

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Preston James, Ph.D -- Checkmate !

Checkmate !

Putin calls America's Bluff over ISIS.

by  Preston James

In one of the craftiest acts of diplomacy and statesmanship in history, Vladimir Putin has called America’s bluff over ISIS which is now being referred to as the Islamic State.
And in the process President Putin has created a complete checkmate against the secret mercenary army ISIS which is attacking Syria and the Kurds on behalf of secret Intel factions in America, Israel, the Saudi Arabia, and Turkey.
Putin has done all this by announcing the formation of a broad international coalition to fight ISIS in Syria and Iraq and by taking the initiative of sending significant military aid to Assad’s forces in Syria.
During his visit to America this last week he has just ask President Obama to bring America into this international coalition. So far President Obama has neglected to pledge the American Military to join while instead continuing to call Assad a tyrant who drops barrel bombs on his own people, now proven to be a Big USG Lie.

Russian Parliament approves use of military force in Syria

     Russian Parliament approves use of military force in Syria 

September 30, 2015, 8:48 am

Russian President Vladimir Putin in an informal chat with his US counterpart Barack Obama after formal talks in New York on 28 September 2015 [PPIO]
Russian President Vladimir Putin in an informal chat with his US counterpart Barack Obama after formal talks in New York on 28 September 2015 [PPIO]

The Russian parliament on Wednesday unanimously granted President Vladimir Putin the right to deploy the country’s military in Syria.

“The Federation Council unanimously supported the president’s request – 162 votes in favor [of granting permission],” Kremlin chief of staff Sergey Ivanov said.

Moscow has clarified that Russia will use only its Air Force in Syria against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) on Syrian President Bashar Assad’s request.

“In order to observe the international law, one of the two conditions has to be met – either a UN Security Council resolution or a request by a country, on the territory of which an airstrike is delivered, about military assistance,” Ivanov said.



* Canal Youtube:  Abogados Progresistas de España

EL CHE GUEVARA, encarnó el ideal de justicia social en un territorio dramáticamente postergado. El misterio que rodeó ciertos aspectos de su vida y su muerte fue alimentando la leyenda y, una vez apropiado por la maquinaria cultural, se convirtió en objeto de consumo. En tanto Guevara han sido rodeados de virtudes excepcionales —reales o novelescas— que los dotaron de una dimensión sobrehumana. Lograron canalizar fantasías colectivas, y el amor y el odio que encendió lo ha convertido en único. El mito sostiene la llama de una alma devenida en leyendas de pasión. 

Si para los cubanos es un modelo revolucionario, un prócer como José Martí, para la sociedad occidental el mito del Che, ha degenerado en un subvenir, olvidando la verdadera esencia de Guevara soldado, al político, al filósofo, al idealista.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

VETERANS TODAY: Putin to NWO Agents and Satan Worshipers: I’m Coming for You!

Putin to NWO Agents and Satan Worshipers: I’m Coming for You!

NWO agents and Satan worshipers have good reasons to be frightened by Putin's moves.

“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for giving me the opportunity to expose NWO agents and Satan worshipers for what they truly are: mass murderers, political degenerates, and liars. If you love logic and evidence, then give me your undivided attention because I can assure you that I will not disappoint you.”

…by Jonas E. Alexis

No kidding. Putin continues to send NWO agents and Satan worshipers in Russia and abroad a dire message, and they continue to panic. Pay close attention and see how he confronted factory owners in Russia—people who are playing dice with people’s lives. He told them point-blankly that they “have taken” people
“hostage with your ambition, incompetence—and pure greed. You ran around like cockroaches when I said I was coming [to check your company]. These are thousands of lives [that you have captured]. It’s absolutely unacceptable. If you owners can’t come to an agreement, then this factory will be restarted, one way or another…we’ll do it without you.”

