in Life/Philosophy — by Robert J Burrowes — January 28, 2020

As we approach the 72nd anniversary
of the assassination of Mohandas K. Gandhi on 30 January 1948, it is worth
reflecting on one simple fact that he did not realize. His efforts to teach
humanity that conflict, including violent conflict, could be resolved without
violence were based on one fundamentally flawed assumption: that at least some
humans were interested in, and committed to, seeking out and using nonviolent
strategies for dealing with conflict in each and every context.
Unfortunately, as his own
experience taught him and he showed clear signs of realizing towards the end of
his life, the fundamental truth is that humans love violence and it is this
love of violence that will ensure the extinction of Homo sapiens in the near
term absent a profound response that shows no sign of emerging yet. See ‘Human Extinction Now Imminent and
Inevitable? A Report on the State of Planet Earth’.
This love of violence,
reinforced by the enormous fear associated with resisting it, is generated by
the violent parenting and education models that we have long been using and
which inflict enormous ‘visible’, ‘invisible’ and ‘utterly invisible’ violence
on all young people throughout their childhood and adolescence in the name of
‘socialization’. See ‘Why Violence?’, ‘Fearless Psychology and Fearful
Psychology: Principles and Practice’and ‘Do We Want School or Education?’
These violently
dysfunctional parenting and education models ensure that virtually every child
emerges into adulthood as an unconsciously terrified, self-hating and powerless
individual. This individual has been terrorized into surrendering their unique
Self and accepting the ‘socially constructed delusional identity’ they have
been given to participate in society as a submissive student, worker/soldier
and citizen. ‘Powerful’ is not a word that can be used to describe the typical
human being.
This ‘individual’, among a
vast range of other violent and dysfunctional behaviors, chronically
over-consumes (as they have been taught to do) to compensate for their
inability to feel their deeply suppressed feelings including their fear,
(emotional) pain, anger, sadness, love and joy. Unfortunately, of course, this
over-consumption cannot make someone psychologically whole and that is why
virtually all humans who are in the circumstances to do so, chronically
over-consume and chronically accumulate in an endless but futile attempt to
satisfy deep but unmet emotional needs. See ‘Love Denied: The Psychology of
Materialism, Violence and War’.
As a result of this
socially-approved psychological dysfunctionality, we are now confronted with an
interrelated series of military, nuclear, ecological, economic, geoengineering,
5G, biodiversity and climate crises that are not being contained in any way
because virtually everyone is deluding themselves about the drivers of these
interrelated crises – on two distinct levels – and what must be done about
Most fundamentally, as
briefly identified above and elaborated in the references cited, to the extent
that some humans are even interested in tackling this multifaceted crisis in
our biosphere, they are failing to identify their own psychological
dysfunctionality and its causes as the primary driver of this crisis. And
secondly, therefore, they are attempting to resolve the crisis without
understanding its cause.
As a result, virtually all
people end up powerlessly begging the insane global elite – see ‘The Global Elite is Insane
Revisited’ –
or its compliant government agents, to fix this crisis for them rather than
taking the necessary strategic action (in one or more of a range of ways)
This was classically
illustrated at the recent World Economic Forum gathering in Davos, which had no
problem co-opting the usual range of concerned high-profile individuals to
participate in (and thus add a veneer of legitimacy to) its annual forum
despite its extensively documented role in killing and exploiting fellow human
beings and plundering the Earth while obscuring and ‘greenwashing’ its violence
using the corporate media. See the WEF’s delusional ‘How to Save the Planet’ which obviously does not even mention the wars,
grotesque inequality – see ‘5 shocking facts about extreme
global inequality and how to even it up’ – and other violence it helps to generate and
maintain, let alone mention what is actually necessary if we are to tackle this
multifaceted crisis and avert human extinction. For one brief exposé of the
World Economic Forum’s central role in elite violence, exploitation and
destruction, see ‘Exposing the Giants: The Global
Power Elite’.
For more detail, see Giants: The Global Power Elite.
Needless to say, the
co-opted individuals are politically naïve, to put it mildly, and have no
understanding of how the world actually works. For a brief outline of this
latter point, see ‘Why Activists Fail’.
