

Monday, July 31, 2017

Manlio Dinucci - L’arte della guerra Macron-Libia: la Rothschild Connection (TEXT + VIDEO)

L’arte della guerra

Manlio Dinucci

«Ciò che avviene oggi in Libia è il nodo di una destabilizzazione dai molteplici aspetti»: lo ha dichiarato il presidente Emmanuel Macron celebrando all’Eliseo l’accordo che «traccia la via per la pace e la riconciliazione nazionale». Macron attribuisce la caotica situazione del paese unicamente ai movimenti terroristi, i quali «approfittano della destabilizzazione politica e della ricchezza economica e finanziaria che può esistere in Libia per prosperare». Per questo – conclude – la Francia aiuta la Libia a bloccare i terroristi. Macron capovolge, in tal modo, i fatti.
Artefice della destabilizzazione della Libia è stata proprio la Francia,  unitamente agli Stati uniti, alla Nato e alle monarchie del Golfo. Nel 2010, documentava la Banca mondiale, la Libia registrava in Africa i più alti indicatori di sviluppo umano, con un reddito pro capite medio-alto, l’accesso universale all’istruzione primaria e secondaria e del 46% alla terziaria. Vi trovavano lavoro circa 2 milioni di immigrati africani. La Libia favoriva con i suoi investimenti la formazione di organismi economici indipendenti dell’Unione africana. Usa e Francia – provano le mail di Hillary Clinton – si accordarono per bloccare il piano di Gheddafi di creare una moneta africana, in alternativa al dollaro e al franco Cfa (moneta che la Francia impone a 14 sue ex colonie africane). Fu la Clinton – documenta il New York Times – a far firmare al presidente  Obama «un documento che autorizzava una operazione coperta in Libia e la fornitura di armi ai ribelli», compresi gruppi fino ad allora classificati come terroristi.
Poco dopo, nel 2011, la Nato sotto comando Usa demolisce con la guerra (aperta dalla Francia) lo Stato libico, attaccandolo anche dall’interno con forze speciali. Da qui il disastro sociale, che farà più vittime della guerra stessa soprattutto tra i migranti. Una storia che Macron ben conosce: dal 2008 al 2012 fa una folgorante (quanto sospetta) carriera alla Banca Rothschild, l’impero finanziario che controlla le banche centrali di quasi tutti i paesi del mondo.
In Libia la Rothschild sbarca nel 2011, mentre la guerra è ancora in corso. Le grandi banche statunitensi ed europee effettuano allo stesso tempo la più grande rapina del secolo, confiscando 150 miliardi di dollari di fondi sovrani libici. Nei quattro anni di formazione alla Rothschild, Macron viene introdotto nel gotha della finanza mondiale, dove si decidono le grandi operazioni come quella della demolizione dello Stato libico. Passa quindi alla politica, facendo una folgorante (quanto sospetta) carriera, prima quale vice-segretario generale dell’Eliseo, poi quale ministro dell’economia. Nel 2016 crea in pochi mesi un suo partito, En Marche!, un «instant party» sostenuto e finanziato da potenti gruppi multinazionali, finanziari e mediatici, che gli spianano la strada alla presidenza.
Dietro il protagonismo di Macron non ci sono quindi solo gli interessi nazionali francesi. Il bottino da spartire in Libia è enorme: le maggiori riserve petrolifere africane e grosse riserve di gas naturale; l’immensa riserva di acqua fossile della falda nubiana, l’oro bianco in prospettiva più prezioso dell’oro nero; lo stesso  territorio libico di primaria importanza geostrategica all’intersezione tra Mediterraneo, Africa e Medioriente.
C’è «il rischio che la Francia eserciti una forte egemonia sulla nostra ex colonia», avverte Analisi Difesa, sottolineando l’importanza dell’imminente spedizione navale italiana in Libia. Un richiamo all’«orgoglio nazionale» di un’Italia che reclama la sua fetta nella spartizione neocoloniale della sua ex colonia.

