Posted by Paul Craig Roberts on
December 30, 2014
Russia and China owe it to the world to prevent the
nuclear war intended by the neoconservatives simply by replying in kind to
Washington’s economic warfare. Russia and China hold all the cards. Not Washington.
Vladimir Putin
and Xi Jinping toast with vodka during a signing ceremony on May 21, 2014 in
Shanghai. The dragon and the bear: Xi, Putin form ‘Power Duo’.
Dear Readers:
The conflict
that Washington has initiated between the West and Russia/China is reckless and
irresponsible. Nuclear war could be the outcome. Indeed,
Washington has been preparing for nuclear war since the George W. Bush regime.
Washington has
revised US war doctrine in order to initiate conflict with a first strike
nuclear attack.
Washington has discarded the ABM treaty in order to build and deploy anti-ballistic missiles that are intended to prevent a retaliatory strike against the US. Washington is engaged in a buildup of military forces on Russia’s borders, and Washington is demonizing Russia’s government with false charges.
As the
Bush/Obama regimes dismantled the safeguards put in place in order to minimize
the risk of nuclear war, no protests came from the American public or the
media. Washington’s European vassal states have also been silent.
Washington’s drive for hegemony has brought nuclear insanity to the world.
Moscow and
Beijing understand that they are Washington’s targets. As Larchmonter explains,
Russia and China are conjoining their economic and military capabilities in
order to protect against Washington’s attack. Read what Larchmonter reports. Open
the URL in my column below and run your cursor over the bottom of the page and
click “page fit.” Choose 50% and readable text will fill your screen.
demonization of Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi, and Assad were preludes to military
attacks on Iraq, Libya, and Syria. In view of these precedents, it is
reasonable to regard Washington’s demonization of Vladimir Putin as a prelude
to military action.
Russia is not
Iraq, Libya, or Syria. Russian war doctrine states that Russia can use nuclear
weapons in response to a nuclear or conventional attack on Russia. For the
world to sit silent while Washington’s arrogance provokes armageddon telegraphs
total political failure. Where are the voices in behalf of humanity?
The Outlook for
the New Year
Washington has
shaped 2015 to be a year of conflict. The conflict could be intense.
Washington is
the cause of the conflict, which has been brewing for some time. Russia was too
weak to do anything about it when the Clinton regime pushed NATO to Russia’s
borders and illegally attacked Yugoslavia, breaking the country into small
easily controlled pieces. Russia was also too weak to do anything about it when
the George W. Bush regime withdrew from the ABM treaty and undertook to locate
anti-ballistic missile bases on Russia’s borders.
Washington lied
to Moscow that the purpose of the ABM bases is to protect Europe from
non-existent Iranian nuclear ICBMs. However, Moscow understood that the purpose
of the ABM bases is to degrade Russia’s nuclear deterrent, thereby enhancing
Washington’s ability to coerce Russia into agreements that compromise Russian
By summer 2008
Russian power had returned. On Washington’s orders, the US and Israeli trained
and equipped Georgian army attacked the breakaway republic of South Ossetia
during the early hours of August 8, killing Russian peacekeepers and civilian
population. Units of the Russian military instantly responded and within a few
hours the American trained and equipped Georgian army was routed and defeated.
Georgia was in Russia’s hands again, where the province had resided during the
19th and 20th centuries.
Putin should
have hung Mikheil Saakashvili, the American puppet installed as president of
Georgia by the Washington-instigated “Rose Revolution”, and reincorporated
Georgia into the Russian Federation. Instead, in a strategic error, Russia
withdrew its forces, leaving Washington’s puppet regime in place to cause
future trouble for Russia. Washington is pushing hard to incorporate Georgia
into NATO, thus adding more US military bases on Russia’s border. However, at
the time, Moscow thought Europe to be more independent of Washington than it is
and relied on good relations with Europe to keep American bases out of Georgia.
Today the
Russian government no longer has any illusion that Europe is capable of an
independent foreign policy. Russian President Vladimir Putin has stated
publicly that Russia has learned that diplomacy with Europe is pointless,
because European politicians represent Washington’s interest, not Europe’s.
Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov recently acknowledged that Europe’s Captive
Nation status has made it clear to Russia that Russian goodwill gestures are
unable to produce diplomatic results.
With Moscow’s
delusion shattered that diplomacy with the West can produce peaceful solutions,
reality has set in, reinforced by the demonization of Vladimir Putin by
Washington and its vassal states.
Hillary Clinton
called Putin the new Hitler. While Washington incorporates former constituent
parts of the Russian and Soviet empires into its own empire and bombs seven
countries, Washington claims that Putin is militarily aggressive and intends to
reconstitute the Soviet empire.
Washington arms
the neo-nazi regime Obama established in Ukraine, while erroneously claiming
that Putin has invaded and annexed Ukrainian provinces. All of these
blatant lies are echoed repeatedly by the Western presstitutes. Not even
Hitler had such a compliant media as Washington has.
Every diplomatic
effort by Russia has been blocked by Washington and has come to naught. So now
Russia has been forced by reality to update its military doctrine.
The new doctrine
approved on December 26 states that the US and NATO comprise a major military
threat to the existence of Russia as a sovereign independent country.
The Russian
document cites Washington’s war doctrine of pre-emptive nuclear attack,
deployment of anti-ballistic missiles, buildup of NATO forces, and intent to
deploy weapons in space as clear indications that Washington is preparing to
attack Russia.
