

Thursday, August 30, 2018


por Thierry Meyssan

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Senhor Presidente,
Os crimes do 11 de Setembro de 2001 nunca foram julgados no seu país. Estou a escrever-lhe, na qualidade de cidadão francês, o primeiro que denunciou as incoerências da versão oficial e abriu o debate mundial sobre a investigação dos verdadeiros culpados.
Quando somos jurados de um tribunal criminal, devemos determinar se o suspeito que nos é apresentado, é culpado ou não, e, em caso afirmativo, que sentença lhe deve ser aplicada. Quando testemunhamos os acontecimentos do 11 de Setembro, a Administração Bush Jr. afirmou que o culpado era a Al-Qaeda e que o castigo seria a derrubada daqueles que a ajudaram: os Taliban afegãos, depois o regime iraquiano de Saddam Hussein.
No entanto, muitas pistas atestam a impossibilidade desta tese. Se fôssemos jurados, declararíamos objectivamente, os Taliban afegãos e o regime de Saddam Hussein inocentes deste crime. É claro que não saberíamos quem é o verdadeiro culpado e isso frustrar-nos-ia. Mas não concebemos condenar pessoas inocentes por esse crime, porque não soubemos ou não pudemos, encontrar os culpados.
Todos nós compreendíamos que altas personalidades estavam a mentir, quando o Secretário da Justiça e o Director do FBI, Robert Mueller, revelaram os nomes dos 19 presumíveis piratas do ar. Pois já tínhamos diante de nós, as listas divulgadas pelas companhias de aviação da totalidade dos passageiros embarcados; listas em que nenhum desses suspeitos figurava.
A partir daí, ficamos desconfiados do “governo de Continuidade”, o poder encarregado de substituir as autoridades eleitas, caso elas morram durante um confronto nuclear. Aventamos a hipótese de que esses ataques mascaravam um golpe de Estado, em conformidade com o método que Edward Luttwak tinha imaginado: manter a aparência do Executivo, mas impondo uma política diferente.
 Nos dias a seguir ao 11 de Setembro, a Administação Bush tomou várias decisões:

Ø  A criação do Departamento de Segurança Interna/Office of Homeland Security e o voto para um volumoso Código anti-terrorista elaborado com bastante antecedência, o USA Patriot Act. Para os assuntos que a administração designa como "terroristas", este texto suspende a Bill of Rights/ Declaração de Direitos que fez a glória do seu país. Desequilibra as vossas instituições. Assegura, dois séculos mais tarde, o triunfo dos grandes proprietários que elaboraram a Constituição e a derrota dos heróis da Guerra da Independência, que exigiram que lhe incluíssem a Bill of Rights.

