

Monday, May 29, 2017

Joint news conference with President of France Emmanuel Macron

Joint news conference with President of France Emmanuel Macron

Following bilateral talks, Vladimir Putin and Emmanuel Macron held a joint news conference.

May 29, 2017 18:40Paris


President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr President, ladies and gentlemen,

I would also like to thank President Macron for inviting me to come to this wonderful corner of France, to Versailles, which I have never visited before. It is definitely an impressive place that speaks of France’s grandeur and its long history, which plays a substantial part in the ties our two countries share. This is reflected in the exhibition we are about to visit, an exhibition marking the 300th anniversary of the visit to France by tsar and reformer Peter I. The ties between Russia and France did not begin with this visit however, but go back much deeper in time.

The educated French public is familiar with Anna of Rus, Queen of France. She was the youngest daughter of Yaroslav the Wise, married Henri I and made a substantial contribution to France’s development as one of the founders of at least two European dynasties, the Bourbons and the Valois. One of these dynasties is on the throne to this day in Spain.

However, today, we spent more time discussing our bilateral relations and relations between Russia and the European Union. We spoke about the problem spots in the world and looked together for common approaches to resolving these complicated matters.

I believe that our countries’ fundamental interests are far more important than political considerations of the moment. The French business community understands this best and continues working actively in Russia. Let me remind you that over these past years, not a single one of the close to 500 French companies working on our market has left Russia, despite the difficulties and economic constraints. Furthermore, we see the interest our French friends show in expanding this economic cooperation. Last year, direct French investment in the Russian economy increased by $2.5 billion. Our bilateral trade is growing too. It was up 14 percent last year, and grew by 23.7 percent in the first quarter of this year.

Friday, May 26, 2017

RÉSEAU VOLTAIRE -- Fortalecimento da concertação militar entre Washington e Moscovo

Fortalecimento da concertação militar entre Washington e Moscovo

Neste momento em que o exército russo e o americano se estendem pelo Médio Oriente alargado, foram abertos, entre os mesmos, três canais de comunicação:
- 1. No Estado Maior das Forças  Armadas dos Estados Unidos, o General Kenneth F. McKenzie Jr. (na foto), foi designado para lidar de urgência com todos os problemas que possam surgir entre os dois exércitos, nessa região.
- 2. Foi estabelecida uma linha de comunicação directa entre os responsáveis ​​pelas operações de ambos os países, no Iraque e na Síria, a fim de coordenar os esforços conjuntos nas quatro zonas  de não conflito, designadas pelos acordos em Astana. Estes acordos foram concluídos sob os auspícios do Irão, da Rússia e da Turquia, mas não foram reconhecidos oficialmente pelos Estados Unidos. Presume-se que há um outro acordo entre Moscovo e Washington, que será considerado secreto, sobre este assunto.
- 3. Acaba de ser instalada uma linha directa entre o comandante do Centcom, General Joseph Votel e o seu homólogo russo. Não se trata, neste caso, de lidar problemas tácticos, mas sim,  estratégicos.

Este dispositivo marca uma revolução em relação aos hábitos das Forças Armadas americanas, que se opuseram sempre ao mesmo. É o resultado directo da nova estratégia incutida por Donald Trump.

RÉSEAU VOLTAIRE -- Renforcement de la concertation militaire entre Washington et Moscou

Renforcement de la concertation militaire entre Washington et Moscou

Alors que les armées russes et états-uniennes se déploient au Moyen-Orient élargi, trois canaux de communication ont été ouverts :
- 1. À l’état-major interamées US, le général Kenneth F. McKenzie Jr. (photo), a été désigné pour traiter en urgence tout problème entre les deux armées dans la région.
- 2. Une ligne directe a été établie entre les responsables des opérations des deux pays en Irak et en Syrie afin de coordonner leurs efforts dans les quatre zones de déconfliction instaurées par les accords d’Astana. Ces accords ont été conclus sous les auspices de l’Iran, de la Russie et de la Turquie, mais n’ont pas été reconnus officiellement par les États-Unis. Il semble donc qu’il existe un autre accord, celui-ci secret, entre Moscou et Washington à ce propos.
- 3. Une ligne directe vient d’être installée entre le commandant du CentCom, le général Joseph Votel, et son homologue russe. Il ne s’agit pas là de traiter les problèmes tactiques, mais stratégiques.
Ce dispositif marque une révolution par rapport aux habitudes des armées états-uniennes, qui s’y étaient toujours opposées. Il est la conséquence directe de la nouvelle stratégie insufflée par Donald Trump.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Manlio Dinucci -- Trump a caminho do G-Nato de Taormina


