

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Neil Armstrong, First Man on the Moon, Is Dead at 82

Neil Armstrong, First Man on the Moon, Is Dead at 82

NASA/Associated Press
Neil Armstrong, photographed inside the lander after the moonwalk on July 20, 1969. More Photos »

Neil Armstrong, a quiet, self-described nerdy engineer who became a global hero when he made “one giant leap for mankind” with a small step on to the moon, died Saturday. He was 82.
The front page of The New York Times from July 21, 1969. More Photos »

Readers’ Comments

Mr. Armstrong died after complications from cardiovascular procedures, according to a statement from his family. The statement did not say where he died. He lived in Cincinnati.
Mr. Armstrong commanded the Apollo 11 spacecraft that landed on the moon on July 20, 1969, capping the most daring of the 20th century’s scientific expeditions. His first words after setting foot on the surface are etched in history books and the memories of those who heard them in a live broadcast.
“That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind,” Mr. Armstrong said.
In those first moments on the moon, during the climax of the heated space race with the Soviet Union, Mr. Armstrong stopped in what he called “a tender moment” and left a patch commemorating NASA astronauts and Soviet cosmonauts who had died in action.
“It was special and memorable, but it was only instantaneous because there was work to do,” he told an Australian television interviewer in 2012.
Mr. Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin, who was known as Buzz, spent nearly three hours walking on the lunar surface, collecting samples, conducting experiments and taking photographs.
The moonwalk marked America’s victory in the cold war space race that began on Oct. 4, 1957, with the launching of the Soviet Union’s Sputnik 1, a 184-pound satellite that sent shock waves around the world.
Although he had been a Navy fighter pilot, a test pilot for NASA’s forerunner and an astronaut, Mr. Armstrong never allowed himself to be caught up in the celebrity and glamour of the space program.
“I am, and ever will be, a white socks, pocket protector, nerdy engineer,” he said in February 2000 in a rare public appearance. “And I take a substantial amount of pride in the accomplishments of my profession.”
A man who kept away from cameras, Mr. Armstrong went public in 2010 with his concerns about President Obama’s space policy that shifted attention away from a return to the moon and emphasized private companies developing spaceships.
He testified before Congress, and in an e-mail to The Associated Press, Mr. Armstrong said he had “substantial reservations,” and along with more than two dozen Apollo-era veterans, he signed a letter calling the plan a “misguided proposal that forces NASA out of human space operations for the foreseeable future.”
When he appeared in Dayton, Ohio, in 2003 to help celebrate the 100th anniversary of powered flight, he bounded onto a stage. But he spoke for only a few seconds, did not mention the moon and quickly ducked out of the spotlight.
He later joined the former astronaut and senator John Glenn to lay wreaths on the graves of Wilbur and Orville Wright. Mr. Glenn introduced Mr. Armstrong and noted it was 34 years to the day of the moon walk.
“Thank you, John. Thirty-four years?” Armstrong quipped, as if he had not given it a thought.
Mr. Armstrong’s moonwalk capped a series of accomplishments that included piloting the X-15 rocket plane and making the first space docking during the Gemini 8 mission, which included a successful emergency splashdown.
In the years afterward, he retreated to the quiet of the classroom and his southwest Ohio farm. Mr. Aldrin said in his book “Men from Earth” that Mr. Armstrong was one of the quietest, most private men he had ever met.
Derek Elliott, curator of the Smithsonian Institution’s U.S. Air and Space Museum from 1982 to 1992, said the moonwalk probably marked the high point of space exploration.
The manned lunar landing was a boon to the prestige of the United States and re-established its pre-eminence in science and technology, Mr. Elliott said.
“The fact that we were able to see it and be a part of it means that we are in our own way witnesses to history,” he said.
The 1969 landing met an audacious deadline that President John F. Kennedy had set in May 1961, shortly after Alan Shepard became the first American in space with a 15-minute suborbital flight. The Soviet cosmonaut Yuri A. Gagarin had orbited the Earth and beaten the United States into space the previous month.
“I believe this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before the decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to Earth,” the president had said. “No single space project in this period will be more impressive to mankind, or more important to the long-range exploration of space; and none will be so difficult or expensive to accomplish.”

