

Friday, September 30, 2016



Publicado a 25/08/2016

Special thanks to Rossiya 24 for allowing us to post the documentary on our channel
Translation courtesy of Vox Populi Evo
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We really can't recommend this documentary enough. It is made by Russian state TV, and so presents a favorable view of Putin, - and is profoundly successful in rebutting the frankly preposterous mudslinging that has become so commonplace in Western media. 

In the US, PBS recently ran a documentary depicting Putin as beyond evil - a thieving, murdering, democracy-smashing jerk who then invaded Ukraine. German state TV ran one with an almost identical story line just a few weeks ago.

We keep telling people - those western versions of Putin are simply not true, and amount to the crudest form of character assassination.
So now here is the antidote. We would advise everyone to watch both versions and draw their own conclusions. Once you dig into the facts, it becomes pretty obvious who is BSing, and who isn't.

We think, and we keep telling everyone this, that Putin has done a remarkably good job running his country, and seems to be a very admirable man. It's hard to disagree with this after watching this movie.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

A Few Uncomfortable Truths You Won’t Hear from the 2016 Presidential Candidates

A Few Uncomfortable Truths You Won’t Hear from the 2016 Presidential Candidates

By John W. Whitehead
September 26, 2016

“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”—George Orwell
The final countdown has begun to the 2016 presidential election, and you can expect to be treated to an earful of carefully crafted sound bites and political spin. 
Despite the dire state of our nation, however, you can rest assured that none of the problems that continue to undermine our freedoms will be addressed in any credible, helpful way by any of the so-called viable presidential candidates. Certainly not if doing so might jeopardize their standing with the unions, corporations or the moneyed elite bankrolling their campaigns.
In the interest of liberty and truth, here are a few uncomfortable truths about life in the American police state that we will not be hearing from either of the two leading presidential candidates.
  1. The government is not our friend. Nor does it work for “we the people.”
  1. Our so-called government representatives do not actually represent us, the citizenry. We are now ruled by an oligarchic elite of governmental and corporate interests whose main interest is in perpetuating power and control.
  1. Republicans and Democrats like to act as if there’s a huge difference between them and their policies. However, they are not sworn enemies so much as they are partners in crime, united in a common goal, which is to maintain the status quo.
  1. Presidential elections are not exercises in self-government. They are merely business forums for selecting the next CEO of the United States of America, Inc.
  1. No matter which candidate wins this election, the police state will continue to grow. In other words, it will win and “we the people” will lose.
  1. The lesser of two evils is still evil.

Manlio Dinucci -- Psyop – operação Síria

Psyop – operação Síria


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As “Psyops” (Operações psicológicas), de que são especiais adeptas unidades das forças armadas e dos serviços secretos dos EUA, são definidas pelo Pentágono como “operações planificadas para influenciar através de determinadas informações as emoções e motivações e portanto o comportamento da opinião pública, de governos estrangeiros, de modo a induzir ou fortalecer posicionamentos favoráveis aos objetivos prefixados”.
É exatamente esse o escopo da colossal psyop político-midiática lançada sobre a Síria. Depois de cinco anos tentando demolir o Estado sírio, desmantelando-o por dentro com grupos terroristas armados e infiltrados do exterior e provocando mais de 250 mil mortes, agora que a operação militar está falindo, lança-se a operação psicológica para fazer com que apareçam como agressores o governo e todos os sírios que resistem à agressão.
Uma ponta de lança da psyop é a demonização do presidente Assad (como se fez com Milosevic e Kadafi), apresentado como um sádico ditador que gosta de bombardear hospitais e exterminar crianças, com a ajuda do amigo Putin (pintado como um neoczar do império russo renascido das cinzas).

Manlio Dinucci -- PSYOPs: Operation Syria


PSYOPs: Operation Syria

While the emirate of Qatar is sponsoring?promotes an international tour? of an exhibition on the crimes attributed to the Syrian Arab Republic, Manlio Dinucci recalls —with supporting documents—, what we in fact know about this conflict


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Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, Emir of Qatar since 2013. Qatar is an absolute monarchy. In theory, since 2003 the country has a constitution that provides for the election of a parliament. In practice, political parties are banned and the legislative elections always postponed.
Special units of the US Armed Forces and Secret Services are trained for “PYSOPs”: psychological operations that the Pentagon defines as «planned operations to use specific information to push emotional and motivational buttons and thus the conduct of the public, organizations and foreign governments». Why? «To bring about or consolidate conduct promoting pre-set objectives».
This is exactly what the colossal political and media PSYOP launched against Syria aims at.
An attempt has been made for five years to demolish the Syrian state, pulling it apart from within with armed terrorist groups and infiltrating it from abroad and causing more than 250,000 deaths. Now that the military operation is failing, a psychological operation is launched to make the government and any Syrian resisting aggression look like the aggressors.



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Washington has unmasked plans to arm militants with MANPADS to oppose the Russian air grouping operating in Syria. On September 27, the so-called “unnamed US officials” told Reuters that the US has kept high numbers of MANPADS out of Syria by uniting the US Western and Middle Eastern allies, but now it’s a matter of time when the air defense systems will be supplied. The unnamed sources one more time blamed Russia and Syria for air strikes on militant targets and emphasized that that “The opposition has a right to defend itself and they will not be left defenseless in the face of this indiscriminate bombardment.”
The same day, the Syrian government forces launched a full-scale offensive on the militant-controlled eastern neighborhoods of Aleppo city. The operation started after five days of intense air and artillery strikes on militant targets in the besieged areas and after previous gains in the Sheikh Sa’eed Neighborhood. By September 28, the loyalists have fully secured the Farafira Neighborhood, the area northwest of the Aleppo Citadel and Osama Bin Zaid Mosque. The advance is ongoing.
The army and Liwaa Al-Quds also attacked the Handarat refugee camp in northern Aleppo. The loyalists entered the camp after securing the Shaher area.
The Syrian government forces, led by the Tiger Forces, have launched a counter-attack against Jabhat Fatah al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra), Jund al-Aqsa (a terrorist group with links to Al Qaeda and Jabhat al-Nusra) and the Free Syrian Army in the northern part of Hama province where the joint terrorist forces seized few sites yesterday. The loyalists have entered the villages of Talisiyah and Sha`tha controlled by terrorists and engaged the terrorist alliance in the area of Ma’ardas. Clashes have been also ongoing in the areas east of Sha`tha.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

