

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Miranda Detention: 'Blatant Attack on Press Freedom

Laura Poitras, an American documentary film maker, has been instrumental in exposing NSA surveillance programs. (photo: Olaf Blecker)
Laura Poitras, an American documentary film maker, has been instrumental in exposing NSA surveillance programs. (photo: Olaf Blecker)

By Laura Poitras, Spiegel Online
27 August 13

The detention of David Miranda - partner of the Guardian journalist involved in the NSA revelations - and the destruction of hard drives in the British newspaper's basement reveal one thing: Governments do not want their citizens to be informed when it comes to the topic of surveillance.

Description: up last Sunday in Berlin to an email from Glenn Greenwald with only one sentence: "I need to talk to you ASAP."

For the past three months, Glenn and I have been reporting on the NSA disclosures revealed to us by Edward Snowden.

I went online to the encrypted channel that Glenn and I use to communicate. He told me that he had just received a call telling him that his partner David Miranda was being detained at London's Heathrow airport under the Terrorism Act. David was traveling from Berlin where he had come to work with me. For the next six hours I was online with Glenn as he tried to find out what was happening to the person he loves most in the world.

Glenn's reporting on the NSA story is made possible by the love and courage of David. When Glenn and I traveled to Hong Kong to meet Edward Snowden, Glenn and David spoke daily. Reporting on the most secret abuses of governments does not come without moments of fear. There was a turning point in Hong Kong before Glenn published the first story about the Verizon court order that exposed the NSA's spying on Americans. It was David who told Glenn: "You need to do this. If you don't do this, you will never be able to live with yourself."

As Glenn and I exchanged messages between Rio and Berlin, David was being interrogated in London about our NSA reporting. Glenn said several times: "I actually cannot believe they are doing this." I kept thinking I wish it were me. Having documented and reported on abuses of government power post 9/11, we both thought we'd reached a point where nothing would shock us. We were wrong - using pernicious terrorism laws to target the people we love and work with, this shocked us.

Attack on Press Freedom

Reporting on this story means some things can only be said in person, and still it is hard to know you can escape surveillance. David was traveling to meet me on behalf of the Guardian newspaper, which has taken the lead on publishing the NSA stories. We now know that David's detention was ordered at the highest levels of the British government, including the Prime Minister. We also know the US government was given advance warning that David would be detained and interrogated.

The NSA has special relationships with the spy agencies from the so-called "Five-Eyes" nations, which include Britain's GCHQ. Weeks before David was detained, agents from GCHQ entered the offices of the Guardian newspaper and oversaw the destruction of several hard drives which contained disclosures made by Snowden. This action was also authorized at the highest levels of the UK government. Included on those drives were documents detailing GCHQ's massive domestic spying program called "Tempora."

This program deploys NSA's XKeyscore "DeepDive" internet buffer technology which slows down the internet to allow GCHQ to spy on global communications, including those of UK citizens. Tempora relies on the "corporate partnership" of UK telecoms, including British Telecommunications and Vodafone. Revealing the secret partnerships between spy agencies and telecoms entrusted with the private communications of citizens is journalism, not terrorism.

The UK government's destruction of material provided by a source to a news organization will surely be remembered as of the most blatant government attacks on press freedom.

Border Interrogations

As the hours went by on Sunday, Guardian lawyers searched to find where David was being held; the Brazilian ambassador in London could get no information; and Glenn struggled with whether he should go public or work behind the scenes to make sure David would be released and not arrested. I have never been through a hostage negotiation, but this certainly felt like one. David was finally released after nine hours. He was forced to hand over all electronics.

Using border crossings to target journalism is not new to me. I experienced it for the first time in 2006 in Vienna, when I was traveling from the Sarajevo Film Festival back to New York. I was put in a van and driven to a security room, searched, and interrogated. The Austrian security agents told me I was stopped at the request of the US government. When I landed in New York I was again searched and interrogated.

Since then I have lost count of how many times I have been interrogated at the US border all because of my reporting on post 9/11 issues. I've had electronics seized, notebooks photocopied, and have been threatened with handcuffs for taking notes. I moved to Berlin to edit my next film because I do not feel I can keep source material safe in my own country.

At the moment I live in what used to be East Berlin. It feels strange to come to the former home of the Stasi to expose the dangers of government surveillance, but being here gives me hope. There is a deep historical memory among Germans of what happens to societies when its government targets and spies on its own citizens. The public outcry in Germany to the NSA disclosures has been enormous.

Threat To Democracy

Because of the disclosures made by Edward Snowden, we have for the first time an international debate on the scope of government surveillance. Almost daily for the past three months citizens learn of new unlawful surveillance programs being secretly run by their governments. All of our reporting has been in the public interest, and none has caused harm.

David's detention and the destruction of the hard drives in the Guardian's basement reveal one thing: Our governments do not want citizens to be informed when it comes to the topic of surveillance. The governments of the United States, Britain, Germany, and others would like this debate to go away. It won't.

Glenn and I, with the full support of David and others, will continue to work on the disclosures made by Snowden, as will the Guardian, SPIEGEL, the Washington Post, their reporters and their loved ones, and many other news organizations who believe vast unchecked secret government surveillance powers are a threat to democracy.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Leaked Documents: U.S. Framed Syria in Chemical Weapons Attack StormCloudsGathering

August 26, 2013

On August 21st, 2013 chemical weapons were used the Syrian conflict yet again. Western powers, the U.S. and France in particular enthusiastically didn't hesitate for even a moment to take advantage of the tragedy, decrying it as a crime against humanity and using it as a springboard to announce their preparations for military strikes against the Syrian government.