Monday, August 20, 2012

Croatian - Operacija Zemlja snova - COBRA 20.08.2012

Operacija Zemlja snova

Operacija Zemlja snova je operacija snaga Svjetla da bi se započela nova renesansa na površini ove planete. Prva renesansa, koja se odigrala prije 500 godina, bila je inicirana od strane određenih pozitivnih okultnih grupa Bijelog plamstva u 15. stoljeću u Firenci.

Druga renesansa će biti započeta od iste okultne grupe diljem svijeta i nagovjestit će konačnu pobjedu slobodnog ljudskog duha nad silama ograničenja.

Ostvaren je kontakt sa linijama Bijelog plemstva koji su bili uključeni u prvu renesansu i koji bi mogli pomoći u stvaranju druge.

Kontakt ostvaren sa linijama Grala Bijelog plemstva znači obnovu misterija Magdalene kao pripremu za pravo otkrivanje Božice.

Pokret otpora će biti glavna snaga operacije Zemlja snova od trenutka Događaja pa nadalje. Svrha operacije Zemlja snova je dvojaka.

Prvo, da se obnovi obilje Svjetloradnicima. Mnogi Svjetloradnici imaju sustav vjeroanja koji duhovno podrazumijeva život u siromaštvu. Taj sustav vjerovanja je programiranje uma od strane Smutnje. Zapravo, fizičko obilje je prirodni izražaj ljepote inakrnirane Duše i zaslužuje ga svaki Svjetloradnik. Smutnja želi držati Svjetloradnike podalje od novca da bi ograničila napredak sila Svjetla. Metode Smutnje su u rasponu od relativno bezopasnih poput plaćenih dezinformatora koji objavljuju ad hominem napade u vezi ”Cobra prima $1000 donacije”, do umjerenih poput nefizičkih negativnih entiteta koji blokiraju poslovne aktivnosti Svjetloradnika pa do ozbiljnijih poput blokiranja pritupa sredstvima koji pripadaju Svjetloradnicima ili čak i krađa istih.

Saint Germain zaklada je bila ustanovljena u kasnom 18. stoljeću od strane grofa de Saint Germaina sa svrhom pomaganja Svjetloradnicima u vrijeme promjene doba. Saint Germain zaklada će biti odblokirana čim Smutnja bude odstranjena Događajem. Svjetloradnici će napokon moći živjeti u obilju.

Druga svrha operacije Zemlja snova je početak otkrivanja istinskih okultnih učenja škola misterija uzašlih Majstora. U posljednjih 26,000 godina dok je ova planeta bila u karanteni i gotovo posve odsječena od kontakta sa uzašlim Majstorima, duhovna učenja su se iskrivila i sada slijepci vode slijepe. Jedan od takvih primjera su i mnoge kanalizirane poruke koje navodno dolaze od uzašlih Majstora ili Galaktičke Konfederacije. Ono što se događa u većini slučajeva jest istinski energetski kontakt, no na mentalnom planu ubacuju se arkoni sa svojom tehnologijom i umeću poruke koje na prvi pogled izgledaju kao da su pune ljubavi i svjetla, no u stvarnosti su tek reciklirane fraze.

Na Događaj, snage Svjetla će početi otkrivati istinska učenja Svjetla. U mnogo slučajeva ta učenja će biti malo drugačija od onoga što većina ljudi očekuje, jer je ova planeta bila odsječena od pravog Svjetla 26,000 godina i mnoge stvari su već dugo zaboravljene.

