NEO – American Ambassadors: Old Dogs and Old Tricks
The White House will not only be using its ambassadors to bring a color revolution, but may try to put other tricks to “good use”
… by Vladimir Odintsov, … with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow
[ Editor’s Note: Vladimir Odintsov takes us behind the scenes into a story that Western media has chosen to ignore, the below-the-radar conversion of the State Department into America’s primary tool of regime change around the world.
It is now the tip of the spear in many of these efforts, with huge funding and its own intelligence and paramilitary operatives. Where in the past this kind of work was strictly a CIA domain, it has been shifted into the State Department for its diplomatic cover.
As Vladimir describes below, ambassadors move up the promotion line by helping out in regions where America is on the attack. Their successful regime change record is their main qualification for being selected to knock off the next country.
The American people never had the opportunity to vet this policy because the powers that be know they would never approve of an offensive strategy like this. So in effect, we have experienced what is a soft coup in foreign policy, where being on the offense is hidden from Americans with slogans like “pursuing our interests”, which of course includes knocking out the governments of other countries.