Trump a caminho do G-Nato de Taormina

 | ROMA (ITáLIA)  

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O Presidente Trump, depois de ter estado na Arábia Saudita e em Israel, visita Roma amanhã e vai, em seguida, no dia 25, à Cimeira da NATO em Bruxelas e volta a Itália, nos dias 26 e 27, para assistir ao G7 de Taormina e para conhecer a base dos EUA/NATO, em Sigonella.
Quais são os objectivos da sua primeira viagem ao estrangeiro? São, sobretudo, três - explica o General McMaster, Conselheiro do Presidente para a segurança nacional - difundir uma "mensagem de unidade" aos muçulmanos, judeus e cristãos; construir relacionamentos com os líderes mundiais e projectar o poder americano no estrangeiro.
A visita a Roma é a terceira etapa do que é descrito como uma "peregrinação religiosa aos locais sagrados das três grandes religiões". O "Peregrino" começou a viagem, assinando em Riyadh um acordo de venda de armas dos EUA à Arábia Saudita, no valor de 110 mil milhões de dólares, que se irão juntar às fornecidas pelo Presidente Obama, no valor de US $115 biliões. Armas usadas, entre outras coisas, na guerra da coaligação liderada pela Arábia Saudita e apoiada pelos EUA, que mata civis no Iémen.

Manlio Dinucci -- Trump making his way to the “G-Nato” at Taormina


Trump making his way to the “G-Nato” at Taormina

Donald Trump is trying to change his allies’ strategy: first by abandoning the goal of regime-change across an enlarged Middle East and second, by smashing their current tool, Islamic terrorism. However this approach is forcing him to make greater concessions. One of these is a mega deal, whereby the US will sell arms to Saudi Arabia. But what does this achieve? Not much other than increasing the likelihood of war.
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After visiting Saudi Arabia and Israel, President Trump, will be in Rome tomorrow. Then on 25 May he will proceed to the Nato Summit at Brussels and return to Italy for the G7 meeting at Taormina (26 May – 27 May) and will also visit the US/Nato base at Sigonella.
What is he actually hoping to achieve by this, his first visit abroad? General Mc Master, the President’s advisor on national security, explains that his President has three core objectives: 

• to launch a “message of unity” to Muslims, Jews, Christians;
• to establish relations with leaders all over the world; and
• to project American power abroad.
His visit to Rome is the third stage of what is described as a “religious pilgrimage to the holy sites of the three great religions”. The “pilgrim” initiated his journey, by signing at Riyadh a 110 billion dollar agreement for the sale of US arms to Saudi Arabia. These arms will be added to those that President Obama supplied earlier on for no less than 115 billion dollars. Such weapons as well as others are deployed, in the coalition’s war under Saudi leadership, supported by the US, which is making a bloody carnage of civilian corpses in Yemen.

Manlio Dinucci -- Trump vers les sommets de l’Otan et du G7


Trump vers les sommets de l’Otan et du G7

Donald Trump tente de modifier la stratégie de ses alliés : d’abandonner l’objectif de changer les régimes du Moyen-Orient élargi et au contraire de détruire leur outil actuel, le terrorisme islamique. Cependant cette démarche le contraint à multiplier les concessions, comme la vente massive d’armes à l’Arabie saoudite, et donc à renforcer les situations de guerre.
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Le président Trump, après avoir été en Arabie Saoudite et en Israël, est demain en visite à Rome, pour ensuite aller le 25 au Sommet de l’Otan à Bruxelles et revenir en Italie les 26-27 pour le G7 à Taormina et la visite de la base US/Otan de Sigonella.
Quels sont les objectifs de son premier voyage à l’étranger ? Principalement trois, explique le général McMaster, conseiller pour la Sécurité nationale : lancer un « message d’unité » aux musulmans, juifs et chrétiens ; construire des relations avec les leaders mondiaux et projeter la puissance états-unienne à l’étranger.

RÉSEAU VOLTAIRE -- Manchester, o MI6, a Al-Qaïda, o Daesh e os Abedi

Manchester, o MI6, a Al-Qaïda, o Daesh e os Abedi


Segundo a Scotland Yard, o ataque contra os espectadores do concerto Ariana Grande, na Arena  de Manchester, em 22 de Maio de 2017, foi levado a cabo por Salman Abedi, visto que, felizmente, encontraram um cartão de crédito no bolso do cadáver feito em pedaços, do "terrorista".

