

Monday, June 30, 2014

29.06.2014 Kevin Annett: Special “take down” units move into action on verge of Pope’s resignation

ケヴィン・アネットの特別拘留部隊が法王の辞任を 求めるために行動中 2014年6月29日
Kevin Annett: Special “take down” units move into action on verge of Pope’s resignation
Posted on June 29, 2014 by Jean
Posted on June 29, 2014

バチカンが今日ジョージ・ベルゴグリオ「法王フラ ンシス」の早急な免職の準備ができるよう 、訓練された保安要員の2つの直接行動ユニット(DAU)法廷によりローマとロンドンに急派されました。

彼らの目的は、ベルゴグリオ自身含むNinth Circle sacrificial cult (9サークルの犠牲カルト集団) に関連した既知の児童殺害者の逮捕を支援することです。

「これ以上、子供達が傷つけられる前に、私達がこ れらの殺人者を止めるのを支援してくれるものと、地方の慣習法活動家および政府を信頼している」と法廷裁判所附 DAU指揮官は宣言 ました。

「私たちは、3人のイエズス会士を含む19人のトップの英国国教会の役員リストを持っています。彼らは過去にこれらの儀 殺害に参加していました。私たちの任務はあらゆる必要な手段によってそれらを阻止 することです。」

ロンドンのDAUは、「王室」メンバーが関与するウェールズ地方のカーナボン城および、スコットランド地方のバルモラル城の中で起きた 児童のいけにえ殺害を停止させる手段を取るでしょう。


この行動 は、カナダのウイニペグにおいてこの秋にカナダの愛国者が行う主権共和国宣言とも関連しています。

この共和 国は教会と州の両方での児童殺害を訴追するためのカナダ全体で招集される慣習法法廷の為の憲法上の基礎を構築します。

刑法 教会法は詐欺的であり、犯罪のシステム ので、それらは今我が国において無効です。私たちは法の支配 を回復する必要があります」言いました。

「そして私たちは、有罪と判決された子供の殺害者 (クイーンエリザベス) へのそれらの宣言が公式に無効であるとカナダにいるすべ ての巡査、政治家および裁判官に注意してもらいます。

したがって、彼等はオフィスから立ち退かなければ なりません。そして今、すべての真実の愛国者は純粋で正当な国家の一部になる事が出来るでしょう。」

8つのカナダの県、および5つの先住民族は、20141027-31にウイニペグで開かれる共和国設立会議に出席するための代表を選出し ています。


Buyer Beware: Secret 770 Accounts.

Caution Buyer Beware: Secret 770 Accounts
Today, one of my clients called me asking about a “Secret 770 Account” that accumulates interest and dividends and is tax-free with the income not having to be reported to the IRS.  Furthermore, according to my client, this type of account lets you retire 100% tax-free. She heard about this so-called secret account from a newsletter writer based in Florida, so immediately I became suspect since I have never heard of such an account.  Really?  If this miraculous way to save and invest was entirely tax-free, it wouldn’t be a secret. Or would it?  So, Michael of our office did a little undercover work and here is what we found out.
It is simply a whole life policy and tactic that salesmen are using in order to persuade people to buy insurance. It is misleading because they have been touting these 770 accounts as bank accounts, but that is so far from the truth and is incredible.
Whole life policies have savings components built-in, and the proceeds do accrue tax-free. You get interest at market rates on the money you put in. The difference is that bank accounts let you put money in and take it out without penalty. Whole life policies have steep penalties for taking money out. However, the money you do take out will never match the money you put in for at least for 12 to 15 years after you bought the policy. With whole life policies, you have to either put in a large lump sum in the beginning or make periodic annual payments for many years. If you don’t make your payments, the policy lapses and you lose 100% of the money that you put in. Insurance salesmen love whole life policies because they earn a commission that can average 9% over the life of the policy. As an investment advisor, if I charged a fee like that for managed accounts, I would be in a cell next to Bernie Madoff. The SEC wouldn’t be too happy about that, but the SEC doesn’t regulate insurance salesman.
Be aware when some salesman tells you they have a product that is secret. Insurance has its purpose and that is for insuring against risk. There are some reputable and honest insurance people out there. If you need one, I know a great one. I say buy term insurance to cover your risks, invest the rest, and forget the secret mumbo jumbo…
June 29th, 2014

Most of these people are not being screened before being released across the country.