Washington is
also conducting economic and political warfare against Russia, attempting to
destabilize the economy with economic sanctions and attacks on the ruble.
The Russian
document acknowledges that Russia faces Western threats of regime change
achieved through “actions aimed at violent change of the Russian constitutional
order, destabilization of the political and social environment, and
disorganization of the functioning of governmental bodies, crucial civilian and
military facilities and informational infrastructure of Russia.” Foreign
financed NGOs and foreign owned Russian media are tools in Washington’s hands
for destabilizing Russia.
reckless aggressive policy against Russia has resurrected the nuclear arms
race. Russia is developing two new ICBM systems and in
2016 will deploy a weapons system designed to negate the US anti-ballistic
missile system. In short, the evil warmongers that rule in Washington have set
the world on the path to nuclear armageddon.
The Russian and
Chinese governments both understand that their existence is threatened by
Washington’s hegemonic ambitions.
Larchmonter reports that
in order to defeat Washington’s plans to marginalize both countries, the
Russian and Chinese governments have decided to unify their economies into one
and to conjoin their military commands.
Russia and China move together on the economic and military fronts in the DOUBLE HELIX: CHINA-RUSSIA.
The unity of the
Bear and the Dragon reduces the crazed neoconservatives’ dream of “an American
century” to dangerous nonsense. As Larchmonter puts it,
“The US and NATO would need Michael the Archangel to defeat China-Russia, and
from all signs Michael the Archangel is aligned with the Bear and its Orthodox
culture. There is no weapon, no strategy, no tactic conceivable in the near
future to damage either of these rising economies now that they are ‘base
Larchmonter sees
hope in the new geopolitics created by the conjoining of Russia and China. I
don’t dispute this, but if the arrogant neoconservatives realize that their
hegemonic policy has created a foe over which Washington cannot prevail, they
will push for a pre-emptive nuclear strike before the Russian-Chinese
unified command is fully operational. To forestall a sneak attack, Russia
and China should operate on full nuclear alert.
The US
economy–indeed the entire Western orientated economy from Japan to Europe–is a
house of cards.Since the economic downturn began seven years ago, the
entirety of Western economic policy has been diverted to the support of a few
over-sized banks, sovereign debt, and the US dollar. Consequently, the
economies themselves and the ability of populations to cope have deteriorated.
The financial
markets are based on manipulation, not on fundamentals. The
manipulation is untenable. With debt exploding, negative real interest rates
make no sense. With real consumer incomes, real consumer credit, and real
retail sales stagnant or falling, the stock market is a bubble. With Russia,
China, and other countries moving away from the use of the dollar to settle
international accounts, with Russia developing an alternative to the SWIFT
financial network, the BRICS developing alternatives to the IMF and World Bank,
and with other parts of the world developing their own credit card and Internet
systems, the US dollar, along with the Japanese and European currencies that
are being printed in order to support the dollar’s exchange value, could experience
a dramatic drop in exchange value, which would make the import-dependent
Western world dysfunctional.
In my opinion,
it took the Russians and Chinese too long to comprehend the evil that has
control in Washington. Therefore, both countries risk nuclear attack
prior to the full operational capability of their conjoined defense. As the
Western economy is a house of cards, Russia and China could collapse the
Western economy before the neoconservatives can drive the world to war. As
Washington’s aggression against both countries is crystal clear, Russia and
China have every right to the following defensive measures.
As the US and EU
are conducting economic warfare against Russia, Russia could claim that by
wrecking the Russian economy the West has deprived Russia of the ability to
repay loans to the European banks. If this does not bring down the thinly
capitalized EU banks, Russia can announce that as NATO countries are now
officially recognized by Russian war doctrine as an enemy of the Russian state,
Russia can no longer support NATO’s aggression against Russia by selling
natural gas to NATO members.
If the shutdown
of much of European industry, rapidly rising rates of unemployment, and bank
failures do not result in the dissolution of NATO and thus the end of the
threat, the Chinese can act.
If the Federal
Reserve quickly creates dollars with which to purchase the enormous quantity of
Treasuries so that the financial house of cards does not implode, the Chinese
can then dump the dollars that they are paid for the bonds in the currency
Whereas the
Federal Reserve can print dollars with which to purchase the Treasuries, the
Fed cannot print foreign currencies with which to buy the dollars.
The dollar would
collapse, and with it the power of the Hegemon. The war would be over without a
shot or missile fired.
In my vieVETERANSw,
Russia and China owe it to the world to prevent the nuclear war intended by the
neoconservatives simply by replying in kind to Washington’s economic warfare.
Russia and China hold all the cards. Not Washington.
Russia and China
should give no warning. They should just act. Indeed, instead of step by step,
Russia and China could simultaneously use the counter-measures. With four US
banks holding derivatives totaling many times world GDP, the financial
explosion would be the equivalent to a nuclear one. The US and Europe would be
finished, and the world would be saved.
possibly is correct. 2015 could be a very good year, but pre-emptive economic
moves by Moscow and Beijing could be required. Putin’s current plan seems to be
to turn away from the West, ignore the provocations, and mesh Russia’s
strategic and economic interests with those of Asia. This is a humane and
reasonable course of action, but it leaves the West untroubled and undistracted
by its economic vulnerabilities. An untroubled West remains a grave danger not
only to Russia and China but also to Americans and the entire world.
Paul Craig Roberts
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts' latest books are The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West and How America Was Lost.
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