

Thursday, May 27, 2021

LARRY ROMANOFF — What part will your country play in World War III? May 27, 2021


What part will your country play in World War III?

By Larry Romanoff, May 27, 2021

The true origins of the two World Wars have been deleted from all our history books and replaced with mythology. Neither War was started (or desired) by Germany, but both at the instigation of a group of European Zionist Jews with the stated intent of the total destruction of Germany. The documentation is overwhelming and the evidence undeniable. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

That history is being repeated today in a mass grooming of the Western world’s people (especially Americans) in preparation for World War III – which I believe is now imminent. It is evident that War Clouds are gathering. The signs are everywhere, with media coverage and open talk of war in many countries. The RAND Corporation have for years been preparing military scenarios for World War III, and NATO is reported to be currently doing so. Vast movements of NATO troops and equipment are either in preparation or process to surround Russia. The US is surrounding China with military bases including the world's largest in Guam. Both China and Russia are surrounded with nearly 400 US biological weapons labs. Iran is entirely vulnerable from the American military build-up in the Middle East.

Through their control of the mass media, the Jews' Anger Campaign against China (12) (see note 13) is unrelenting, and successful, for at least the past two years filling the pages and airwaves with false atrocity tales against China, barrages of these lies occurring almost daily. These follow the same template used by the same people against Germany to stoke hatred and prepare the populations for World Wars I and II. It is the same - and based on the same kinds of lies - as those used to prepare for the invasions of Iraq, Libya and Syria. These people are utilising every manner of provocation against China, including increasingly outrageous and reckless military challenges in the South China Sea and near Taiwan. The entire world is being taught to hate China, Russia, and Iran. Attempts to convert India to China's enemy are becoming increasingly desperate.

World War III will consist of the combined forces of the US, NATO and Israel (who considers itself a world military power) provoking a conflict aimed at the final destruction of China, Russia, and Iran, the three countries that must be destroyed to satisfy the dream of building Satan's Third Temple in Jerusalem and initiating our New World Order. That is the plan. Your belief in it is not material to its execution.

We cannot count on anything from the Americans because they are too stupid; arrogantly and blindly willing to function as the Bankers' Private Army one more time, having sworn fealty to the same persons who hold ultimate control of both the CIA and Mossad. England served that purpose for a century or more, but was readily sacrificed when the bankers transferred their flag to the US. A World War will leave the US physically and financially in ruins, much as the first two wars destroyed the British Empire and left England bankrupt. These people are ruthless beyond measure; to get what they want, they will fight to the last American. But as Benjamin Netanyahu famously said, "Once we squeeze everything we want from the US, it can dry up and blow away." And it will. But no matter because the Bankers are already transferring their flag to NATO - a supra-national military that reports to no one and that will be our official oppressor in our Brave New World. And we cannot count on the masses of Western people because they are simply pawns in these geo-political contests, few understanding the tragic pit into which they so willingly leap.

The British Royal Family is 100% onside. If you doubt this, ask Queen Elizabeth for a public statement that England will refuse any part in another world war. She will ignore you, as would Boris Johnson and the UK's parliamentary cabal, since they are in the forefront of the plans. Ask Canada's cowardly Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to resolutely state that Canada will refuse to follow the Americans into another world war. He will refuse. We cannot count on Germany; that country today is an American/Jewish colony lacking a will of its own. Much of Eastern Europe, like Australia, has been twisted and turned, stupidly believing they will be held harmless by the power of NATO when in reality they will be among the first sacrificial lambs in this Third War. Italy, France, and Spain will almost certainly be bullied into participation; the remainder of Europe is largely irrelevant. Japan, also being an American/Jewish colony with no will of its own, plus being a major US military-operations base, will have no choice but to sacrifice itself.

There is no way to avoid the conclusion that history is indeed repeating itself, demonising yet another nation, deliberately engendering sufficient hatred and anger to justify another world war. Even confirmed Western ideologues will admit that what I have written here is true. What will be the position of your country's government when the charge for the war cannon is finally ignited? Are you able to explain why you believe a Third World War is a good idea? If you are a European, haven't you seen enough of war? If you are an American, hasn't your government already killed enough innocent people? If you are a Jew, why don't you speak out against this cabal of 300 or 400 before it's too late?