BRASIL -- Nova Campanha da Legalidade


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A Presidenta Dilma Roussef tem sido alvo de ataques sistemáticos provenientes de políticos da oposição, da grande mídia e de setores conservadores da sociedade desde o anúncio oficial de sua vitória no segundo turno das eleições de 2014. No primeiro momento, antes mesmo que a Presidenta fosse empossada no cargo, a oposição dá início a uma campanha destinada a espalhar a descrença quanto à confiabilidade da apuração dos votos e à regularidade do sistema eleitoral informatizado. Em providência inédita desde a implantação do voto eletrônico (1996), o Tribunal Superior Eleitoral autoriza a auditoria reclamada pelo candidato derrotado, ainda que sem demonstração de indício de fraude. Fracassada essa primeira tentativa de inviabilizar o Governo eleito, o candidato da oposição, inconformado com a derrota, conclama a população brasileira a sair às ruas para pedir a renúncia da Presidenta, acusada de abuso das contas públicas para ganhar as eleições. Os principais movimentos organizadores dos protestos, autodefinidos “apartidários e espontâneos”, de orientação política conservadora e financiados por grandes corporações nacionais e estrangeiras defensoras do livre-mercado, querem o impeachment. No começo do ano de 2015, a coligação do candidato derrotado pede à Justiça Eleitoral a impugnação do mandato da Presidenta e do Vice, alegando abuso de poder político e econômico durante a campanha (ao final do mesmo ano, a ação é aceita pelo Tribunal Superior Eleitoral – até agora não julgada).


Confirmaciones en Siria

Caen las máscaras al cabo de 5 años de guerra en Siria. La publicación del texto del acuerdo ruso-estadounidense revela las intenciones secretas de los Dos Grandes: Washington quiere cortar la «Ruta de la Seda», Moscú aspira a acabar con los yihadistas. El fracaso de este acuerdo y los debates del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU demuestran además el carácter surrealista de la retórica del presidente Obama: en 5 años, Barack Obama no logró conformar nada que se pareciera a un grupo de oposición «moderada» y no estuvo por tanto en condiciones de alinear a sus famosos «moderados», contrariamente a lo que tendría que haber hecho para cumplir con los términos del acuerdo. En otras palabras, Estados Unidos no está en condiciones de cumplir el acuerdo que firmó.


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El fracaso del acuerdo ruso estadounidense del 9 de septiembre de 2016 y los subsiguientes debates registrados en el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU permiten confirmar varias hipótesis.
- El objetivo estratégico actual de Estados Unidos en Siria es, en efecto, cortar la «ruta de la seda». Al prepararla durante años y poner en el poder al presidente Xi Jinping en mayo de 2013, China adoptó la restauración de ese histórico eje de comunicación como su principal objetivo. Sin embargo, al haberse convertido China en el principal productor mundial, Xi Jinping planeó ampliar la «Ruta de la Seda» de la Antigüedad agregándole una «nueva ruta de la seda», pasando por Siberia y Europa Oriental hasta llegar a la Unión Europea.
Lógicamente, Estados Unidos organiza actualmente dos guerras a través de intermediarios: una en el Levante y otra en Ucrania. Al crear el caos en Siria y en el Donbass, el objetivo no es cumplir las cínicas teorías de Leo Strauss sino sólo cortar los dos trayectos de la ruta de la seda.
De manera nada sorprendente, el presidente ucraniano Petro Porochenko viajó a Nueva York para participar en el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU y respaldar a la delegación de Estados Unidos que acusó a Rusia de haber bombardeado un convoy humanitario sirio.

Thierry Meyssan -- Confirmations


Après cinq années de guerre en Syrie, les masques sont tombés. La diffusion du texte de l’accord russo-états-unien révèle les intentions cachées des deux Grands : couper la « route de la soie » pour Washington, anéantir les jihadistes pour Moscou. En outre, l’échec de cet accord et les débats du Conseil de sécurité atteste du surréalisme de la rhétorique du président Obama : en cinq ans, il n’est pas parvenu à constituer le moindre groupe d’opposition « modérée » et ne s’est donc pas trouvé en mesure de les aligner, contrairement au texte de l’accord. Les États-Unis ne sont pas en mesure d’honorer leur signature.

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L’échec de l’accord russo-états-unien du 9 septembre et les débats du Conseil de sécurité qui ont suivi permettent de confirmer plusieurs hypothèses.

- L’objectif stratégique actuel des États-Unis en Syrie est bien de couper la « route de la soie ». En préparant durant de nombreuses années, puis en plaçant au pouvoir le président Xi Jinping en mai 2013, la Chine a fait de la restauration de cet axe historique de communication son but principal. Cependant, la Chine étant devenue le principal producteur au monde, Xi a prévu de la doubler par une « nouvelle route de la soie » passant par la Sibérie et l’Europe orientale avant de rejoindre l’Union européenne.


At midday on Friday 5 February, 2016 Julian Assange, John Jones QC, Melinda Taylor, Jennifer Robinson and Baltasar Garzon will be speaking at a press conference at the Frontline Club on the decision made by the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention on the Assange case.


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