Događaju se određene pripreme za operaciju Zemlja snova koje se trebaju obaviti prije Događaja. Neki članovi Bijelog plemstva su već odgovorili na moj poziv, a ukoliko se itko od njih još želi priključiti, mogu me kontaktirati na

K tome, stotine Svjetloradnika me kontaktiralo s tom svrhom, nudeći svoju pomoć. Molio bih svakoga tko želi biti uključen u operaciju Zemlja snova da vrlo jasno opiše svoje talente, vještine, kontakt i izvore kojima može pomoći. Ukoliko mogu biti uključeni u pripreme Događaja, bit će kontaktirani vrlo skoro. Ukoliko ne, bit će kontaktirani direktno od Otpora nedugo nakon Događaja.

objavio: Cobra

prevela: Marijana Pontoni

Friday, August 17, 2012

Croatian - Bijelo plemstvo - COBRA - 14.08.2012.

Bijelo plemstvo

Primio sam naputke da otkrijem neke okultne informacije javnosti.

Ovo je prvi među nekoliko tekstova koji će otkriti široj javnosti neke pozitivne grupe koje nikada nisu bile otkrivene do sada i radile su na oslobođenju planete, neke od njih i tisućljećima.

Prva od tih grupa je Bijelo plemstvo. Tijekom ljudske povijesti, nisu sve aristokratske obitelji bile povezane sa Smutnjom. Mnoge su pružale pasivni otpor, a neke čak i aktivni. Nobless oblige nije prazna fraza za njih, već stvarni imperativ da pomognu manje sretnom ostatku čovječanstva. Najslavnije među obiteljima Bijelog plemstva jest obitelj Medici koja je pomogla da se dogodi renesansa koja je položila temelje našeg modernog svijeta.

Zajednička osobina svih tih velikaških obitelji je okultna tradicija koja seže nekoliko tisućljeća unatrag u škole misterije starog Rima, Grčke i Egipta. Misterije Božice su njihova velika tajna i njihovo glavno okultno oružje protiv Smutnje. Mnoge obitelji Bijelog plemstva imaju snažne veze sa Marijom Magdalenom i misterijama Grala te su povezane sa grupama pozitivnih templara.

Obitelji Crnog plemstva su povezane sa jezuitima i alergične su na energiju Božice. One bi željele izbrisati je sa lica planete i pokušale su to mnogo puta. Članovi obitelji Pallavicini, Orsini, Massimo, Borgija, Aldobrandini, Colonna, Pacelli, Odescalchi, Ortolani i Luzzatti primaju svoje naredbe direktno od arkona i u samoj su srži urote protiv Božice. Oni vode okultni rat protiv obitelji Bijelog plemstva koje pokušavaju proširiti Svjetlo i podržati ženske kvalitete poput suosjećanja, prihvaćanja, kreativnosti, ljubavi...

Rothschildi su plemstvo koje to nije (njihova linija seže manje od dva i pol stoljeća u prošlost i potječu od obitelji Bauer koji su bili njemački seljaci) te ne razumiju u potpunosti okultni rat koji se odigrava u višim krugovima jer su izostavljeni iz kruga dijeljenja informacija. Previše su uključeni i u materijalni svijet. Zanimljivo, Rockefelleri su obični građani i nemaju nikakve ideje što se u stvarnosti zbiva.

Većina obitelji Bijelog plemstva sada je locirano u Italiji i služe kao protuteža Crnom plemstvu. Većina njihova bogatstva je izgubljena u protekla dva stoljeća no njihova pozitivna okultna tradicija je još uvijek veoma živa. Njihova imena se još ne mogu razotkriti široj javnosti, oni neumorno rade u pozadini za dobrobit čovječanstva. Oni nisu direktno povezani sa obitelji Savoy, kao što neki ljudi misle. Neki od njih su uključeni u stvaranje novog i pravednog financijskog sustava koji će vrlo skoro zamijeniti sadašnji, druga grupa je fokusirana na otkrivanje okultnih znanja drevnih vremena. Ja sam primio naputke od Otpora da uključim Bijelo plemstvo u operaciju Zemlja snova koja je dio Plana za planetarno oslobođenje. Oni među njima koji su zainteresirani postati dio toga, mogu me kontaktirati na . Pobjeda Svjetla!

