

Monday, November 30, 2015

FRANÇAIS -- Les enregistrements radars de l’attaque turque contre l’avion russe

par Valentin Vasilescu

Les éléments présentés par le général Viktor Bondarev, chef d’état-major de l’armée de l’Air russe, lors d’une conférence de presse à Moscou ne laissent aucune doute : l’aviation turque, qui avait été informée du plan de vol du Sukhoï russe en vertu des accords de coordination militaire, avait reçu instruction préalable de se positionner pour l’abattre. Des éléments qui mettent à mal la version de l’Otan.


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Le général Viktor Bondarev, chef d’état-major de l’armée de l’Air russe.

Deux jours après l’attaque contre l’avion Su-24 russe par un F-16 turc dans l’espace aérien Syrien, le général Viktor Bondarev, chef d’état-major de l’armée de l’Air russe, a fait une étonnante déclaration qui change totalement l’image donnée par les médias occidentaux, qui a repris la seule version Turquie.

Dans le cadre du mémorandum concernant la campagne de Syrie signé par Moscou et Washington le 26 octobre, la partie russe a informé ses homologues états-uniens, 12 heures avant la mission des deux bombardiers Su-24 dans le nord de la Syrie. Ils leur ont envoyé tous les détails de la mission, y compris l’heure du décollage : 09 h40, l’altitude : 5 600 à 6 000 m et les objectifs à bombarder : les environs de la région de Chefir, Mortlou et Zahia dans le nord de la Syrie, à la frontière de la région turque de Hatay. Les bombardiers tactiques Su-24 ont décollé de la base aérienne de Hmeymim selon l’horaire prévu à 9 h 40, armés chacun de quatre bombes OFAB-250. De 09 h 51 jusqu’à 10 h 11 les bombardiers russes ont évolué dans une zone d’attente à une altitude de 5 650 m et 5 800 m respectivement, au sud de la ville syrienne d’Idlib. À 10 h 11, les deux bombardiers russes ont reçu les coordonnées GPS des cibles et font un premier passage à la verticale de l’objectif à 10 h 16 en larguant les premières bombes. Après avoir effectué la manœuvre pour revenir au-dessus de la cible pour la seconde attaque, un des bombardiers Su-24 est frappé par un missile air-air lancé par le F-16 turque à 10 h 24.

ENGLISH -- Why did Turkey shoot down the Russian Soukhoï 24 ?

Why did Turkey shoot down the Russian Soukhoï 24 ?

Turkey made a bad mistake when it shot down the Russian aircraft which had strayed into its airspace for 17 seconds. The operation, conceived to teach Russia not to interfere with the Third Syrian War – designed to create a colonial state in Northern Syria to which the Turkish Kurds would be transferred – had the opposite effect. Moscow has reinforced its anti-aircraft capacities in Syria, and has isolated Turkey. Ankara has now lost the benefit of the secret oral agreement it had concluded with Hafez el-Assad. And London, Paris and Tel-Aviv no longer know how to implement their plan.
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The leader of the Syrian YPG, Salih Muslim, who now lives in Turkey, has betrayed the ideals of Abdullah Öcallan, and has allied himself with France, the United Kingdom and Israël. He hopes to participate in the colonial project for Northern Syria, and implement the expulsion of 10 million Turkish Kurds to this new country.
At the end of the Turkish civil war, Turkey threatened to invade Syria with the help of NATO if it continued to offer asylum to the leader of the PKK, Abdullah Öcallan. President Hafez el-Assad thus asked Öcallan to find another refuge, and was obliged to conclude an oral agreement with Turkey. It was agreed that the Turkish army would be allowed to penetrate Syrian territory, within a limit of 8 kilometres, in order to ensure that the PKK could not fire mortars from Syria.
Since the beginning of the current aggression against Syria, the Turkish army has used and abused this privilege - no longer to prevent attacks by the PKK, but to set up training camps for jihadists.
In October 2015, when the Russian military campaign was just starting, and Salih Muslim was beginning the operation of forced Kurdisation of Northern Syria, the famous Turkish whistle-blower, Fuat Avni, announced via Twitter that Turkey was preparing the destruction of a Russian aircraft. This occurred on the 24th November.
From the perspective of the Third Syrian War [1], the attack was designed to send a message to Russia in order to scare it into defending only Damascus and Lattakia, leaving the rest of the country in the hands of Turkey and its allies.
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The command room of NATO’s Combined Air Operations Centre (CAOC) in Torrejón (Spain).
Technically, the aerial defence of Turkey, like that of all NATO members, is co-ordinated by the CAOC in Torrejón (Spain). The chief of the Turkish air force, General Abidin Ünal, should therefore have given advance warning of his decision to CAOC commander General Rubén García Servert. We do not know if he did so [2]. In any case, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan confirmed that he himself had validated the order to destroy the Russian plane.

