeful and empty
generalization that “the solution to the Syrian crisis can only be political,
not military” while the irreconcilable differences among the parties over how
to structure the political process and what it will lead to remain
unstated. Unstated not only by the French, German and Turkish media, but
also by the Russian media, for which I take last night’s News of the
Week with Dimitri Kiselyov on the state channel Rossiya-1 as my
In this brief essay, I will focus
precisely on the differing, essentially contradictory understandings of the
cause of the Syrian tragedy, of the legitimacy of the Syrian government
or ”regime,” and on the way that a political settlement can or cannot achieve
what was not achieved on the battlefield by the opponents of President
Bashar Assad.
My prime material for providing this
analysis is the full video broadcast of the press conference which the four
leaders held at the conclusion of their 3 hours of talks provided by Ruptly,
the German affiliate of RT and posted on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cezjdhuEd18
It bears mention that such
broadcasting is a very significant public service to the credit of RT and to
the shame of all the mainstream Western media that denigrate the Russian news
agency by calling it a propaganda outlet of the Kremlin. Full, uncut transmission
of major international events represents the best side of the
dis-intermediation that typifies our internet age. It allows each of us to draw
our own conclusions on what transpired based on what we hear and see, including
the body language of the leading personalities.
* * * *
Interpersonal Dynamics of the Four
Before the summit, many commentators
spoke of the key role expected to be played by President Putin, for whom
sitting down together with Macron and Merkel to talk about a collaborative
approach to ending the Syrian crisis would appear to amount to a political
victory. Ever since the crushing defeat of the Islamic militants in Eastern
Ghouta at the hands of Syrian troops with Russian air support, spelling the
near total military victory of the Syrian armed forces in the civil war, Putin
has been knocking on doors in Western Europe to secure commitments of
humanitarian aid to Syria and infrastructure investments essential to pave the
way for the return of refugees from abroad.
To be sure, such a flattering advance
interpretation of the event came from the “friends of Putin” community.
But not only. Responsible voices in mainstream Western media conceded the
same point – as, for example, a feature article in the Wall Street
Journalahead of the meeting: “At Istanbul Summit, Russia Seeks Role as
Mediator of Syria War.”
The reality in Istanbul was rather
different. Indeed, it was fairly obvious that Vladimir Putin was odd man out
against the three other summit leaders, all of whom have not abandoned their
ambition to see Bashar Assad removed from power and replaced by some
unspecified government formed by Syrian civil society. And while the final
declaration of the summit stresses their unanimity on the need for a political
settlement, three of the leaders at the table seek to gain by the political
process what their proxies lost to Assad on the battlefield.
From body language, it was clear that
President Putin was frustrated by the positions of his talking partners.
Indeed, on two occasions he spoke out in direct contradiction to the seeming
consensus. One was his reminder to all present that the settlement in
Idlib, namely the halt to Syrian plans to take that last rebel-held province by
storm, was not binding on him if there should continue to be attacks on
Government and Russian forces outside Idlib from the terrorist organizations
within it. The second was his rebuke to his colleagues, and implicitly
most directly to President Macron, for their referring to Damascus as the “Assad
regime” when it is in fact the UN-recognized government of the Syrian Arab
Republic. Indeed, in his next moment at the microphone Macron stepped
back and spoke more respectfully of the Syrian leadership. Moreover,
Putin’s criticism of the term “regime” with reference to the Assad government
was picked up by the correspondent from Le Monde and cited in
the last paragraph of her coverage of the summit as an example of the
differences among the summit leaders over the eventual fate of Bashar Assad: “Un
sommet inédit à Istanbul pour amorcer une solution politique en Syrie.”
The author, Marie Jégo, was the one member of the French media invited to ask a
question at the press conference.
Erdogan has in various forums over
the past several months made blunders in his statements about Syria that
exposed him to ridicule. The jokes at his expense seemingly ended
following his conclusion of the Memorandum of Understanding with Putin over
Idlib, which won for Erdogan plaudits from the West.
Now in Istanbul he appeared before us
as the statesman, the peace seeker, the coordinator. He opened the press
conference and, by far, spoke the longest.
To be sure, his recitation of some
basic facts surrounding the Syrian civil war were faulty. He claimed that the
Assad regime had killed one million of its citizens, when the casualties since
2011 are placed at 400,000 by UN sources, taking all casualties together and
without attributing responsibility for any given share of deaths to the
government or its opponents. But his mention of Turkey’s role as the host
to the greatest number of Syrian refugees, namely 3.5 million, earned him a
special position in talks that had as their ultimate objective the return of
the Syrian refugees to their homeland under conditions of UN supervised peace.
Of course, there is bitter irony in
Erdogan’s pose of peacemaker and humanitarian given that he himself has
murdered his own civilian population in Turkey by his military attacks on the
Kurdish communities in the east of his country. But hypocrisy is the
common currency of diplomacy.