Ø O Secretário da Defesa, Donald Rumsfeld, criou o Office of Force Transformation, sob o comando do almirante Arthur Cebrowski. Ele apresentou imediatamente um plano, concebido de longa data, prevendo controlar o acesso aos recursos naturais dos países do sul. Exigia destruir estruturas estatais e vida social em metade do mundo ainda não globalizado. Simultaneamente, o Director da CIA lançou a "Matriz do Ataque Global", um conjunto de operações secretas em 85 países, onde Rumsfeld e Cebrowski pretendiam destruir as estruturas do Estado. Considerando que apenas os países cujas economias estavam globalizadas, seriam estáveis e que os outros seriam destruídos, os homens do 11 de Setembro colocaram as Forças Armadas USA ao serviço de interesses financeiros transnacionais. Eles traíram o seu país e fizeram dele o braço armado desses predadores.
Nos últimos 17 anos, vimos o que dá aos seus concidadãos, o governo dos sucessores daqueles que redigiram a Constitution e que se opuseram, sem êxito, nessa altura, à Bill of Rights : os ricos tornaram-se super-ricos, enquanto a classe média foi reduzida a um quinto e a pobreza aumentou.
Também vemos a implementação da estratégia Rumsfeld-Cebrowski: as denominadas “guerras civis” devastaram a maior parte do Médio Oriente Alargado. Cidades inteiras foram varridas do mapa desde o Afeganistão até à Líbia, passando pela Arábia Saudita e pela Turquia, que, todavia, não estavam em guerra.
Em 2001, só dois cicadãos dos  Estados Unidos da América denunciaram as incoerências da versão Bush, dois promotores imobiliários: o democrata Jimmy Walter, que foi forçado a exilar-se, e o Senhor, que, em breve entrou na política e foi eleito presidente.
Em 2011, vimos o comandante da AFRICOM ser dispensado da sua missão, em benefício da NATO, por se recusar a apoiar a Al-Qaeda a fim de derrubar a Jamahiriya Árabe Líbia. Depois, vimos a LANDCOM da NATO, organizar o apoio ocidental aos jihadistas em geral e à Al-Qaeda em particular, para derrubar a República Árabe Síria.
Assim, os jihadistas, considerados os “combatentes da liberdade” contra os soviéticos,  depois como “terroristas” no 11 de Setembro, tornando-se nos aliados do Estado Profundo (Deep State) que eles nunca deixaram de ser.
Também temos assistido, com imensa esperança, à sua acção para suprimir, um a um, todo o apoio aos jihadistas. É com a mesma esperança que o vemos hoje dialogar com o seu colega russo a fim de restaurar a vida no devastado Médio Oriente Alargado. E é com uma preocupação equivalente que vemos Robert Mueller, que se tornou Procurador especial, continuar a destruição da sua pátria, ao atacar a sua posição.
Senhor Presidente, não só o Senhor e os seus compatriotas sofrem com a diarquia estabelecida no seu país desde o golpe de 11 de Setembro, mas o mundo inteiro é uma vítima dessa mesma diarquia.
Senhor Presidente, o 11 de Setembro não é uma história antiga. É o triunfo dos interesses transnacionais que hoje esmagam não só o seu povo, mas toda a Humanidade que aspira à liberdade. 
Thierry Meyssan
Thierry Meyssan abriu o debate mundial sobre os verdadeiros responsáveis pelo 11 de Setembro. Trabalhou como analista político ao lado de Hugo Chavez, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad e Mouamar Kadhafi. Presentemente, é um refugiado político na Síria.


OF THE UTMOST IMPORTANCE -- THIERRY MEYSSAN -- Open letter to President Trump concerning the consequences of 11 September 2001

