

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Grandes lignes de l’interview de Cobra, 30 juillet 2013

L’alignement planétaire du 29 juillet a équilibré la civilisation et cela se continuera jusqu’au 25 août. Après le 25 août, les changements commenceront. Les opérations des Forces de la Lumière seront déclenchées. L’alignement du 29 a harmonisé la Merkabah et ce n’était que le début.
La Terre est en processus de purification et de transformation, son Ascension commencera après ce processus et il n’y aura pas deux « Terres », une en 3 D et une autre dans l’autre dimension.
Personne ne pourra éviter les énergies qui arrivent, c’est impossible.
Si vous acceptez la Lumière, ce sera beaucoup plus facile pour vous. Ceux qui la refusent auront beaucoup de difficultés.
Possibilité d’une guerre nucléaire, d’un Armageddon : zéro possibilité.
Le 1er septembre est une date limite des Forces de la Lumière.
Concernant les divulgations sur l’espionnage de la NSA : tous les gouvernements ont signé des accords avec cette agence.
Les connections entre la « Muslim Brotherhood » et la cabale se font présentement couper.
Ce qui se passe en Égypte est l’événement le plus important de l’année, ce n’est pas un coup d’état militaire : les militaires protègent le peuple contre la « Muslim Brotherhood », car ces derniers veulent provoquer le chaos et la guerre et les Forces de la Lumière les empêchent. La situation en Égypte reflète se qui se passera, planétairement. En Égypte, l’armée privée des Jésuites veut que le peuple fasse une guerre civile : cela ne sera pas permis.
Pourquoi le Mouvement Résistance ne coupe-t-il pas les fonds de l’armée privée des Jésuites ? Parce que le système financier est un peu comme l’Internet : c’est un énorme programme informatique … s’il y a interférence dans le programme, il y a interférence sur la « circulation ». Si tout le programme était fermé, l’Événement arriverait trop tôt et provoquerait le chaos… L’Événement doit se passer avec le moins de violence possible, le plus harmonieusement possible.
Les militaires positifs, les officiers de police et les shérifs, entre autres, doivent rester quelque peu dans l’ombre présentement, d’abord, pour leur propre sécurité et celle de leurs familles et ensuite, ils ont besoin d’une certaine dose de conscience, de la part de la population. Ils ne peuvent agir qu’au nom de la population. Les militaires positifs suivront la volonté du peuple.
L’affaire Trayvon Martin : cette affaire est utilisée pour distraire le peuple de choses plus importantes.
Le pape : a un côté Lumière et un côté sombre ( il est Jésuite ). Beaucoup de choses dépendent du côté qu’il choisira. Il y a environ 10% des Jésuites qui font partie de la cabale et ce sont les plus « diaboliques ». Ils s’infiltrent dans plusieurs situations et les manipulent.
Fukushima : les radiations qui en émanent ne viennent pas du réacteur … la cabale a enfoui des déchets radioactifs dans le sol. La Fédération Galactique de Lumière nettoiera tout cela au moment de l’Événement.
Comment se protéger des « chemtrails », des OGM, des dangers de la vaccination : premièrement, cesser de s’en inquiéter, ensuite avoir une diète saine et boire beaucoup d’eau. Puis, ne pas vivre dans la peur : le corps humain a la capacité de se régénérer.
Tous les articles démontrant des mesures de contrôle ridicules, aux États-Unis, ne sont que les derniers efforts de la cabale … avant son effondrement.
Utilisez le moins possible les téléphones cellulaires, les « smart phones » et, si possible les « smart meters » ( compteurs électriques). Ils sont vraiment nocifs.
La Lumière intervient, de plus en plus, partout sur la planète.
Il y a beaucoup de gens qui gagnent leurs procès, car l’influence des Arcons est de moins en moins forte. Ils ne sont plus assez nombreux pour influencer toutes les situations. Le système judiciaire, les avocats et les juges, sont de plus en plus capables d’écouter leur guidance intérieure.
Les implants arconiques : tout le monde en a eu un lors de la naissance. Il se trouve dans le lobe frontal, centre des prises de décision. Comment lutter : en utilisant votre libre arbitre, en leur disant : « non », en ne leur permettant pas de vous dicter vos décisions.
Après l’Événement, nous serons éblouis par le changement dans nos cieux nocturnes : il y a présentement une barrière tachyonique et lorsque celle-ci sera enlevée, nous recevrons des photons, mais aussi des tachyons, les étoiles ne seront plus à la même place, nous verrons des choses que nous n’avons jamais vu, entre autre, les vaisseaux-mères, qui sont présentement voilés et d’autres choses que Cobra ne peut pas encore révéler.
Obama aura un rôle majeur à jouer, après l’Événement. Il y aura des élections, partout dans le monde.
Niburu : toutes les informations la concernant sont de la désinformation.
Il n’y aura pas de fausse invasion par des extraterrestres … la cabale n’a plus le pouvoir de la créer.
Le cannabis : cette plante n’a pas son origine sur la planète Terre.
Durant la transition, il sera important que ceux qui n’ont pas d’argent durant ce temps, se créent des réseaux sociaux d’entraide et de partage. Après l’Événement, tout le monde aura de l’argent.
Les Chambres de Lumière : étant donné que l’ascension est un énorme saut quantique de conscience, les êtres humains ont besoin de l’assistance des Forces de la Lumière.
Les premières technologies qui seront disponibles seront les appareils fournissant de l’énergie libre : ex. : de l’électricité gratuite pour toutes les maisons. La vie changera graduellement. Les appareils appelés « replicators » ne seront disponible qu’après le premier contact.
Il y aura de grands changements en septembre.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