Este ataque é geralmente interpretado como prova de que o Reino Unido não está envolvido no terrorismo internacional e que, pelo contrário, é uma vítima do mesmo.

Salman Abedi nasceu no Reino Unido e nasceu no seio de uma família de imigrantes líbios. Viajou várias vezes para a Líbia, nos últimos meses, só ou na companhia do pai.

Este último, com quem Abedi Ramadan vivia, era o antigo Director dos Serviços Secretos da Líbia. Era perito no acompanhamento do movimento islâmico, mas duas décadas mais tarde, não viu que o seu filho tinha aderido ao Daesh.

Em 1992, Ramadan Abedi foi novamente enviado para a Líbia pelo MI6 britânico e participou numa conspiração da Coroa Britânica para assassinar Muammar Gaddafi. Quando a operação foi descoberta e divulgada, ele foi retirado subrepticiamente pelo MI6 e transferido para o Reino Unido, onde obteve asilo político. Em 1999, estabeleceu-se em Whalley Range (no Sul de Manchester), onde reside a pequena comunidade islâmica da Líbia, no Reino Unido.

Em 1994, Ramadan Abedi voltou para a Líbia, a mando do MI6. No final de 1995,  participou na criação do Grupo de Combate Islâmico Líbio (LIFG), a filial da Al Qaeda, ao lado de Abdelhakim Belhaj. Nessa altura, o LIFG foi encarregado pelo MI6 de assassinar Muammar Gaddafi a troco de 100.000 libras estrelinas. Esta operação, que também falhou, provocou debate acalorado dentro dos serviços de Sua Majestade, e deu origem à renúncia do nosso amigo David Shayler. 

Muitos "antigos membros" do LIFG também viveram em Whalley Range, bem como Abd al-Baset Azzouz, amigo de Abedi. Em 2009, este último aderiu à Al Qaeda, no Paquistão, e  tornou-se num colaborador próximo de Ayman al-Zawahiri, o líder dessa organização. Em 2011, Azzouz tornou-se membro activo da operação da NATO contra a Líbia. Em 11 de Setembro de 2012, dirigiu a operação contra o Embaixador dos Estados Unidos na Líbia, J. Christopher Stevens, morto em Benghazi. Em seguida, foi preso na Turquia e extraditado para os Estados Unidos, em Dezembro de 2014, onde o seu julgamento ainda está pendente.

Não se sabe se, em 2005, Ramadan Abedi se juntou aos membros do LIFG para formar a Al Qaeda no Iraque e se, em 2011, e participou na operação "Primavera Árabe" do MI6 e se foi apoiante no terreno, do LIFG junto à NATO. De qualquer forma, estabeleceu-se na Líbia, após a queda de Gaddafi e a sua família foi transferida para lá, deixando os filhos mais velhos na casa da família, em Whalley Range.

Segundo o antigo Primeiro Ministro espanhol, José Maria Aznar, Abdelhakim Belhaj estava envolvido nos atentados de Madrid de 11 de Março de 2004. Mais tarde, foi detido, secretamente, na Malásia pela CIA e transferido para a Líbia, onde foi torturado, não por funcionários líbios ou americanos, mas por agentes de MI6. Finalmente,  foi libertado aquando do acordo entre Saif al-Islam Kadhafi [filho de Gaddaffi] e os jihadistas.

Durante a guerra da Líbia, Belhadj que estava exilado no Qatar, regressou à Líbia num avião do Emir, e comandou as operações no terreno em conjunto com a NATO. Em 28 de Julho de 2011, ele organizou o assassinato do general Abdelfattah Younès que alegou ter-se juntado aos "rebeldes", mas que ele acusou de ter ordenado a luta contra o LIFG na década de 1990.

Em Setembro de 2011, Belhadj foi nomeado, pela NATO, governador militar de Tripoli. Em 2012, apoiado pela organização Irish Mahdi al-Hatari, criou o Exército Sírio Livre e em seguida, voltou novamente para a Líbia. Em 2 de Maio de 2014, foi recebido no Quai d'Orsay [O Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros francês].

Em Dezembro de 2013, após a descoberta nos arquivos do regime líbio de Gaddafi, de uma carta do antigo chefe do MI6, Belhadj instaura uma acção judicial contra o Reino Unido, em Londres,  por tê-lo sequestrado e torturado nove anos antes. Em seguida, os Serviços Secretos britânicos,  colocam ilegalmente os seus advogados sob escuta telefónica, embora tenham sido forçados a destruir esses registos.