Make no mistake this was a crime against humanity... but the gas was NOT used by the Syrian government, it was used by the NATO backed rebels. In this video we're going to show you definitive evidence to support this claim and we're going explain the U.S. and NATO's motive for committing such an atrocity. The leaked documents that we are going to be presenting are available for you to download yourself. You'll find a in a link in the description to that download and you'll also find links to the mainstream articles we used in our research.

Leaked Britam Defence Syrian documents for download:

Chemical weapons confirmed in Syrian conflict:

CIA and Mossad both say the Iran hasn't even made the decision to seek a nuclear weapon:

Iran and Syria confront US with defense pact:

Iran already sending troops to Syria:


The March 19th, 2013 Sarin Attack:
Israel and the U.S. blame Assad:

According to the U.N. investigation the March 19th chemical weapons attack turned out to be committed by the rebels:

Russia agrees:

The August 21st, 2013 Chemical Attack:
Syrian soldiers enter rebel tunnels, find chemical agents

Video from attack apparently shows the rockets were small and primitive:

Turkey finds sarin gas in homes of suspected Syrian Islamists

FSA says they are going to use chemical weapons from now on:

To Youtube copyright reviewers:

Audio and animations were created by StormCloudsGathering using Reason 7, Adobe Premiere, Photoshop and Adobe After Effects. Files available for proof on request.
- See more at:

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Is Glenn Greenwald's Journalism Now a 'Terrorist' Occupation?

Glenn Greenwald speaks to reporters in Hong Kong where he interviewed the NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. (photo: Vincent Yu/AP)

Glenn Greenwald speaks to reporters in Hong Kong where he interviewed the NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. (photo: Vincent Yu/AP)

By Simon Jenkins, Guardian UK

19 August 13

    David Miranda's detention shows that being the partner of the man who interviewed the NSA whistleblower is enough to see you treated like a terrorist.

he detention at Heathrow on Sunday of the Brazilian David Miranda is the sort of treatment western politicians love to deplore in Putin's Russia or Ahmadinejad's Iran. His "offence" under the 2000 Terrorism Act was apparently to be the partner of a journalist, Glenn Greenwald, who had reported for the Guardian on material released by the American whistleblower, Edward Snowden. We must assume the Americans asked the British government to nab him, shake him down and take his personal effects.

Miranda's phone and laptop were confiscated and he was held incommunicado, without access to friends or lawyer, for the maximum nine hours allowed under law. It is the airport equivalent of smashing into someone's flat, rifling through their drawers and stealing papers and documents. It is simple harassment and intimidation.

Greenwald himself is not known to have committed any offence, unless journalism is now a "terrorist" occupation in the eyes of British and American politicians. As for Miranda, his only offence seems to have been to be part of his family. Harassing the family of those who have upset authority is the most obscene form of state terrorism.

Last month, the British foreign secretary, William Hague, airily excused the apparently illegal hoovering of internet traffic by British and American spies on the grounds that "the innocent have nothing to fear," the motto of police states down the ages. Hague's apologists explained that he was a nice chap really, but that relations with America trumped every libertarian card.

The hysteria of the "war on terror" is now corrupting every area of democratic government. It extends from the arbitrary selection of drone targets to the quasi-torture of suspects, the intrusion on personal data and the harassing of journalists' families. The disregard of statutory oversight - in Britain's case pathetically inadequate - is giving western governments many of the characteristics of the enemies they profess to oppose. How Putin must be rubbing his hands with glee.

The innocent have nothing to fear? They do if they embarrass America and happen to visit British soil. The only land of the free today in this matter is Brazil.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

ITCCS: Please help us strike a blow for survivors of church terror in September

  A Special Appeal from The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)    

          Please help us strike a blow for survivors of church terror in September, when elders and survivors will gather in Genoa and Rome for the First International Convergence to Stop Crimes against Children.

          Last March, we made a special appeal for help in funding a major trip by our Field Secretary Kevin Annett to several European countries, to coordinate the work of the ITCCS and the International Common Law Court.
        Your response was overwhelming, and your financial and moral endorsement made possible that journey, as well as the expansion of the ITCCS to 21 countries. None of this would have been possible without your generosity and commitment.
          Building on that success, between September 20 and 22, ITCCS volunteers from five nations will gather to forge a cross-border network of survivors of church abuse, and build on the first movement to bring the Roman Catholic Church to justice.
          Sponsored by Rete L'Abuso of Genoa and our Tribunal, this convergence will include a multi-media conference in Genoa on September 20, and a public gathering and press conference at the Vatican in St. Peter's Square on Sunday September 22.
          For maximal success, our objective is to fund, or at least subsidize, the travel expense and accommodation of between five and ten dedicated volunteers from Canada, the U.S., Ireland, Holland and Italy. We estimate that the need is to raise about $7,500 by mid September in order to make this happen.
          Please help the ITCCS to allow this historic gathering to take place.
          You can make direct contributions to the ITCCS PayPal account online at , or send a check payable to Kevin Annett c/o our American address at 1000 Walker St., Unit 223, Holly Hill, Florida USA 32117.
Issued by the ITCCS Central Office, Brussels
5 August,  2013

See the evidence of Genocide in Canada and other crimes against the innocent at and at the websites of The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State at and .

An International, multi-lingual ITCCS site can be found at:

The complete Common Law Court proceedings of Genocide in Canada are found at: - Common Law Court Proceedings - Genocide in Canada  (Part One) - 1 hr. 46 mins. - Common Law Court Proceedings - Genocide in Canada  (Part Two) - 1 hr. 47 mins. - Final Court Verdict and Sentencing - 8 mins. 30 secs. - Authorizations and Endorsements of ITCCS/Kevin Annett by indigenous eyewitnesses - 10 mins.