ENGLISH -- "9/11: Nothing smart by al-Qaeda did that. It was NSA's own doing."

"9/11: Nothing smart by al-Qaeda did that.
It was NSA's own doing."

Alexandra Bruce
July 29, 2013

On the same day last week, that Congress shot down any notion of curtailing the rampant and illegal violation of the Fourth Amendment that has been ongoing by the National Security Agency (NSA) for several decades, veteran NSA whistleblowers convened last Thursday at the National Press Club to share their insights into the history of that organization, its escalating mismanagement and abuse of the U.S. legal system, which had led to their resignations from their positions, each of which they had held for 30 years or more.

All of them had gone through the "accepted" channels, which had been created for the very purpose of reporting the illegality, fraud, obstruction of justice and mismanagement to which they were witness and by which they could no longer abide.

Yet, for their decades of service and for the dutifully discreet manner in which they'd reported the wrongs they saw in their midst, they were rewarded by having their professional and personal lives destroyed, with one of them, Thomas Drake, actually being prosecuted by the Federal Government for his efforts -- a man with a highly distinguished record, who had started out working in Air Force spy planes in 1979 and who served at NSA and other U.S. intelligence organizations for almost 40 years, as a decorated United States Air Force and United States Navy veteran. 

Luckily, Drake was represented by attorney Jesselyn Radack of the Government Accountability Project (and a Brown University Alumna, like me), who was able to get all 10 of the original charges made against him by the U.S. Government dropped.

Drake is the 2011 recipient of the Ridenhour Prize for Truth-Telling and co-recipient of the Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence (SAAII) award.

Intrepid FKTV reporter, Tyler Bass was in Washington, D.C., with his cellphone camera and he captured most of this session. (I will now buy him a camera with the donations made by so many kind FKTV subscribers, so that his future videos are of improved production quality!)
There are many jaw-dropping revelations in this 12-minute clip. Here are some of the most salient quotes from this July 25, 2013 conference:

THOMAS DRAKE: For me, it's really simple: DARPA made a conscious decision to sell our National Security to the highest bidder and it's one of the great, huge elephants in the room: A massive re-distribution of wealth in this country, to a very small, select group. 

"Just think about the trillions -- literally, the trillions -- of dollars that have been spent since 9/11, alone on quote unquote "National Security" and "Homeland Security" and "Defense" -- and what have we gotten in return?

"You have to really ask that question -- and it's a strategic question that we must ask, in terms of the future impact on our country, as well as the world."

WILLIAM BINNEY: "The system that I designed worked against metadata, as a way of looking into content and pulling out content that was in the world that would be relevant to the targets that we were after, like terrorism or dope smuggling.