FRANÇAIS -- Pourquoi la Turquie a-t-elle abattu le Soukhoï russe ? par Thierry Meyssan

Pourquoi la Turquie a-t-elle abattu le Soukhoï russe ?

La Turquie a été mal inspirée d’abattre un avion russe qui était entré durant 17 secondes dans son espace aérien. L’opération qui avait été conçue pour faire comprendre à la Russie qu’elle ne devait pas interférer dans la Troisième Guerre de Syrie —destinée à créer un Etat colonial au Nord du pays et à y transférer les Kurdes de Turquie— a eu l’effet contraire. Moscou renforce ses moyens anti-aériens en Syrie et isole la Turquie. Ankara perd le bénéfice de l’accord oral secret conclu jadis avec Hafez el-Assad. Londres, Paris et Tel-Aviv ne savent plus comment poursuivre leur plan.


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Le leader du YPG syrien, Salih Muslim, qui vit désormais en Turquie, a trahi les idéaux d’Abdullah Öcallan et s’est allié à la France, au Royaume-uni et à Israël. Il entend participer au projet de colonisation du Nord de la Syrie et à l’expulsion des 10 millions de Kurdes de Turquie vers ce nouveau pays.
À la fin de la Guerre civile turque, la Turquie menaça la Syrie de l’envahir avec l’aide de l’Otan si elle persistait à donner asile au leader du PKK, Abdullah Öcallan. Le président Hafez el-Assad demanda alors au chef du PKK de trouver un autre asile et fut contraint de conclure un accord oral avec la Turquie. Il fut convenu que l’Armée turque pourrait pénétrer en territoire syrien, dans une bande de territoire de 8 kilomètres de profondeur, de manière à s’assurer que le PKK ne puisse pas tirer d’obus de mortier depuis le territoire syrien.
Depuis le début de l’actuelle agression contre la Syrie, l’Armée turque a usé et abusé de cet accord, non plus pour prévenir des attaques du PKK, mais pour mettre en place des camps de formation pour les jihadistes.

FRANÇAIS -- Qui finance l'Etat Islamique ? video de Alain Escada


Qui finance l'Etat Islamique ?

Publicado a 07/09/2015

Deuxième partie de l'interview de Mère Agnès-Mariam de la Croix par Alain Escada, réalisée le 7 juillet 2015 à Paris.

Confession of a CIA Agent: They Gave Us Millions to Dismember Yugoslavia

By Britic
Global Research, November 29, 2015
We bribed parties and politicians who have enticed hate between the nations. Our ultimate goal was to enslave you!

WebTribune publishes their interview with former CIA agent Robert Baer during his promotion tour in Quebec for upcoming book “Secrets of the White House” last week.

 My boss, who was formerly a US Senator, stressed repeatedly that some kind of scam would go down in Bosnia. A month before the alleged genocide in Srebrenica, he told me that the town would be headline news around the world and ordered us to call the media.

Robert Baer, a former CIA officer, has authored many books which disclosed the secrets of both the CIA and the administrations of Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. He has been arrested and detained several times. Mitt Waspurh, a personal friend who worked at the Senate and shared information was killed at gunpoint. As a senior CIA operative, Baer worked in Yugoslavia during the 1991-94 period and in the Middle East. He has worked on several documentaries on National Geographic, accusing the Bush administration of waging war for oil.

The interview was conducted live in Canada, during my trip a few days ago. Robert Baer is currently promoting his book “The Secrets of the White House” in Quebec, where we talked. In an interview we spoke of the background of the war in Yugoslavia.