America is facing a health crisis of unparalleled proportions. We could be weeks away from an outbreak of several pandemics on our southern border which will lead to the United Nations emerging as a legitimized police force operating within the territorial boundaries of the United States, ostensibly here to meet the crisis.

Do the Arts Imitate Life, Or Is It the Other Way Around?

Do you believe in predictive programming? Or, when Hollywood airs something that could very likely lie in our immediate future, do you just chalk it up to being merely a coincidence? TNT has purchased 10 episodes of the new series, The Last Ship, a Michael Bay production.

The show is based upon the premise that after a global pandemic kills over 50% of the world’s population, the crew of an unaffected U.S. Navy destroyer,  must try to find a cure and stop the virus   in order to save the entire population of the planet.

In Memory of Michael C. Ruppert – Full Interview – “Zeitgeist: Moving Forward” by Peter Joseph

Publicado a 16/04/2014

From Peter Joseph, April 16th 2014:

In early 2010, I interviewed Michael C. Ruppert for a film.
This is the full interview with only minor editing.

Given his tragic death, I would like to say that Michael was an extremely rare person - far beyond what most see. While he certainly had no shortage of detractors and attackers, he also had courage unprecedented - fearless - and was an inspiration to millions, including myself.

Mike ruthlessly put forward and defended what he had concluded without intimidation or fear of reprisal. In the climate of tension common to the activist community, Mike was a pioneer...and sadly people with this kind of commitment and sensitivity often find tragic ends.

As a personal friend, this was a massive loss.

This interview, as with many he did, again shows his understanding of the world along with his relentless plea for humanity to change course.

Supreme Court Unanimously Rules ‘Police Need Warrants to Search Cellphones

 Supreme Court Unanimously Rules ‘Police Need Warrants to Search Cellphones

Published on Jun 25, 2014
In a major statement on privacy rights in the digital age, the Supreme Court on Wednesday unanimously ruled that the police need warrants to search the cellphones of people they arrest.

97 Percent of The Time, Chemotherapy Does Not Work And Continues To Be Used Only For One Reason

March 31, 2014 by DAVE MIHALOVIC
97 Percent of The Time, Chemotherapy Does Not Work And Continues To Be Used Only For One Reason

Doctors and pharmaceutical companies make money from it. That's the only reason chemotherapy is still used. Not because it's effective, decreases morbidity, mortality or diminishes any specific cancer rates. In fact, it does the opposite. Chemotherapy boosts cancer growth and long-term mortality rates. Most chemotherapy patients either die or are plagued with illness within 10-15 years after treatment. It destroys their immune system, increases neuro-cognitive decline, disrupts endocrine functioning and causes organ and metabolic toxicities. Patients basically live in a permanent state of disease until their death. The cancer industry marginalizes safe and effective cures while promoting their patented, expensive, and toxic remedies whose risks far exceed any benefit. This is what they do best, and they do it because it makes money, plain and simple.

The reason a 5-year relative survival rate is the standard used to assess mortality rates is due to most cancer patients going downhill after this period. It's exceptionally bad for business and the cancer industry knows it. They could never show the public the true 97% statistical failure rate in treating long-term metastatic cancers. If they did publish the long-term statistics for all cancers administered cytotoxic chemotherapy, that is 10+ years and produced the objective data on rigorous evaluations including the cost-effectiveness, impact on the immune system, quality of life, morbidity and mortality, it would be very clear to the world that chemotherapy makes little to no contribution to cancer survival at all. No such study has ever been conducted by independent investigators in the history of chemotherapy. The only studies available come from industry funded institutions and scientists and none of them have ever inclusively quantified the above variables.