"So, [it was] to reduce the problem into something that was manageable -- instead of sucking in the entire world and dumping it on the analysts and saying: "Here, you figure it out." 

Well, that's why they miss all these things lie the bombers in Boston and the shooter at Fort Hood: they've got too much data to go through, they can't get through it -- so they're making themselves dysfunctional.

"There were a lot of people, internally at NSA who were really upset about it [the invasion of privacy] and they would express that to us, individually...[but] they're not extroverts; they're not the kind that would expose a lot of things or be willing to go out in front and do it -- but nevertheless, there are a lot of them that are upset about it. We hear a lot about it from our retired people."

"You have no freedom of association without NSA knowing about it, OK? Your entire social network is mapped by NSA and it can be timelined and all of that is done automatically by software…

"And unfortunately, they turned it in on the people of the United States and that's why I couldn't stay there."

J. KIRK WIEBE: "Bill and I walked out of NSA on Halloween Day, 2001, just a few weeks after 9/11 and we did it in absolute disgust: 3,000 people -- innocent people, minding their own business died that day -- more than on the day of Pearl Harbor. NSA was created to prevent another Pearl Harbor!

And I will tell you, [NSA'S] mismanagement, its self-interest and ego and arrogance led to 9/11. Nothing smart by al-Qaeda did that. It was NSA's own doing.



DRAKE: It's crucial if we say "legal" here, "legal" is a term of art, behind which they have the excuse and justification for the conduct that has been disclosed. I'm certainly one of the prime exhibits of what happens when you disclose government wrongdoing and illegality and then the government, itself -- the lawbreaker -- the very entity that's engaged in the unconstitutional behavior, or the massive, fraud-based abuse -- or the obstruction of justice, as in the case of NSA, in terms of the 9/11 Congressional investigations -- it's very convenient for them to hide themselves behind the Kabuki Dance of faux legality. That's precisely what it is.

And then to charge the very person who'd have the temerity, who would dare to hold up the mirror and charge them with criminal behavior -- and on top of that, to charge them on the Espionage Act.

BINNEY: It has taken them how many years to try to get through Congress, laws -- or exceptions to the laws -- that would allow them to call this legal? And still, they haven't faced the Constitutional issue.

And that's now why there are several lawsuits going forward trying to address the Constitutional issue of NSA collecting all of this information, to begin with.

Now, to your point: There were a lot of people, internally at NSA who were really upset about it [the invasion of privacy] and they would express that to us, individually.

The problem is, most people at NSA -- over 85% of them, I think -- are "ISTJs" in the Meyers-Briggs Scale [audience laughs]. They're introverted, very introverted people, I mean, these are people that worked on codes and cyphers; they were looking at these things all day, sitting at their desks. This is a really introverted society, really focused -- and it's conducive to this type of character.

And so, they're not extroverts; they're not the kind that would expose a lot of things or be willing to go out in front and do it -- but nevertheless, there are a lot of them that are upset about it. We hear a lot about it from our retired people.

We do not talk to people who we know are working at NSA now because if we did, they would be interrogated and probably fired. Because they [NSA] wouldn't want them talking to the "wrong kinds of people."

The system that I designed worked against metadata, as a way of looking into content and pulling out content that was in the world that would be relevant to the targets that we were after, like terrorism or dope smuggling.

So, to reduce the problem into something that was manageable -- instead of sucking in the entire world and dumping it on the analysts and saying: "Here, you figure it out." Well, that's why they miss all these things lie the bombers in Boston and the shooter at Fort Hood: they've got too much data to go through, they can't get through it -- so they're making themselves dysfunctional.

So, the system I designed simplified that as much as possible and gave focus to the analysis process to do that and it basically allowed the social networking of the entire world. In other words, everybody' social network; if you're on the telephone or Internet, you're all mapped into this social network that maps all the way around the world. So, it manages all that and keeps it in a very small space -- not that complicated, at all -- and it can handle any number -- trillions of transactions and narrow them down to billions of relationships around the world.