objavio: Cobra

Prevela: Marijana Pontoni

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Croatian - Prilika ostvarenja 2 - COBRA - 05.08.2012

Prilika ostvarenja 2

Druga Prilika ostvarenja za božansku intervenciju otvorit će se na planeti Zemlji. Početna točka te prilike je dan Odluke 21. listopada. Prekretnica za tu prilikku su Jedanaesta vrata 11:11 22. studenog. Izlazna točka te prilike je Dan kontakta 21. prosinca. Dok je prilika otvorena, Izvor će slati neprestane bljeskove Svjetla direktno na zmelju putem linearnog fazarnog toka usmjerenog dimenzionalnog pretvorbenog sustava AN konverzije. 21. prosinca, AN konverzija dimenzionalnog pretvorbenog sustava bit će u potpunosti aktivna na ovoj planeti.

Ova Prilika je veoma vjerovatno vremensko razdoblje za Događaj. Ne mogu vam dati nikakva jamstva da će se Događaj dogoditi u tom razdoblju jer živimo u univerzumu slobodne volje i rat između Svjetla i Tame na ovom planetu još nije završen. Ipak, ta Prilika Ostvarenja je upravo to - ogromna prilika da mi kao kolektiv napravimo taj proboj.

Još nije vrijeme za davanje informacija o Danu Oluke i Danu Kontakta. Oni mogu, a ne moraju biti u vezi sa Prvim Kontaktom.

Jedanaesta vrata 11:11 su konačna dimenzionalna vrata unutar prolaza 11:11. To je prolaz koji ubrzava konačno okončanje dualnosti za univerzum ove dimenzije, uključujući i planetu Zemlju. Više o 11:11 možete pročitati na:

Složenost valne analize pokazuje da je to razdoblje jedno od najsloženijih razdoblja u poznatoj povijesti. Također, vremenski val Sheliak dolazi u nulu na kraju te prilike, a i veliki majanski kalendarski ciklus se resetira na nulu. To znači da će to razdoblje biti hirovito, nepredvidivo razdoblje s najvećim potencijalom ikad poznatim. Svi glavni igrači su uključeni, a ulozi su visoki.

Ovo je jedan od mogućih modela koji pokazuje kako se mogu stvari razvijati:

objavio: Cobra

prevela: Marijana Pontoni

The UK threatened to forcefully enter the Ecuadorian embassy in London and arrest Julian Assange.

BULLETIN - WIKILEAKS] Statement on UK threat...
Alfred Lambremont Webre III 6:56am Aug 16
BULLETIN - WIKILEAKS] Statement on UK threat to storm Ecuadorian embassy and arrest Julian Assange

Thursday 16th August, 3:00am UTC
In a communication this morning to the government of Ecuador, the UK
threatened to forcefully enter the Ecuadorian embassy in London and arrest
Julian Assange.

The UK claims the power to do so under the Diplomatic and Consular Premises
Act 1987.

This claim is without basis.

By midnight, two hours prior to the time of this announcement, the embassy had
been surrounded by police, in a menacing show of force.

Any transgression against the sanctity of the embassy is a unilateral and
shameful act, and a violation of the Vienna Convention, which protects
embassies worldwide.

This threat is designed to preempt Ecuador’s imminent decision on whether it
will grant Julian Assange political asylum, and to bully Ecuador into a
decision that is agreeable to the United Kingdom and its allies.

WikiLeaks condemns in the strongest possible terms the UK’s resort to

A threat of this nature is a hostile and extreme act, which is not
proportionate to the circumstances, and an unprecedented assault on the rights
of asylum seekers worldwide.