Kathryn E May - Mutter Vater Gott 2.8.2013

– durch Kathryn E May, PsyD –

2.August 2013

Der Höchste Schöpfer spricht: 
Meine Geliebten, Ich spreche nicht oft direkt zu euch, aber es ist jetzt eine derart außergewöhnliche Zeit, dass ich Gelegenheit nehme, euch mehr über eure Welt zu erzählen und darüber, wie wichtig es ist, dass ihr euch jetzt sehr intensiv darauf konzentriert, eure Eigenschwingung zu erhöhen, – insbesondere Jene unter euch, die so geschäftig dafür gearbeitet haben, Geld zu verdienen, um ihre Rechnungen bezahlen und für ihre Familien sorgen zu können.  
Diese Zeit ist vorbei, erledigt. Da werden keine Rechnungen mehr bezahlt werden müssen, es wird keine Sorgen mehr geben darüber, wie ihr eure Familien ernähren könnt, die Ausbildung (der Kinder) bestreiten könnt, oder wie ihr im Ruhestand weiterleben könnt. Euer Ruhestand wird über eure 'wildesten' Träume hinaus prachtvoll sein, er wird euch nichts kosten; und dies beginnt jetzt, ungeachtet eures chronologischen Alters auf Erden. Es wird weder ein Rückzug aus dem Leben sein, noch wird es ein 'Tod' sein. Ihr befindet euch jetzt am Beginn einer großartigen Reise zu den Sternen.
Eure Brüder und Schwestern erwarten euch – genau über euch. Blickt in klarer Nacht hinauf in den Himmel. Sendet ihnen eure Grüße, und sie werden mit farbigem Licht-Spiel antworten, um ihre Freude darüber zu zeigen, dass ihr sie seht und dass sie bald bei euch sein werden, unter euch wandeln werden, euch umarmen und Gesänge des Feierns mit euch anstimmen werden. Da sind jetzt Tausende entlang der 'Raster-Linien', die die Energie des Kosmos tragen, um euch zu erhöhen und euch die Unendliche LIEBE und das LICHT zu lehren.
Ich Bin es, der euch diese machtvollen Energien sendet. Es ist euch gesagt worden, dass die Wellen der LIEBE, die ihr spürt, wie sie euch umspülen, von der Zentral-Sonne herkommen – jener Sonne, die von außerhalb, von Zentrum des Universums her strahlt. Das ist wahr! Die Zentral-Sonne ist ein anderer Name für Mich, euren Höchsten Schöpfer. Ich Bin der EINE, der den Anfang, die Mitte und die Ewigkeit erschaffen hat, die nun eure Wirklichkeit ist.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

War on Consciousness Takes to the Internet as Esoteric Websites to Be Censored in UK

August 2, 2013 | By | 9 Replies
Angela Pritchard, Guest
Waking Times:

The war on consciousness and the agenda against esoteric knowledge is not a side issue. Ultimately we are all consciousness, and so whilst a myriad of issues play back and forth in the world, what affects our ability to recognize who we are and awaken the potential of our consciousness is THE issue that lies at the very core of life. Spiritual knowledge is therefore right up there on the hit list of the dark and hidden powers that be.

The most recent evidence of this: the UK government has proposed a billmake internet service providers automatically block websites dubbed “esoteric material”. That means people in the UK could be shut off from websites the UK government deems “esoteric” unless they go in and manually un-tick their network filters (you can find directions on how to do this here).

It has been labelled “pornwall” by some because the bill will block pornographic websites in the name of internet safety for children (great), but this “hot topic” has overshadowed media debate, likely very deliberately. A BBC article debated pornography only, despite there being 9 other categories of blocked material discovered by the Open Rights Group, which includes the aforementioned “esoteric material”. A moral issue has clearly become the Trojan horse to unleash a new stage in the game plan long in the making against spiritual knowledge.

Esoteric Practices and the Websites of “Sects” Already Blocked on Some Phones

So exactly what is esoteric? There are different definitions, but the word is mainly associated with knowledge of a spiritual kind, leaving an open door for people to abuse and target all manner of spirituality. But in case there was any confusion as to exactly what “esoteric material” they might be getting at, the Open Rights Group has already reported that websites of organizations that promote “esoteric practices” whether directly or indirectly have already been blocked in the UK on pay-as-you-go Orange phones. I wonder if “esoteric practices” include types of meditation, practices of astral projection, or making contact with celestial beings etc. – but in the end, what you or I think doesn’t matter as the UK government has decided that it will be the judge of what spiritual knowledge humanity has access to.

The wording also states that the websites of “universally acknowledged sects” (small religious groups) are also blocked. Universally acknowledged by who exactly? Apparently there is already global cooperation to “universally” define what spiritual groups and beliefs will be labelled with the derogatory term “sect” and who they will be shutting the people of the UK off from (soon to be coming to a country near you), whilst they set up their own “universal” pop culture of demonic rituals and icons – just do an internet search for “illuminati music industry” (note: if you have an Orange phone in the UK you’re also blocked from sites that will anonymize your searching). Are we finally witnessing the beginnings of a dark New World Religion?


What is Esoteric Anyway?