6/29/14 Jim's Rant For The Day. Capture The Flag.

.                                                                         Humanity Awakens.US

I had a neighbor that was a retired army paratrooper who told me that one Army division would never be brought back to the continental U.S. because they had their flag captured by the enemy and disgraced themselves. So therefore, they would always be stationed overseas. I do not recall which division that was. Apparently it is a major disgrace to have your flag captured.

I am sure that most of you are like me – scared of all the changes that lie ahead for us and all the uncertainty of our futures. Can you imagine the feelings going through the top fifteen military leaders at the pentagon? They are financially supported by a slow motion shipwreck with a questionable lifespan. Without funding the military could survive perhaps three months at the most.

Who is the Dragon Family?

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Women in Iraq Tell of Rape, Kidnappings

#Women in Iraq Tell of Rape, Kidnappings

This is just one account of the extreme violence in Iraq since the Sunni DA’ESH militants have seized control over large portions of the country over the past three weeks.

“Women are being taken in broad daylight,” said Yanar Mohammed, Co-Founder and President of Global Fund for Women grantee partner Organization of Women’s Freedom in Iraq. "Men have the weapons to do whatever they want and their [DA’ESH] way of dealing with things is to kill."

SIGN NOW to take action for rape survivors.

Being a woman in Iraq was difficult before the conflict and now military leaders are handing guns to young untrained, undereducated and unemployed Shia men. These men are promised big salaries if they leave their homes to fight, according to an anonymous Global Fund ally in Baghdad.

"When we [women] commute to our office, walk in the street, or take the bus, we experience harassment,” said the Global Fund ally in Baghdad who remains anonymous due to security concerns. "But now, all of the men have weapons. I think maybe he will kidnap or shoot me if I don’t do what he wants. They will shoot and do anything, and because of the fatwa[urging able-bodied Iraqis to take up arms against Sunni extremists] no one asks questions."

Sectarian Violence Slows Women’s Rights Progress

With a death toll of 1,000 and rising in only three weeks, the sectarian conflict has forced most women’s rights organizations to scale back their programs. Organization of Women’s Freedom in Iraq was in the middle of a campaign against Article 79 of the Jaafari Personal Status Law, a law which, among other women’s rights violations, would grant custody over any child two years or older to the father in divorce cases, lower the marriage age to nine for girls and 15 for boys, and even open the door for girls younger than nine to be married with a parent’s approval. Now, it takes everything they have to keep their shelters open and women safe.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

China plans investment bank to break World Bank dominance

Published time: June 26, 2014 13:50

Reuters / Stringer
Reuters / Stringer

China is moving forward with a plan to create its own version of the World Bank, which will rival institutions that are under the sway of the US and the West. The bank will start with $100 billion in capital.

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) will extend China’s financial reach and compete not only with the World Bank, but also with the Asian Development Bank, which is heavily dominated by Japan. The $100 billion in capital is double that originally proposed, the Financial Times (FT) reported.

China Finds $15 Billion of Loans Backed by Fake Gold Trades

By Bloomberg News  Jun 26, 2014 3:13 PM GMT  

Photographer: Nelson Ching/Bloomberg News
One kilogram gold ingots are displayed for a photograph at a gold dealer in Beijing, China.

China’s chief auditor discovered 94.4 billionyuan ($15.2 billion) of loans backed by falsified gold transactions, adding to signs of possible fraud in commodities financing deals.

Twenty-five bullion processors in China, the biggest producer and consumer of gold, made a combined profit of more than 900 million yuan from the loans, according to a report on the National Audit Office’swebsite.

Public security authorities are also probing alleged fraud at Qingdao Port, where copper and aluminum stockpiles may have been pledged multiple times as collateral for loans. Steps by the Chinese government to rein in credit by raising borrowing costs in recent years created a surge in commodities financing deals that Goldman Sachs Group Inc. estimates to be worth as much as $160 billion.