Where and when was your first job in Yugoslavia?
I arrived by helicopter with three agents. We landed on 12 January 1991 in Sarajevo. Our job was to keep an eye on alleged terrorists of Serbian nationality, who were expected to attack Sarajevo.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Ken O’Keefe’ "My voyage from US marine Gulf War veteran to human rights activist" -- 16:11:2015

Ken O’Keefe’ "My voyage from US marine Gulf War veteran to human rights activist"
Publicado a 16/11/2015
Open Mind Conference 2015. Ken O’Keefe’s original marine conservation work has been somewhat overshadowed by his non-violent, but fully confrontational work for human rights. He is an ex-US marine and Gulf War Veteran, who formally renounced his US citizenship in 2001.

O’ Keefe’s activities to date include founding Human Shield Action to Iraq (2003), serving as a captain on the first Free Gaza Mission (2008), surviving an Israeli attack on the ship Mavi Marmara (2010) and becoming Social Enterprise Managing Director of Aloha Palestine CIC and the Samouni Project.

O’ Keefe is a published author and lecturer who now holds Irish, Hawaiian and Palestinian citizenship, but his ultimate allegiance is to his ‘entire human family’ and ‘Planet Earth’. His style of activism is characterised by his involvement in disarming two Israeli commandos as nine of his fellow Mavi Marmara passengers were executed.

The Israeli military later claimed O’Keefe was a "terrorist operative of Hamas". O’Keefe has repeatedly stated that Israeli Mossad and its assets, along with traitorous elements within the US, are directly responsible for the ‘false flag’ 9/11 attacks.

HSBC whistleblower given five years’ jail over biggestleak in banking history

Hervé Falciani sentenced in his absence for financial espionage by federal court for exposing wrongdoing at HSBC’s private Swiss bank

 Hervé Falciani

Hervé Falciani has sought refuge in France. Photograph: Denis Balibouse/Reuters

The whistleblower who exposed wrongdoing at HSBC’s Swiss private bank has been sentenced to five years in prison by a Swiss court.

Hervé Falciani, a former IT worker, was convicted in his absence for the biggest leak in banking history. He is currently living in France, where he sought refuge from Swiss justice, and did not attend the trial.

The leak of secret bank account details formed the basis of revelations – by the Guardian, the BBC, Le Monde and other media outlets – which showed that HSBC’s Swiss banking arm turned a blind eye to illegal activities of arms dealers and helped wealthy people evade taxes.

The Guardian view on the HSBC files: a damning dossier

Editorial: The use of Swiss accounts to dodge tax was systematic. The flaky response from the bank and the politicians is anything but

While working on the database of HSBC’s Swiss private bank, Falciani downloaded the details of about 130,000 holders of secret Swiss accounts. The information was handed to French investigators in December 2008 and then circulated to other European governments.

It was used to prosecute tax evaders including Arlette Ricci, the heir to France’s Nina Ricci perfume empire, and to pursue Emilio Botín, the late chairman of Spain’s Santander bank.

Switzerland’s federal prosecutor had requested a record six-year term for Falciani for aggravated industrial espionage, data theft and violation of commercial and banking secrecy. 

It was the longest sentence ever demanded by the confederation’s public ministry in a case of banking data theft. The trial was also the first conducted by the country’s federal criminal court in which the accused had not been present.

The defendant’s lawyers had demanded a reduced sentence, of between two and three years, “compatible with the granting of a reprieve”.

Falciani himself refused to appear in the dock, on the grounds that he would not be allowed a fair trial. He described the process as a “parody of justice”.
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Preston James, Ph.D -- Unknowingly Occupied

By Preston James, Ph.D on November 29, 2015
Unknowingly Occupied
Most Americans have no idea their country is now an occupied nation with a foreign based enemy inside its Gates. This enemy has infiltrated and taken control of America. It is now instituting a Globalist NWO Agenda by using acquired American political, military and economic might. It's incredibly evil Agenda includes the deployment of false-flag terror to produce the massive chaos necessary to justify foreign wars of aggression for profit and the creation of a large American secret police (DHS). It also includes the step-by-step, planned complete asset stripping of all wealth and property from Americans and the destruction of America by removing its borders and debasing its language and culture.
by   Preston James

Sadly most Americans have no idea that America is occupied by the World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate, the Khazarian Mafia (KM).

It’s time for them to become informed about who has infiltrated and hijacked America, how they did it and what their incredibly evil agenda of hate, terror, tyranny, asset stripping, mass-death and suffering actually is.

We now know for certain that America was infiltrated in 1913 by the Khazarian Mafia’s private Central Banksters and is now a nation occupied by them.

Over the 100 years that have followed the KM has been able to acquire control over the USG and the Pentagon.