Obama Deifies American Hegemony — Paul Craig Roberts September 28, 2015

Obama Deifies American Hegemony — Paul Craig Roberts

Obama Deifies American Hegemony
Paul Craig Roberts

Today is the 70th anniversary of the UN. It is not clear how much good the UN has done. Some UN Blue Hemet peacekeeping operations had limited success. But mainly Washington has used the UN for war, such as the Korean War and Washington’s Cold War against the Soviet Union. In our time Washington had UN tanks sent in against Bosnian Serbs during the period that Washington was dismantling Yugoslavia and Serbia and accusing Serbian leaders, who tried to defend the integrity of their country against Washington’s aggression, of “war crimes.”

The UN supported Washington’s sanctions against Iraq that resulted in the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children. When asked about it, Clinton’s Secretary of State said, with typical American heartlessness, that the deaths of the children were worth it. In 2006 the UN voted sanctions against Iran for exercising its right as a signatory of the non-proliferation treaty to develop atomic energy. Washington claimed without any evidence that Iran was building a nuclear weapon in violation of the non-proliferation treaty, and this lie was accepted by the UN. Washington’s false claim was repudiated by all 16 US intelligence agencies and by the International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors on the ground in Iran, but in the face of the factual evidence the US government and its presstitute media pressed the claim to the point that Russia had to intervene and take the matter out of Washington’s warmonger hands. Russia’s intervention to prevent US military attacks on Iran and Syria resulted in the demonization of Russia and its president, Vladimir Putin. “Facts?!, Washington don’t need no stinkin’ facts! We got power!” Today at the UN Obama asserted America’s over-riding power many times: the strongest military in the world, the strongest economy in the world.

The UN has done nothing to stop Washington’s invasions and bombings, illegal under international law, of seven countries or Obama’s overthrow by coup of democratic governments in Honduras and Ukraine, with more in the works.

The UN does provide a forum for countries and populations within countries that are suffering oppression to post complaints—except, of course, for the Palestinians, who, despite the boundaries shown on maps and centuries of habitation by Palestinians, are not even recognized by the UN as a state.



El presidente de Rusia, Vladímir Putin, habló en el marco del debate general de la 70.ª Asamblea General de la ONU, por primera vez en 10 años. Abarcó un gran número de temas, incluyendo la necesidad de una coalición internacional en contra del Estado Islámico y de poner fin a la expansión de la OTAN.

Durante su intervención en el marco del debate general de la Asamblea General de la ONU el presidente ruso condenó las acciones de los países que optaron por la vía violenta de la intervención en países como Siria, Irak y Libia, creando un caos político y un vacío que posteriormente ocuparon los terroristas.

"Últimamente se pueden escuchar muchas críticas contra la ONU", empezó su intervención Vladímir Putin, comentando que a lo largo de la historia las decisiones de la ONU se han visto ensombrecidas por las dificultades y la ausencia de consenso, ante todo en el marco del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU. "Pero las discrepancias han existido siempre, igual que siempre se ha aplicado el derecho a veto", insistió.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Français -- Paul Craig Roberts: Sans cervelle à Washington

Paul Craig Roberts, le 25 septembre 2015

Sans cervelle à Washington

Le quotient intellectuel de Washington semble suivre les taux d’intérêts de la Fed – il est négatif. Washington est un trou noir dans lequel tout le bon sens est aspiré dans des délibérations gouvernementales.

Les erreurs de Washington sont visibles partout. Nous pouvons constater les erreurs des guerres de Washington et dans l’approche politique de Washington envers la Chine et la Russie.

La visite du Président chinois Xi Jinping a été programmée pour le week-end après la visite du Pape à Washington. Etait-ce une façon pour  Washington de rabaisser le statut de la Chine que de voir son Président jouer les seconds rôles par rapport au Pape ? Le Président chinois ne serait-il là que pour faire la une des journaux du week-end ? Pourquoi Obama ne s’est-il pas contenté de lui dire d’aller se faire voir ailleurs ?