Esoteric is defined as:
Confined to and understandable by only an enlightened inner circle.
Designed for or understood by the specially initiated alone.
Requiring or exhibiting knowledge that is restricted to a small group; difficult to understand; limited to a small circle.
Sound like the incredible spiritual knowledge encoded into the sacred texts and sites of the ancient Egyptians, Mayans, and Hindus, or those found in the ancient mystery schools of the Essenes, the Eleusinians, Pythagoreans, or Druids? Or what about the knowledge Jesus passed in secret to his disciples? The definition is so broad it could contain all the wisdom traditions of thousands of years of human history that reveal the power of conscious awakening we each have within, for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

This is what they want to keep out of the minds of children, whilst Hollywood and the music industry increasingly target them with unimaginably dark, demonic and disturbing images and vibrations? Could the agenda be to create entirely new generations fed solely on the demonic filth being poured out of the music/media industry with zero real alternative?


Esoteric Knowledge is Powerful – That’s Why They Don’t Want Us to Have It

Why would they bother to target “esoteric material”? Perhaps that will now give you some indicator as to HOW POWERFUL ESOTERIC KNOWLEDGE REALLY IS. They know it, and that’s why they don’t want you to have it. Whilst it is marginalized and condemned in society, there are very powerful secret societies running much of the show that use it specifically for dark and demonic purposes where it is inverted to invoke evil powers and why you see them using inverted esoteric symbols (such as the inverted crucifix and pentagram so “in vogue” in Hollywood right now). So not only could censoring “esoteric material” block genuinely spiritual information, but even people exposing the use of dark esoteric knowledge for sinister purposes in an extraordinary double take.

We can oppose dark forces with those of light; we can defeat the power born from the knowledge of evil with that which is born from truth and the knowledge of the light. As long as esoteric knowledge continues to be suppressed, those who use it for evil can continue unaffected behind the scenes and that is exactly what they want. For example, someone can use out-of-body experiences to actually see where the dark things in the world are emanating from rather than just their manifestations.

By working with consciousness, truth, light, and celestial forces we can penetrate and expose the dark heart of evil in the world, not doing this is to merely cut the tentacles of an octopus strangling humanity – one whose tentacles continuously regrow. Each tentacle gets its power from the connection feeding the octopus, which goes right down into the source of evil. This connection is the source of their knowledge and power; whilst consciousness and the spiritual is the source of ours.


The War on Consciousness

The opposition to dark forces has been part of the work of many esoteric schools of light (many of whom had to operate in secret for their own protection), which have been established throughout the world and human history, and why they have been targeted by infiltration, smears, and persecution so exhaustively. There is a war going on that most people are completely unaware of; it is A WAR ON CONSCIOUSNESS.

What they really don’t want us to know is the power and potential of consciousness that we each contain, the inner light that has the power to break every psychological chain that binds us, to act with an intelligence informed by truth and higher sources such as intuition, out-of-body experiences, dreams, love, peace and wisdom.

Make a difference by letting people know about what’s going on.

COBRA: À faire circuler : Activation du Portail de Paix, le 25 août 2013

À faire circuler : Activation du Portail de Paix, le 25 août 2013Le 25 août, un portail très important s'ouvrira et il apportera une forte infusion de Lumière dans la situation conflictuelle, à la surface de cette planète.

Ce jour-là, la prochaine configuration d'un des grands sextiles astrologiques de cet été ( définition trouvée ici : ) , après le sextile du 29 juin, prendra place :

Cette configuration sera plus puissante que la précédente parce qu'en plus du grand sextile de la Lune, de Jupiter, du Soleil/Mercure, de Saturne, de Pluton et de Neptune, la charte astrologique du 25 août inclut une croix cardinale entre Pluton, Uranus, Jupiter et Vénus.

Donc, l'activation du Portail de Paix offrira l'opportunité unique de transformer la tension du carré D'Uranus/Pluton ( intensifié ce jour-là par la croix cardinale Jupiter/Vénus ), avec les effets d'harmonisation du grand sextile. Cela signifie que les conflits profondément enracinés dans la surface de la planète peuvent finalement commencer à se résoudre, si la masse critique de 144,000 personnes, activant ce portail, est atteinte.


Ce message doit circuler le plus possible. Nous devons propager cela à la plus grande quantité de gens possible, afin d'atteindre la masse critique. Publiez-le sur vos sites web et sur vos blogs. Des études scientifiques ont prouvé l'effet positif des méditations de masse sur la société humaine, alors chaque personne qui participe peut vraiment sauver des vies humaines. :

Nous ferons cette activation à 11 heures 11 minutes, heure du Caire, le 25 août ( 17:11 heure de Montréal ). Voici le lien pour trouver votre heure locale :

Instructions :

1- Détendez votre esprit et votre corps, en observant votre respiration durant quelques minutes.

2- Visualisez un pilier de Lumière bleue électrique, en provenance du Soleil Galactique Central et qui descend dans votre corps.

3- Visualisez cette Lumière s'écoulant dans votre coeur et, à travers vos mains, se dirigeant vers le conflit en Syrie, vers le processus de libération en Égypte, vers les camps d'emprisonnement en Corée du Nord et vers toutes les situations non résolues de cette planète, les emplissant de Lumière et éliminant toute obscurité qui y existe.

4- Demandez à la présence de la Déesse ( le Divin Féminin ) d'entrer dans votre corps.

5- Demandez à la présence de la Déesse de diriger ces énergies de paix et d'harmonie vers toutes ces situations non résolues et vers toutes les personnes impliquées. Permettez à cette énergie de s'écouler dans votre coeur et ensuite, par vos mains, vers toutes ces situations et ce, durant quelques minutes.

La Déesse désire la paix et la liberté, alors, la paix et la liberté viendront.