And then, all of this information is sitting there, it's like a violation of your ability to associate with people. You have no freedom of association without NSA knowing about it, OK? Your entire social network is mapped by NSA and it can be timelined and all of that is done automatically by software.

It's simply transactions that are copied and indexed to the lines that are connected in the graph -- what we call the graph, which is a social network. So, that if we wanted to pull out portions of a social network -- yours, for example, and I'd say, "OK, I'm going to timeline every activity of this social network, for this period of time, it's already been indexed. It's a matter of software. People do not do this, software does.

And unfortunately, they turned it in on the people of the United States and that's why I couldn't stay there.

WIEBE: There's nothing magic about a contractor; they put on clothes, just like other human beings; the wrongdoing at IRS; human beings in government; they're the same at NSA and they're all susceptible to the same weaknesses and things that go wrong.

You really need to understand a little history about NSA. When NSA was first founded, it lived in a world of communications that was relatively easy to understand, technically and the pace at which it evolved was rather slow, compared to what we've seen on the Internet Age [background clatter], in the Age of the Internet, if you will.

It's very difficult to keep up with all the applications and capabilities and the chats and the videos -- all of these kinds of things. Just ask your wife, have you done that lately and she'll tell you. But the point of it is, that Senior Management believed that NSA was no longer "on the cusp," that technology was evolving so quickly, with regard to the Internet, that inside the "Black Box" of NSA, it wasn't rubbing shoulders with industry every day, industry had to compete in the marketplace -- things sailed off. NSA needed industry, if it had any hope to catch up and maintain "par", if you will, with the evolving Digital Age and that's what fostered this.

Now, at the same time, Congress swallowed a pill, the Government swallowed a pill that outsourcing was somehow magical and a good thing to do and they proved, seven ways till Sunday that it would save money in the long run. So, those figures seemed to look OK -- and voila, you see what we have today; the burgeoning growth in contracting and outsourcing and I really do believe that's why we're here today.

DRAKE: For me, it's really simple: DARPA made a conscious decision to sell our National Security to the highest bidder and it's one of the great, huge elephants in the room: A massive re-distribution of wealth in this country, to a very small, select group.

Just think about the trillions -- literally, the trillions that have been spent since 9/11, alone on quote unquote "National Security" and "Homeland Security" and "Defense" -- and what have we gotten in return?

You have to really ask the question -- and it's a strategic question that we must ask, in terms of the future impact on our country, as well as the world.

So, if there is a direct incentive, for those who are on the outsource end, to persist the problem, to persist the issue -- you don't really want to solve it, particularly, when you know the government's feeding you.

MODERATOR: So, we hear a lot about how whistleblowers are "narcissists". That's one of the things, the reflexive things out there, "Oh, they're narcissists, they're looking for attention. I mean, I've seen what you guys have gone through -- it's hard to believe anybody would want to go through what you've gone through, so tell us a little bit about that."

DRAKE: (Sardonically) It's very narcissistic for someone to take an oath to protect the Constitution -- the idea and the premise that's encapsulated in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights -- that makes me a narcissist!

So, yes, as a narcissist, I would go ahead and blow the whistle, as a narcissist, I would expose myself to being destroyed in my professional life, in my personal life -- everything's turned upside down -- that's obviously something that a narcissist would volunteer to do. [Audience laughs].

That's all projection, it's all that is. In fact, just use reverse psychology and hold up the mirror and you'll see who the true narcissist is -- especially if they're in positions of power.

WIEBE: Bill and I walked out of NSA on Halloween Day, 2001, just a few weeks after 9/11 and we did it in absolute disgust: 3,000 people -- innocent people, minding their own business died that day -- more than on the day of Pearl Harbor. NSA was created to prevent another Pearl Harbor!

And I will tell you, it's [NSA's] mismanagement its self-interest and ego and arrogance that led to 9/11. Nothing smart by al-Qaeda did that. It was NSA's own doing. And that's what motivated me, personally as a whistleblower. It wasn't narcissism. I could care less who met me on what TV show -- it's not important to me -- but that 3,000 innocents who died made a difference.

Tears came to my eyes over the frustration, "what could I do?" I can remember going through this emotional conflict about "how do you deal with something on this magnitude?"