So what are the functions of
elite-sponsored gatherings such as the World Economic Forum in Davos?
In essence, its functions
are to deflect attention from elite violence, exploitation and destruction and
to delude people into believing that its intention is to act in the best
interests of humanity and the biosphere. This is done so that people continue
to focus their efforts on lobbying the elite (and their government agents)
rather than taking effective action themselves. How is this done?
At elite fora of this
nature, there are always two agendas. The public agenda is
designed to delude the gullible public: it is designed to pay lip service to
selected problems at a superficial level using a panel of high profile speakers
to distract our attention. But the deep agenda is undeclared
and is only discussed by key groups of elite individuals who meet secretly to
plan, organize and strike deals regarding their ongoing violence, exploitation
and destruction. Some of these individuals might even appear at the public
forum so that their presence is noted; many will not be seen at all. But none
of them is paying attention to what is spoken at the public gatherings because
it is irrelevant to them.
Of course, the elite-owned
and controlled corporate media will dutifully report the public gatherings with
high profile speakers begging the elite to take some form of action to address
one or other of our crises. But the corporate media well understands that it
must make no reference to the many secretive gatherings held throughout the
forum where the real action takes place. A fine outcome for everyone involved:
the concerned public is deluded into believing that because its spokespeople
have spoken (and been given prominent media attention) that their concerns have
been heard, and the elite has deflected all attention from the further
violence, exploitation and destruction it has planned.
So this charade, played out
routinely throughout the year in a variety of elite-controlled fora where it is
intended – but in stark contrast to the strict secrecy surrounding other elite
gatherings such as those involving the Group
of Thirty and
the extended executive committee of the Trilateral
Commission which
perform the core policy-planning for the global elite – masks the most
fundamental problem of all.
Which, in
essence, is this: Who wants to address their own psychological
dysfunctionalities and/or who wants to reduce their own consumption? It is far
easier to delude oneself about the cause (anything but our own psychological
dysfunctionalities and over-consumption), blame someone or something else (such
as capitalism) and beg someone else (such as elites and their governments) to
fix it. And then powerlessly complain when nothing happens.
This is why the obvious lack
of interest in even understanding, fundamentally, what is driving violence in
each and every context is such a glaring omission from the scholarly
literature. Of course, there are plenty of attempts to explain violence in particular
contexts, ranging from those supposedly explaining the cause of domestic
violence to those supposedly explaining the cause of war or the climate
catastrophe, but these are always incredibly simplistic because they do not
understand what is causing violence per se (and hence driving it in each and
every context). And if we do not understand the fundamental cause of violence –
see ‘Why Violence?’ –
then it cannot be addressed, as our incredibly violent world – with humans now
on the brink of precipitating their own extinction – clearly demonstrates. (Of
course, as more than 50 years of experience has taught me, there is no funding
to undertake research to understand violence nor any funding to work to end it:
Obvious symptoms of our love of violence.)
So let me illustrate just
some of the ways, apart from chronic overconsumption and chronic accumulation,
in which this human love of violence manifests.
Most obviously, humans love
profiting from violence and the larger the scale at which the violence is
conducted the better. So, for example, the shareholders, executives and staff
of weapons corporations – particularly Lockheed Martin (USA), Boeing (USA), BAE
Systems (UK), Raytheon (USA), Northrop Grumman (USA), General Dynamics (USA),
Airbus Group (Europe), United Technologies Corporation (USA), Leonardo (Italy),
Thales (France), Almaz-Antey (Russia) – make enormous profits or simply earn a
salary/wage by manufacturing and selling weapons to kill people all over the
world whom they do not even know.
Needless to say, these
shareholders, executives and staff are devoid of a conscience or moral compass
in any form, as well as the capacities for love, empathy and compassion in any
meaningful way. ‘We make weapons to defend our country’, they might claim.
