The Millennium Report
July 5, 2014
Ben Fulford
“There are other signs of big changes planned by the
elite, some of them to start in July. The big one of course it the $100 billion
BRICS development bank that is supposed to come online July 15th. In addition,
China is going to separately open its own $100 billion development bank too,
according to multiple sources and news reports.” B Fulford
Sometimes events in the news seem so surreal that it
becomes a guess they are not real, or at least not in the sense we see it. That
is certainly the case with the declaration of the Islamic Caliphate or ISIS
last week.
The first thing to note, as pointed out by alert
readers, is that there is a military contractor called ISIS that offers
services in such areas as “role playing,” “exercise and evaluations,” “human intelligence,”
“special operations” and “unmanned aircraft systems” among other things.
Most of their offices are either in the Middle East or
the United States and it is a pretty good guess they got the contract to carry
out operation ISIS in the Middle East.
When you see news article full of demands by ISIS to
“hand over your daughters for sex,” or crucifixions of Christians and threats
that the “black flag of Jihad will fly over London” it is a pretty good guess
you are dealing with a major psy-ops or role playing game.
Here is what and MI5 source had to say about it:
“This is a PR exercise to bring terrorism into a
branded, packaged presence which is the normal purview of corporate marketing
and PR. We are witnessing a global psy-op to shift the perception of “terror”
groups away from being rogue psycho’s to being more like football teams playing
for victory in sanitized arenas.”
As mentioned before, there has been an agreement
between various secret power groups for the establishment of an Islamic
Caliphate to replace the artificial borders created by the French and the
British in the Middle East after World War I. That is what is happening now.
This is linked to the sudden influx of illegal
immigrants pouring into the US. There has been a secret agreement, certainly
not made in consultation with the majority of the people, to join North and
South America into a single block. The Americas would have a population of 950
million, enough to stand toe to toe with China and India and the soon to emerge
Caliphate. This is part of a plan to divide the world into about seven to nine
blocs each with a population of about 1 billion that was mentioned to this
writer years ago by a senior member of the Bank for International Settlements
or BIS, the central banks central bank. The other planned groupings are Africa,
Europe plus Russia and non-Chinese East Asia.
Speaking about the BIS, it came out with its annual
report last week where it warned of the dangers of central banks pumping “fairy
dust” to goose stock markets and warning that it will all end badly. Even more
interesting, to this writer at least, was the reports’ call to “move away from
debt as the main engine of growth.” In other words, the central headquarters of
global Babylonian style debt slavery is suddenly waking up the reality that it
is almost always wiser to earn your money before you spend it.
There are other signs of big changes planned by the
elite, some of them to start in July. The big one of course it the $100 billion
BRICS development bank that is supposed to come online July 15th. In addition,
China is going to separately open its own $100 billion development bank too,
according to multiple sources and news reports.
Together they will pack more firepower than the World
Bank and the IMF.
This move is being made because of US and Western
refusal to reform these organizations in order to make them reflect current
world economic and demographic realities.
Speaking about the IMF, an alert reader sent a link to
this very weird press conference by IMF head Christine Lagarde in Washington
earlier this year involving occult numerology. If the interpretation is
correct, then some sort of major currency-related event is scheduled for July
As usual with predicted dates of change, so many have come and gone that this one too needs to be taken with a grain of salt.
However, in yet another sign that the world has
fundamentally changed, the world’s largest international maritime exercises
started last week in Hawaii where the Japanese, Indian and Chinese navies will
be among the 22 navies involved. This belies all the Nazionist media attempts
to hype conflict between China, the US and Japan.
It is also a good time to point out that while there
is still a lot of bad stuff happening and being widely reported, there is also
a lot of under-reported good news too.
For example, the Pentagon has finally announced it is
ready to sign the 161 nation Ottawa Convention banning anti-personnel land
The land-mines planted in past wars are still killing
between 15 to 20 thousand people every year and maiming countless more.
The excuse the US needed for refusing to give up
land-mines was the need for them on the border between North and South Korea.
However, in another bit of good news, the North Korean government last week
unilaterally offered to “stop all military hostilities” starting last Friday,
June 27th, 2014, one day before the 100th anniversary of the start of World War
I. This is the first time North Korea has made such a proposal since a
ceasefire was declared between North and South Korea in 1953.
There is other good news out there as well. One is the
decision by the US Securities and Exchange Commission to punish companies that
use “conflict minerals.” One example, I ran into in the past was corporate
mercenaries landing in the Congo and taking over mines for Coltan, a mineral
essential for manufacturing mobile phones and other electronic devices. The
local warlord they hired was paid $5000 for Coltan that was worth $50 million
on the international market. Now fewer and fewer companies will be able to buy
resources stolen in this manner.
Finally, this week the gnostic illuminati asked what
the White Dragon Society thought of the situation of the Palestinians. The
answer can be found in the original text of the Balfour Declaration where it
clearly states that a Jewish homeland could be established in Palestine on the
condition that it be “clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may
prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in
Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other
Given the well documented evidence of Israeli abuse of
Palestinians and the Nazionist mass murder and terror directed against the Jews
of Europe in order to force them into the Rothschild brainwash colony of
Israel, it is clear they have lost their mandate in Palestine. The new
caliphate promises to ensure the full civil and religious rights of citizens of
the Israel Jewish autonomous region.
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