We draw attention to the fact that the United Nations General Assembly has
unanimously declared in Resolution 2312 (1967) that

"the grant of asylum. . . is a peaceful and humanitarian act and that, as
such, it cannot be regarded as unfriendly by any other State."

Pursuant to this resolution, a decision to grant asylum cannot be construed by
another State as an unfriendly act. Neither can there be diplomatic
consequences for granting asylum.

We remind the public that these extraordinary actions are being taken to
detain a man who has not been charged with any crime in any country.

WikiLeaks joins the Government of Ecuador in urging the UK to resolve this
situation according to peaceful norms of conduct.

We further urge the UK government to show restraint, and to consider the dire
ramifications of any violation of the elementary norms of international law.

We ask that the UK respect Ecuador’s sovereign right to deliver a decision of
its own making on Julian Assange’s asylum bid.

Noting that Ecuador has called for emergency summits of OAS and UNASUR in
response to this development, WikiLeaks asks those bodies to support Ecuador’s
rights in this matter, and to oppose any attempts to coerce a decision.

We note with interest that this development coincides with the UK Secretary of
State William Hague’s assumption of executive responsibilities during the
vacation of the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister.

Mr Hague’s department, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, has overseen the
negotiations to date with Ecuador in the matter of Mr Assange’s asylum bid.

If Mr Hague has, as would be expected, approved this decision, WikiLeaks calls
for his immediate resignation.

Australian Documentary on Julian Assange’s situation:

Friends of WikiLeaks Support Network:

Justice for Assange:
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| We rely on you to distribute the content of this mail to your
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| country and to invite people of integrity and commitment via

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Amuna Ra 11.Augsut 2012

Botschaft von den Sternenräten des Lichtes durch Amuna Ra

11. August 2012

SIE BRAUCHEN EUER BEDINGUNGSLOSES VERTRAUEN - (Wir möchten uns euch morgen zeigen)
Am Samstag, den 11. August um 14.oo h fragte ich: Habt ihr etwas, was ihr mir jetzt mitteilen möchtet? Ich fühlte diese herzliche Bitte – bitte teilt es mit!

Oh Amuna Ra, wir werden. Wir wünschen, dass Du diese Botschaft auf der Webseite veröffentlichst für alle zu lesen und zu teilen. Heute Nacht kommen wir nah zu euch so wie wir gesagt haben. Wir möchten uns euch morgen zeigen, wenn die Bedingungen günstig sind und wir wünschen, dass ihr euch alle vorbereitet uns in eurem Sein zu begegnen. Meditiert und betet für unseren positive Empfang und Begrüßung, Ihr Lieben, weil wir eure Hilfe benötigen. Wir brauchen die Hilfe von jedem Lichtarbeiter auf eurem Planeten der von unserer Existenz weiß und sich verpflichtet hat für die Kräfte des Lichtes zu arbeiten.

Letzte Woche haben wir die Versuche der dunklen Kräfte unsere Pläne zu behindern fehlgeleitet und nun kommen wir noch einmal an den Punkt an dem wir in der Lage sind uns euren Führern und der Weltbühne zu zeigen.

Wir wissen, dass einige von euch den Mut verlieren, wenn wir nicht zu der von euch erwarteten Zeit kommen können und wir sagen euch, dass euer Vertrauen sehr gebraucht wird, Ihr Lieben, weil Ihr euch nicht bewusst seid über das, was sich im Hintergrund entwickelt. Wir brauchen euer bedingungsloses Vertrauen genauso wie eure bedingungslose Liebe.

Wir wissen, dass sehr viele von euch die Tatsache unserer fortwährenden Hilfe in eurem eigenen Leben akzeptieren und dafür dankbar sind. Jetzt brauchen wir die Hilfe eures beständigen Vertrauens in uns und unsere Arbeit für die beste Evolution eures Planeten. Die Zeit ist Jetzt und alle müssen sich im Einheitsbewusstsein mit uns vereinigen. Wir sind jetzt komplett innerhalb der Atmosphäre der Erde, atmen zusammen mit Gaia und wir möchten zusammen mit euch im ganzen Bewusstsein atmen, liebe Lichtarbeiter!