It has acquired the power necessary to create the large East German Stasi-style secret police organization, DHS, which has now consolidated and militarized all American police under the control of this foreign based power, the KM.

Saturday, November 28, 2015



JZ Knight: Ramtha UFOS DNA & Quantum Consciousness -
November 27th, 2015

The Interview You Must See!
Join Dark Journalist in this special episode as he welcomes the Bestselling Author, Lecturer and Founder of the Ramtha School of Enlightenment JZ Knight for a rare in-depth interview! JZ has been a leading voice for blending science and spirituality since the 1980s with thousands of students worldwide studying her unique methods of self-actualization through Quantum Consciousness.

Since her life was turned upside down by her encounter with a spiritual being named 'Ramtha' that she learned to channel and her many encounters with off-world UFO intelligences, JZ has brought her innovative teaching to a large audience with a powerful message of Creating The Future. Living through controversy and under attack from religious, political and media forces, JZ thrived through adversity and survived while keeping her movement growing where others had failed. She credits her success to ‘Moving to a New Neighborhood in Her Brain."

Powerful Tools and Ideas
From Changing your DNA, Mind as Matter, Future Now, Becoming a Remarkable Life, and more, JZ has brought forward inspiring and challenging concepts that have helped individuals transform their lives. By giving her students access to universal principles she provides them with tools that are intentionally covered up and suppressed by hidden forces in the media and the hollywood/entertainment industry control grid on planet earth.

Covert Ops - Remote Viewing
It was revealed that some of the psychic and transpersonal methods she developed and taught students to practice were adopted by covert intelligence agencies for use in their remote viewing programs and misused in attempts at dark methods of control. Shocking, revealing, compelling, inspiring, eye-opening and spellbinding, this is the Dark Journalist episode that will leave you asking, "What is the true nature of reality?"


De Preston James, Ph.D în 17 Noiembrie, 2015

Un plan global sinistru pentru a crea haosul si distrugerea în întreaga lume este în curs de a fi instaurat, în prezent, de catre Cabala Crimei Organizate a lumii. A sosit ora de a se expune în întregime principalele sefii si adevarata lor agenda, pentru ca sa poata sa fie oprita imediat. Un om, presedintele Putin, are capacitatea sa-i opreasca, dezvaluind toata Intel (informatia serviciilor secrete), pe care o are asupra cine în realitatea a atacat America pe 11 septembrie 2001, si care creeaza, implanteaza si suporta teroarea în Lume, prin intermediul mercenarilor.


Adevarata agenda secreta a Cabalei a Noii Ordini Mondiale Globaliste. Ordinul *Ab al Haosului care este motto-ul secret al Înaltei Masonerii. Este o agenda pentru a implanta haosul, teroarea, tirania, razboiul, distrugerea, moartea pe scala mare, si multa suferinta omeneasca si mizerie în întreaga lume, pentru a distruge Vechea Ordine Mondiala, cu scopul de a deschide spatiu pentru Noua Ordine Mondiala. Noua Ordine Mondiala, este un nou regim Globalist care se bazeaza pe suprevegherea totala timp de 24 h, 7 zile pe sapatamîna, dusa la capat de o politia secreta atotputernica, si de catre própria sa armata. Agenda sa este de a înghiti lumea întreaga în sistemul sal de distrugere completa, si astfel, sa creeze din cenusi, Noua Ordine Mondiala.  Acest proces este simbolizat în mitologia greaca prin fenixul Egiptului antic, care probabil remonteaza la antica Babilonie.

*[Ab (Conform calendarului evreiesc) a unsprezecea luna a anului civil, si a cincea luna a anului religios, care coincide în mod obisnuit cu parti ale lui Iulie si August]

Nucleul liderilor Globalisti ( pot fi numarati pe degetele celor doua mîini) a dezvoltat un plan ascuns milenar, de-alungul generatiilor, pentru ca sa obtina controlul complet asupra întregii lumi.

Ei folosesc o Agenda bazata pe o “Magie Neagra” Babilonica, ascunsa, secreta si bine deghizata, pentru a ataca în secret lumea întreaga, într-un efort bine organizat, ca sa o distruga pas cu pas, natiune dupa natiune, popor dupa popor.
Daca vreodata lumea ar sti cine sunt, precum si agenda lor secreta destinata sa înfiinteze haosul în Lumea întreaga, si distrugerea, pentru a darîma toate natiunile, pas cu pas, ei ar fi lichidati.