Open letter to President Trump concerning the consequences of 11 September 2001


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Mister President,
The crimes of 11 September 2001 have never been judged in your country. I am writing to you as a French citizen, the first person to denounce the inconsistencies of the official version and to open the world to the debate and the search for the real perpetrators.
In a criminal court, as the jury, we have to determine whether the suspect presented to us is guilty or not, and eventually, to decide what punishment he should receive. When we suffered the events of 9/11, the Bush Junior administration told us that the guilty party was Al-Qaïda, and the punishment they should receive was the overthrow of those who had helped them – the Afghan Taliban, then the Iraqi régime of Saddam Hussein.
However, there is a weight of evidence which attests to the impossibility of this thesis. If we were members of a jury, we would have to declare objectively that the Taliban and the régime of Saddam Hussein were innocent of this crime. Of course, this alone would not enable us to name the real culprits, and we would thus be frustrated. But we could not conceive of condemning parties innocent of such a crime simply because we have not known how, or not been able, to find the guilty parties.
We all understood that certain senior personalities were lying when the Secretary of State for Justice and Director of the FBI, Robert Mueller, revealed the names of the 19 presumed hijackers, because we already had in front of us the lists disclosed by the airline companies of all of the passengers embarked - lists on which none of the suspects were mentioned.
From there, we became suspicious of the « Continuity of Government », the instance tasked with taking over from the elected authorities if they should be killed during a nuclear confrontation. We advanced the hypothesis that these attacks masked a coup d’état, in conformity with Edward Luttwak’s method of maintaining the appearance of the Executive, but imposing a different policy.
In the days following 9/11, the Bush administration made several decisions:
- the creation of the Office of Homeland Security and the vote for a voluminous anti-terrorist Code which had been drawn up long beforehand, the USA Patriot Act. For affairs which the administration itself qualifies as « terrorist », this text suspends the Bill of Rights which was the glory of your country. It unbalances your institutions. Two centuries later, it validates the triumph of the great landowners who wrote the Constitution, and the defeat of the heroes of the War of Independence who demanded that the Bill of Rights must be added.
- The Secretary for Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, created the Office of Force Transformation, under the command of Admiral Arthur Cebrowski, who immediately presented a programme, conceived a long time earlier, planning for the control of access to the natural resources of the countries of the South. He demanded the destruction of State and social structures in the half of the world which was not yet globalised. Simultaneously, the Director of the CIA launched the « Worldwide Attack Matrix », a package of secret operations in 85 countries where Rumsfeld and Cebrowski intended to destroy the State structures. Considering that only those countries whose economies were globalised would remain stable, and that the others would be destroyed, the men from 9/11 placed US armed forces in the service of transnational financial interests. They betrayed your country and transformed it into the armed wing of these predators.
For the last 17 years, we have witnessed what is being given to your compatriots by the government of the successors of those who drew up the Constitution and opposed at that time - without success – the Bill of Rights. These rich men have become the super-rich, while the middle class has been reduced by a fifth and poverty has increased.
We have also seen the implementation of the Rumsfeld-Cebrowski strategy – phony « civil wars » have devastated almost all of the Greater Middle East. Entire cities have been wiped from the map, from Afghanistan to Libya, via Saudi Arabia and Turkey, who were not themselves at war.
In 2001, only two US citizens denounced the incoherence of the Bush version, two real estate promoters – the Democrat Jimmy Walter, who was forced into exile, and yourself, who entered into politics and was elected President.
In 2011, we saw the commander of AfriCom relieved of his mission and replaced by NATO for having refused to support Al-Qaïda in the liquidation of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. Then we saw NATO’s LandCom organise Western support for jihadists in general and Al-Qaïda in particular in their attempt to overthrow the Syrian Arab Republic.
So the jihadists, who were considered as « freedom fighters » against the Soviets, then as « terrorists » after 9/11, once again became the allies of the deep state, which, in fact, they have always been.
So, with an immense upsurge of hope, we have watched your actions to suppress, one by one, all support for the jihadists. It is with the same hope that we see today that you are talking with your Russian counterpart in order to bring back life to the devastated Middle East. And it is with equal anxiety that we see Robert Mueller, now a special prosecutor, pursuing the destruction of your homeland by attacking your position.
Mister President, not only are you and your compatriots suffering from the diarchy which has sneaked into power in your country since the coup d’état of 11 September 2001, but the whole world is a victim.
Mister President, 9/11 is not ancient history. It is the triumph of transnational interests which are crushing not only your people, but all of humanity which aspires to freedom.
Thierry Meyssan brought to the world stage the debate on the real perpetrators of 11 September 2001. He has worked as a political analyst alongside Hugo Chavez, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Mouamar Kadhafi. He is today a political refugee in Syria.

DE LA PLUS GRANDE IMPORTANCE -- THIERRY MEYSSAN -- Lettre ouverte au président Trump sur les conséquences du 11-Septembre