And I can only tell you: you try to go through the know, I remember an email, Loomis, Binney, Drake, Wiebe, talking about, "Do we go the IG [Office of the Inspector General] route -- or do we do the "nuclear option"? The nuclear option would have been to go to you [the press].

And, because of our training, over so many years, because we had been told the DoDIG [Department of Defense Office of the Inspector General] was an open door to report mismanagement, fraud and the like, we decided to go that route, the "accepted channels". It absolutely resulted in NOTHING good for anyone! No truths were made known.

In fact, Michael Hayden went on to oversee one of the largest intelligence failures in the country, called "Trailblazer," and during the three or four intervening years, untold intelligence was lost by the NSA. You have to understand this: When you don't have a view into the data that is smart: you lose -- they win.

And yet, this man was promoted. He also had the audacity to re-define the 4th Amendment, if you've ever seen this little gesture (Wiebe makes a square with his hands). And he did it unilaterally. It sounded good to the attorneys at the DoJ and he went off. They never asked the Supreme Court, they never asked anybody in this audience whether it was a good thing to do [mass-invasion of privacy]. We knew it wasn't necessary.

Bill Binney's concept for ThinThread protected identities.

We didn't need to do that [mass-invasion of privacy]. Bill Odom, former Director of NSA, in a 2006 interview was asked about what NSA was doing and he said, "My God, Michael Hayden should be in jail." Bobby Inman, one of the best directors in NSA's history said, "It's a line we never would've have crossed."

So, what are we doing? Are we making the country safer? Are we going to prevent another 9/11? But we already are missing key intelligence opportunities and so I worry we are doing it completely the wrong way and we've become the very enemy that we were trying to thwart, in essence, is what we've done.

- See more at:

Monday, July 29, 2013

Snowden reveals HAARP’s Global Assassination Agenda

Snowden reveals HAARP’s Global Assassination Agenda

Snowden at Novotel 300x199 Snowden reveals HAARPs Global Assassination Agenda
Snowden speaking from a Custom Faraday Cage in Sheremetyevo Airport’s Hotel Novotel (Photo: The Internet Chronicle)

MOSCOW, Russia – Edward Snowden, NSA whistleblower and fugitive, released documents Tuesday to Internet Chronicle reporters proving that the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, or HAARP, is definitively engaged in a program of assassination and mind control.

EMERGENCY UPDATE: Snowden has revealed an oncoming global cataclysm.

While the military prison industrial complex has routinely insisted that the Alaska-based HAARP is only meant to study natural phenomena in earth’s ionosphere, Snowden has managed to blow open a brutally massive charade.

“The HAARP research station,” he said, “strategically based away from prying eyes near Gakona, Alaska, is actually used to terminate or manipulate would-be dissidents of global capitalism on the scale of millions of people.”

Added Snowden, using finger quotes, “With these terrestrial antennas, NATO [the North Atlantic Treaty Organization] is able to, on a global scale, remotely silence ‘perpetrators’ of ‘deviant or subversive’ strains of thought.”

Unbeknownst to victims or their loved ones, HAARP projects ultra-high-powered radio waves. Those waves operate at the same electronic frequency as the truncus encephali, or brain stem, selectively inducing deaths seemingly by natural causes  – including by some appearing to coroners as innocuous as strokes or heart attacks.

“When and if the intelligence community doesn’t view outright assassination as an optimal effect,” said Snowden, “‘they’ can simply make a ‘target’ act in an insane fashion, in order to discredit them. When we were in transit between Hong Kong and Moscow, WikiLeaks staff and I had to fend off the constant threat of radio-generated homicidal delusions.”

Quickly ushering staff into his lavish room at Sheremetyevo Airport’s Hotel Novotel, the former NSA contractor began to explain himself. Due to confidentiality agreements with the 30-year-old, formerly of Booz Allen Hamilton, the Chronicle cannot elaborate beyond the point that he has outfitted his entire flat to be a thoroughly functioning Faraday cage.

Swowden’s haphazardly constructed Faraday cage, he claims, can block interference from external static and nonstatic electric fields.