Given the source of the push for a Third World War and the planned destruction of China, one is left to consider what, if anything, can be done to prevent a third worldwide holocaust. Even knowing the sources, it is hardly practical to declare war on at most a few thousand individuals scattered among perhaps ten nations.

I know of only one way to prevent the World War Three that is now imminent: make Israel pay for it. If in the final position of authority of one of the targeted nations, I would call in the Israeli ambassador and inform him that if my nation were forced into a war with the US, I would of course respond. However, my first retaliation would be not against the US but against Israel, that I would apply a necessary portion of my arsenal to ensure that Israel would remain uninhabitable for 500 years and that Satan's Third Temple would never be built. It is my thesis that Israel is too important to these people to be sacrificed, and that faced with such a threat deemed credible, they would back off. With everything I know, I do not believe a third world war can be otherwise prevented.

I will of course be accused of anti-Semitism, but this is not about me; it is about a small handful of Jewish European bankers and industrialists who want a third world war to destroy the old order before the new can be installed. These people must be named and their objectives exposed. In any case, in a judicial debate of offending a few hundred people or starting a third world war, which is the greater crime?


Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into more than 30 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’.

His full archive can be seen at  and 

He can be contacted at:







(5) “Germany is getting too strong. We’ve got to smash her.” – Winston Churchill speaking during a private lunch in 1936. Reminiscenses in 1961 of General Robert E. Wood. World War II. By Carl J. Schneider, Dorothy Schneider. Page 15.

(6) “We will force this war upon Hitler, if he wants it or not.” – Winston Churchill (1936 broadcast). “This war is an English war and its goal is the destruction of Germany.” – Winston Churchill (Autumn 1939 broadcast)

(7) “You must understand that this war is not against Hitler or National Socialism, but against the strength of the German people, which is to be smashed once and for all, regardless of whether it is in the hands of Hitler of a Jesuit priest.” – Winston Churchill [1940]; Emrys Hughes, Winston Churchill, His Career in War and Peace p. 45); This book was published in Great Britain in 1950 under the title “Winston Churchill in war and peace.” The American version titled "Winston Churchill: British bulldog"





(12) The Anger Campaign against China;

(13) The International Jews have some reason to resent China, which was to be dismembered and turned into a perpetual cash cow, a plan frustrated by Mao and his revolution. It was not "the British" but the International Jewish banking families, the Rothschilds, Sassoons, Kadoories, Hardoons and others that were entirely responsible for China's 150 years-long opium travesty. Immediately after World War Two, one of Mao's first acts was to expel all the Jews from China and confiscate all their opium assets - including all of the city of Shanghai and the Mainland Branches of the HSBC. They haven't forgotten, and they want their money back.

Copyright © Larry RomanoffMoon of ShanghaiBlue Moon of Shanghai, 2021


Tuesday, May 18, 2021

NL -- Manlio Dinucci -- De kunst van oorlog -- F-35's bombarderen Gaza


De kunst van oorlog

F-35's bombarderen Gaza

Manlio Dinucci


Woordvoerder Zilberman van de Israëlische strijdkrachten kondigde de start aan van de bombardementen op Gaza, en preciseerde dat "80 gevechtsvliegtuigen deelnemen aan de operatie, waaronder de geavanceerde F-35's" (The Times of Israel, 11 mei, 2021). Het is officieel de vuurdoop voor het vijfde generatie gevechtsvliegtuig van het Amerikaanse Lockheed Martin, aan de productie waarvan ook Italië deelneemt als tweedelijns partner.

Israël heeft al zevenentwintig F-35's van de VS ontvangen en heeft afgelopen februari besloten niet langer vijftig maar vijfenzeventig F-35's te kopen. Daartoe heeft de regering een extra toewijzing van 9 miljard dollar uitgevaardigd: 7 werden door de VS gratis militaire "hulp" van 28 miljard aan Israël toegekend, 2 werden door de Amerikaanse Citibank als lening verstrekt.