Mises-à-jour sur l'activation du Portail de la Paix :

Thursday, August 1, 2013

A Hathor Planetary Message via Tom Kenyon: Orchidium


July 31, 2013

Earth’s passage through the summer Solstice of 2013 was an energetic marker for the beginning of a new Chaotic Node.
As your planet undergoes increased climate change, you will see further increases in meteorological novelty and unusual interactions between storm fronts. What used to be called 100-year storms will happen more frequently. These types of storms are outer manifestations of Chaotic Nodes and the escalation of chaos arising from seemingly unrelated levels of existence.

While you have already experienced several Chaotic Nodes since 2011, you are at the beginning of another major crescendo in chaotic events. While this particular Chaotic Node will accelerate climatic and geological changes, as well as social unrest, it is your personal psychological and emotional level that may well be the most affected.

You can expect to see a pronounced increase in emotional instability and psychological imbalances among your fellow humans (perhaps including yourself). The collective social challenges of this will be profound.
For an Initiate, meaning one on the journey to higher states of consciousness, this particular Chaotic Node is, and will continue to be, both extremely challenging and full of possibilities. The challenge has to do with the nature of this unique Chaotic Node, which drives to the surface of your conscious awareness deep-seated emotional toxicity.

One of the challenges that spiritually inclined persons are experiencing, and will continue to experience for some time, is the deep recognition that they have unresolved issues and deep-seated hostilities that may not fit very well with their self-image. Indeed this is a time when self-images will be shattered.

You are seeing this unfold at the international level with governments, and you will see it unfold through all levels of society. But for many it will be the shattering of personal self-image that will be the most difficult to contend with.

What we wish to convey is that your negativity, your toxicity, your despair and your hopelessness—if they are indeed present—need not be a negation of you. Rather they can be portals into the deep unconscious, to the very bedrock of human subconscious intent.

In the process of self-liberation, you must deal with this negativity in yourself regardless of the methods you may use to free yourself.


The Orchidium

We now wish to impart a method for infusing yourself with light and life-enhancing energy. We introduce the method at this time because it will take great fortitude and personal energy to work through this particular Chaotic Node as well as the ones coming to you in the future. We call this the Orchidium.

It is a very simple method that involves a biological metaphor and image. The greatest obstacle and the greatest difficulty with the Orchidium is its simplicity. Human beings tend to make things more complex than they need to be when it comes to this type of work.

In its essence the Orchidium is a means for you to draw into your KA (your energy body), as well as your physical body, high levels of spiritual light and life-enhancing energy—what the Yogis call prana and what the Daoists/Taoists call chi.

In this method you imagine that there is an orchid-like flower in your navel. (Editor: See sample image below)  The central root of this imaginary flower is hollow and is anchored or rooted at a point in front of your backbone, directly opposite your navel. This area is known to Daoists/Taoists as the Ming-Ma (or Seat of Life).

It is from the Seat of Life that subtle energy is distributed to your subtle energy body and also to the organs of your physical body. This type of subtle energy has a very deeply nourishing and rejuvenating effect.

When you hold an image of the Orchidium, you imagine that the stamen is extended out in front of you from the center of your navel. (Note: Stamens are the pollen producing reproductive organs of a flower. They consist of a stalk called a filament and an anther that produces the pollen.) When you create the Orchidium via your imagination, the stamen protrudes from the center of the blossom. For reference purposes, a photograph of a flower with its stamen appears elsewhere in this message.

By its nature the Orchidium draws into itself and then back into the Ming-Ma, spiritual-light and subtle energy from the cosmos.

To engage the Orchidium, all you need do is to imagine this flower in whatever ways makes sense to you so that its blossom is open, and the central root is hollow extending from the navel back into the Ming-Ma. It is crucial for you to understand that the Orchidum draws these celestial energies to you by itself, by its own nature and without you having to do anything.

There is no relationship between the flow of subtle energy into the Orchidium and your breath. Once you activate the flow of celestial energies to the Orchidium, they will flow automatically and unobstructed until you stop them.

Sensitive individuals will soon discover that they can sense the flow of cosmic energies into the stamen of the Orchidium itself, but success does not depend on this level of sensitivity. This type of awareness is simply a refinement. What is important is to feel and sense the flow of spiritual-light and energy down the central root, the hollow tube, from the Orchidum (in your navel) to your Ming-Ma and then to enjoy the flow of life-force throughout your subtle and physical bodies as you wish.

We suggest you experiment with this in five-minute intervals so that you become familiar with how the Orchidium works for you and also to avoid over-stimulation.

It is possible to bring too much celestial energy into your system, which is why we suggest five minutes at a time. Five minutes once a day is all that is required to familiarize yourself with the Orchidum and its potentials.

Once you understand how the Orchidium works for you and how much celestial energy you can comfortably bring into yourself, you can experiment with longer sessions if you wish.

After each Orchidium session we strongly suggest you imagine the Orchidium closing so that the blossom is not open. This is for the purpose of self-protection when you enter into the world. Until you have learned how to separate life-positive energies from the life-negative energies that surround you, we suggest you engage this strategy of protection.


Adding the Aethos

While you can engage the Orchidium without any sound or music, in the beginning stages you may find the Aethos Sound Meditation very helpful. This is because the pulsations within this sound piece facilitate the movement of celestial energies within the Orchidium root, which connects into your Ming-Ma.

As you listen to the Aethos Sound Meditation, when engaging the Orchidium, pay special attention to the hollow channel, the root, which runs from the Orchidim into your Ming-Ma. The sonic pulsations within the Aethos will amplify the flow of celestial energies into this channel.


Philosophical and Religious Obstructions

While the method of engaging the Orchidium is simple, the consequences in terms of your life-force and your capacity to hold spiritual light are quite complex.