Lettre ouverte au président Trump sur les conséquences du 11-Septembre

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Monsieur le président,
Les crimes du 11 septembre 2001 n’ont jamais été jugés dans votre pays. C’est en tant que citoyen français ayant dénoncé le premier les incohérences de la version officielle et ouvert mondialement le débat sur la recherche des vrais coupables que je vous écris.
Lorsque nous sommes jurés d’un tribunal pénal, nous devons déterminer si le suspect qui nous est présenté est coupable ou non et, éventuellement, quelle peine doit lui être infligée. Lorsque nous avons assisté aux événements du 11-Septembre, l’administration Bush Jr. nous a affirmé que le coupable était Al-Qaïda et que la peine serait le renversement de ceux qui l’avaient aidé : les Talibans afghans, puis le régime irakien de Saddam Hussein.
Cependant quantité d’indices attestent l’impossibilité de cette thèse. Si nous étions des jurés, nous déclarerions alors objectivement les Talibans et le régime de Saddam Hussein innocents de ce crime. Bien sûr, nous ne saurions pas pour autant qui est le vrai coupable et cela nous frustrerait. Mais nous ne concevons pas de condamner des innocents d’un tel crime parce que nous n’avons pas su, ou pu, en trouver les coupables.
Nous avons tous compris que de hautes personnalités mentaient lorsque le secrétaire à la Justice et le directeur du FBI, Robert Mueller, ont révélé les noms des 19 pirates de l’air présumés. Car nous avions déjà sous les yeux les listes divulguées par les compagnies d’aviation de la totalité des passagers embarqués ; listes sur lesquelles aucun de ces suspects ne figurait.
À partir de quoi nous avons accumulé de forts soupçons vis-à-vis du « gouvernement de continuité », cette instance chargée de prendre le relai des autorités élues si celles-ci venaient à mourir lors d’une confrontation nucléaire. Nous avons émis l’hypothèse que ces attentats masquaient un coup d’État, conforme à la méthode qu’Edward Luttwak avait imaginée : maintenir l’apparence de l’Executif, mais lui imposer une autre politique.
Dans les jours qui ont suivi le 11-Septembre, l’administration Bush a pris plusieurs décisions.
-  la création de l’Office of Homeland Security et le vote d’un volumineux Code anti-terroriste rédigé longtemps à l’avance, l’USA Patriot Act. Pour les affaires que l’administration qualifie elle-même de « terroristes », ce texte suspend la Bill of Rights qui avait fait la gloire de votre pays. Il déséquilibre vos institutions. Il assure, deux siècles plus tard, le triomphe des grands propriétaires qui rédigèrent la Constitutionet la défaite des héros de la guerre d’indépendance qui exigèrent qu’on lui ajoute la Bill of Rights.
-  le secrétaire à la Défense, Donald Rumsfeld, créa l’Office of Force Transformation, sous le commandement de l’amiral Arthur Cebrowski. Il présenta immédiatement un plan, conçu de longue date, prévoyant de contrôler l’accès aux ressources naturelles des pays du Sud. Il exigeait de détruire les structures étatiques et la vie sociale dans la moitié du monde non encore globalisée. Simultanément, le directeur de la CIA lança la « Matrice de l’attaque mondiale », un ensemble d’opérations secrètes dans 85 pays dont Rumsfeld et Cebrowski entendaient détruire les structures étatiques. En considérant que seuls les pays dont les économies étaient globalisées seraient stables et que les autres seraient détruits, les hommes du 11-Septembre placèrent les Forces armées US au service d’intérêts financiers transnationaux. Ils trahirent votre pays et en firent le bras armé de ces prédateurs.
Depuis 17 ans, nous voyons ce que donne à vos concitoyens le gouvernement des successeurs de ceux qui rédigèrent la Constitutionet s’opposèrent sans succès à l’époque à la Bill of Rights : les riches sont devenus des super-riches, tandis que la classe moyenne a été diminuée par cinq et que la pauvreté s’est étendue.
Nous voyons aussi la mise en œuvre de la stratégie Rumsfeld-Cebrowski : de prétendues « guerres civiles » ont dévasté la quasi-totalité du Moyen-Orient élargi. Des villes entières ont été rayées de la carte de l’Afghanistan à la Libye, en passant par l’Arabie saoudite et la Turquie qui pourtant n’étaient pas, elles, en guerre.
En 2001, seuls deux citoyens US ont dénoncé les incohérences de la version bushienne, deux promoteurs immobiliers : le démocrate Jimmy Walter qui a été contraint de s’exiler, et vous-mêmes qui êtes bientôt entré en politique et avaient été élu président.
En 2011, nous avons vu le commandant de l’AfriCom être relevé de sa mission au profit de l’Otan pour avoir refusé de soutenir Al-Qaïda afin de renverser la Jamahiriya arabe libyenne. Puis, nous avons vu le LandCom de l’Otan organiser le soutien occidental aux jihadistes en général et à Al-Qaïda en particulier pour renverser la République arabe syrienne.
Ainsi les jihadistes, qui étaient considérés comme des « combattants de la liberté » contre les Soviétiques, puis comme des « terroristes » le 11-septembre, redevenaient les alliés de l’État profond qu’ils n’avaient jamais cessés d’être.
Aussi avons nous observé avec un immense espoir votre action pour supprimer un à un tous les soutiens aux jihadistes. C’est avec le même espoir que nous vous voyons aujourd’hui dialoguer avec votre homologue russe afin de rétablir la vie au Moyen-Orient dévasté. Et c’est avec une inquiétude équivalente que nous voyons Robert Mueller, devenu procureur spécial, poursuivre la destruction de votre patrie en s’attaquant à votre fonction.
Monsieur le président, non seulement vous et vos concitoyens souffrez de la dyarchie qui s’est installée dans votre pays depuis le coup d’État du 11-Septembre, mais le monde entier en est victime.
Monsieur le président, le 11-Septembre n’est pas une histoire ancienne. C’est le triomphe d’intérêts transnationaux qui écrasent aujourd’hui non seulement votre peuple, mais l’ensemble de l’humanité qui aspire à la liberté.
Thierry Meyssan a ouvert mondialement le débat sur les vrais responsables du 11-Septembre. Il a travaillé, comme analyste politique, aux côtés d’Hugo Chavez, de Mahmoud Ahmadinejad et de Mouamar Kadhafi. Il est aujourd’hui réfugié politique en Syrie.