Terwijl Israëlische F-35 piloten werden opgeleid door de Amerikaanse luchtmacht in Arizona en Israël, bouwden de ingenieurs van het Amerikaanse leger in Israël speciale geharde hangars voor de F-35's, geschikt voor de maximale bescherming van beide gevechtsvliegtuigen op de grond, en hun snelle opstijging bij aanvallen. Tegelijkertijd hebben de Israëlische militaire industrieën (Israel Aerospace en Elbit Systems) in nauwe samenwerking met Lockheed Martin het tot "Adir" (Krachtig) omgedoopte gevechtsvliegtuig verbeterd: vooral zijn vermogen om door vijandelijke verdedigingswerken heen te dringen en zijn actieradius die bijna werd verdubbeld.

Deze capaciteiten zijn zeker niet nodig om Gaza aan te vallen. Waarom worden dan de meest geavanceerde gevechtsvliegtuigen van de vijfde generatie ingezet tegen de Palestijnen? Omdat het dient om F-35's gevechtsvliegtuigen en hun piloten te testen in echte oorlogsactie waarbij huizen in Gaza als doelwit worden gebruikt op een schietbaan. Het maakt niet uit of zich in de huizen die het doelwit vormen hele families bevinden.

De F-35's, toegevoegd aan de honderden jachtbommenwerpers die de VS reeds aan Israël hebben geleverd, zijn ontworpen voor nucleaire aanvallen, met name met de nieuwe B61-12 bom. De Verenigde Staten zullen deze kernbommen binnenkort inzetten in Italië en andere Europese landen, en zullen ze ook leveren aan Israël, de enige kernmacht in het Midden-Oosten met een arsenaal dat wordt geschat op 100-400 kernwapens. Als Israël het bereik van de F-35 gevechtsvliegtuigen verdubbelt en op het punt staat acht Boeing Pegasus tankers van de VS te ontvangen voor het bijtanken van de F-35's tijdens de vlucht, dan is dat omdat het zich voorbereidt op een aanval, zelfs nucleair, tegen Iran.

De Israëlische nucleaire strijdkrachten zijn geïntegreerd in het elektronische systeem van de NAVO in het kader van het "Individueel samenwerkingsprogramma" met Israël. Hoewel Israël geen lid is van het bondgenootschap, is het geïntegreerd met een permanente missie in het NAVO-hoofdkwartier in Brussel. In hetzelfde kader heeft Duitsland zes Dolphin-onderzeeërs aan Israël geleverd. aangepast voor het lanceren van kernraketten (zoals Der Spiegel in 2012 documenteerde).

De militaire samenwerking van Italië met Israël is een wet van de republiek geworden (wet nr. 94 van 17 mei 2005). Deze wet voorziet in een uitgebreide samenwerking, zowel tussen strijdkrachten als militaire industrieën, met inbegrip van activiteiten die geheim blijven omdat ze onderworpen zijn aan het "Veiligheidsakkoord" tussen beide partijen.

Israël heeft aan Italië de Opsat-3000 satelliet geleverd, die beelden met zeer hoge resolutie uitzendt voor militaire operaties in verafgelegen oorlogsgebieden. De satelliet is verbonden met drie centra in Italië en tegelijkertijd met een vierde centrum in Israël, als bewijs van de steeds nauwere strategische samenwerking tussen de twee landen.

Italië heeft Israël dertig Leonardo Aermacchi gevechtsvliegtuigen geleverd voor de opleiding van piloten. Nu kan het Israël een nieuwe versie van de M-346 FA (Fighter Attack) leveren, die - zo heeft Leonardo Industry gespecificeerd - tegelijkertijd dient voor opleiding en voor "grondaanvalsmissies met 500-pond drop munitie, en precisie-geleide munitie die in staat is het aantal te raken doelen tegelijkertijd te verhogen ". De nieuwe versie van het gevechtsvliegtuig - Leonardo Industrie onderstreepte - is bijzonder geschikt voor "missies in stedelijke gebieden", waar zware gevechtsvliegtuigen "vaak worden gebruikt in laagbetaalde missies met hoge operationele kosten". Ideaal voor de volgende Israëlische bombardementen op Gaza, die kunnen worden uitgevoerd met "een kostprijs per vlieguur die tot 80% lager ligt", en die zeer "kosteneffectief" zullen zijn, dat wil zeggen dat ze veel meer Palestijnen zullen doden.