A political source: Obama Maliki's request to resign!

 Under section: political Dated: June 26, 2014


Baghdad / Iraq News Network - revealed Musdrssayas a high level, that Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has shut down the phone overall U.S. President Barack Obama after he asked him to step down immediately.

 Source said: "The telephone had been yesterday between al-Maliki and Obama has asked the latter Maliki need to provide Altnazlatefi the public interest and waiver of the third term and do form a strong government multispectral, noting that al-Maliki told Obama that "like him provides little compromise" and that he was elected by the people and has no right to interfere with the formation of the next government because it is the will of the Iraqis. 

Everything We Have Been Taught About Our Origins Is A Lie

400 million year old hammerA half billion year old hammer embedded in rock that formed 400 million years ago.

In June 1936 Max Hahn and his wife Emma were on a walk beside a waterfall near to London, Texas, when they noticed a rock with wood protruding from its core. They decided to take the oddity home and later cracked it open with a hammer and a chisel. What they found within shocked the archaeological and scientific community. Embedded in the rock was what appeared to be some type of ancient man made hammer.

A team of archaeologists analysed and dated it. The rock encasing the hammer was dated to more than 400 million years old. The hammer itself turned out to be more than 500 million years old. Additionally, a section of the wooden handle had begun the metamorphosis into coal.  The hammer’s head, made of more than 96% iron, is far more pure than anything nature could have achieved without assistance from relatively modern smelting methods.

In 1889 near Nampa, Idaho, whilst workers were boring an artesian well, a small figurine made of baked clay was extracted from a depth of 320 feet. To reach this depth the workers had to cut through fifteen feet of basalt lava and many other strata below that. That in itself does not seem remarkable, until one considers that the very top layer of lava has been dated to at least 15 million years old!

Ghost Writer: "This Storyline is Coming to an End"


The Ghost Writer Wrote:

Manipulation of the Iraq RV and how it is treated and released to the media.

Humanity especially the US has been hoodwinked and mislead for the last 173 years, both from within the political arena with bought and paid for mouth pieces and their nefarious agenda has been reflected back from their media and communicated to every aspect of our lives.

This is propaganda on a worldwide scale.  They control every aspect of your media connection and they control the info flow in almost every medium.  They are the sculptures of your reality.

You have in effect been brainwashed, although you may think you exercise freedom of thought and expression, if you look beneath the surface you will find that the ideas expressed are usually those which play endlessly in the media.

This RV is a prime example of a story which doesn't seem to go anywhere and is always expressing numerous outcomes of possibility.   This kind of storyline is even expressed and utilized in Hollywood movies where three or four endings are put it place.

This storyline is coming to an end.

All the major player countries have given the US their ultimatum, to stop the current round of stalling and the issues caused by them.  All these occurrences which we see on some media outlets and behind the scenes have now to stop.

There is a certain country who perceives itself an island in the midst of sharks, that is aware of many plots and manipulations against it, many from its so called allies – this country will attack all and everyone at the slightest provocation.  The world desires peace, the world desires stability and safety for all.

The world wants to change to prosperity and the many benefits that are accrued by it.

Sec. Kerry went to Iraq he talked with Maliki and handed him the US mandate, - for although you may hear different, Iraq still is not freed from the American grasp, they are still firmly under the US thumb. 

Iraq has to unite the many separate groups and to seat the newly elected,  they are to stop these tribal issues and they are to honor their constitution,

Maliki is to insure that the newly elected gets seated and there is a smooth transition and then he is to go on his merry way out the door.

The news being peddled on the news outlets after Kerry left is that Maliki ( pronounced Malí-kí - it is pronounced incorrectly) , does not intend to follow that ruling

There is so much nonsense being manufactured for the news, its to sculpt your perception, it is the propaganda machine at full steam.