There is another complexity here but it has to do with your belief systems. If you do not rise above these limited beliefs, you will constrain the flow of celestial energies.

You live in a cosmos of exquisite unimaginable beauty, spiritual-light, consciousness and energy. You are an heir to all of these treasures, and each of them imparts to you powers of consciousness—yet you are cut off from your birthright by many of your philosophies and religions.

Any religion that teaches that you have been separated from the celestial light-filled realms because you have a physical body is an obstruction to the truth of your being—as we view it. Any religion that says that you are separated from the heavenly worlds and their treasures through the sin of your birth is also, in our view, an obstruction.

Those philosophies that propose that you are merely a physical being with no dimensions of consciousness transcendent to time and space are, in our view, obstructions as well.

For the sake of experimenting with the Orchidium we suggest you temporarily suspend these beliefs. See for yourself how well the Orchidium works when you actually suspend these limiting thought-forms. After working with the Orchidium in this manner (sans limiting beliefs) you might even choose to leave those beliefs and thought-forms permanently behind you altogether.

When working with the Orchidium we suggest the following thought-forms:
1) Imagine that you are a part of, and heir to, all the treasures of the cosmos—the highest realms of light and the most-subtle life-enhancing energies.
2) Imagine that the Orchidium effortlessly draws into you these treasures whenever you choose to open the blossom.
3) Through the Orchidium, you can experience the transformation of your subtle energy body and the vital organs of your physical body.

Use this enhanced energy and life-force (as well as the light-force) to sustain you as you move through this potent Chaotic Node and the ones to follow.
The Hathors
June 27, 2013

Tom’s Thoughts and Observations

The term Orchidium, as given by the Hathors, refers to a flower-like mental image that you create in your imagination. This image does not necessarily look like an orchid, unless you choose to make it so. This is in stark contrast to the actual word “orchidium,” which refers specifically to orchids. The Hathors like to play with words, and for them the word orchidium refers to a biological metaphor that you create through your own volition and imaginative powers for the purpose of drawing celestial energies into your subtle energy body (your KA) and into the organs of your physical body.

The important element, here, is that the mental image be a blossom of some kind with a stamen.
Other than this, I think the Hathors’ description of the Orchidium is fairly self-explanatory. The only thing I would add to their description is that engaging the Orchidium does not require visualization skills.

You imagine and sense it in whatever way(s) seem natural to you. If you tend to “see” things in your mind’s eye, then you might very well have a clear picture of the Orchidium as you work with it. If you tend to feel things, then you will have a felt sense of it. And there are, of course, other combinations of senses that you could imagine the Orchidium with as well.

As for physical attributes, imagine the Orchidium to be whatever size, shape and color you wish to make it. The point in all of this is to create the Orchidium in a way that is most comfortable for you.

I have been working with the Orchidium since 2011, under numerous conditions, and I can definitely verify its effectiveness. I also find the Hathors’ suggestion for working with the Orchidium while listening to the Aethos Sound Meditation very helpful. The sound patterns in the Aethos sound piece do actually facilitate the movement of celestial energies from the Orchidium into the Ming-Ma in some very remarkable ways. And so I suggest you give it a try. You will find a link to the 5-minute version of the Aethos Sound Meditation at the bottom of the page.


The Shattering of Self-image

The Hathors are quite clear that this particular Chaotic Node carries an emotional punch. And I can personally attest to a quickening of emotional material since this last summer Solstice—the likes of which I have never seen.

When they were talking about the shattering of self-image and the driving of unresolved emotional material into conscious awareness, one of their turns of phrase caught my eye.

“…your toxicity, your despair and your hopelessness—if they are indeed present—need not be a negation of you. Rather they can be portals into the deep unconscious, to the very bedrock of human subconscious intent.”

By subconscious intent, they mean the psychological forces (thoughts, feelings and desires) that we keep hidden from ourselves. As socialized human beings we have all learned how to emotionally adapt to our environment.

And it is my observation that when we, myself most definitely included, are faced with the dilemma of thinking, feeling or desiring something not acceptable by those around us, many of us send those thoughts, feelings and desires underground—into the deep subconscious mind.

It is here in the darkness of the un-owned self that these unclaimed psychological forces fester and build. Eventually, they break out into the open or we become secretive about them. In a strange paradox of human nature, some of us become zealots and condemn those who express those very same furtive thoughts, feelings and desires that we have been harboring in ourselves.

I asked my Hathor mentors after receiving this message, why they brought up the topic of subconscious intent to begin with. Their response was 1) these subconscious thoughts, feelings and desires create quantum effects that are sometimes at odds with our conscious intent. This conflict constrains our creative abilities and 2) we must deal with and transform our deepest hostilities and negativities or be destroyed by them.

In their last Planetary Message, The Healing Power of the Human Heart (April 13, 2013), the Hathors gave a powerful sound meditation to assist with this type of clearing. If you are experiencing the type of emotional intensity the Hathors alluded to in this message, I encourage you to work with the Hathor Heart Chakra Healing Sound Meditation. A link to the message and the sound meditation appears at the bottom of this page.


The Orchidium: A Visual Aid

© 3013 Tom Kenyon - All Rights Reserved
© 3013 Tom Kenyon – All Rights Reserved
As the saying goes… “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Thus I thought it might be helpful for some readers if I included a photo of a blossoming flower.
The photo is of a Hibiscus, and it is for reference purposes only. Your Orchidium can be any size, shape or color you choose.

The important element in any Orchidium is a blossom that can open and close (according to your own volition) and a stamen. In this case, the stamen is that nubby thing that sticks out from the center portion of the Hibiscus. It is through this stamen that celestial energies (prana or chi) are drawn into the Ming-Ma (the Seat of Life), which sits in front of your spine directly opposite your navel.