Manlio Dinucci

 (il manifest, 18 mei 2021)

Nederlandse Vertaling: Martien

DE -- Manlio Dinucci -- "Die Kunst des Krieges" -- Die F-35 bombardieren Gaza

 "Die Kunst des Krieges"

Die F-35 bombardieren Gaza

von Manlio Dinucci

Die Vereinigten Staaten, die über vier Munitionslagerbasen in Israel verfügen, stellen dort auch ein umfangreiches Arsenal bereit. Israel, das bereits eine der mächtigsten Luftwaffen der Welt besitzt, testet derzeit die F-35 im Kampfeinsatz gegen die Palästinenser.

Voltaire Netzwerk | Rom (Italien) | 18. Mai 2021



Der Kommandeur der US-Genietruppen, Brian Trzaska, bei der Zeremonie der Verleihung der neuen Hallen für die F-35, die von der US-Army in Israel (20. März 2021) gebaut wurden.

Der Sprecher der israelischen Verteidigungskräfte Zilberman kündigte den Beginn der Bombardierung des Gazastreifens an und erklärte, dass "80 Jäger, einschließlich der F-35 Adir, an der Operation teilnehmen werden". Es ist offiziell die Feuertaufe des Jägers der fünften Generation der US-amerikanischen Firma Lockheed Martin, an dessen Produktion auch Italien als Partner zweiter Ebene teilnimmt.

Israel, das bereits 27 Jäger F-35 aus den USA erhalten hatte, hat im letzten Februar beschlossen, nicht mehr 50, sondern 75 zu kaufen. Zu diesem Zweck hat die Regierung eine weitere Zuweisung von 9 Milliarden Dollar verfügt: 7 aus der "militärischen" kostenlosen Hilfe von 28 Milliarden, die Israel von den USA gewährt wurden, und zwei Milliarden von der US-amerikanischen Citibank als Darlehen. Während die israelischen F-35-Piloten von der U.S. Air Force in Arizona und Israel trainiert werden, baut das US- Army-Genie in Israel spezielle, verstärkte Hallen für die F-35, die sowohl für den größten Schutz der am Boden befindlichen Jäger, als auch für ihren schnellen Start bestimmt sind, wenn sie zum Angriff starten. Gleichzeitig erhöhen die israelischen Militärindustrien (Israel Aerospace und Elbit Systems) in enger Zusammenarbeit mit Lockheed Martin die Leistung des Jägers, der auf Adir (Mächtig) umbenannt wurde: vor allem in seiner Fähigkeit, feindliche Abwehrkräfte zu durchdringen und seinen Aktionsradius, der fast verdoppelt wurde. Die Kapazitäten sind sicherlich nicht notwendig, um Gaza anzugreifen. Warum werden dann die fortschrittlichsten Jäger der fünften Generation gegen die Palästinenser verwendet? Weil sie dazu dienen, die F-35 und die Piloten in einer echten Kriegsaktion zu testen, indem man die Häuser in Gaza als Ziel des Schießpolygons benutzt. Egal, ob sich in den Zielhäusern ganze Familien befinden.

PT -- Manlio Dinucci -- A Arte da Guerra -- Os F-35s bombardeiam Gaza


A Arte da Guerra

Os F-35s bombardeiam Gaza

Manlio Dinucci




O porta-voz das Forças Israelitas, Zilberman, anunciando o início do bombardeamento de Gaza, especificou que "80 caças, incluindo o F-35 avançado" (The Times of Israel, 11 de Maio de 2021) estão a participar na operação. É oficialmente o baptismo de fogo dos aviões de caça da quinta geração da Lockheed Martin dos EUA, em cuja produção a Itália também participa como parceiro de segundo nível.