Il manifesto, 1 Agosto 2017 - 

PBS Cannot Be Trusted. PBS is a major part of the US propaganda machine

PBS Cannot Be Trusted

PBS Cannot Be Trusted
PBS is a major part of the US propaganda machine

PBS’ Anti-Russia Propaganda Series
July 27, 2017

PBS has joined the anti-Russia propaganda stampede with a five-part documentary series that recycles the false and deceptive claims that have become Official Washington’s dangerous new groupthink, reports Rick Sterling.
By Rick Sterling
The U.S.-government-supported Public Broadcasting System (PBS) recently ran a five-part series dubbed “Inside Putin’s Russia”. With a different theme each night, it purports to give a realistic look at Russia today. The image conveyed is of a Russia that is undemocratic with widespread state repression, violence and propaganda. Following are significant distortions and falsehoods in the five-part documentary.
Some of the estimated 12 million Russians who took part in Immortal Regiment parades across the country over three days in May 2016. (RT photo)
Episode 1: “How Putin Redefined what it means to be Russian”
In this episode, the documentary:
–Claims that Russian identity is based on “projection of power.” In reality, “projection of power” characterizes the U.S. much more than Russia. For the past two centuries the United States has expanded across the continent and globe. The last century is documented in the book Overthrow: American’s Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq. The U.S. currently has nearly 800 foreign military bases in over 70 countries. In contrast, Russia has military bases in only two countries beyond the former Soviet Union: Syria and Vietnam.
–Ignores crucial information about events in Ukraine. Russian involvement in eastern Ukraine and Crimea are presented as examples of “projection of power.” But basic facts are omitted from the documentary. There is no mention of the violent February 2014 coup in Kiev nor the involvement of neoconservatives such as Sen. John McCain and U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland in supporting and encouraging the overthrow of Ukraine’s elected government. In a December 2013 speech, Nuland outlined her intense involvement in Ukraine including U.S. insistence that Ukraine choose a “European future” since the U.S. had “invested $5 billion to assist.” Days before the coup in February 2014, Nuland was captured on audio planning the composition of the coup leadership.
–Ignores Crimea’s historic connections with Russia and the Ukrainian violence. The documentary says, In 2014 in Crimea, Russia helped install separatist leaders who rushed through a referendum that led to Crimea’s annexation.” This gives the misleading impression the decision was Russian, not Crimean.
Even the New York Times report on March 16, 2014, acknowledged that, “The outcome, in a region that shares a language and centuries of history with Russia, was a foregone conclusion even before exit polls showed more than 93 percent of voters favoring secession.”
Nazi symbols on helmets worn by members of Ukraine’s Azov battalion. (As filmed by a Norwegian film crew and shown on German TV)
The documentary fails to mention the fear of violence after Crimean travelers to Kiev were beaten and killed by Ukrainian hyper-nationalists. One of the first decisions of the Kiev coup government was to declare that Russian would no longer be an official language. A good overview including video interviews with Crimeans is in this video, contrasting sharply with the implications of the PBS documentary.
–Trivializes Russian opposition to NATO expansion. The documentary suggests Russians feel “humiliated” by NATO expanding to their borders. This distorts a serious military concern into a subjective, emotional issue. In 2002, the U.S. unilaterally withdrew from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty and started construction of missile defense systems which could be used in tandem with a nuclear first strike. In recent years, NATO troops and missiles have been installed at Russia’s borders. Imagine the response if Russian troops and missiles were placed at the U.S. border in Canada and Mexico.
–Falsely claims that coup violence in Odessa was “exaggerated.”
Screen shot of the fatal fire in Odessa, Ukraine, on May 2, 2014. (From RT video)


2017.07.08 - Putin Conference after G20 Summit - FR from Roberto Petitpas on Vimeo.



Posted: 29 Jul 2017 03:54 AM PDT
* Se trata de don militares que viajaban en un autobús público, los terrucos encapuchados piden documentación a todos e identifican a los dos funcionarios.

** Gracias a su destreza militar y en un descuido, lograron huir entre los maleantes ayudados por los transeúntes, cuando estaban a punto de ser quemados vivos.

*** Pajoy y Rivera, salen en defensa de los terrucos, criticando las elecciones de las constituyente, que es legal, democrática y que cambiará la vida de Venezuela.



Diario Octubre. Un bochornoso y criminal acto atentatorio contra la vida humana se produjo este viernes en el estado Lara. Indudablemente los medios europeos y mucho menos los venezolanos de derecha y ni-ni, publicarán.

EL S/2 NAVA OROZCO USIEL DAVID CIV- 24405985, plaza del D-123 CZ12, P-105 y S/2 AROCHA COLINA CARLOS JULIO CIV- 24942672 perteneciente a AGROFAN, Viciministerio de planificacion y Desarrollo (ACARIGUA) P-103, quienes se trasladaban en vehículo de transporte público, Ruta Baquisimetoo-Acarigua, a la altura de la AV. Venezuela con Residencias los Cardones, fueron abordados por un Aproximado de 50 terroristas encapuchados, quienes al detectar que los mismo eran efectivos Militares, procedieron a golpearlos, desnudarlos, rociarlos con gasolina y quemarlos, logrando estos huir y siendo auxiliados por unos transeúntes, llevados a un lugar seguro y posteriormente trasladados al H.M. José Ángel Álamo, por una comisión militar.

Por ésto y por más es que el pueblo venezolano se pronunciará contra ellos.

Friday, July 28, 2017

3 countries subject to US sanctions offer 3 defiant responses

3 countries subject to US sanctions offer 3 defiant responses

American sanctions are a symptom of geo-political bullying. Sanctions are a bellicose act that ought to be banned by the international community, even though they are less effective today than they have ever been in the recent past.