Which only proves they are devoid of the capacity for critical analysis as
well, given the real reason that military violence is inflicted around the
world – see Dirty Wars: The World is a
Battlefield and ‘Understanding NATO, Ending War’ – and the myriad ways that conflict can be
resolved without violence provided one has the intellectual, emotional and
moral capacities to do so. See ‘Human Intelligence or Human
Awareness?’ and ‘Challenges for Resolving Complex
Similarly, shareholders,
executives and staff of fossil fuel corporations – see a long list of key corporations
in ‘Strategic Aims’ – love profiting from the exploitation of
resources that, when burnt, are destroying Earth’s climate. Like their
counterparts in the weapons industry, these people are so psychologically
damaged that they are simply devoid of capacities such as conscience, love and
compassion as well as that for critical analysis too.
But the list of humans who
simply love profiting from violence is endless. Consider those involved, from
politicians and bureaucrats to military officers and soldiers, who authorize,
organize, plan and conduct war as well. Not to mention taxpayers, of course,
who happily (or fearfully) pay for it all.
Or consider those in the
psychiatric and pharmaceutical industries who are intent on destroying our
damaged minds even more completely – see ‘Defeating the Violence of
Psychiatry’ –
or those involved in the many other industries that also profit from
inflicting, financing and/or promoting violence in one or more of its myriad
forms, whether against humans or the biosphere.
These industries include the
following: the major asset management corporations (such as BlackRock and J.P.
Morgan Chase), the major banks and their ‘industry groups’ like the
International Monetary Conference, the large investment firms, the major
financial services companies, the big technology corporations, the major media
corporations particularly including the three global news agencies (Associated
Press, Agence France-Presse and Thomson Reuters), the large marketing and
public relations corporations, the major agrochemical giants, the huge
biotechnology (genetic mutilation) corporations, the major mining corporations,
the nuclear power corporations, the major food multinationals (selling
processed, poisoned, genetically mutilated and/or junk food) and water
corporations. For the names of key corporations in each of these industries,
see ‘The Global Elite is Insane
Of course, there are many
other industries which do nothing but inflict violence too, such as the police,
legal and prison systems. See ‘The Rule of Law: Unjust and
Violent’ and ‘Punishment is Violent and Counterproductive’.
But separately from the
manifestations of violence illustrated above, which fall mainly into the
domains of direct (biological and physical), institutional (socially
endorsed), structural (such as capitalism and imperialism)
and ecological violence, there are several other domains of
violence each of which has its own manifestations too. These include violence
that is labeled cultural (‘those aspects of culture, the
symbolic sphere of our existence – exemplified by religion and ideology,
language and art, empirical science and formal science (logic, mathematics) –
that can be used to justify or legitimize direct or structural violence’ in the
words of Professor Johan Galtung) and psychological (‘lies,
brainwashing, indoctrination of various kinds, threats, etc. that serve to
decrease mental potentialities’), for example. For a fuller discussion of these
categories of violence, see ‘Ending Violence, Exploitation,
Ecological Destruction and War: Creating a Culture of Peace’.
However, to reiterate what I
mentioned at the beginning of this article, the fundamental driver of all of
this violence is our violent parenting and education models. See ‘Why Violence?’, ‘Fearless Psychology and Fearful
Psychology: Principles and Practice’ and ‘Do We Want School or Education?’
So, unless we address this
fundamental cause of violence, there is no prospect of ending violence
generally and human extinction, at our own hand, is inevitable and will now
take place in the near term. For further documentation of this point, see ‘Human Extinction by 2026? A Last
Ditch Strategy to Fight for Human Survival’, ‘Doomsday by 2021?’ and ‘Extinction in 2020?’
Ending Violence
So if you share Gandhi’s
passion to end violence, then we must do many things.
Most fundamentally, we must
nurture children so that they have the capacity to live by their conscience,
the intellectual capacity to critique society and the courage necessary to
resist elite and other violence strategically and fearlessly, while living
sustainably despite the entreaties to over-consume. See ‘My Promise to Children’ and ‘Nisteling: The Art of Deep Listening’.
If your own intellectual
and/or emotional functionality is the issue and you have the self-awareness to
perceive that, and wish to access the conscience and courage that would enable
you to act powerfully, try ‘Putting Feelings First’.
If we are to resist elite
violence effectively, in a great many contexts, we must campaign strategically
to do so. Whether you are engaged in a peace, climate, environment or social
justice campaign, the 12-point strategic framework and principles are the same.