From your Ming-Ma these celestial energies circulate into your energy body (your KA) and into the organs of your physical body—imparting a type of spiritual illumination and increased vitality.


Final thoughts

I suggest you take a few minutes after working with the Orchidium (especially if you create it in conjunction with the Aethos Sound Meditation) to just “be” with yourself in silence for a few minutes. Ideally, you would sit or lie down with your awareness in the area of your Ming-Ma. Develop your capacity to sense the flow of chi/prana from your Ming-Ma into the organs of your body and into your subtle energy body (your KA) as well.

It is well worth the time and the effort to develop this type of awareness. The trick is not to rush into outer activity. After creating the Orchidium, spend some time with yourself through inner contemplation of your Ming-Ma.

This energetic pathway (from your navel to your Ming-Ma) is a most auspicious one.
When you were a fetus in the womb of your mother, you were connected to her via the placenta cord and it was through this tether that you were nourished.

At a deep primal level, your psyche recognizes that this is a fundamental channel for receiving life-force. Furthermore, at a psycho-spiritual symbolic level, this channel is also a means to open yourself to the vast restorative powers of the cosmic nurturing feminine—the Mother of All Things.

Note: When you click on the links below, you will be taken to the Listening Agreement. Once you agree to the listening terms, you will have access to all of the audio files, which you are free to use for your own personal listening. Just scroll down to find the title of the sound meditation you wish to hear. Headphones or earbuds are strongly recommended over your computer’s speakers. This is especially true for the Hathor Heart Chakra Healing Sound Meditation (in fact, most computer speakers are incapable of handling the frequencies of this particular sound piece).

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XKeyscore: NSA tool collects 'nearly everything a user does on the internet

XKeyscore: NSA tool collects 'nearly everything a user does on the internet'


• XKeyscore gives 'widest-reaching' collection of online data
• NSA analysts require no prior authorization for searches
• Sweeps up emails, social media activity and browsing history
 NSA's XKeyscore program – read one of the presentations
XKeyscore map
One presentation claims the XKeyscore program covers 'nearly everything a typical user does on the internet'
A top secret National Security Agency program allows analysts to search with no prior authorization through vast databases containing emails, online chats and the browsing histories of millions of individuals, according to documents provided by whistleblower Edward Snowden.
The NSA boasts in training materials that the program, called XKeyscore, is its "widest-reaching" system for developing intelligence from the internet.
The latest revelations will add to the intense public and congressional debate around the extent of NSA surveillance programs. They come as senior intelligence officials testify to the Senate judiciary committee on Wednesday, releasing classified documents in response to the Guardian's earlier stories on bulk collection of phone records and Fisasurveillance court oversight.
The files shed light on one of Snowden's most controversial statements, made in his first video interview published by the Guardian on June 10.
"I, sitting at my desk," said Snowden, could "wiretap anyone, from you or your accountant, to a federal judge or even the president, if I had a personal email".
US officials vehemently denied this specific claim. Mike Rogers, the Republican chairman of the House intelligence committee, said of Snowden's assertion: "He's lying. It's impossible for him to do what he was saying he could do."
But training materials for XKeyscore detail how analysts can use it and other systems to mine enormous agency databases by filling in a simple on-screen form giving only a broad justification for the search. The request is not reviewed by a court or any NSA personnel before it is processed.
XKeyscore, the documents boast, is the NSA's "widest reaching" system developing intelligence from computer networks – what the agency calls Digital Network Intelligence (DNI). One presentation claims the program covers "nearly everything a typical user does on the internet", including the content of emails, websites visited and searches, as well as theirmetadata.
Analysts can also use XKeyscore and other NSA systems to obtain ongoing "real-time" interception of an individual's internet activity.
Under US law, the NSA is required to obtain an individualized Fisawarrant only if the target of their surveillance is a 'US person', though no such warrant is required for intercepting the communications of Americans with foreign targets. But XKeyscore provides the technological capability, if not the legal authority, to target even US persons for extensive electronic surveillance without a warrant provided that some identifying information, such as their email or IP address, is known to the analyst.
One training slide illustrates the digital activity constantly being collected by XKeyscore and the analyst's ability to query the databases at any time.
The purpose of XKeyscore is to allow analysts to search the metadata as well as the content of emails and other internet activity, such as browser history, even when there is no known email account (a "selector" in NSAparlance) associated with the individual being targeted.
Analysts can also search by name, telephone number, IP address, keywords, the language in which the internet activity was conducted or the type of browser used.
One document notes that this is because "strong selection [search by email address] itself gives us only a very limited capability" because "a large amount of time spent on the web is performing actions that are anonymous."
The NSA documents assert that by 2008, 300 terrorists had been captured using intelligence from XKeyscore.
Analysts are warned that searching the full database for content will yield too many results to sift through. Instead they are advised to use themetadata also stored in the databases to narrow down what to review.
A slide entitled "plug-ins" in a December 2012 document describes the various fields of information that can be searched. It includes "every email address seen in a session by both username and domain", "every phone number seen in a session (eg address book entries or signature block)" and user activity – "the webmail and chat activity to include username, buddylist, machine specific cookies etc".