“Without it,” he says, “I would have been dead the moment The Guardian‘s first story went to print.”
Snowden bolstered his testimony with HAARP documents gleaned from the private email accounts of officials as high-ranking as admirals and Air Force brigadier generals. Sources within the intelligence community have confirmed to The Internet Chronicle the authenticity of these documents, as well as their horrifying ramifications for human dignity.

Sources familiar with discussions between the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the University of Alaska, which helps run HAARP, suggested that cell towers, as well as TrapWire, are “in play here.”

Snowden’s testimony appears to be partially in line with that of a U.S. senator’s brother, in 2009. It was then that he, Nick Begich, told “Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura” that “just to affect the brain with emotional state changes is so easily accomplished” with HAARP.

Watch this excerpt from that program:

Sunday, July 28, 2013

English -- Snowden reveals HAARP’s Global Assassination Agenda

Snowden reveals HAARP’s Global Assassination Agenda

Snowden at Novotel 300x199 Snowden reveals HAARPs Global Assassination Agenda

Snowden speaking from a Custom Faraday Cage in Sheremetyevo Airport’s Hotel Novotel (Photo: The Internet Chronicle)

MOSCOW, Russia – Edward Snowden, NSA whistleblower and fugitive, released documents Tuesday to Internet Chronicle reporters proving that the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, or HAARP, is definitively engaged in a program of assassination and mind control.

EMERGENCY UPDATE: Snowden has revealed an oncoming global cataclysm.

While the military prison industrial complex has routinely insisted that the Alaska-based HAARP is only meant to study natural phenomena in earth’s ionosphere, Snowden has managed to blow open a brutally massive charade.

“The HAARP research station,” he said, “strategically based away from prying eyes near Gakona, Alaska, is actually used to terminate or manipulate would-be dissidents of global capitalism on the scale of millions of people.”

Added Snowden, using finger quotes, “With these terrestrial antennas, NATO [the North Atlantic Treaty Organization] is able to, on a global scale, remotely silence ‘perpetrators’ of ‘deviant or subversive’ strains of thought.”

Unbeknownst to victims or their loved ones, HAARP projects ultra-high-powered radio waves. Those waves operate at the same electronic frequency as the truncus encephali, or brain stem, selectively inducing deaths seemingly by natural causes  – including by some appearing to coroners as innocuous as strokes or heart attacks.

“When and if the intelligence community doesn’t view outright assassination as an optimal effect,” said Snowden, “‘they’ can simply make a ‘target’ act in an insane fashion, in order to discredit them. When we were in transit between Hong Kong and Moscow, WikiLeaks staff and I had to fend off the constant threat of radio-generated homicidal delusions.”

Quickly ushering staff into his lavish room at Sheremetyevo Airport’s Hotel Novotel, the former NSA contractor began to explain himself. Due to confidentiality agreements with the 30-year-old, formerly of Booz Allen Hamilton, the Chronicle cannot elaborate beyond the point that he has outfitted his entire flat to be a thoroughly functioning Faraday cage.

Swowden’s haphazardly constructed Faraday cage, he claims, can block interference from external static and nonstatic electric fields.

“Without it,” he says, “I would have been dead the moment The Guardian‘s first story went to print.”

Snowden bolstered his testimony with HAARP documents gleaned from the private email accounts of officials as high-ranking as admirals and Air Force brigadier generals. Sources within the intelligence community have confirmed to The Internet Chronicle the authenticity of these documents, as well as their horrifying ramifications for human dignity.

Sources familiar with discussions between the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the University of Alaska, which helps run HAARP, suggested that cell towers, as well as TrapWire, are “in play here.”

Snowden’s testimony appears to be partially in line with that of a U.S. senator’s brother, in 2009. It was then that he, Nick Begich, told “Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura” that “just to affect the brain with emotional state changes is so easily accomplished” with HAARP.