'Inhumane Regime' Still in Effect: Moscow Slams Butina's Jail Conditions

In this photo taken on Sunday, April 21, 2013, Maria Butina, leader of a pro-gun organization in Russia, speaks to a crowd during a rally in support of legalizing the possession of handguns in Moscow, Russia

'Inhumane Regime' Still in Effect: Moscow Slams Butina's Jail Conditions

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MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Inhumane restrictions continue to be enforced against Maria Butina, a young Russian woman in custody in a DC jail on charges of being a foreign agent, the Russian Embassy said in a statement.
"An inhumane regime of administrative segregation is still in effect against Maria, who is forced to stay awake from 1 a.m. to 3 a.m. every night. It is the only time she is allowed to leave her cell. She is still denied access to fresh air," it read.
The update on Maria’s living conditions was made after diplomats visited her in prison on Wednesday. She has been in detention since  July 15 arrest. Russia has called claims against her "clearly groundless."

The Embassy referred to her isolation as a "way to put pressure on Maria." It warned that this kind of treatment would almost certainly take a toll on her psychological well-being, adding the 29-year-old was in need of "constant support."

The diplomatic mission cautioned its citizens that no one was safe from being targeted and persecuted by US authorities while staying abroad, and called for a public outcry against such "arbitrariness."
Last week, a court document revealed that Butina's defense attorney had requested her release ahead of her trial. Defense attorney Robert Driscoll argued that the government's claims about Butina being a flight risk were exaggerated and not based on facts or evidence.

Driscoll also noted the lack of evidence to prove that Butina was indeed connected to Russian intelligence services, as US prosecutors have alleged.

Butina's lawyer stressed that his client came to the United States as a student and had no professional relationship with high-profile Russian lawmaker, as prosecutors claim. Driscoll also argued in the filing that US authorities have tried to stretch the law by claiming that if a foreign student makes contacts with people in her native country, she must, therefore, be an "agent" for this country.
Butina firmly denies all of the accusations, which may land her in jail for up to 15 years. Russia has repeatedly slammed the charges as "clearly baseless."

Roger Waters: “You want to start a war with the Russians? Are you crazy?”

