14.12.2019 Author: F. William Engdahl
Column: Economics
Region: USA in the World

Paul Volcker, former
chairman of the Federal Reserve during the 1980’s, has died at age 92. Major
media are writing words of praise for the banker who “killed inflation” in the
wake of the 1970’s oil crises and food price crisis. Volcker’s true legacy is
far less positive. No one person did more to bring about the dysfunctional
debt-bloated financial system we have today than the former Chase Manhattan
Bank economist who spent most of his life in the employ of America’s most
powerful oligarch family.
Two major events define the
true Volcker legacy. First was in August 1971 when he was a senior official in
the US Treasury under Nixon. The second was as Jimmy Carter’s Fed chairman
beginning in October 1979. These define the events that led to the
deindustrialization of the United States and the economic collapse of most of
the once-developing world beginning four decades ago.
The Break with Gold
During the 1960’s the US
economy began a serious crisis of under-investment. The world-class industries
built up during and just after World War II, from steel to aluminum to Detroit
cars were all badly in need of modernization and investment. Europe had rebuilt
its industry after the devastation of the war and especially Germany and France
were competing with US on the world market with often more advanced
state-of-the-art industry. Their economies were earning dollar surpluses for
their exports. The problem was that those US dollars were no longer backed by
the world’s strongest economy.
By the beginning of the
1960s, as Europe began to grow at rates outpacing that of the United States, it
was becoming clear to many that something had to change in the fixed Bretton
Woods arrangement. But Washington, under the growing influence of the powerful
New York banking community, led by Citibank and David Rockefeller’s Chase
Manhattan Bank, refused to play by the very rules it had imposed on its allies
in 1944. New York banks began to invest abroad in new sources of higher profits.
This vast outflow of vital investment capital turned the decade of the 1960s
into a succession of ever worsening international monetary crises.
New York’s international
banks were earning huge profits by walking away from investing in America’s
future. Between 1962 and 1965, U.S. corporations in western Europe earned
between 12 and 14 per cent return, according to a January 1967 Presidential
Report to Congress, double that for US industry investment. By the end of the
1960’s European central banks were holding large dollar surpluses from trade
and investment, urged by Washington not to redeem them for gold as allowed
under Bretton Woods.
French President Charles de
Gaulle, on advice from his economic strategist Jacques Rueff, criticized the Johnson
Administration for ignoring the 1944 Bretton Woods agreement by refusing to
revalue the dollar price of gold. Rueff had proposed a 100% dollar devaluation
to restore fairness and stability to the monetary order. Wall Street and the
Washington administration rejected anything of the sort. It would reduce the
power of the US international banks.
Bretton Woods was a Gold
Exchange Standard which set every currency to the US dollar and only the dollar
to gold at the fixed price of $35 it held since the Great Depression in the
1930’s. In 1944 the US was by far the world industrial leader and held the vast
majority of central bank gold, so Bretton Woods was reluctantly accepted by
other countries. But by the 1960’s exploding US budget deficits, mainly caused
by costs of the growing war in Vietnam, in effect exported dollar inflation to
US allies. Beginning the mid-1960’s major countries, led by France and later
Germany, began to demand the US Federal Reserve redeem their dollar trade
surpluses in gold from the New York Fed, custodian for the US Government gold.
In 1959, the external
liabilities of the United States still approximated the total value of her
official gold reserves. By 1967, the US total of external liabilities had soared
to three times that gold reserve at $35 an ounce. European and other central
banks began to redeem their dollars and demand gold from the US Government. In
1967 France determined to exchange its dollar and sterling reserves for gold,
leaving the voluntary 1961 Group of 10 gold pool arrangement. By 1971 with
Nixon as President, the dollar crisis was growing untenable as official gold
was down to only 25% of US foreign liabilities. If all dollar holders demanded
gold, the US couldn’t redeem. With gold prices on world markets rising by the
day, dollar holders were demanding US gold for the paper. Jacques Rueff
continued to plead for a $70 gold price, arguing that that would calm
speculation and let the US redeem the Eurodollar balances abroad with causing
severe US economic damage. It would have made US industrial exports far more
competitive and sparked a revival of US industry as well he argued.
Instead, Nixon followed the
advice of his Treasury and notably, that of the Under Secretary for
International Monetary Affairs, Paul Adolph Volcker. Volcker had come to the
Treasury from the post as Vice President at David Rockefeller’s Chase Manhattan
Bank. David Rockefeller and Volcker were to cross paths continuously in the
coming decades.