De acordo com o Procurador Geral do Egipto, Hichem Baraket, em Maio de 2015, Belhaj tornou-se o principal líder do Daesh no Norte da África; informação obtida pela INTERPOL. Belhaj instalou três campos de treino do Daesh, na Líbia, em Derna (numa antiga propriedade de Abd al-Baset Azzouz) em Sirte e em Sebrata. Em Outubro de 2016, ele inicia uma nova acção judicial, em Londres, sobre o seu rapto e tortura, desta vez contra o antigo Chefe do MI6, Sir Mark Allen. 

O Daesh reivindicou a responsabilidade do ataque em Manchester, mas sem qualificar Salman Abedi de "mártir". Depois do ataque, Abedi declarou aos repórteres, que comunicaram com ele por telefone, a sua hostilidade à Jihad islâmica. Também disse que o filho tencionava passar o mês de Ramadan com ele na Líbia e que estava convencido da sua inocência. A pedido do Reino Unido, foi detido pela polícia Líbia.

RÉSEAU VOLTAIRE -- Manchester Attack as MI6 Blowback

Manchester Attack as MI6 Blowback

According to Scotland Yard, the attack on the crowd leaving the Ariana Grande concert at Manchester Arena, 22 May, has been perpetrated by Salman Abedi. A bankcard has been conveniently found in the pocket of the mutilated corpse of the ‘terrorist’.
This attack is generally interpreted as proof that the United Kingdom is not implicated in international terrorism and that, on the contrary, it is a victim of it.
Salman Abedi was born in the UK of a family of Libyan immigrants. He has travelled to Libya several times in the last couple of months, with or without his father.
His father Ramadan Abedi, with whom Salman lived, is a former officer in [Gaddafi’s] Libyan Intelligence Services. He specialised in the surveillance of the Islamist movement, but two decades later has failed to notice that his son has joined Daesh (IS).
In 1992, Ramadan Abedi was sent back to Libya by Britain’s MI6 and was involved in a British-devised plot to assassinate Muammar Gaddafi. The operation having been readily exposed, he was exfiltrated by MI6 and transferred back to the UK where he obtained political asylum. He moved in 1999 to Whalley Range (south of Manchester) where there was already resident a small Libyan Islamist community.
In 1994, Ramadan Abedi returned again to Libya under MI6’s direction. In late 1995 he is involved in the creation of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), a local branch of Al-Qaeda, in conjunction with Abdelhakim Belhadj. The LIFG was then employed by MI6 again to assassinate Gaddafi, for a payoff of £100,000. This operation, which also failed, provoked heated exchanges within British Intelligence, leading to the resignation of one David Shayler.
Other former members of the LIFG have also lived at Whalley Range, including Abedi’s friend Abd al-Baset-Azzouz. In 2009, this last joined Al-Qaeda in Pakistan and became a close associate of its chief, Ayman al-Zawahiri. In 2011, al-Baset-Azzouz is active on the ground with the NATO operation against Libya. On 11 September 2012, he directs the operation against the US Ambassador in Libya, Christopher Stevens, assassinated at Benghazi. He is arrested in Turkey and extradited to the US in December 2014, his trial still pending.

RÉSEAU VOLTAIRE -- Manchester, le MI6, Al-Qaïda, Daesh et les Abedi

Manchester, le MI6, Al-Qaïda, Daesh et les Abedi

Selon Scotland Yard, l’attentat contre les spectateurs du concert d’Ariana Grande à l’Arena de Manchester, le 22 mai 2017, a été commis par Salman Abedi, dont on a heureusement trouvé une carte bancaire dans la poche du cadavre déchiqueté du « terroriste ».
Cet attentat est généralement interprété comme la preuve que le Royaume-Uni n’est pas impliqué dans le terrorisme international et qu’au contraire, il en est une victime.
Salman Abedi est né au Royaume-Uni d’une famille d’immigrés libyens. Il s’est rendu plusieurs fois en Libye au cours des derniers mois, avec ou sans son père.
Ce dernier, chez qui il vivait, Ramadan Abedi, est un ancien officier des services de Renseignement libyens. Il était spécialisé dans la surveillance de la mouvance islamiste, mais deux décennies plus tard n’a pas observé que son fils avait rejoint Daesh.
En 1992, Ramadan Abedi fut retourné par le MI6 britannique et participa à un complot de la Couronne visant à assassiner Mouamar Kadhafi. L’opération ayant été éventée, il fut exfiltré par le MI6 et transféré au Royaume-Uni où il obtint l’asile politique. Il se fixa en 1999 à Whalley Range (sud de Manchester) où réside la petite communauté islamiste libyenne du Royaume-Uni.
En 1994, Ramadan Abedi retourna en Libye pour le compte du MI6. Il participa, fin 1995, à la création du Groupe islamique combattant en Libye (GICL), branche locale d’Al-Qaïda, aux côtés d’Abdelhakim Belhaj. Le GICL fut alors chargé par le MI6 d’assassiner Mouamar Kadhafi contre 100 000 livres sterling. Cette opération, qui elle aussi échoua, provoqua de vifs débats au sein des services de Sa Majesté, dont la démission de notre ami David Shayler.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017