7767 ViewsAugust 28, 2018 21 Comments
Translated by Scott Humor
Roger Waters – about his upcoming concerts in Russia, his humanitarian activities, and conflict with the “White Helmets.”
At the end of August, Roger Waters, one of the founders of Pink Floyd, will visit Russia as part of his Us+Them World Tour, and the audience in Moscow and St. Petersburg will be able to see his new show. In the capital, the concert will be held at the Olympic Stadium on August 31st. On the eve of the concerts, the legendary rock musician talked to the portal about things that are common for Russians and Americans, why he opposes demonization of Russia and reveals some plans on jogging in Moscow.
Q: First, I want to ask you about the upcoming concert. Your show, including its special effects, got a very positive feedback. Some even suggest that you should get an Oscar for it. How did you prepare for this project and how much time it took for you to get it all together?
A: It all started a couple of years ago when a music company Goldenvoice from California asked me to perform in Palm Springs at the Desert Trip music festival. Paul Tollett, the head of the company, had an idea to organize a festival like Coachella, which is held in the spring and where I performed back in 2008. But this time he wanted the event to take place in autumn with a small number of performers.
As a result, he planned the performance of six bands, three of which were headliners. I think his idea was to collect The Beatles, the Rolling Stones, and Pink Floyd, and on the sidelines to put Bob Dylan, Neil Young and the band The Who. It was just a crazy idea! Paul (McCartney) contacted me and asked me to represent Pink Floyd, and I agreed. McCartney said, “you’ll be the Beatles, that’s all right.”
At the end, we had a performance. I think it was a great opportunity to do something extraordinary. The Desert Trip was the starting point of what we are doing now. It was then I first proposed an idea of having a scenery in the form of the recreated Battersea Power Station at concerts — it became a kind of symbol of the military-industrial complex, which I do not approve of because of its destructive power.
Then the model of the power plant went with us to concerts in Mexico City, and now we are thinking how to get the power plant decorations to appear on the stage of indoor venues. I think that in Russia, in Moscow and in St. Petersburg, this part of the performance will be presented.
Q: Have you prepared something special for concerts in Russia? Will they be any different from the other concerts of your tour?
A: We try to do something special for each country. For example, during the show a flying pig appears, circling over the Battersea power station, with a sign saying: “Stay human or die.” We want to translate this inscription into the Russian language.
Also, throughout the concert and during intermissions we will show what difficulties people face in the current conditions, and the careless attitude to human lives that is so prevailing now. We are trying to remind that the world is teetering on the verge of complete disappearance, which can happen, among other things, because of the current struggle against the Russians.
We have stood on the brink of an Apocalypse so many times since 1945. It is simply insane that ordinary people from all over the world cannot come together and demand the destruction of all nuclear weapons, including weapons possessed by Israel. Israel refuses to admit, but it is obvious that they also have it. This is a very dangerous and strange game played by the leaders of the superpowers. We, ordinary citizens, must say: “No, we don’t want this game.” The same is true of climate change. And this once again shows that we are heading towards the disappearance of all living creatures. It’s all people’s fault. Is this the life we really want?
By the way, this (Is this the life we really want. ed.) is one of my songs from my last album, from which we will play a few songs at the concert.
Q: A huge number of people listen carefully to your every word. When you called organization the “White Helmets” fake, media around the world wrote about this. How did you come to this conclusion?
A: This is a very important question. It happened at a concert in Barcelona last April. Two important events took place then: first, on the evening of April 7th, the “White Helmets” released a video shot in the Syrian city of Duma. It was a footage of a hospital with many masked children who were being soaked with water all over, and the authors of the video claimed that it was the consequences of a chemical attack.
Based on this video, Donald Trump with his characteristic infantile stupidity, as well as Theresa May and Macron decided to launch a joint bombing attack on Syria. The US, UK and France made this decision based on this one video. And it was obvious that it was a fake, that there was no chemical attack, now we know it for sure. All this happened on April 7, the news came on the 8th, and it so happened that my concert was just that evening.
Then I was approached by a guy, a Frenchman, to support the “White Helmets”. He asked whether it is possible for them to go on stage and to speak in support of the “children of Syria.” I said, ” No, you can’t.” There are too many serious questions about this organization.
Many of their materials were found to be obvious lies. As for the Duma, the militants, the jihadists were already leaving the city. With the Syrian army attacks, it was obvious that they wouldn’t be able to hold the city, for more than two days. A day later, two journalists arrived at the scene: Robert Fisk from the Independent newspaper and Pearson Sharp from a very conservative Christian television company in Texas. There were no other journalists at that time in Duma.