On August 15, 1971, Nixon
announced formal suspension of dollar convertibility into gold, effectively
putting the world fully onto a fiat dollar standard with no gold backing. He
unilaterally ripped up a US Bretton Woods treaty agreement and the world was
forced to swallow the huge negative consequences of floating exchange rates.
Four months later in a
compromise known as the Smithsonian Agreement, which Nixon called “the most
significant monetary agreement in the history of the world,” (sic) the United
States formally devalued the dollar a mere 8 per cent against gold, placing
gold at $38 instead of the long-standing $35, a meaningless move. Wall Street
had beaten Main Street and US industry. It was the actual beginnings of
American deindustrialization in favor of what later would be called
“globalization.” Years later Volcker would call his role in the suspension of
gold convertibility, “the single most important event of his career.”
By 1973 Nixon’s Secretary of
State, Henry Kissinger, another Rockefeller protégé, orchestrated events that
erupted in the October, 1973 Yom Kippur War, a war that was actually
manipulated to trigger an OPEC oil embargo that would raise the price of the
world’s most valuable commodity by 400% in months. The US dollar, though
few understood, had gone from a gold-backed currency to a petrodollar-backed
currency. Washington made sure OPEC would sell oil only in US dollars, a pact
that held until Saddam Hussein broke it decades later. Paul Volcker’s role in
August, 1971 to decouple the dollar free from gold was key to the Petrodollar
strategy. Saudi Arabia, Iran and others in OPEC recycled their huge petrodollar
gains to London where Chase Manhattan and other New York and London banks
relent it to developing countries at low “floating” interest rates.
Fed Chairman ‘Kills’
By 1979 the dollar was in a
new crisis as the toppling of the Shah in Iran led to a second major oil price
spike and a dollar crisis. A troubled Jimmy Carter was convinced by his good
friend David Rockefeller to name Paul Volcker as chairman of the Fed to calm
markets and stabilize the dollar. Volcker had left Washington in 1974 to become
President of the New York Federal Reserve. He was also one of the founding
members of David Rockefeller’s highly influential and little-known Trilateral
Commission along with Zbigniew Brzezinski and a Georgia peanut farmer named Jimmy
Carter. Carter owed his Presidency to David Rockefeller and filled his
cabinet with Trilateral members.
When Volcker took control of
the Federal Reserve by October, 1979 he unleashed a monetary shock that sent
Fed interest rates to 20% in weeks and plunged the US economy into the most
severe collapse since the 1930’s. He claimed it was necessary to “squeeze inflation
out of the system.” Volcker blamed the inflation on trade unions and small
producers who were simply struggling to keep up with soaring prices of energy
and food.
When Volcker convinced Nixon
to break with gold in 1971, that triggered the first rise of post-1945
inflation as the dollar’s value plummeted making import prices higher. Nixon
tried to stop it with wage-price controls in 1971. That restricted business
activity, slowed growth.
Before Carter became
President in 1977, Nixon had ordered the Fed to get rid of the effects of oil
and food in the Consumer Price Index. The result was the fake number known as
“core inflation,” minus oil and food. In his interest rate actions after
October, 1979 Volcker never mentioned the true inflation came from David
Rockefeller’s machinations in the 1970’s with OPEC. Instead he argued the
population’s rising living standard was the problem. In defending his
controversial monetary shock therapy, Volcker notably told the New York Times’
David McNally, “The American standard of living must decline.”
Decline it certainly did, as
the economy was plunged into deep recession from 1980 through 1982, with
unemployment above 10% as bankruptcies across construction, farming and
industry deepened. By 1982 the soaring dollar interest rates had devastated the
entire world economy owing to the primacy of the dollar. It triggered what came
to be known as the Third World debt crisis from Mexico, Argentina Brazil to
Yugoslavia, Poland and beyond. The Volcker interest rate policy combined with
his decoupling of the dollar from gold set the stage for what has been the
greatest inflation of all, the world inflation from 1971 through today. Between
1971 and the early 1990’s, shortly after Volcker left the Fed, the volume of
dollars in world circulation has expanded by more than 2,500% as gold no longer
limited creation of dollars.
Paul Volcker should be
remembered, but for what he really did, not the mythology invented by his
backers on Wall Street. His entire career, like that of his long-time associate
Kissinger, was tied to the Rockefellers. Volcker left the Fed in 1987 and was
named to the Trust Committee of the Rockefeller Group. He was long-time member
of Rockefeller-founded Bilderberg and Trilateral Commission groups, as well as chairing
the Wall Street investment firm, Wolfensohn & Co. of James D. Wolfensohn ,
who later became president of the World Bank. If we trace the actual actions of
Paul Volcker from 1971 on we better understand the origins of the crisis the
world economy is in today.
F. William
Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree
in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on
oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.”
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