Werdet bewusste Mitarbeiter von uns, gebt uns eurer bedingungsloses Vertrauen, Ihr Lieben, wir beten für euch. Euer Bewusstsein macht einen sehr großen Unterschied für die Frequenz der Erde, jedes Vibrieren, das von euch ausgeht, beeinflusst das Ganze. Lasst euer Licht mit reiner Liebe scheinen und vertraut darauf, das sich alles auf die beste mögliche Art und Weise entwickelt . Dann können wir begrüßt werden, wenn wir im Stande sind, uns eurem Planten Erde zu offenbaren.

In Dankbarkeit für euch, Ihr Lieben, im Voraus für eure Hilfe.

Die Sternenräte des Lichtes

Übersetzung: Petra Samoiski-Tierney und André Frintrop

Saturday, August 11, 2012

English - Crystal Cures and Remedies with Feng Shui

OM Times Magazine | July 24, 2012 |
By Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac
Infused with energy, air, water, fire, earth….the gifts of the earth that have been provided us, are some of the most healing and nurturing powers of all. Stones and crystals have been apart of this earth since its creation and have played an integral part in its connection between the alignment with the pulse of the Earthbeat and the creatures that walk upon it.
Crystals are a very popular feng shui cure since their natural energies can be used to gently protect, clear and nourish energies within our environment.
Crystals for feng shui purposes are based on their metaphysical properties, mineral makeup, color and shape. The choice depends on which crystalline energy you want to bring into your surrounding space.
The metaphysical properties of crystals shows us how to look at what is beyond the physical or visible recognized fields of human consciousness.
The mineral makeup of a crystal is what gives it power. The combining and layering of earth elements over centuries, makes it’s energy, unique. From quartz to copper and calcium to iron, the mineral spectrum is vast, creating an amazing synergy.
The color of a crystal allows us to connect with it on a deeper level. Color enriches every aspect of our lives. The inspiring rainbow of colors can influence the way we feel. The five elements in feng shui all have related colors that can be utilized. Wood: brown, green. Water: blue, black. Earth: beige, brown, yellow. Fire: red, orange. Metal: white, gray. When healing mental, emotional issues, the color of a crystal can be an additional clue in choosing the right gem for the job.
The shape of a crystal is relative to the way we respond to the environment around us. We respond to shapes on a subconscious level, therefore, the shape of a crystal can have an incredible impact. Found in natural clusters and geodes or fashioned into points, towers or tumbled smooth stones, crystal shapes bring continuity and flow to our lives. In nature, there are six crystal families in three dimensions: triclinic, monoclinic, orthorhombic, tetragonal, hexagonal, and cubic.
Crystal at the front door 
If the back door is seen immediately from the front door, hang a crystal near the front to slow down the energy from going directly through the home. If there are steps down immediately upon entering a home, hang a crystal above the steps to keep the energy moving up. I like using crystal prisms or Swarovski crystal here, as the many facets divert light energy and play it around the space.
Crystals in the living/family room 
A crystal cluster is wonderful in the living room or family room. Clusters of crystals bring a “group” energy to it’s surrounding area. They are used to foster protection, cooperation, purification, harmony, friendship, intimacy and to break up negative energy in the environment. Clusters help to keep all life forms energized and clear of heavy or unproductive energy. Clusters in a family room bring together the various family members in harmonious unity. Like a crystal cluster, family members are all connected to a similar base. Some of my favorites include quartz clusters, which help bring clarity of thought and clear intention, citrine clusters, which help encourage communication and aqua aura clusters, which have an energy that can enhance intuition and communication, calm nerves and energize our mental abilities.
Crystals in your workspace 
Black Tourmaline (Schorl) is one of my favorite for the workplace as it is the best crystal to use against the ill effects of low frequency and high frequency electromagnetic waves (EMF). It protects against smog, radiation and repels all kinds of negative energy. Great near computers, phones and outlets.