They both visited this hospital, talked to the doctors and residents, who weren’t associated with Assad and the Syrian government. They all said the same thing. According to them, the medical personnel stated that there was no chemical attack. No one died in Duma the day it was supposed to happen, not a single person. Because the video claimed that there were about 50 or 60 dead, and the doctors said that the hospital had some people with breathing problems, but these problems were caused by the dust, because of the war activities. That’s why I said from the stage that this is all a falsification and we, the citizens of the United States, France, and the UK, should demand from our governments to stop bombing a foreign state based on unproven claims.
This is just an episode of a propaganda war trying to demonize Putin, Assad, Iran and so on. Therefore, we need to be extremely careful and attentive. I said something similar at my concert in Oslo. If there was any evidence that the White Helmets were an organization of ordinary Syrians who wanted to help their fellow citizens, I would support them fully, I would apologize deeply to them. And I’d really like to be wrong about them (the WH).
But, it appears that all the messages that came from the occupied Aleppo pointed out that they were just militants. This is what witnesses say. Now it’s easy to find any information if you do not follow the general propaganda line.
Q:  Had they offered you money to support them?
A: They tried to attract me in London, a few years back. But I said “no.” Because there are people who are dealing in oil, and they would like to overthrow Assad, and to take everything over. I don’t care about people like that! The whole world policy is based on the protection of human rights, but at the same time — and that really pisses me off — they do not care about the people who live there, who were forced to flee, because it became impossible to live there.
Q:  Now, that the conflict in Syria nears its end and the situation is stabilizing. But this war also was the war of fakes and disinformation. When the war in Syria is over, do you think we will be able to find out what was fake and what was true?
A: I don’t know. In general, the winners write history. It’s hard to come back and to revisit the past wars. The Allies rewrote the history of World War II. Some people do research, of course, if they are interested. It requires to study many documents and it’s hard to get to the truth, considering how much is kept secret.
Q: You will come to Russia at a difficult for our time, do you think there will be people who say that you are going to the enemy’s lair?
A: Why would you say that Russia goes through some difficult time, now?
Q: We have the sanctions, “the case of the Skripals”, provocations in Syria and so on…
A: But why does it have to complicate life in Russia? It’s all nonsense. The attack on the Skripals is nonsense. It’s obvious even for those with part of the brain. Many must have no brain at all if they believe this absurdity! I would like to say to the entire world: “Do you want to start a war with the Russians? What are you, crazy? Do you know who you’re dealing with? The Russians liberated you from the Nazis at the cost of 20 million lives of their countrymen! Do you want to fight them? What have they done to you? What are you talking about?”
The same should be said about Ukraine. Victoria Nuland, (official representative of the US State Department in 2011-2013. Ed. it’s all her fault, she organized it all, and now the country is divided into two parts. I don’t know how Ukraine will get out of this situation, but to blame Russia for this is ridiculous. However, the Americans are good at it, and people believe them because they control the media and they can twist the situation to benefit themselves.
I myself believe that we won’t have a war with Russia. Russians are brave, persistent and resolute people.  You have a really big and very powerful country.
Q: So, it wasn’t difficult for you to decide to come to Russia?
A: Of course not. People write to me saying that since I am always trying to dissuade artists from performing in Israel, how come I am going to Russia? The Russians have asked me by the thousands to pay attention to how things are going inside the country. The Palestinians also asked me to help to draw the world’s attention to their problems. And I answer those requests.
This concerns the rights and freedoms of citizens. You have a problem with that. But this is your country, and it’s up to you to decide what to do. If you love Putin, then please, it’s not my business! If you don’t love him, it’s none of my business, neither! It’s up to you to choose the government you want.
Q: In the Arab-Israeli conflict, you openly support Palestine. You, as far as we know, even had a conflict with musician Tom York about it. We have a similar situation in Russia with Crimea: some rock stars are still arguing about the status of the peninsula. What do you think about it?
A: I’m not very good at geopolitics. I know that Sevastopol is very important for Russia and Russians. There are many treaties and backed securities, according to which Russia has all rights for this city. The change of power in Ukraine, planned by Washington, just provoked Moscow to further action.
But what I want to say is that now the political elite of the United States does not understand the true meaning of the agreements. They constantly break them and declare that they can do whatever they want. This position scares me because someday it will just kill us all.