  Israel, que já recebeu 27 caças F-35s dos EUA, decidiu em Fevereiro passado comprar não 50 mas 75. Para este fim, o governo decretou uma nova atribuição de 9 biliões de dólares: 7 da "ajuda" militar gratuita de 28 biliões concedida pelos EUA a Israel, 2 biliões concedidos como empréstimo do Citibank dos EUA. Enquanto os pilotos israelitas dos F-35 estão a ser treinados pela Força Aérea dos EUA, no Arizona e em Israel, o Corpo de Engenheiros do Exército dos EUA está a construir hangares especiais reforçados em Israel para o F-35, adequados tanto para a máxima protecção dos caças em terra como para a sua rápida descolagem quando vão ao ataque. Ao mesmo tempo, as indústrias militares israelitas (Israel Aerospace and Elbit Systems), em estreita coordenação com a Lockheed Martin, estão a reforçar o caça, rebaptizado "Adir" (Poderoso): sobretudo, a sua capacidade de penetrar nas defesas inimigas e o seu raio de acção, que foi quase duplicado. Capacidades certamente não necessárias para atacar Gaza. Porque são então os mais avançados caças de quinta geração utilizados contra os palestinianos? Porque serve para testar os F-35 e os pilotos em guerra real, usando as casas de Gaza como alvos para campo de tiro. Pouco importa se, nos edifícios alvo, estiverem famílias inteiras.

Os F-35A, que se juntam às centenas de caças-bombardeiros já fornecidos pelos EUA a Israel, foram concebidos para ataques nucleares, em particular com a nova bomba B61-12 que os Estados Unidos, para além de, em breve, alojarem em Itália e noutros países europeus, fornecerão também a Israel, a única potência nuclear do Médio Oriente, com um arsenal estimado em 100-400 armas nucleares. Se Israel duplica o raio de acção do F-35 e está prestes a receber dos EUA, 8 aviões-cisterna Boeing Pegasus para reabastecimento em voo dos F-35, é porque se prepara para lançar um ataque, incluindo um ataque nuclear, contra o Irão. As forças nucleares israelitas estão integradas no sistema electrónico da NATO, no quadro do "Programa de Cooperação Individual" com Israel, um país que, embora não seja membro da Aliança, está integrado com uma missão permanente no quartel general da NATO, em Bruxelas. No mesmo âmbito, a Alemanha forneceu a Israel 6 submarinos Dolphin modificados para lançar mísseis nucleares (como documentado pelo Der Spiegel em 2012).

A cooperação militar da Itália com Israel tornou-se uma lei da República (Lei n.º 94 de 17 de Maio de 2005). Estabelece uma ampla cooperação, tanto entre as forças armadas como entre as indústrias militares, incluindo actividades que permanecem secretas porque estão sujeitas ao "Acordo de Segurança" entre as duas partes. Israel forneceu à Itália o satélite Opsat-3000, que transmite imagens de muito alta resolução para operações militares em teatros de guerra distantes. O satélite está ligado a três centros em Itália e, ao mesmo tempo, a um quarto centro em Israel, demonstrando a cooperação estratégica cada vez mais estreita entre os dois países. A Itália forneceu a Israel 30 aviões de caça Leonardo Aermacchi para treino de pilotos. Agora pode fornecer uma nova versão, a M-346 FA (Fighter Attack), que – especifica a Leonardo - é utilizada tanto para treino como para "missões de ataque terrestre com 500 lb. de queda e munições de precisão capazes de aumentar o número de alvos a serem atingidos simultaneamente". A nova versão do combatente - sublinha a empresa Leonardo - é particularmente adequada para "missões em áreas urbanas", onde os combatentes pesados "são frequentemente utilizados em missões de baixo pagamento com custos operacionais elevados". É ideal para os próximos bombardeamentos israelitas em Gaza, que podem ser realizados com "um custo por hora de voo que é reduzido até 80%", e serão muito "muito bem pagos", ou seja, matarão muito mais palestinianos.