Tourmaline in quartz provides an energy or “solving atmosphere”. Used to actualize an innate strength in the body. It helps eliminating “crystalized patterns” in the body which have been destructive in a physical and mental manner, especially in one’s business.
Selenite wands and towers are white/clear striated gypsum crystal known to stabilize and help with mental focus, growth, luck, immunity, and raising kundalini energy. Centuries-old record keepers of events and information, these stunning crystals help regulate and soothe emotions, especially good where business is concerned.
Place a clear quartz crystal cluster near your computer to balance out the energies and protect you from high electromagnetic fields (EMF).
Citrine is especially good for the workplace as it helps with problem solving, memory issues, will power, optimism, confidence and self-discipline. It reduces anxiety, fear and depression. Can guide you to harness and utilize your creative energy. Helps us analyze events, develop inner calm and security and makes us less sensitive and more open to constructive criticism. This stone is great with help in achieving goals. Citrine is the stone of abundance. It teaches us the lessons of achieving wealth and prosperity. Not just on a monetary level, but in all aspects of our lives.
Crystals in your bathroom 
Water is the dominant element in the bathroom, a very Yin energy. Leaky pipes, open drains and toilet seats can cause Qi energy to move out too fast, taking a wealth of energy with it. Fix leaking pipes and keep toilet seat and shower curtains close. Use a faceted crystal or cluster to disperse an slow down the Qi. Consider using more yang colored crystals such as black, red, orange or yellow together in a bowl.
If you have bathroom door across from the bedroom door or kitchen door, hang a faceted crystal ball in the middle between the two opposing doors.
Crystals in the bedroom 
Crystals are wonderful to use in the bedroom. Two of my favorites include rose quartz and jade. Keep no more than two rose quartz in the relationship area of your bedroom or two stones close to your bed. Rose Quartz has a loving, healing energy associated with the heart. It brings about a strong sense and flow of love as its heart-opening properties encourage more self love and the love in an intimate relationship.
The ancient Chinese culture has revered Jade for centuries. Jade is considered the health, wealth and longevity stone. Traditionally, Jade symbolizes the Five Virtues of Humanity : wisdom, justice, compassion, modesty and courage. Therefore, it is used for emotional balance, stamina, love, fidelity, humility, generosity, peace, harmony, courage, wisdom, justice, mercy.
No matter what your choices, instinct and intuition will never fail you.
For more information about Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac and Therapies for healing mind, body, spirit visit ng_shui.htm

send by Vénusz (Magyar Team)

Engish - Suggestions for Raising Your Vibration

Check out my article in today’s Conscious Life News!

Posted on July 26, 2012 by Rainey

My article, “Suggestions for Raising Your Vibration” was selected as a featured article in today’s

Check it out right here:
Conscious Life News Article - Raise Your Vibration

Suggestions for Raising Your Vibration

During this pivotal time in human history, it is more important than ever to pay attention to your personal vibration. Are you looking out for your physical body by eating clean, organic foods and drinking positively-energized water? Are you occupying your mind with joyful thoughts and encouraging affirmations? Are you keeping your energy as pure as possible by living truthfully, maintaining integrity, speaking compassionately, expressing gratitude, spreading unconditional love, and sharing your light with the world?
Here are some additional suggestions for raising your vibration given to us by the evolved and intelligent species of water, as outlined in my new book, “The Water Code—Unlocking the Truth Within”:

• Drink much more water than you currently do. Consider doubling the amount of water you drink on a daily basis. You will eliminate toxins faster and speed up your natural evolutionary progress.