Q: Last time you visited Russia seven years ago. After the World Cup, many positive things were said about our country. Even the British fans have noted surprisingly to them Russian hospitality. Do you expect any surprises from this visit?
A: No, because I have already been to Russia, read your literature and understand your culture. The demonization of Russia, the Russian people and Putin are sad. After all, this isn’t done to fight Russia. This is done to control their own citizens and to earn more money.
Q: A rather philosophical question about your song called The Wall. What kind of walls are being erected in the world now, and what walls are crumbling down?
A: I don’t really understand what you mean by crumbling walls. In fact, now there are now two obvious walls. The first is the wall in Israel, where people’s land, Palestinian land, is being stolen from poor people. And the second is a ridiculous wall on the border with Mexico, which Trump is going to build. It’s absurd, you can’t just stop people who want to cross the border.
We must always remember that no matter what we look like and how we live, we are all brothers and sisters, we are all of the same blood. We are not made to fight against each other. We must help each other in difficult times. This is especially true now when crowds of refugees are leaving Syria, Libya and West Africa. No matter where they run from, the main thing is that we are to blame. We broke the system down.
And I’m not just talking about Pro-Western forces, I’m talking about all the empires that have ruined everything. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to find a force that can help us to organize ourselves and to teach us how to respond to humanitarian crises in a human way. After all, any pressure provokes reciprocal aggression.
It’s like being in a bar when you’re standing and someone’s staring at you and coming closer and closer, raising his fist, and then you’re like, “Hey, you, take it easy. Do you really want a fight?” And all this can really end in a big conflict, and it will be a tragedy. A tragedy for no reason. The only reason for all wars is money.
People who benefit from wars are psychos and sociopaths with no sense of empathy. They do not understand that the pleasure in life lies in the ability to love each other, not in the ability to kill each other. This is something I pay attention to during my show.
Q: You always address the problems of humanity. Which is important. These things are easy to understand, but you keep talking about those issues throughout your life, but it just gets worse… How do you feel about it?
A:  A few years ago, in Washington, I was interviewed by your colleagues from the Russia Today. I told them: “Imagine, we are sitting here, and suddenly all the light go off and electromagnetic waves come. That would mean a hydrogen weapon was used a few hundred miles from here. And at this moment, we might understand that this is it, the end of everything. Who will be interested in all these political disputes, then?
Q: Last question. How do you manage to stay in such good shape?
A: I go to the gym. I have to stay in shape, otherwise, I won’t be able to do what I’m doing right now. I go with my friend: yesterday we ran in the park and today I worked out.
Q: Are you going to run in Moscow parks too?
A: It is a good idea. Running at my age is hard, but necessary, to recharge my batteries, to get myself a boost. I would advise everyone to do some sports activities. The main goal for the majority of people is work. We are ready to die at work. But the rich enjoy sports using our money! It’s absolutely great to run in the park and look at birds, instead of sitting in front of the TV at home on the couch. Go to the gym, exercise, or just take a walk!
Comment by the Saker: first, I want to say that it is a big joy for me to see one of my favorite composers, musicians and singers speak up on behalf or Russia and, even more so, on behalf of common sense.  Especially at a time when Russian singers like Boris Grebenshchikov and Iuri Sevchuk display a total lack of moral compass or care and spend all their time either bashing Putin (Sevchuk) or partying with the worst russophobic scum like Saakashvili (Grebenshchikov).  I wrote about this disgraceful behavior 
here.  As for western singers, let’s not even go there.  They are more concerned with transgender toilets or banning firearms then about an openly Nazi regime in the Ukraine (or in Israel, for that matter).  Generally, I think that artists should stay out of politics because being a good artist does not necessarily qualify you to comment on issues where you have no expertise in whatsoever.  Roger Waters, however, is unique in that 1) he does have the courage to go against the hyper-politically-correct fad of the day and that 2) he has always looked at social, civilizational and political issues, which brings him very close the the Russian tradition of poets and authors being the “conscience of the nation”.
The Ukronazis are, of course, absolutely furious and they have immediately declared that Waters is a “criminal”.  See here for more details on the latest Ukronazi hysterics.  The original Ukie page is here: (with some Ukropop music with Nazi slogans to boot!).
It is good to see that honest men still exit.
The Saker


At midday on Friday 5 February, 2016 Julian Assange, John Jones QC, Melinda Taylor, Jennifer Robinson and Baltasar Garzon will be speaking at a press conference at the Frontline Club on the decision made by the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention on the Assange case.


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