This insurgency is a managed stage show, a movie fabrication, with no convincing truth behind it.   They talk about refinery being overtaken, beheadings, mass executions, when you examine the pictures, there are kids taking 'selfies' of the insurgents, there are soldiers marching with untied shoes, soldiers marching in clean shoes, insurgents wearing white gloves, nicely groomed and no sweat.

Buildings and streets are intact, they all look like a photo shoot for National Geographic.

Anyone who has been in war or even a little firefight knows you don't look like roses.  What you see is manufactured illusion the words play the sound bites they want you to hear, but the images don't hold up to scrutiny.

Most politicians manipulate and compromise their way into office and once there they need to satisfy their paymasters and backers whilst they all work to fulfill their egos legacy – their mark on public office.  How they will be remembered, most are only concerned for their public image and never for their country nor the people they pretend to represent.

With only two ways out for Maliki - either he walks out having made the announcement of Iraq's currency release both in country, written in the gazette and internationally, or he is placed on a slab, and exits feet first, this is our current time frame.

National Coalition will nominate Adel Abdul Mahdi for Prime

An oasis of freedom

A member of the Liberal bloc, MP in the previous Parliament, Emir Al-kinani, the national coalition will nominate Adel Abdul Mahdi for Prime Minister if the altering the State of law coalition candidate, pointing out that the National Coalition gave the State of law Coalition 3 days to change candidate Nouri al-Maliki to another character.

Al-kinani said if stuck in a candidate State of law Coalition Nuri al-Maliki and other personal was not within three days, he will have to declare a candidate to the political blocs to negotiate with it to form the next Government. "

He noted that the national coalition parties agreed on the nomination of outgoing Vice President, Adel Abdul Mahdi, to the post of Prime Minister, stating that "the Vice President was not brought to the Al-khudhair now any call to political blocs to convene the new Parliament".

Bling for Minister Mastermind Greased Secret Turkey Gold Trade

By Mehul Srivastava and Isobel Finkel  Jun 25, 2014 10:00 PM GMT  

Photographer: Ozan Kose/AFP/Getty Images
Riza Sarraf, center, is surrounded by journalists as he arrives at a police station in Istanbul on December 17, 2013.

As the minister in charge of Turkey’s $800 billion economy in 2013, Zafer Caglayan was facing a series of numbers that didn’t bode well for coming elections. Inflation was up, growth was slowing and the lira was weakening.

One key measure of financial health was particularly worrisome: the country was importing far more goods, services and capital than it was sending abroad. By October, when he was interviewed by a local CNBC affiliate, Caglayan described the gap as unsustainable and said the government would take steps to improve it.

What he didn’t mention was a clandestine export-boosting operation started up more than a year before that was helping to solve the trade imbalance.

At the time of the television appearance, it was still underway. Three weeks before, Caglayan had been secretly taped by national-police investigators telling his collaborators to find a way to increase exports by at least $1 billion a month. His orders came from the top in a two-hour meeting with Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, he told an associate.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Unknown planes bomb ISIS positions in N. Iraq, Pentagon denies it’s US

Unknown planes bomb ISIS positions in N. Iraq, Pentagon denies it’s US

Published time: June 24, 2014 15:01
Edited time: June 24, 2014 23:54

Fighters of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), (Reuters / Stringer)
Fighters of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), (Reuters / Stringer)

Unidentified bombers have reportedly launched an air strike on ISIS positions in the northern Iraqi city of al-Qaim. Iraqi television has claimed they are US planes, but the Pentagon has denied responsibility.

US planes were identified by Iraqi television, but the Saudi Al-Arabiya network claims that the raid was carried out by Syria, citing local tribal chiefs.

ABC News cited a US official as saying that the Syrian air force is thought to have launched the air strike. The US has “pretty good information that the Syrians are behind the fighter aircraft bombing in western Al Anbar,” the official said.


At midday on Friday 5 February, 2016 Julian Assange, John Jones QC, Melinda Taylor, Jennifer Robinson and Baltasar Garzon will be speaking at a press conference at the Frontline Club on the decision made by the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention on the Assange case.


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