• Energize the water you drink by adding positive words, sacred geometric patterns, beautiful colors and loving images to the outside of a glass or crystal water container. Place a clean, energized crystal in the water container such as a rose quartz or amethyst. Add spring or bottled water from a natural source. Place your water container in direct sunlight and moonlight (full moon is best) for 72 hours before drinking. This is called “harmonizing” your water.

• Learn from nature. Nature has a story. Its origins are as ancient as Earth herself. Remember who your true teachers are. Much information is available to you, but you must know where to look. Begin by listening to nature. Spend as much time as possible in quiet solitude in a beautiful outside setting.

• Begin integrating your understanding of the unseen into your daily life. This involves the power of manifestation through the intentional direction of energy. Start your day with positive words and affirmations. Use your imagination to visualize your perfect day. Envision wonderful, miraculous events in your life and in the world. Be a pioneer of this in your own life and lead others by example.

• Your body was meant to exist in a state of optimum vitality. Retrain your body by using musical harmonics and vibrational frequency. This can be achieved by using tuning forks on your body or listening to uplifting frequencies such as 528 Hz, the frequency of love. In addition to raising your vibration, this will also assist you in maintaining a youthful appearance and vibrant health. Start by making this a daily practice. This will produce great results rather quickly.

• Understand the concept of fuel for your body. Fuel comes in the form of food, thoughts, emotions, and environmental exposure. Ingesting improper fuel is like using gasoline to power an electric car. You cannot expect a body to thrive that has not been given proper fuel.

• Add pure, pink Himalayan salt into your diet. Try adding a little salt to the water you drink, the food you eat and even to the surface of your skin. Iodized salt and regular sea salt do not perform the same function so please avoid them if possible. Pure Himalayan salt is an important conductor of energy and a purifier of toxins. As it moves through your body, it absorbs and removes denser energies from your body. Ultimately, it assists you in maintaining a higher overall vibratory frequency by allowing more light to come into your physical vehicle.

• Stop the cycle of death and quit ingesting the vibration of death into your body. It is energetically inconsistent with life and longevity and is detrimental to your health and well-being. Select fuel that is alive and know that you are moving into a future where food will not be necessary for the experience of life. You will be able to survive quite comfortably on light and water alone.

• Receive sunlight through water. Spend time daily receiving information directly from the sun, for it is the purest source of “news” available to you. Ideally, you will receive this information while immersed in water. This could mean swimming in the ocean or a pool on a sunny day, or using a bathtub or shower where the sun can shine down on you. Water facilitates the reception of light directly into the intelligence of your body.
• Take time to recharge yourself by laying on the surface of the Earth and receiving energy from her. You will be surprised at the enormous benefits you will receive from this practice.

• Remember that we are all interconnected. Know what this means on a scientific level—that every action and thought is energetically connected and affects every being experiencing life. Begin to accept social responsibility for your personal thoughts and experiences.

• Recognize the incredible significance of the words you speak and the enormous impact they have on your experience of reality.

• Begin to implement color therapy for emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual health and longevity. Understand that the brain is subdivided into segments and that each segment is responsive to a particular color. Exposure to a particular color can heal and energize the brain and trigger unused portions of it. What you will discover as you continue down this path is that the future of science is intricately linked to color therapy. This is called Color Integration and Healing.

• Gain awareness of the significance of moving water through the body through exercise, submersion in water, heat, conscious intention, and the ingestion of water by mouth. Water is the ultimate communicator, and as such, it plays a very significant role in the body’s internal communication.

For more insights and messages from water, check out my latest book, “The Water Code—Unlocking the Truth Within” available on and my website,


At midday on Friday 5 February, 2016 Julian Assange, John Jones QC, Melinda Taylor, Jennifer Robinson and Baltasar Garzon will be speaking at a press conference at the Frontline Club on the decision made by the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention on the Assange case.


the way we live






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By choosing to educate ourselves and to spread the word, we can and will build a brighter future.


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