The new sanctions bill which will soon appear on Donald Trump’s desk targets three countries: Russia, Iran and North Korea.
Each country has responded in three different yet equally defiant ways.
1. Russia 
The sanctions against Russia have been the most widely discussed for three reasons.
a. Donald Trump continues to be accused (without evidence) of having ties with Russia and furthermore it is accused that Russia hacked the DNC’s computers (also with no evidence) during the 2016 US election.
b. Donald Trump campaigned on a pledge to improve relations with Russia.
c. The sanctions which may soon hit Russia are deeply unpopular among America’s EU allies.
Russia first responded by cutting off access to warehouses in Russia used by the US Embassy in Moscow. Russia further made arrangements to limit America’s diplomatic personnel in Russia from 1,100 to 455. 
This is a response that is if anything slightly less than proportional to Barack Obama’s seizure of entire diplomatic compounds in the US which are legally on Russian soil as defined by the Vienna Convention.
Russia’s current response is a sign of supreme anger at the fact that the US has failed to restore Russian property in the US back to the Russian Embassy combined with an immediate response to the sanctions which will likely come into effect in short order.
This might only be the beginning of things as Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov warned of further retaliatory measures which would “bring the US to its senses”.
2. North Korea 
Reports have surfaced that North Korea responded to the future sanctions in typical North Korean fashion, by firing a still unidentified missile into the Sea of Japan.
The US has stated it believes the projectile to be a ballistic missile, while South Korea stated that the projectile landed off the east coast of the DPRK (North Korea).
Japanese media however assert that it landed in Japan’s Exclusive Economic Zone.

【ニュース特設:緊迫 】防衛省によりますと、28日午後11時42分ごろ、北朝鮮中部から弾道ミサイルが発射された。ミサイルの高度は3000キロ超の可能性があり、落下した海域は奥尻島の西の日本の排他的経済水域内の可能性がある。

North Korea often responds to both military and economic threats in just this fashion. It is a clear statement from Pyongyang that sanctions and threats from the US will not deter its missile programme.
Russia later confirmed that the projectile was an intermediate range ballistic missile.
3. Iran
Iran has conducted a successful Simorgh rocket launch which has put an Iranian satellite into space.
The US responded with additional sanctions on Iran, over and above the ones which recently passed congress.
According to a statement form the US Treasury Department,
“The US government will continue to aggressively counter Iran’s ballistic missile-related activity, whether it be a provocative space launch, its development of threatening ballistic missile systems, or likely support to Yemeni Houthi missile attacks on Saudi Arabia such as occurred this past weekend”.
In this respect, it seems dubious at best to link a peaceful space-launch with weaponised rockets. Furthermore, the weapons which Yemeni Houtis use are generally rudimentary and tend to have very little impact on the conflict in Yemen. Saudi Arabia is expensively armed by the US yet its generally under-trained military still have not been able to beat the modestly armed Houtis.
Sanctions are a weapon of mass destruction and the US uses them with impunity. Sanctions have virtually never resulted in a government changing course, not that it is the job of the US to change other sovereign states’ form of governance in the first place. Sanctions have however lead to starvation, deprivation, death and illness in many of the places where they have been implemented including in Iraq in the 1990s and Syria over the last several years of US proxy conflict.
It is high time for the UN to condemn and ban the use of sanctions in any context under the same guise that chemical weapons have been banned. Sanctions are a barbaric tool which inflicts suffering on civilians throughout the globe. Such atrocities cannot ever be justified.
That being said, the US has found the sanctions are if anything less effective now than at any previous time. The multi-polar world is a world in which the countries that the US once understood to be economically dependant on the west are now fully capable of either running a successful internal economy and/or trading and conducting commerce with nations that are not in the US financial or political sphere of influence.
Rather than empty words of condemnation, Russia, North Korea and Iran have acted defiantly, showing the United States in their own unique ways, that Washington is not the epicentre of the world.
While Russia, North Korea and Iran are correctly insulted by these measures, they have already made provisions to conduct economic relations outside of the framework of unilateral US sanctions.
What’s more is that those opposed to sanctions go beyond America’s alleged foes like North Korea and Iran as well as the other two world super-powers Russia and China. America’s traditional EU allies are equally enraged by the actions of the US Congress.
If Donald Trump signs the legislation, the United States will have turned much of the world fully against its sanctions programme.
Russian President Vladimir Putin called America’s latest sanctions an act of “arrogance”. In this respect, Putin speaks not only for Russia but the majority of the planet, America’s friends, rivals and proverbial foes alike.


At midday on Friday 5 February, 2016 Julian Assange, John Jones QC, Melinda Taylor, Jennifer Robinson and Baltasar Garzon will be speaking at a press conference at the Frontline Club on the decision made by the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention on the Assange case.


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