They always talk about "Russian threat".
It was not long ago that another ambitious power cited Russia as a threat and invoked “collective defense” to justify what would become a contest between nations leaving tens of millions dead and entire countries in ruins. Nazi Germany’s leader, Adolf Hitler would claim regarding his decision to invade Russia that:
The purpose of this front is no longer the protection of the individual nations, but rather the safety of Europe, and therefore the salvation of everyone.
I have therefore decided today once again to put the fate of Germany and the future of the German Reich and our people in the hands of our soldiers.
Sounding eerily familiar are US and NATO justifications for their continued expansion east and escalations made against Russia today. And also like that other ambitious power, the United States has waged wars all across the planet, far from Russia’s borders and with little to do with Russia’s interests beyond its borders, long before it turned its sights on Moscow.
Since World War II, the United States has invaded, bombed, and/or occupied the Korean Peninsula, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Somalia, Lebanon, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria. Some of these nations have been attacked by the US more than once. In many more countries the US has facilitated the violent overthrow of various governments, particularly in South America and the Middle East, first through the use of its Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), then through more veiled organizations like the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). It has troops stationed in over a hundred nations around the world, occupying hundreds of military installations.
Its NATO alliance openly seeks to expand. A look at the map of NATO expansion over the past several decades after its creation shows it clearly encroaching upon and encircling Russia – violently overthrowing many of the nations along Russia’s borders with backed uprisings like those seen most recently in Ukraine.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Department of Defense Press Briefing by Secretary Mattis, General Dunford and Special Envoy McGurk on the Campaign to Defeat ISIS in the Pentagon Press Briefing Room

Dear Readers,

Following the article from Thierry Meyssan/Réseau Voltaire please see below the video + transcript mentioned on that article, on paragraph #6:  In order to avoid misunderstanding, his Secretary for Defense, James Mattis, clearly explained his military strategy – to encircle the jihadist groups, and then to exterminate them without allowing a single one to escape.

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Department of Defense Press Briefing by Secretary Mattis, General Dunford and Special Envoy McGurk on the Campaign to Defeat ISIS in the Pentagon Press Briefing Room

Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis; Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Joseph F. Dunford; Brett McGurk, special presidential envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant

May 19, 2017

SECRETARY OF DEFENSE JIM MATTIS:  Well, good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.

I returned last week from a meeting in Copenhagen with ministers of defense from 14 nations to coordinate our political way ahead in the Defeat ISIS campaign.  Chairman Dunford returned yesterday from a chief of defense meeting in Brussels, with 28 NATO nations plus his counterparts from a dozen additional nations, and they discussed the military aspects of that campaign.  Mr. McGurk, President Trump's special envoy and vital State Department leader to the coalition to counter ISIS returned a few hours ago from his trip to Syria, Iraq and Jordan.

This is our first opportunity to get together, and we took advantage of that for this conference.  So today's a good time to update you, describing basically where we're at, what has changed and the way ahead.

President Trump directed the Department of Defense to lead all departments in a comprehensive review of the campaign.  We submitted that report and after his review, he then ordered an accelerated operation against ISIS.

So what does that mean?

Two significant changes resulted from President Trump's review of our findings.

First, he delegated authority to the right level to aggressively and in a timely manner move against enemy vulnerabilities.

Secondly, he directed a tactical shift from shoving ISIS out of safe locations in an attrition fight to surrounding the enemy in their strongholds so we can annihilate ISIS.  The intent is to prevent the return home of escaped foreign fighters.

I want to emphasize here there has been no change to our rules of engagement and there has been no change to our continued extraordinary efforts to avoid innocent civilian casualties, despite needing to go into populated areas to break ISIS hold on their self-described caliphate, despite ISIS purposely endangering innocent lives by refusing to allow civilians to evacuate.  And we continue all possible efforts to protect the innocent.