Gordon Duff -- Russia-Turkey Tension: Syria Remains the Nuclear Flashpoint

Russia-Turkey Tension: Syria Remains the Nuclear Flashpoint

              …by  Sajjad Shaukat

War-like situation has been created between Russia and Turkey after the latter shot down a Russian fighter jet, Su-24 combat aircraft, near the Syrian border on Tuesday.
Stand of Ankara is that before shooting it down, it issued repeated warnings that the plane was in its airspace. Moscow said that aircraft was shot down over the territory of Syria by an air-to-air missile from a Turkish F-16 jet. It fell in Syrian territory, bordering Turkey. One of the pilots, who survived stated that no warning was given.
Russian President Vladimir Putin who had called the incident, “a stab in the back” said on Thursday that the United States knew the time and flight path of a Russian jet, and should have informed Turkey, its coalition ally. The US has an agreement with Russia to avoid aircraft collisions over Syria where both countries are conducting bombing campaigns.
Putin also said, “If it was an American aircraft, would they have struck…what we hear instead is they have nothing to apologize for…no promise to punish the culprits of this crime…it was not possible for Turkey not to have known that the plane was Russian, as suggested by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.”
On the other side, Turkish President Erdogan said that his country would not apologize for downing the jet, and “those who violated our airspace are the ones who need to apologize.”
Russia’s Defense Ministry announced that it had suspended all “channels of interaction” with Turkey’s military, including a hotline set up to avoid clashes in Syrian airspace.
Earlier, Russia announced the sending S-400 missile system to Syria’s Latakia province which borders Turkey. In response, Turkey reportedly sent 20 tanks to its border in wake of Russia’s airstrikes on the ISIS (Daesh) terrorists.
In this regard, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov criticized NATO for failing to express condolences to Russia over the incident, after a NATO meeting called by the Turks. He elaborated that similar reaction came from the European Union.
Here question also arises that major NATO countries which called on Ankara and Moscow to show restraint and to resolve the issue through negotiations or by utilizing diplomatic channels will join its NATO member Turkey in case of Russian prospective military action.
Particularly, American President Barrack Obama who has always displayed contradictory approach by following double game in relation to Syria and ISIS, said, “it was important for the Russians and Turks to talk to each other and take measures to discourage escalation…like every country, Turkey has the right to defend its territory and its airspace.”

Jim W. Dean -- NEO – Russia will now eliminate all air threats to its forces in Syria

NEO – Russia will now eliminate all air threats to its forces in Syria

One stupid plane shoot down allowed Russian to game changing numbers of top like fighters and air defense missiles into Syria
One stupid plane shoot down allowed Russia to move game changing numbers of top like fighters and air defense missiles into Syria
by  Jim W. Dean, VT Editor,   … with New Eastern Outlook,  Moscow
The seven golden domes of St. Petersbug
The seven golden domes of St. Petersbug
[ Update:  I know NEO would get a flood of material on this crazy Turkish shoot down stunt, but I had to jump into the fray due to its historical significance as it could be a major turning point in the war. This could be Erdogan’s last gasp of credibility on the world beans.
The Russians have destroyed over a 1000 oil tanker trucks and news have broken that Erdogan’s son has recently bought a $35 million oil tanker for one of the front companies the Erdogan family is using to loot not only Syria but Turkey, too.
And lastly Turkey’s anchor for maintaining a credible “safe zone” in Syria was the area in north Latakia as having his Turkmen 2000 man brigade, plus Turkish Special ops troops allowed him to put pressure on Assad’ s home region and also be in a good position to attack the western flank of major Syrian thrust to recapture northern Syria.
The move backfired on him as you will read below…a military strategist he definitely is not. But we see American’s hidden hand in this provocation, which reduces any moral cover it has left for being an honest broker for peace in Syria. Is Obama burned out? Is this all just horrible staff work, or a rogue Pentagon playing him?

MIKE HARRIS: PRESS TV – US ground troops arrive in Syria

Publicado a 26/11/2015
The US has deployed dozens of ground troops to Syria claiming they will assist Kurdish forces in their battle against Daesh terrorists.

