Posted by benjamin
June 24, 2014
The unfolding geopolitical chess game between Western
oligarchs and their puppet governments featured many big moves last week,
notably in the Ukraine, the Middle East and the UK. These moves have, for now,
left Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, uncharacteristically on the
The game being played in the Ukraine, by what are
almost certainly proxy mercenary forces working for the Rockefellers and the
Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate, is now clearly a move to cut off Russian
gas exports to Europe. First, the new puppet Fed government in the Ukraine
refused to pay for gas, then, when the Russians cut off the gas, the pipeline
sending gas to the rest of Europe was blown up.
This was a response by the Feds to a Russian Gazprom
move to price over 90% of Russia’s gas exports in Euros, Rubles and other
non-Fed currencies. Not only that, but, according to French intelligence, the
Fed puppet government in the Ukraine has been given nuclear weapons and is
threatening to use them if Russia moves militarily against them. This means the
Feds are holding the German’s gas and the Russian’s foreign earnings hostage
through threats of violence.
That is almost certainly why anti-Fed riots broke out
all across Germany last week. It is also why Putin’s economic adviser publicly
called for an anti-dollar alliance.
It also gives us a possible motive for the probable
murder of Richard Rockefeller on Friday, June 13th.
The Rothschilds, for their part, have made a move against the other big Russian gas export pipeline running through Iraq and Syria. The ISIS army in Iraq, run by a Saudi Prince and using US supplied weaponry, has the ability to cut off Russian gas exports running through land it controls. And now it turns out that Nathaniel Rothschild has begun exporting oil out of the new nation of Kurdistan on the northern border of ISIS through Israel.
So Putin is now reeling under a Rockefeller/Rothschild
double punch. It might not be a good time for Nat to fly small airplanes.
The other big moves last week were seen as a result of
the visit to the UK by Li Keqiang, China’s number 2 power broker. During his
visit with Queen Elizabeth, Li, who is probably a member of the dragon family,
was shown a hand written message sent to the Queen by a different member of the
dragon family, according to MI5 sources. The message in part asks for the
Queen’s support for “a campaign similar in size and ambition to a world war
only this time the enemy will be poverty, ignorance, environmental destruction
and all else that plagues this beautiful but fragile planet we all share.”
Li for his part, made a very friendly speech at a
combined gathering of the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham
House) and the International Institute for Strategic Studies think tanks. In
the speech Li promised China would import $2 trillion annually worth of
products and invest $100 billion a year overseas for the next five years. He
also promised the new government would make environmental protection and new
energy technology major themes. The speech also explained in details plans to
provide decent urban residences for 300 million more Chinese over the coming
Opium baron James Sassoon, head of the China Britain
Business Council, held a 650 person gala for Li and his entourage at the
Natural History Museum. The general trend of the business discussions was for
the British to offer to transfer technology and know-how to China in exchange
for China transferring money to the UK. The end result of all the discussions
was that the British Pound became directly tradable for Chinese Yuan and London
was designated as the largest Yuan financial trading center outside of China,
according to MI5 an other sources.
The Fed response to this big anti-petrodollar move was
to use their proxy mercenary armies to issue yet another nuclear terror threat
against London.
So, to summarize the situation here, Federal Reserve
Board mercenary armies have cut off two Russian energy export chokepoints, one
in the Ukraine and one in Iraq, prompting the Russians to ask for an
international alliance against the Federal Reserve Board. The Germans, French,
Austrians and others have expressed support for this idea. At the same time,
the British have made a big move to have the Chinese Yuan replace the US dollar
as a linchpin to the London financial markets.
So, what is the next move going to be?
The future has yet to be written so many outcomes are
still possible. However, it is clear the American oligarchs like the
Rockefellers, who run the Federal Reserve Board and gave us a 20th century of
misery and war, are running out of friends and allies.
For those of you who still think the Rockefellers are
a bunch of has-beens, remember they have, according to Wikipedia
and other sources, funded and or led the following
The Council on Foreign Relations – David, David Jr., Nelson, John D. 3rd, John D. IV (Jay), Peggy Dulany, Rockefeller Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund.
The Trilateral Commission -David, Rockefeller Brothers Fund.
The Bilderberg Group – David, John D. IV.
The Asia Society – John D. III, John D. IV, Charles, David.
The Population Council – John D. III.
The Council of the Americas – David.
The Group of Thirty – The Rockefeller Foundation.
The World Economic Forum – David.
The Brookings Institution – Junior.
The Peterson Institute (Formerly the Institute for International Economics) – David, Monica.
The International Executive Service Corps – David.
The Institute for Pacific Relations – Junior.
The League of Nations – Junior.
The United Nations – Junior, John D. III, Nelson, David, Peggy Dulany, Rockefeller Brothers Fund.
The United Nations Association – David. Monica.
Remember that Richard Rockefeller who died on June
13th was head of Medicines Sans Frontieres, a group that has pledged to
vaccinate all children under five years of age in the world. Given the huge
amount of misinformed Malthusian propaganda emitting from Rockefeller think
tanks about the need to reduce the world’s population, it is hard to imagine
Richard wanted to vaccinate all those kids in order to help increase the world
The Federal Reserve Board families have presided over
the introduction of sperm killing chemicals into household products like
shampoo, soap and tooth-paste and cancer causing chemicals into our daily
foods. They have also turned the US medical establishment into a bunch of goons
who poison cancer patients with radiation and chemicals. They have also dumbed
down the education system and hijacked the political system.
A lot of Americans are angry and want revolution. Last
week alone the Governor of Louisiana said rebellion was brewing against
Washington while the South Dakota Republican Party called for the impeachment
of President Obama.
The military and the agencies have in their possession
a full list of all the names and addresses of the members of the families that
own the Federal Reserve Board. If anybody else wants to find out who they are,
all they need to do is go to the local library and look them up in a Who’s Who.
Here is a message to David Rockefeller: “An old age is
ending and a new age is beginning, it is time to pass on the torch with honour
and dignity.” Let us set up a huge series of world-wide celebrations and
announcements to celebrate the transition to an age of world peace and harmony.
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