Romney leading group to draft candidate to stop Trump
Romney is flying close to the sun by bringing up who is not fit to be president
… from Press TV, Tehran
“They also examined the feasibility of finding a candidate who could match Trump’s resume, somebody like reality television host and billionaire owner of the Dallas Mavericks basketball team Mark Cuban”
This ploy would mean open and possibly permanent warfare between the Bush-Romney gangs and Trump
[ Editor’s Note: You just can’t make this stuff up. The gang that can’t shoot straight is posing a third party candidate at this late stage to beat Trump, something that does not have a snowball’s chance in hell of succeeding, but they are pushing ahead away, which begs the question why.
The only predictable result of such a fiasco would be to throw the election to Hillary, which must have Bill and Hillary jumping for glee.
Such a ploy would hack a huge rift in the Republican party, which would not be bad in the long term to educate the idiots how they have stood by while drinking the Koolaid and letting a band of mega-criminals get control of a large part of the political party.
And by that I don’t mean just the Bush cabal. Shelley Adelson was quick to endorse Trump and gave an initial promise of $100 million, when his dirty money is about one step away from getting a big ISIL donation.
But then I have to ask myself — who really cares? When VT ran its blockbuster exposé on Romney’s long ties with the Mexican drug cartels and with the Salinas family in Mexico, laundering their money via Bain capital and NAFTA, which was primarily set up as the largest long term laundering network in history, we once again had a 100% mass media blackout the story, but with no one challenging it either, because they did not want us to get the publicity for it that way.
Drug money was poured into the NAFTA plants on the border, whose products had permanent access to US markets to be sold for nice clean Yankee dollars. The Bain Capital operation has for years attracted a small army of retired Intel people going after the reward money for busting that operation, the largest pile of reward cash sitting out there.
Carlos Salinas and Romney were at Harvard together and their families go way back to the Mormons living in exile in Mexico
“They” got so rattled that when Gordon and I were ready to publish the second article on this dirty-dealing the day before the election, photos and all, Gordon called me early Monday morning to say that he was blocked from logging into VT to put the article up.
When I tried I was blocked, also. We had been superhacked, having our own log in passwords blocked, a high level piece of work. So we quickly flanked (which took ten seconds) and contacted a less visible VT writer and had him put the article up under his name.
The exercise gave us confirmation that that “they” wanted the article stopped. We were not the only ones aware of the Romney gang’s long criminal history. There was a significant wing of the intelligence community that felt that an open marriage with organized crime and an American president was a bit overboard, and even a threat to national security.
This in itself was a bit of a mind bender after having endured the Bush cabal and that crime syndicate. But here we see them doing their “its all about us” Hail Mary pass, which makes us have to wonder what is it they fear so much about Trump?
Have they heard that one of the things he might do to endear himself to the American people is to go after the Republican gangsters criminally and wipe them out? What a spectator sport that would be. This is turning into quite a summer conventions show… Jim W. Dean ]
Romney with his mistress in Cuba, the safe haven for Bain Capital’s money laundering operations
– First published … May 15, 2016 –
Looks like the NeoCon gang is coming out of the shadows to take Trump down
Former US Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney is leading a group of conservatives aiming to draft a third-party candidate to run in a bid to keep Donald Trump from the White House.
The group consists of Weekly Standard editor William Kristol and blogger and radio host Erick Erickson as well as longtime GOP strategist Mike Murphy and others, the Washington Post reported.
After Trump won Indiana’s primary early this month, his remaining challengers, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas and Ohio Governor John Kasich, both suspended their presidential bids, leaving the billionaire businessman on an uncontested path to the nomination.
Trump dismissed unity of the Republican Party as a prerequisite for winning the White House after several GOP figures, including Paul Ryan, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, George W. Bush, and George H. W. Bush, refused to endorse his candidacy.
Now, the “stop Trump” group plans to target several potential candidates, including Kasich and Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse among others, but they still have to find a candidate willing to join the race at this late stage. In order to register a candidate for the election, thousands of signatures would need to be collected, but deadlines for ballot access are looming in most of the US states.
In Texas, home to the second-largest trove of electoral college votes, the deadline has already passed. However, members of the “stop Trump” movement said they believe it is still possible to have a legal challenge to gain entrance on the Texas ballot. But ballot access is not the only problem facing the group. They have a bigger challenge and that is to identify a willing candidate.
According to NBC News, Kasich has not made any decision about whether to endorse Trump, but a spokesman told theWashington Postthat Kasich had flatly ruled out running as a third-party or independent candidate. Sasse, a conservative first-term senator, has publicly said he would not support Trump. But he has so far batted away calls for him to enter the race.
With disapproval rating of Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton hovering in the mid-50s and Trump’s approaching 60 percent among general election voters, the group says there is a possibility for an independent candidate to win over voters who do not like either of their other options.
The group has reportedly contacted retired Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal and retired Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis. They also examined the feasibility of finding a candidate who could match Trump’s resume, somebody like reality television host and billionaire owner of the Dallas Mavericks basketball team Mark Cuban. However, all three have reportedly turned down the overtures.
US presidential elections are decided by the Electoral College, based on state-by-state results, and not through the national popular vote. Opinions may change ahead of the November presidential election as American voters become inundated with hundreds of millions of dollars in campaign advertising, highly publicized debates and a pair of party conventions.
Nearly half of people, 47 percent, said they were “scared” that Trump has become the presumptive GOP nominee, while 26 percent said they were “hopeful,” according to an NBC News/SurveyMonkey poll of voters released Tuesday.
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