Manlio Dinucci

il manifesto, 18 de Maio de 2021

EN -- Manlio Dinucci -- The Art of War -- F-35s bombing Gaza


The Art of War

F-35s bombing Gaza

Manlio Dinucci




Israeli Forces spokesman Zilberman announced the start of the bombing of Gaza, specifying that "80 fighters are taking part in the operation, including the advanced F-35s" (The Times of Israel, May 11, 2021). It is officially the baptism of fire for the US Lockheed Martin’s fifth-generation fighter,  whose production Italy also participates in as a second-level partner.


Israel has already received twenty-seven F-35s from the US, and last February decided to buy no longer fifty F-35s but seventy-five. To this end the government has decreed a further allocation of 9 billion dollars: 7 were granted by a US to Israel free military "aid" of 28 billion, 2 were granted as a loan by the US Citibank.


While Israeli F-35 pilots were being trained by the U.S. Air Force in Arizona and Israel, the US Army Engineers built in Israel special hardened hangars for the F-35s, suitable for both fighters’ maximum protection on the ground, and their rapid take-off on attack. At the same time, the Israeli military industries (Israel Aerospace and Elbit Systems) in close coordination with Lockheed Martin enhance the fighter renamed "Adir" (Powerful): above all its ability to penetrate enemy defenses and its range of action which was nearly doubled.


These capabilities are certainly not necessary to attack Gaza. Why then are the most advanced fifth-generation fighters used against Palestinians? Because it serves to test F-35s fighters and their pilots in real war action using Gaza homes as targets on a firing range. It does not matter if in the target houses there are entire families. 


The F-35s, added to the hundreds of fighter-bombers already supplied by the US to Israel. are designed for nuclear attack particularly with the new B61-12 bomb. The United States will shortly deploy these nuclear bombs in Italy and other European countries, and will also provide them to Israel, the only nuclear power in the Middle East with an arsenal estimated at 100-400 nuclear weapons. If Israel doubles the range of F-35 fighters and is about to receive eight Boeing Pegasus tankers from the US for refueling the F-35s in flight, it is because it is preparing to launch an attack, even nuclear, against Iran.


The Israeli nuclear forces are integrated into the NATO electronic system within the "Individual cooperation program" framework with Israel. Although not a member of the Alliance, Israel is integrated with a permanent mission in the NATO headquarters in Brussels. In the same framework, Germany supplied Israel with six Dolphin submarines. modified for launching nuclear missiles (as Der Spiegel documented in 2012).


Italy’s military cooperation with Israel has become a law of the Republic (Law No. 94 of May 17, 2005). This law establishes comprehensive cooperation, both between armed forces and military industries, including activities that remain secret because they are subject to the "Security Agreement" between the two parties.


Israel has supplied Italy with the Opsat-3000 satellite, which transmits very high-resolution images for military operations in distant war theaters. The satellite is connected to three centers in Italy and, at the same time, to a fourth center in Israel, as a proof of the increasingly close strategic collaboration between the two countries.


Italy supplied Israel with thirty Leonardo Aermacchi fighters for pilot training. Now it can provide Israel with a new version of the M-346 FA (Fighter Attack), which - Leonardo Industry specified - serves at the same time for training and for “ground attack missions with 500-pound drop ammunition, and precision-guided ammunitions capable of increasing the number of targets to hit at the same time “. The new version of the fighter - Leonardo Industry underlined - is particularly suitable for "missions in urban areas", where heavy fighters "are often used in low-paying missions with high operating costs". The ideal for the next Israeli bombings of Gaza, which can be carried out with "a cost per flight hour that is reduced by up to 80%", and will be very " cost-effective ", that is, they will kill many more Palestinians.

 Manlio Dinucci

(il manifesto, May 18, 2021)


At midday on Friday 5 February, 2016 Julian Assange, John Jones QC, Melinda Taylor, Jennifer Robinson and Baltasar Garzon will be speaking at a press conference at the Frontline Club on the decision made by the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention on the Assange case.


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