See Nonviolent Campaign Strategy. And, for example, you can see a basic list of the
strategic goals necessary to end war and halt the climate catastrophe in ‘Strategic Aims’.
If you want to know how to
nonviolently defend against a foreign invading power or a political/military
coup, to liberate your country from a dictatorship or a foreign occupation, or
to defeat a genocidal assault, you will learn how to do so in ‘Nonviolent Defense/Liberation Strategy’.
Given that substantially
reducing consumption is imperative if we are to survive, we will also need to
become largely self-reliant. You can learn how to to do this in a way that has
strategic impact by participating (preferably now using a substantially
accelerated timeframe) in ‘The Flame Tree Project to Save Life on Earth’ which
outlines a simple plan to systematically reduce your consumption by at least
80%, involving both energy and resources of every kind – water, household
energy, transport fuels, metals, meat, paper and plastic – while dramatically
expanding your individual and community self-reliance in 16 areas.
And if you want to be part
of the worldwide movement committed to ending all violence, consider signing
the online pledge of ‘The People’s Charter to Create a Nonviolent
Or, if the options above seem
too complicated, consider committing to:
The Earth Pledge
Out of love for
the Earth and all of its creatures, and my respect for their needs, from this
day onwards I pledge that:
- I will listen deeply to children (see explanation above)
- I will not travel by plane
- I will not travel by car
- I will not eat meat and fish
- I will only eat organically/biodynamically grown
- I will minimize the amount of fresh water I use,
including by minimizing my ownership and use of electronic devices
- I will not buy rainforest timber
- I will not buy or use single-use plastic, such as
bags, bottles, containers, cups and straws
- I will not use banks, superannuation (pension)
funds or insurance companies that provide any service to corporations
involved in fossil fuels, nuclear power and/or weapons
- I will not accept employment from, or invest in,
any organization that supports or participates in the exploitation of
fellow human beings or profits from killing and/or destruction of the
- I will not get news from the corporate media
(mainstream newspapers, television, radio, Google, Facebook, Twitter…)
- I will make the effort to learn a skill, such as
food gardening or sewing, that makes me more self-reliant
- I will gently encourage my family and friends to
consider signing this pledge.
Human beings love violence.
This love of violence is the inevitable outcome of parenting and education
models that are designed to destroy the ‘Selfhood’ of each child and turn them
into a ‘socially constructed delusional identity’ that readily participates, as
a submissive student, worker/soldier and citizen, in their society on the promise
that they can over-consume as compensation for surrendering their unique Self.
This over-consumption
requires extraordinary levels of violence in its many domains so that the
nature and extent of the violence is largely obscured from the attention of most
Nevertheless, the simple
reality is this: If enough of us reduce our consumption and increase our local
self-reliance, capitalism will fade away, wars and other military violence
against resource-rich countries (in Africa, the Middle East, Asia and
Central/South America) to steal resources on our behalf will cease, and the
enormous pressure on our biosphere will be decreased. Of course, we can
accelerate this outcome by acting strategically on several other fronts at the
same time, as noted above.
But we need a global
movement – and soon – for this strategy to succeed. Mind you, no other strategy
has any prospect of succeeding.
While the global elite is
destroying the biosphere to produce the goods we all buy, it does not need to
respond to our entreaties no matter what form they take. In essence, if you fly
and drive, the elite will make sure the war economy extracts the raw materials
to make your aircraft and your vehicle, and the fossil fuels (or equivalent) to
fuel them. If you don’t fly and drive, the elite won’t destroy more of the
biosphere (often destroying countries, killing people and inflicting other
atrocities in the process) to produce these commodities for you. Your personal
choice (for good or bad) makes a vital difference, including because of the
example you set for others.
As Gandhi, already wearing
his own homespun cloth, noted more than 100 years ago: ‘Earth provides enough
for every person’s need but not for every person’s greed.’ This is something
that those attending the World Economic Forum are too psychologically damaged
to understand.
And you?
Robert J. Burrowes has a lifetime commitment to understanding and
ending human violence. He has done extensive research since 1966 in an effort
to understand why human beings are violent and has been a nonviolent activist
since 1981. He is the author of ‘Why Violence?’ His
email address is and his website is here.
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