The so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said 30 US soldiers arrived in the northern city of Kobani over the past two days. The troops will allegedly help plan offensives against the Takfiris in the two Syrian cities of Jarablus and Raqqah. Kurdish sources also announced that some 20 US soldiers arrived in Hasakeh province in eastern Syria. Back in October, the White House said several dozen special operations troops would be dispatched to Syria for the first open-ended mission by US ground forces there. The presence of US troops on the ground in Syria lacks any mandate from the Syrian government. Damascus says it is a violation of its sovereignty.

ISIS cells in America & Europe ready to launch Third World War - terrorism expert

ISIS cells in America & Europe ready to launch Third World War - terrorism expert

Published time: 4 Sep, 2015 07:23Edited time: 4 Sep, 2015 14:10

Criminologist and terrorism expert, a reserve lieutenant colonel of the Israeli Army and a recently elected member of the Knesset. Dr Anat Berko

Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) has been calling in recruits from all across the globe – and it’s not just men who answer. Young women come to IS to join the jihad, to be sex slaves for terrorists – or to commit terror attacks themselves. What lures girls into a life of fanaticism and violence? And how does desperation drive one into donning a belt with explosives? We pose these questions to a criminologist and terrorism expert, a reserve lieutenant colonel of the Israeli Army and a recently elected member of the Knesset. Dr Anat Berko is on SophieCo today.

Follow @SophieCo_RT

Sophie Shevardnadze: Dr. Anat Berko, criminologist, terrorism psychology expert, lieutenant-colonel of Israeli Army in reserve and a recently-elected member of Israeli Knesset – welcome to the show, it’s really great to have you with us today.

Dr Anat Berko:  Great to be with you Sophie, and shalom! 

SS:Shalom, shalom! So, a 19 year old Russian girl was recently detained on a Turkish-Syrian border, suspected of having been recruited by Islamic State after falling in love with terrorist. Tell me something, how exactly does one fall in love with jihadist?

Friday, November 27, 2015

UNBELIEVABLE -- Obama signs NDAA, approving $800 million aid to ‘moderate’ Syrians, Kiev

© Bassam Khabieh

President Barack Obama has signed the Pentagon funding bill giving $800 million in aid to both “moderate rebels” in Syria and the Kiev regime. Obama also vowed to work around provisions blocking the closure of the Guantanamo Bay detention camp.

Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2015 on the eve of Thanksgiving, a four-day holiday for most Americans. He previously vetoed the $612 billion bill in a well-publicized ceremony in October, arguing that the lawmakers dodged the spending limits by shifting money into the warfighting slush fund.

Although Congress then trimmed the bill down to $607 billion, the cuts did not affect the $300 million aid to the Ukrainian government, or the “zombie” surveillance blimp program that has cost nearly $3 billion so far. It also left almost $500 million dedicated to arming and training “moderate rebels” in Syria – a program the Pentagon had already abandoned.

‘Zombie’ blimp, aid to Ukraine, and Syrian ‘moderates’ unaffected by NDAA cuts 

Originally intended to produce a 15,000-strong force by 2016, the program ended up with fewer than 200 fighters, who never even got to fight Islamic State militants. After training in Turkey and entering Syria, the first group of US-trained fighters was ambushed and captured by the Al-Qaeda affiliate Jabhat al-Nusra in August. The second group surrendered to Al-Nusra in September, turning over all their US-supplied weapons and equipment. Only “four or five” US-trained fighters were operating in Syria, Central Command head General Lloyd Austin told shocked lawmakers on September 16.

Read more
U.S. President Barack Obama © Kevin Lamarque

Obama did not insist on scrapping the program, even though he told ‘60 Minutes’ that he had been “skeptical from the get-go” about its prospects for success.

The NDAA specifically prohibits any US aid going to the “Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the Jabhat Al-Nusra Front, Al-Qaeda, the Khorasan Group, or any other violent extremist organization,” as well as the Syrian Arab Army or any group or organization supporting President Bashir [sic] Assad.

Entirely untouched by the cuts was the $300 million in funding for the“military and other security forces of the Government of Ukraine,” as laid out in Section 1250 of the NDAA. The Pentagon will now be authorized to spend the money, in coordination with the Department of State, on providing intelligence, training, equipment, and logistics support to the Kiev regime, including the notorious volunteer battalions.


At midday on Friday 5 February, 2016 Julian Assange, John Jones QC, Melinda Taylor, Jennifer Robinson and Baltasar Garzon will be speaking at a press conference at the Frontline Club on the decision made by the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention on the Assange case.


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