L’incompétence informatique de Washington et son incapacité à maintenir la cyber-sécurité en interne est attribuée à la Chine. Le jour précédent l’arrivée de Xi Jinping à Washington, le secrétaire d’état à l’information à la Maison Blanche a fait monter la pression à propos de la visite du Président Xi Jinping en annonçant qu’Obama pourrait menacer la Chine de sanctions financières*.
*Cela ne risque pas de se produire, étant donné que c’est la Chine qui finance les Etats-Unis en faillite depuis mars 2015…. (NdT.)

Et pour ne pas rater une occasion de menacer ou d’insulter le Président de la Chine, le Secrétaire d’Etat américain du Commerce a averti que l’administration d’Obama était très mécontente des pratiques commerciales de la Chine pour que le Président chinois puisse s’attendre à une réception amicale à Washington.

Français --Paul Craig Roberts : David Ray Griffin analyse le 11 septembre et le Réchauffement climatique

Paul Craig Roberts, le 15 septembre 2015

Paul Craig Roberts : David Ray Griffin analyse le 11 septembre et le Réchauffement climatique

D’une manière logique et factuelle qui porte sa marque, David Griffin étudie si le réchauffement climatique mondial est une fausse théorie de la conspiration comme la théorie conspirationniste de Washington sur le 11 septembre.

C’est un article long, mais divisé en trois parties. L’article vous aidera à comprendre la politique sur ces sujets.

Le 11 septembre et le réchauffement climatique : sont-ils tous deux de fausses théories de la conspiration ?

Par David Ray Griffin


Le 11 septembre 2015 « Centre de clarification d’informations » - Certaines personnes ont prétendu que le réchauffement climatique était un mensonge conspirationniste destiné à tromper les gens pour des raisons pernicieuses. La plus connue de ces personnes est le Sénateur de l’Oklahoma James Inhofe, qui a publié en 2012 un livre intitulé The Greatest Hoax (Le canular le plus énorme), qui avertit les gens sur ce « complot du réchauffement climatique mondial ».

Certains membres du Mouvement pour la Vérité sur le 11 septembre ont soutenu cette vision. Croyant que l’administration Bush-Cheney avait réalisé un complot avec d’autres pour prétendre à tort que l’Amérique avait été attaquée par des Musulmans le 11 septembre, ils disent que la fausse théorie du complot  gouvernemental sur le 11 septembre devrait nous rendre attentifs au fait que d’autres affirmations du gouvernement  pourraient également être des complots pour induire le public en erreur.

Preston James -- Baby-busters, the New Underclass

Baby-busters, the New Underclass

When the great ongoing recession of 2007 occurred suddenly and almost from nowhere, Baby-boomers were bushwhacked, and many were transformed into a new Underclass, now best described as Baby-busters.

by  Preston James and Mike Harris

As America passed into the 21st century, baby-boomers were on top of the World, most able to live well and enjoy the many fruits of their lifetime of hard work.
Great opportunities for good educations and jobs after WW2 and shared the ability to acquire and accrue wealth propelled many to become the epitome of the upper middle class in America.
Most Baby-boomers became able to acquire nice homes and even had the money to buy new cars every several years if they desired. Most had built up considerable bank savings and retirement accounts that were paying good interest rates even surpassing the always continuing but then muted effects of inflation.
It is not an exaggeration to conclude that most Baby-boomers were able to thus attain the true “American Dream” in almost every way imaginable.