You're all aware of the human costs ISIS has exacted, killed, wounded, refugees, merciless control over those regions they hold, the cost to Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon as Syrians and Iraqis have been displaced.

In response to ISIS malicious and unforgivable treatment toward innocents, the world has responded.  I emphasize that this is a coalition effort.  Since this began in 2014, the coalition has strengthened and expanded.  The international team is fully committed at the political and military levels to the destruction of ISIS.  A coalition of 68 members -- 65 nations with more joining as we speak, plus Interpol, the European Union and Arab League -- united in opposition, sharing intelligence, providing troops and funds for combat and, of no less importance, for the post-combat recovery.

THIERRY MEYSSAN -- Donald Trump against jihadism

Donald Trump against jihadism

Donald Trump’s speech to the leaders of the Muslim world marks a radical change in US military policy. As from now, the enemy is no longer the Syrian Arab Republic, but jihadism, in other words the strategic tool of the United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia and Turkey.
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During his electoral campaign, Donald Trump had declared that he had no interest in overthrowing régimes, although he intends to put an end to Islamic terrorism. Since his election, his adversaries have been attempting to force him to follow their policy – using the power of the Muslim Brotherhood to overthrow the Syrian Arab Republic.
They have used anything they could to destroy the team chosen by candidate Trump, notably by provoking the resignation of his National Security Advisor, General Michaël Flynn. In 2012, Flynn had opposed Barack Obama’s project to create Daesh, and he continued to finger the Muslim Brotherhood as the source of Islamic terrorism.
Everything has been used to present the new US President as an Islamophobe. He was criticised for having promulgated a decree forbidding entry into his country to citizens of six Muslim States. Democrat magistrates abused their functions in order to uphold this accusation. In reality, Donald Trump has suspended entry for people whose consulates are unable to verify their identity, because they are subject to civil troubles or open war.
The problem that Donald Trump has to face is not posed by the survival of the Syrian Arab Republic, but by the loss of what would represent, for certain allies of Washington, the end of the terrorist strategy. It is clearly recognised in all international conferences that all states are publicly opposed to Islamic terrorism, although in private, some of these states have been organising it for the last 66 years.
This is primarily the case of the United Kingdom, which, in 1951, built the Muslim Brotherhood on the ruins of the organisation of the same name, which had been dissolved two years earlier, and almost all of whose leaders were in prison. It is also the case of Saudi Arabia, who, at the demand of London and Washington, created the Muslim World League in order to support both the Brotherhood and the Naqshbandi Order. It is this League, whose budget is superior to that of the Saudi Ministry of Defence, which supplies money and weapons to the jihadist system throughout the world. And finally, it is also the case of Turkey, which now supervises the command of the military operations of this system.
By concentrating his speech in Riyadh on the clarification of the misconceptions concerning his relations with Islam and the affirmation of his intention to put an end to the jihadist tool of the Anglo-Saxon secret services, Donald Trump imposed his will on the fifty states gathered to listen to him. In order to avoid misunderstanding, his Secretary for Defense, James Mattis, clearly explained his military strategy – to encircle the jihadist groups, and then to exterminate them without allowing a single one to escape.
We do not yet know what London’s reaction will be. As for Riyadh, Donald Trump was very careful to whitewash the Sauds for their past crimes. Saudi Arabia has not been accused of anything, but Iran has been handed the role of scapegoat. This is obviously absurd, since the Muslim Brotherhood and the Naqshbandis are Sunnis, while Teheran is Chiite.
The accusations against Iran have no importance, since Teheran knows which way the wind is blowing. For the last 16 years, Washington – which never misses an opportunity to spit in their faces – has been destroying, one by one, all their enemies – the Taliban, Saddam Hussein and soon Daesh.
What is now in play, as we announced eight months ago, is the end of the “Arab Springs” and the return to regional peace.

- “Donald Trump’s Speech to the Arab Islamic American Summit”, by Donald Trump, Voltaire Network, 21 May 2017.
- “Trump’s Speech at Riyadh focuses on eradicating terrorism, not Islam”, Translation Anoosha Boralessa, Voltaire Network, 22 May 2017.
Pete Kimberley


At midday on Friday 5 February, 2016 Julian Assange, John Jones QC, Melinda Taylor, Jennifer Robinson and Baltasar Garzon will be speaking at a press conference at the Frontline Club on the decision made by the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention on the Assange case.


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