Watch this excerpt from that program:


Edward Snowden: Solar-Flare ‘Killshot’ Cataclysm Imminent


snowvotel 300x193 Edward Snowden: Solar Flare Killshot Cataclysm Imminent

Edward Snowden, NSA Whistleblower, speaking from Sheremetyevo Airport’s Hotel Novotel, revealed the CIA’s Project Stargate was a complete success. (Photo: The Internet Chronicle)

MOSCOW, Russia – Edward Snowden, hacker-fugitive and former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor, revealed Tuesday that a series of solar flares is set to occur in September, killing hundreds of millions of people. Documents provided by Snowden prove that, as of 14 years ago, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) remote viewers knew that the event was inevitable. Ever since, the world’s governments have quietly been trying to prepare for the sweeping global famine to result.

Speaking from his room at Sheremetyevo Airport’s Hotel Novotel, Snowden revealed that government preparations for September’s catastrophic solar flares have been “to only limited avail.” The flares’ results, he said, are known casually throughout the global intelligence community as “the killshot.”

Remote viewers employed by the CIA’s Project Stargate use their ability to perceive geographically and chronologically distant events to protect America. Since 1999 they have known about the solar-flare event but have been threatened into silence by enforcers on the secret government’s payroll.

As a part of hiring Snowden as a contractor, the NSA granted the 30-year-old access to all communications on earth. Now he has provided The Internet Chronicle with top-secret Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) documents outlining just how terrible the solar flares’ results will be. In just two months, “the killshot” is set to disable all electronic food and water delivery systems.

Ever since the late 20th century, hundreds of millions of people have begun to rely on technological automation to enable their very lives. Solar flares release electromagnetic pulses, hazardous to electronic circuits. The smallest electronic circuits, such as those in computers’ central processing units, will be the most vulnerable.

Snowden said FEMA and the National Disaster Reduction Center of China have been taking steps for 14 years in light of the findings of Project Stargate. FEMA’s own documents, provided by Snowden, lay out how the organization plans to round up tens of millions of the poorest Americans for housing at secure locations “to better facilitate feeding and provision of consumer goods.”

Snowden, for years a CIA contractor, released testimonials from hundreds of remote viewers. Many of those remote viewers are still on the payroll of the governments of the United States and the Russian Federation. Those testimonials, though written independently by the analysts, are comprised of 4,472 pages, every single one of which, alarmingly, evince Snowden’s account.

“The massive electromagnetic pulse from the solar flares, or ‘the killshot,’ will shutter most of the world’s electrical systems,” said Snowden. “The Americans whose lives are most at risk are the elderly and the infirmed, those who depend on technology to enable their receiving home care or life-sustaining medical treatment.”

Throughout the 1970s and the 1990s, Russia and the United States were desperate to track and monitor the construction and maintenance of each other’s nuclear silos. The nations’ governments openly admitted having poured billions of dollars into the training of elite teams of remote viewers. With their powers, the remote viewers were able to deter nuclear launches and, ultimately, bring an end to the Cold War.  In the mid-’90s, the CIA simply pretended to close its remote-viewing program, so that it could operate more effectively.

Snowden said he hopes that his coming forward will allow Project Stargate’s participants to be able to live normal, open lives again, “instead of as circus animals, instead of as freaks.” He added, “[Significant others of Project Stargate employees] have to get Q clearances just to cohabitate with, without even marrying, their loved ones. That’s tantamount to slavery.”

Humanity is about to pay a most dire price for its technological dependence. That price, said Snowden, proved a leading factor in his decision to come forward to the press – about both the global Holocaust to ensue, as well as NSA analysts’ power, on the slightest whim, to listen to the phone calls of any person on earth.

Snowden said, with regard to CIA remote viewers, “I have seen too many brave whistleblowers become subjects of smear and ridicule for using their talents to expose the truth.” Added Snowden, bitterly, “Well, we’ll see who’s Mr. Chuckles when ‘the killshot’ goes down.”

WikiLeaks attorneys; and Anatoly Kucherena, Snowden’s own counsel, together produced a video calling for calm and global preparedness. Monday, Snowden sent the video, below, to the Russian Federal Migration Service as part of his call for asylum.


At midday on Friday 5 February, 2016 Julian Assange, John Jones QC, Melinda Taylor, Jennifer Robinson and Baltasar Garzon will be speaking at a press conference at the Frontline Club on the decision made by the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention on the Assange case.


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