Enemy of the Deep State - A Conversation with Dark Journalist aka Daniel Liszt - Video interview

Enemy of the Deep State 
A Conversation with Dark Journalist aka Daniel Liszt  

Publicado a 25/09/2015
Enemy of the Deep State - A Conversation with Dark Journalist aka Daniel Liszt (S05E01) regarding:

- Generations of Alternative Media
- How Daniel became a Dark Journalist
- Inspiration for Dark Journalism
- Patterns in the news
- Blind alley trends
- Omissions & taboos in the Mainstream Media
- Definition of Dark Journalism
- The hierarchy of censorship
- Journalist Jefferson Morley
- Intelligence influence in the media
- Junk conspiracy disinfo & misinfo as 'Third Force' operations
- Daniels background
- Katherine Alberecht
- Dr. Joseph Patrick Farrell
- Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts
- Hacker Gary McKinnon
- Dr. John Edward Mack
- Elite & Covert powers, The Cabal, NWO, Shadow Government, Breakaway Civilization, Deep State vs Public State, Mr. Global
- The Nazi influence
- Investigative journalism is following patterns
- Media as a tool in the 911 cover up
- Third Force activity in JFK assassination
- Second Force uncovering is Dark Journalism
- Third Force activity in the Virginia Shootings
- Professor James Tracy exposes the crisis actors
- David Seredas "Evidence - The Case for NASA UFOs"
- "Illuminati" as a third force planted conspiracy distraction
- Carroll Quigley & Conspiracy analysis
- CIA & The Cult of Intelligence
- The Sacrifice of Journalist Gary Webb
- Movie: Kill the Messenger
- Peter Dale Scott & Deep Politics
- Danny Casolaro & The Octopus Research
- Tony Scott & Enemy of The State
- Director Ridley Scott
- Dr. Bruce De Palma & Free Energy
- Director Brian De Palma
- Director Stanley Kubrick
- Journalist Carl Bernstein
- Black-ops "Booz Allen Hamilton Inc"
- Journalist Michael Hastings
- Richard Hoagland as a pioneer
- CIA ops in the German media
- Story Tellers Everette Howard Hunt, Ian Flemming & Chris Kyle
- Archetypal False Flag stories
- Need for information filtering / discrimination
- Richard Dolans scholarly approach
- Social Engineering
- Mass Murder A.B. Breivik as a genuine lone madman
- Extreme Right Wing "Knight Templars" influences on Breivik
- Intelligence traces on Breivik
- Watergate & Iran-Contras
- The Media failure is our main democratic crisis
- Marketing tricks in media
- Monsantos strategies & tactics
- Scientism becoming public religion
- Owners vs Players
- The Public, The Oligarchs & "The Others"
- No central hegemonic cabal, but a coalescence of interests
- Where did the advanced technology come from?
- The Nazi Bell
- Postwar Nazi International power player
- What does the modern Nazi power ideology look like?
- The Chemical & Pharmaceutical industries on Fascist hands
- Who is doing the protecting and who is protected?
- Media as prime protector
- Western society declining into full Corporatism
- Globalism triggering "Third Way" reactions
- Fascism from above creating fascism below
- Goebbels propaganda operating on behalf of Corporatism
- Forced multiculturalism serving The Third Way fascism
- Constructed Crisis accumulates refugees and Right Wing extremism
- Providers of Crisis & Solutions (aka Shock Doctrine)
- Right Wing false system critic decoys
- Post Alternative Reporting on false paradigms
- Alternative media needs to mature
- Own the Culture!
- Growing polarization among people
- Islamic State (ISIL) smoking out who is who
- The Classified Space Fleet
- The Transhumanism agenda
- HAARP influence public through the Ionosphere
- Brainwave entrainment technology
- Carl Jung & the concept of the Collective Unconscious
- The Internet as a tool in the battle for liberation
- Burnt Earth Tactics
- The non terrestrial UFOs
- Is Earth a prison planet?
- UFOs Nuclear interest
- Where did the Nazi HQ in South America go?
- What values do the power elite have?
- Underground bases
- The Secret Space Program & Breakaway Civilization Conference in Austin, Texas, 31 October 2015
- Daniel as current host
- This years Conference Speakers
- Broad focus on the Black Economy
- Walter Bosley & the Airship Mystery
- Olav Phillips and interplanetary anomalies
- Conference to be live streamed
- The Internet as an X factor
- The risk of investigative and dark journalism
- Douglas Caddys confessions
- JFK & Nikita Kruschev
- Kudos exchanged
- Front line alternative media
- Importance of a critical & fact based alternative media
- Commercialism vs Viability
- Donations not sustainable
and other obscurities...
+ who would be the first to go between Al and Daniel?

PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS interviewed by Shadow of Truth Part 1 + 2 - video

PCR Interviewed by Shadow of Truth Part One + Part Two

PCR Interviewed by Shadow of Truth
Part One + Part Two

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Poverty, nuclear weapons and the environment: Pope Francis at the UN

Poverty, nuclear weapons and the environment: Pope Francis at the UN

Pope Francis addresses a plenary meeting of the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit 2015 at United Nations headquarters in Manhattan, New York, September 25, 2015. © Mike Segar

Addressing the UN Sustainable Development Summit on Friday, the head of the Roman Catholic Church made a nod to the importance of the UN, now that technology has enabled humanity to overcome distance and frontiers and “all natural limits to the exercise of power.”
“Technological power, in the hands of nationalistic or falsely universalist ideologies, is capable of perpetrating tremendous atrocities,” the Pope said, praising the achievements of the UN in containing that potential as “lights which help to dispel the darkness of the disorder caused by unrestrained ambitions and collective forms of selfishness.”
HAPPENING NOW - Pope Francis addressing the . Watch live here -
Without referring to any specific countries or individuals, the pontiff blasted a “selfish and boundless thirst for power and material prosperity,” leading to “both to the misuse of available natural resources and to the exclusion of the weak and disadvantaged.”
Political and economic activity, he said, is only effective when guided by prudence and justice, with awareness that there are real people living, struggling and suffering as a result. Economic and social exclusion is a “complete denial of human fraternity and a grave offense against human rights and the environment,” the pontiff added, condemning the “culture of waste” that has grown to include millions of human beings condemned to live in poverty.
In today’s world, the Pope said, there were many “false rights” and at the same time, many victims of “power badly exercised,” such as the environment or the vast numbers of humans excluded from society.
“No human individual or group can consider itself absolute, permitted to bypass the dignity and the rights of other individuals or their social groupings,” the Pope said. He called on government leaders to do everything in their power to ensure their people have at least the minimum of material and spiritual means to live in dignity and support their families.
“In practical terms, this absolute minimum has three names: lodging, labor, and land; and one spiritual name: spiritual freedom, which includes religious freedom, the right to education and other civil rights,” the Pope said.
Without that goal, the pontiff added, lofty ideals of the UN charter risk becoming “idle chatter which serves as a cover for all kinds of abuse and corruption, or for carrying out an ideological colonization by the imposition of anomalous models and lifestyles which are alien to people’s identity and, in the end, irresponsible.”
Respecting and applying the UN charter with transparency and sincerity, without ulterior motives and “not as a means of masking spurious intentions,” leads to peaceful results, the Pope said. On the other hand, when the UN is considered“simply as an instrument to be used whenever it proves favorable, and to be avoided when it is not,” great harm ensues to people, culture and even the environment.
The Pope commended the nuclear deal recently reached between the UN powers and Iran as “proof of the potential of political good will and of law, exercised with sincerity, patience and constancy, pushing for further application of the non-proliferation treaty with the ultimate goal of completely prohibiting nuclear weapons.
One of the highlights of the pontiff’s speech was his case for the “right of the environment,” citing both material and spiritual arguments. From the material side, human beings are part of the environment and can only survive so long as it remains hospitable.
“Any harm done to the environment, therefore, is harm done to humanity,” Pope Francis said.
From the spiritual perspective, Christians believe that everything in creation has intrinsic value, and that the Creator who made the universe “permits man respectfully to use creation for the good of his fellow men and for the glory of the Creator; he is not authorized to abuse it, much less to destroy it.”
In line with this, the Pope criticized international financial agencies, which subject countries to “oppressive lending systems.”Far from promoting progress, he said, the terms of those arrangements “generate greater poverty, exclusion and dependence.”
“The common home of all men and women must continue to rise on the foundations of a right understanding of universal fraternity and respect for the sacredness of every human life, of every man and every woman, the poor, the elderly, children, the infirm, the unborn, the unemployed, the abandoned, those considered disposable because they are only considered as part of a statistic,” Pope Francis concluded.
It was the fifth time a Pope addressed the world organization. Paul VI made the first papal appearance before the UN in 1965. John Paul II spoke at the General Assembly twice, in 1979 and 1995. Benedict XVI addressed the UN in 2008, five years before resigning.