Merkel was the most unassuming,
modest presence on the dais. the humanitarian voice placing greatest emphasis
on saving the Idlib Memorandum of Understanding lest a government
offensive unleash another massive wave of refugees into Turkey and beyond to
Her reticence is characteristic of
her rule by silence these past thirteen years. It is all the more
appropriate given the fragility of her hold on power today.
Emmanuel Macron looked and sounded
cocky. His flag in Europe and on the broader international scene has been
rising inversely to the sinking fortunes of Angela Merkel, and also inversely
to his own political ratings at home. His confidence rests on one
pillar: his newfound position as the favorite of Washington now
that the Brexit-stricken UK is out and Germany’s Merkel is down.
Curiously, Macron made pains to
convey to the audience that he is the stalking horse of Washington. I point to
a couple of his statements that were, in the context, otherwise gratuitous and
irrelevant to the proceedings. The first was his using the podium to express
his condolences to the American people and to President Trump for the tragedy
that had just occurred in Pittsburgh (shootings at a synagogue). Secondly his
mention that he would be briefing the Americans about the behind closed door
talks of the summit leaders.
At the summit, Macron was the most
aggressively and openly opposed to Russia’s Syria policy. While
international media reporting on the summit have fairly uniformly noted that
there were differences of views among the leaders, none has gone into the
details, which were made plain to anyone interested precisely by the remarks of
Macron insisted that the cause of the
refugee outflow from Syria was and is opposition to the Assad regime. Under
this hypothesis, no return of refugees is possible, nor will it be assisted by
France, so long as Assad is in power. While France joined Russia in
providing some limited humanitarian assistance to Syrians following the fall of
Eastern Ghouta to government forces, it did so via NGOs and so far refuses to
provide assistance to government held territory. This position remains
directly in contradiction to Vladimir Putin’s request for infrastructure
assistance, such as restoration of power and water, as a precondition for
A less politicized view of the
refugee issue would suggest that those now in the Syrian diaspora abroad were
fleeing not the Assad regime but the Islamic terrorists, or more generally, the
chaos and insecurity created by civil war conditions. Proof that this is
the reality was provided at the summit by none other than President Erdogan
when he took credit on behalf of his military forces for two military
operations on Syrian soil that “neutralized” 7,500 Islamic terrorists, restored
peace to a substantial tract of land, following which some 250,000 Syrian
refugees returned to their homes, by his estimate.
Macron also in his time at the
microphone repeated his long-held emphasis on the inclusion of the Syrian
diaspora abroad in the political settlement process. From his own and
surely Washington’ standpoint, if this issue is properly structured the Assad regime
will be removed by popular vote.
What was achieved in
Given the foregoing, one may
reasonably ask what actually was achieved at the Istanbul summit.
In his own remarks ahead of the
summit, Vladimir Putin sought to play down expectations of a global resolution
of the crisis resulting from a one day summit. He said that it would be an
opportunity for the sides to exchange notes on Syria, which is a quite modest
if still positive objective.
And we have good reason to believe
that the major topic for this note-sharing was detailed discussion of the
Russian-Turkish Memorandum of Understanding on Idlib. Not merely walking
through the ten points of the MoU, but looking at how it has been implemented
so far. That may well explain the presence of Russian Minister of Defense
Shoigu at the Istanbul summit: to have all the military details at the ready
for question and answer.
All parties to the summit have stressed
the primacy of political processes and they mentioned the shared objective of a
constitutional committee to prepare Syria’s future convening before the end of
this year.
It is clear that France, Germany and
Turkey are looking for a very different outcome of these processes from
Russia. This might lead one reasonably to ask whether Vladimir Putin is
able to properly defend the interests of the Assad government.
Can he be motivated to sacrifice the
regime in return for some unrelated concessions from the West? This is a
question which not only might arise in Washington, London or Paris, but also in
the minds of fierce Russian nationalists who often question to resoluteness of
their president.
In the given situation, such
backtracking by the Russians is not really possible, given the vital role
played by Iran, the third guarantor of the military de-escalation process in
Syria, and the only one not present at Istanbul. There can be no question of
Tehran’s determination to stick by Bashar Assad whatever the West may or may
not do.
In conclusion, I believe that the
world media, Western and Russian, have chosen not to highlight the issues I
have raised here because of the complicity of the parties in presenting a
fairly optimistic story to the general public while everyone temporizes.
The default position is that
Damascus, with assistance from Russia and Iran, will complete its clawing back
of all its territory, including Idlib, cost what it may. In that case, the
Syrian crisis will in fact be resolved by military means, whatever gloss
diplomats may choose to apply. How the country will be rebuilt if the
“international community” continues to turn its back on Damascus remains an
open question. This is the “lose-lose” situation that Vladimir Putin is trying
mightily to avoid.
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