Email monitoring

In a second Guardian interview in June, Snowden elaborated on his statement about being able to read any individual's email if he had their email address. He said the claim was based in part on the email search capabilities of XKeyscore, which Snowden says he was authorized to use while working as a Booz Allen contractor for the NSA.
One top-secret document describes how the program "searches within bodies of emails, webpages and documents", including the "To, From, CC, BCC lines" and the 'Contact Us' pages on websites".
To search for emails, an analyst using XKS enters the individual's email address into a simple online search form, along with the "justification" for the search and the time period for which the emails are sought.
The analyst then selects which of those returned emails they want to read by opening them in NSA reading software.
The system is similar to the way in which NSA analysts generally can intercept the communications of anyone they select, including, as one NSA document put it, "communications that transit the United States and communications that terminate in the United States".
One document, a top secret 2010 guide describing the training received by NSA analysts for general surveillance under the Fisa Amendments Act of 2008, explains that analysts can begin surveillance on anyone by clicking a few simple pull-down menus designed to provide both legal and targeting justifications. Once options on the pull-down menus are selected, their target is marked for electronic surveillance and the analyst is able to review the content of their communications:

Chats, browsing history and other internet activity

Beyond emails, the XKeyscore system allows analysts to monitor a virtually unlimited array of other internet activities, including those within social media.
An NSA tool called DNI Presenter, used to read the content of stored emails, also enables an analyst using XKeyscore to read the content of Facebook chats or private messages.
An analyst can monitor such Facebook chats by entering the Facebook user name and a date range into a simple search screen.
Analysts can search for internet browsing activities using a wide range of information, including search terms entered by the user or the websites viewed.
As one slide indicates, the ability to search HTTP activity by keyword permits the analyst access to what the NSA calls "nearly everything a typical user does on the internet".
The XKeyscore program also allows an analyst to learn the IP addresses of every person who visits any website the analyst specifies.
The quantity of communications accessible through programs such as XKeyscore is staggeringly large. One NSA report from 2007 estimated that there were 850bn "call events" collected and stored in the NSA databases, and close to 150bn internet records. Each day, the document says, 1-2bn records were added.
William Binney, a former NSA mathematician, said last year that the agency had "assembled on the order of 20tn transactions about US citizens with other US citizens", an estimate, he said, that "only was involving phone calls and emails". A 2010 Washington Post article reported that "every day, collection systems at the [NSA] intercept and store 1.7bn emails, phone calls and other type of communications."
The XKeyscore system is continuously collecting so much internet data that it can be stored only for short periods of time. Content remains on the system for only three to five days, while metadata is stored for 30 days. One document explains: "At some sites, the amount of data we receive per day (20+ terabytes) can only be stored for as little as 24 hours."
To solve this problem, the NSA has created a multi-tiered system that allows analysts to store "interesting" content in other databases, such as one named Pinwale which can store material for up to five years. 
It is the databases of XKeyscore, one document shows, that now contain the greatest amount of communications data collected by the NSA.
In 2012, there were at least 41 billion total records collected and stored in XKeyscore for a single 30-day period.
Legal v technical restrictions
While the Fisa Amendments Act of 2008 requires an individualized warrant for the targeting of US persons, NSA analysts are permitted to intercept the communications of such individuals without a warrant if they are in contact with one of the NSA's foreign targets.
The ACLU's deputy legal director, Jameel Jaffer, told the Guardian last month that national security officials expressly said that a primary purpose of the new law was to enable them to collect large amounts of Americans' communications without individualized warrants.
"The government doesn't need to 'target' Americans in order to collect huge volumes of their communications," said Jaffer. "The government inevitably sweeps up the communications of many Americans" when targeting foreign nationals for surveillance.
An example is provided by one XKeyscore document showing an NSAtarget in Tehran communicating with people in Frankfurt, Amsterdam and New York.
In recent years, the NSA has attempted to segregate exclusively domestic US communications in separate databases. But even NSA documents acknowledge that such efforts are imperfect, as even purely domestic communications can travel on foreign systems, and NSA tools are sometimes unable to identify the national origins of communications.
Moreover, all communications between Americans and someone on foreign soil are included in the same databases as foreign-to-foreign communications, making them readily searchable without warrants.
Some searches conducted by NSA analysts are periodically reviewed by their supervisors within the NSA. "It's very rare to be questioned on our searches," Snowden told the Guardian in June, "and even when we are, it's usually along the lines of: 'let's bulk up the justification'."
In a letter this week to senator Ron Wyden, director of national intelligence James Clapper acknowledged that NSA analysts have exceeded even legal limits as interpreted by the NSA in domestic surveillance.
Acknowledging what he called "a number of compliance problems", Clapper attributed them to "human error" or "highly sophisticated technology issues" rather than "bad faith".
However, Wyden said on the Senate floor on Tuesday: "These violations are more serious than those stated by the intelligence community, and are troubling."
In a statement to the Guardian, the NSA said: "NSA's activities are focused and specifically deployed against – and only against – legitimate foreign intelligence targets in response to requirements that our leaders need for information necessary to protect our nation and its interests.
"XKeyscore is used as a part of NSA's lawful foreign signals intelligence collection system.
"Allegations of widespread, unchecked analyst access to NSA collection data are simply not true. Access to XKeyscore, as well as all of NSA's analytic tools, is limited to only those personnel who require access for their assigned tasks … In addition, there are multiple technical, manual and supervisory checks and balances within the system to prevent deliberate misuse from occurring."
"Every search by an NSA analyst is fully auditable, to ensure that they are proper and within the law.
"These types of programs allow us to collect the information that enables us to perform our missions successfully – to defend the nation and to protect US and allied troops abroad."


At midday on Friday 5 February, 2016 Julian Assange, John Jones QC, Melinda Taylor, Jennifer Robinson and Baltasar Garzon will be speaking at a press conference at the Frontline Club on the decision made by the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention on the Assange case.


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