The nuclear lies of Jens

« Russian missiles are a
danger » - the alarm was sounded by the Secretary General of NATO, Jens
Stoltenberg, in an interview with Maurizio Caprara published in the Corriere
della Sera, three days before the « incident » in the Sea of Azov
which added fuel to the already incandescent tension with Russia [1].
« There are no new missiles in Europe. But there are Russian missiles,
yes », began Stoltenberg, ignoring two facts.

On the contrary, Stoltenberg accuses
Russia of violating the INF Treaty, and sends out a warning : « We
can not allow the Treaties to be
violated without punishment ».
In 2014, the Obama administration accused
Russia, without providing the slightest proof, of having tested a Cruise
missile (SSC-8) from a category forbidden by the Treaty, announcing that
« the United States are considering the deployment of land-based missiles
in Europe », in other words, the abandon of the INF Treaty. This plan,
supported by the European allies of NATO, was confirmed by the Trump
administration : in the fiscal year of 2018, Congress authorised the
financing of a programme of research and development for a Cruise missile to be
launched from a mobile platform. Nuclear
missiles of the Euromissile type, deployed by the USA in Europe during the
1980's and eliminated by the INF Treaty, are capable of hitting Russia, while
similar nuclear missiles deployed in Russia can hit Europe but not the USA.
Stoltenberg himself, referring to the SSC-8's that Russia had deployed on its
own territory, declared that they are capable of reaching most of Europe, but
not the United States ». This is how the United States defends Europe.
And in this grotesque affirmation by
Stoltenberg, who attributes to Russia « the highly perilous idea of limited nuclear conflict », he
warns : « All atomic weapons are dangerous, but those which can lower
the threshold for use are especially so ». This is exactly the warning
sounded by US military and scientific experts about the B61-12's which are on
the verge of being deployed in Europe : « Low-powered, more accurate
nuclear weapons increase the temptation of using them, even to using them first
instead of as a riposte ».
The Corriere della Sera
is a historical Italian daily newspaper, founded in Milan in 1876. Published by
RCS MediaGroup, it is the most important Italian daily in terms of distribution
and the number of readers.
il manifesto, November 27, 2018
Translation: Pete Kimberley
[1] « Un pericolo i
missili russi. Così Mosca punta a dividere l’America dall’Europa », Maurizio
Caprara, Corriere della Sera, 18 November 2018.
Manlio Dinucci
Geographer and geopolitical scientist. His latest books are: Laboratorio di geografia, Zanichelli 2014 ; Diario di viaggio, Zanichelli 2017 ; L’arte della guerra / Annali della strategia Usa/Nato 1990-2016, Zambon 2016, Guerra Nucleare. Il Giorno Prima 2017; Diario di guerra Asterios Editores 2018.
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