Assad’s enemies may be portrayed as opposition, but he fights terrorists – Putin

Assad’s enemies may be portrayed as opposition, but he fights terrorists – Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin. © Aleksey Nikolskyi
The only way to settle the Syrian conflict is to support the existing legitimate government in its fight against terrorism, Russian President Vladimir Putin told CBS’s ‘60 Minutes,’ adding he wants to see a united effort to fight the threat in the region.
Veteran journalist Charlie Rose sat down with Putin to discuss his much-anticipated address to the UN, the global terrorist threat, the situation in Syria and ways to tackle it, among other things.
“Today, terrorism threatens a great number of states, a great number of people – hundreds of thousands, millions of people suffer from its criminal activity. And we all face the task of joining our efforts in the fight against this common evil,” Putin told Rose.
The West has become more and more preoccupied with Moscow’s alleged increased activity in Syria. Recent reports claim that Russia has been sending troops, warplanes and tanks to the war-torn Middle Eastern country.
When asked about Russia’s presence in the Arab country, Putin replied that as things stand now, Russia’s activities have been limited to supplying weapons to the Syrian government, training personnel and providing humanitarian aid for the Syrian people.
“We act based on the United Nations Charter, i.e. the fundamental principles of modern international law, according to which this or that type of aid, including military assistance, can and must be provided exclusively to the legitimate government of one country or another, upon its consent or request, or upon the decision of the United Nations Security Council,” said Putin.
He pointed out that, from Russia’s point of view, there is only one regular army in Syria – the army of President Bashar Assad. “And he is confronted with what some of our international partners interpret as an opposition. In reality, Assad’s army is fighting against terrorist organizations,” Putin said.

He also said that US attempts to “train the combat part of the opposition forces” have failed. The US had aimed to prepare up to 12,000 opposition fighters, but only 60 of those fighters managed to complete the training and only four or five actually fought with the opposition, while others fled to IS with American weapons, Putin said, citing the US Senate hearings.
“In my opinion, provision of military support to illegal structures runs counter to the principles of modern international law and the United Nations Charter,” the Russian president said. He also added that Russia is supporting only legitimate government entities and tries to ensure a united response to the extremist threat.
“We have proposed cooperation to the countries in the region, we are trying to establish some kind of coordination framework,” the Russian leader said.

He said that he had personally informed the president of Turkey, the King of Jordan, and Saudi Arabia of the initiative, as well as US Secretary of State John Kerry, adding that the Russian and US militaries are in touch and discussing the problem.
“We would welcome a common platform for collective action against the terrorists,” Putin said.
As for his forthcoming speech to the United Nations, Putin revealed that, along with counter-terrorism issues and Russia’s view on global events, he wants to speak a bit about the history of the UN, noting that the decision to found the international body was taken in the Soviet Union during the Yalta conference in February, 1945.
“Of course, I will have to say a few words about the present day, about the evolving international situation, about the fact that the United Nations remains the sole universal international organization designed to maintain global peace,” the Russian president said, adding that “in this sense it has no alternative today.”


At midday on Friday 5 February, 2016 Julian Assange, John Jones QC, Melinda Taylor, Jennifer Robinson and Baltasar Garzon will be speaking at a press conference at the Frontline Club on the decision made by the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention on the Assange case.


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